go2 said:When you say “soul genetics”, do you mean “soul potential genetics”? <snip> Do OP’s lack “soul genetics”?
I would say yes to both questions. As an image, take a house with a lightning rod and one without. The rod facilitates a "connection" with the "sky" or higher realms. Soul genetics are like the rod, necessary for the connection with the "soul". Of course, one can have the right genetics but no "lightning" and this would be the case with the vast majority of people who are functionally OPs while still having soul genetics.
If the answer to the above is yes, do you have a hypothesis on the transmission of “soul genetics” in children of mixed “soul genetic” and “non soul genetic” unions? How would a mixed genotype manifest as phenotype?
I'm afraid I've got no clue as to the answer to this one! ;)
My understanding is that a genetic psychopath has only the instinctive-motor centre and the intellectual centre. If so, could we say a chimeric human type, absent a working emotional centre, is functionally a psychopath?
I think this can be the case in many examples. We see the ramifications in our society today. It seems to me that pathocracy, as described by Lobaczewski, is a very specific type of societal disease which we are not yet experiencing, technically. However, I think he was somewhat off in his description of the hysteroidal cycle. From my observations, it looks like the increase of "hystericization" happens alongside the increase of psychopaths in positions of power. It gets to a point where many of the systems of society are technically "pathocratic" but the whole system isn't yet infected. Take Czarist Russia. The system was corrupt, but it took the revolution to create a truly pathocratic regime. The process seems to be this: the pathological groups first infect the intelligence arms of a society's government. From there they come to rule the government covertly. However their power is limited.
This situation accompanies the rise of "chimeric" individuals in government who lack the ability to "see" pathology. They are opportunistic and do not feel much. Their emotions are "integrated" at a low level. They operate based solely on fear and the need for social advancement. This provokes a reaction among the "proles" or the common people who see the disparity. The pathological group then fosters a "conspiracy theory", e.g. that the czarist regime is corrupt and must be replaced by a good Communist one. The society breaks down completely and the pathologicals then move into EVERY position, from government to neigbourhood. This is full-blown 1984 totalitarianism where people cannot even speak in public for fear of their lives.
This is just the way I see it at the moment, and I could be way off.
In one age esoteric teaching says, “We are all sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God”.
In the industrial age, the Fourth Way communicated the state of man by saying, “Man is a machine---rusty and in disrepair.”
In the age of psychoanalysis, mind control technology, pop psychology, Dr. Phil and psychopathology,
are you saying, “Man is psychopathologies”?
Yep, and as the C's said recently, pathology used to be called "demon possession". The esoteric path is to see one's own "pathology" and transcend it; to cease our entanglement with "demons" and contact "angels"; to clean our "machines"; to go through "positive disintegration", etc.