Sound of Freedom

Well, I was just thinking that since this movie is a creative action, a bilateral emergence would occur (like, for example, where a particle and antiparticle is produced from a single ray of light) . So there might be BOTH a good and bad to it. The good of it is to wake people up. Possibly something significant will come from it and the STS hierarchy lose a battle like in a poker match.The bad of it is to wake people up just enough but not enough so that they may not do anything collectively about it after seeing it. Then the the STS hierarchy wins.

If they showed the true horror of it in its details then the movie might get rejected or get the people angry. So people wake up just a little bit like the pods in the matrix but not enough where enough momentum builds up for collective forceful action. So let's say they go back to sleep again. Then the collective awakened consciousness, as a result of the movie, is now food for the STS hierarchy and gets "eaten," since this heirarchy eats consciousness, a feast for sure, along with the loss of free will (which is like "money" to them) since the people who have woken up voluntarily give their free will up to said hierarchy thru collective inaction and makes people even more asleep then before. That just crossed my mind but I haven't seen the movie yet. Just a theory (maybe a bad one). Fwiw.
I personally haven't seen this movie, but I know people that have, and it made a difference for them. They "woke up". At least, to what was happening with human trafficking. But even so, now that this abomination has entered their minds, they do nothing to stop it other than recommending the movie to others. I guess I'm in the same boat, other than sharing knowledge where I can.

I wonder if what Kenlee shared above, his second paragraph, is the true goal of this "awakening". Could it truly be that this movie is bringing focus on this abomination NOW, when ALL things are currently being redefined, including what is "good' and what is "evil"? And that the true goal of those behind this movie is to normalize this evil? I'm sorry, but I have to ask this question, because I'm personally not seeing a single bit of this child-trafficking evil being ended at this current time.

Yeah, I read something about some local cops taking down a child trafficking "ring" lately, but: none of the kid's names were revealed, in order to "protect" them. Well, has anyone EVER asked if actually NOT "naming those names" has ever actually saved any of them? Because what happens when you DON'T? They just disappear forever, that's what, IMHO.

For my part: I am GLAD this movie got made. It can only wake people up...IF they are READY to be awakened. But that's the rub, isn't it.

BTW this article was what prompted me to post: Are aliens real? People don't seem to care either way --

Will this entire charade of children being raped and worse end, before Hunter Biden is filmed live on Fox news having sex with a six-year-old girl on the White House lawn while snorting cocaine? And afterwards, no one watching on the MSM says a single word? Because that's where I'm currently seeing this going, and if it does, then I'm totally OK if God decides to flood it again. But, that's just me.

After reading this thread (in zig-zag), and particularly the posts between aragorn and Heather, I can understand by following her links a little, the reasons for her persistence, because indeed if Tim Ballard is not only what he says, but what's more, if he's in the same boat as paedophiles, and he's praised as a hero, entitled to his own biopic, getting rich as never before on the backs of the children he claims to defend and protect, that's one hell of a case of reverse pathological engineering for the masses.

Before continuing, I'd like to make a brief aside about spies and infiltrators in various political, social, economic, cultural and criminal circles.
We have the image of Bond, James Bond, but in the field, it is advisable for the spy to have done some acting to interpret his role without being discovered, and for that the best weapon is not his handgun, or his other gadgets, but his empathy, or at least his profound ability to play on empathy to attract the trust and sympathy of others, in order to subtract information for the accomplishment of his mission, in The Wave III, there is this adequate passage:

"...The greatest dangers are those lures and traps designed to seduce him with kindness, sympathy, love and beauty!

It is only AFTER he has made the right choice that the illusion appears to him in its true form..."

And as Joe so aptly put it:
Well, it shouldn't. This topic, like many others, is not black and white but nuanced, mainly because people and their motivations are complex (which includes a lot of fallibility and good intentions falling short and bad intentions ending up doing good). Everyone on this planet exists along a spectrum, and the vast, VAST majority are not cleaved to one end or the other.

The law of three states that: "there is black, white, and the specific situation that determines which is which" but when the determination is made, the conclusion is usually that it's some shade of grey. That doesn't stop us from drawing a conclusion or taking action, but it will often be - especially on topics that are global in scope - with a significant amount of doubt in the moment as to the correctness of the conclusion drawn of action taken. Only afterwards are we able to get a reasonably solid idea about whether or not we were, generally-speaking, correct in our assessment.

Thankfully, the stakes involved in most conclusions we draw and action we take are not very high, even if they sometimes cause us to suffer. But through suffering we not only learn ( which includes learning how to avoid unnecessary suffering), but develop an awareness that life is difficult for everyone, and that can motivate us to minimize suffering and maximize joy, for both ourselves and others, which I suppose is empathy.

In the kitchen, we rarely peel all the layers of an onion, but rather cut it in half, which allows us to see the cross layers.
By putting each part of the onion and its different layers on a scale, we can ask ourselves the question of the pros and cons, but let's also admit that the accusations against T.B. are true, the type under cover of lies that have become reality in a fiction based on its orthogonality (as Laura would say), but which is nonetheless a factual reality - child trafficking does exist.

Am I prepared to pay for a cinema ticket to see this film with its onion cut in half?
If the film was shown here, I would have liked to see it with my family and friends, in a packed theatre, and have a more informed opinion on the film itself, and feel my reaction and those of the people in the theatre.

This film can bring about a mass awareness of child trafficking and its various tentacles, and at the same time more than just an emotion, to become aware in their own flesh of the suffering of others, and to be able to put themselves in the other person's shoes, and that once they know that, they can never ignore it again.
And that far outweighs all the riches that a true or false T.B. can pocket in terms of fame and money.

Let's keep it open and maybe we'll get an answer at a future session.
He thought it was very well made in every way and it reminded him of several other cases which he describes...
Missing 411- David Paulides Reviews the Movie, The Sound of Freedom"

David's review seemed 'sound' - as he said, "It represents our world,"and it does, and has for a long time before people here were born - one does not even need to see the film to know this. Go to and enter search 'Trafficking' to see the breadth and depth of this business, and it is just a fraction.

My guess is that in time, any cloak and dagger stuff against the film or associated with the film, if can be made to make sense of, will come out. However, the film message that may include being granted artistic leeway, is part of our reality and can't be ignored. So, there needs to be care in handling both the message and messenger(s) least either, especially the former, become lost in muddy waters. The more that grasp this films sick mess the better (IMO), which may lead people who never knew or did not want to know, back to some of the front and side players, and those who would aim to profit and hide from their sickness while trying to avoid the light.
After reading this thread (in zig-zag), and particularly the posts between aragorn and Heather, I can understand by following her links a little, the reasons for her persistence, because indeed if Tim Ballard is not only what he says, but what's more, if he's in the same boat as paedophiles, and he's praised as a hero, entitled to his own biopic, getting rich as never before on the backs of the children he claims to defend and protect, that's one hell of a case of reverse pathological engineering for the masses.

Before continuing, I'd like to make a brief aside about spies and infiltrators in various political, social, economic, cultural and criminal circles.
We have the image of Bond, James Bond, but in the field, it is advisable for the spy to have done some acting to interpret his role without being discovered, and for that the best weapon is not his handgun, or his other gadgets, but his empathy, or at least his profound ability to play on empathy to attract the trust and sympathy of others, in order to subtract information for the accomplishment of his mission, in The Wave III, there is this adequate passage:

"...The greatest dangers are those lures and traps designed to seduce him with kindness, sympathy, love and beauty!

I wasn't going to comment any more in this thread, because I had seen that the exchange was getting a bit heated between users and when it's like that, it's better to get off the wagon. But I could not leave the news unattended.

Now, I quote what you say because I have just seen the following news, and then with the following observation.

Sound of Freedom': one of its major investors is arrested for alleged child abduction

Fabian Marta, a Sound of Freedom investor, was arrested for allegedly kidnapping a minor in the United States.

Sound of Freedom never ceases to generate noise. This time, however, it does so because of a situation far removed from the conspiracy theories that surround it. Fabian Marta, one of the main investors in the film, was arrested in the United States for allegedly being involved in the kidnapping of a minor.

Of course, the news comes as a surprise because Sound of Freedom is about a child trafficking ring. According to information from the British newspaper Daily Mail, Marta is among the thousands of people who opened their wallets to finance the making of the film. The accused, thanks to his economic position, would have made a considerable donation.

Fabian Marta was arrested on July 23 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is charged with kidnapping a 14-year-old girl. Due to the sensitivity of the matter, state authorities have not released any further information, and will remain so while the usual investigative process unfolds.

As for what you say in your post, which I quote here. It reminds me of a well-worn phrase: The thief judges others by his own condition. That is, it usually happens that those who most vehemently denounce and point out the crime of another person, usually the denouncer is also a perpetuator of a crime.
Sound of Freedom': one of its major investors is arrested for alleged child abduction

Fabian Marta, a Sound of Freedom investor, was arrested for allegedly kidnapping a minor in the United States.
As far as children are concerned, it's difficult to remain calm in the face of their predators, and in this case, shouldn't we wait until we have a better view, or is that not necessary, given the atmosphere surrounding this film?

As for what you say in your post, which I quote here. It reminds me of a well-worn phrase: The thief judges others by his own condition. That is, it usually happens that those who most vehemently denounce and point out the crime of another person, usually the denouncer is also a perpetuator of a crime.
Indeed, it's the forte of psychopathic beings to blame the victims for the crimes of which they are guilty.
The one leader actually addressing the problem.

Putin Introduces Forced Chemical Castration for ALL Pedophiles in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced plans to chemically castrate all pedophiles in Russia and execute those found guilty of the most heinous forms of child abuse.

The new legislation is currently under review by the government, but is expected to be signed into law by Putin within a matter of weeks.
Well, JEEP, that's going to get a whole lot of "woke" folk's panties in a bunch.

More popcorn, please. 🍿
Nice!!! He's literally Hitler that Putin... but like... inverted, he's protecting children instead of hurting them... still though!!! on a massive scale!!

As for what you say in your post, which I quote here. It reminds me of a well-worn phrase: The thief judges others by his own condition. That is, it usually happens that those who most vehemently denounce and point out the crime of another person, usually the denouncer is also a perpetuator of a crime.
Well, the Spanish page claims that it was a 14 year old girl, and cited The Daily Mail as their source.. but The Daily Mail doesn't say it was a girl, or that it was 14 years of age.. all they say is that the St. Louis police department have not shared any further details.. so where did the Spanish folks get her age and gender?

I won't defend anyone, I will wait for the details to appear, and if he's to go to jail for 10 years for kidnapping a girl, then I hope he rots in there. But sometimes, things get publicized for the headline, because the message the headline leaves most people with is what you said above: "They claim to care about child trafficking but they are trafficking themselves, which means their entire message is discredited."

Look at the daily mail's ending to the article to understand what they were aiming at really, it wasn't getting rid of a potential child kidnapper, it was the following:

But liberals have called it a far-right recruiting tool that promotes the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims a cabal of pedophiles from Hollywood and the Democratic Party are kidnapping children and harvesting their blood.

Meanwhile, conservatives have lavished Sound of Freedom with praise for speaking to a section of blue-collar America, which they say has been snubbed by Hollywood elites.

It has become a cause célèbre for right-wing pundits like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, while Trump hosted a screening of the film at his New Jersey golf club on Wednesday.
I wasn't going to comment any more in this thread, because I had seen that the exchange was getting a bit heated between users and when it's like that, it's better to get off the wagon. But I could not leave the news unattended.

Now, I quote what you say because I have just seen the following news, and then with the following observation.
Sound of Freedom': one of its major investors is arrested for alleged child abduction

Fabian Marta, a Sound of Freedom investor, was arrested for allegedly kidnapping a minor in the United States.
This is yet another good example of how people jump to conclusions too quickly. As always, this news bit has, at the very least, another version which can be found e.g., here:

Quote from the above:
The man who was arrested last week is Fabian Marta, who lives in Chesterfield, Missouri, outside of St. Louis. Marta donated $200 to Angel Studios for the production of this movie.

Fabian Marta is an innocent man. Marta is a landlord who was caught up in a child custody case. According to KMOX, “The probable cause statement against Marta, 51, alleges he helped somebody who had unlawfully taken her children and interfered with the return of the two children to their lawful parent “by refusing to allow police access to the residence and impeding the kidnapping investigation.”

Marta owns the property where the woman lives, who refused to give her children back to their father.

Marta is not a child kidnapper. He owns the property.
Now, we can't of course say that this version above is 100% correct/true either but still, it provides a counter argument that should be considered. Another 'at the very least' thing is, if it's even close to true that this man donated 200$ to the film, which apparently was part of a crowd funding with over 6000 funders what!? C'mon man, 200$, that's not in any way significant!

So, the question remains, why are some people so quickly accepting these 'news articles' to discredit the film? Is it an underlying/unidentified programming that produces this bias, or some weird 4D influence?
So, the question remains, why are some people so quickly accepting these 'news articles' to discredit the film? Is it an underlying/unidentified programming that produces this bias, or some weird 4D influence?

Well, I think we have to admit that when you are tired of so many lies you become quite susceptible to the comings and goings of information and disinformation. I just know that there are two things here that seem to me to be on equal strength and that makes it difficult to elucidate where the truth lies.

First, this would not be the first film to deal with these issues.

A list here: Películas sobre Pedofilia

Some of these films are even more crude and descriptive than SoF.

So, how is it that with all this filmography, SoF has managed to stay in the spotlight to the point of appearing to the public as an absolute revelation? It is not the first movie that takes real life facts and shows them on screen and it is not the first time that it generates in the public -such as (quote wikipedia)- that reaction.

The McMartin Case was a court case of satanic ritualized sexual abuse at a pre-school day care center in the 1980s. The case began with a 1983 complaint against the McMartin family, owners of the day care center, in California, which went on to charge them with the sexual abuse of 360 children and the performance of ritualistic animal sacrifices in subway tunnels within the facility. After six years of trial, no convictions were obtained and all charges were dropped. When it ended in 1990, it had been the longest and most expensive criminal trial in American history. The case was part of the daycare sex abuse hysteria, a moral panic about sexual and ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s in the United States.

I think we are again seeing an occurrence of the type in the public.

Now at the other extreme, what we also see is that there is a whole campaign against the film. The reason for that is quite obvious. What I find strange in all this, compared to what other films of the type may have generated in the public at the time of screening, is the extreme polarization between those who support the film and its detractors.

Qui bono?

BTW, when I saw that news item I just shared it and gave just that minuscule reflection. Just think for a moment that biases seem to have the ability to enhance each other, when it comes to opinions... perhaps that is the 4D programming and influence. Trigger unrecognized biases and make people fight.-
This is yet another good example of how people jump to conclusions too quickly. As always, this news bit has, at the very least, another version which can be found e.g., here:

Quote from the above:

Now, we can't of course say that this version above is 100% correct/true either but still, it provides a counter argument that should be considered. Another 'at the very least' thing is, if it's even close to true that this man donated 200$ to the film, which apparently was part of a crowd funding with over 6000 funders what!? C'mon man, 200$, that's not in any way significant!

So, the question remains, why are some people so quickly accepting these 'news articles' to discredit the film? Is it an underlying/unidentified programming that produces this bias, or some weird 4D influence?
I would say, as already being said, patern recognition going amok. Once you starting to see paterns, you see it anywhere. Works almost as a drug. Plus, you are feeling smart and important. Needs lot of energy to pull yourself out of that.
Well, I think we have to admit that when you are tired of so many lies you become quite susceptible to the comings and goings of information and disinformation. I just know that there are two things here that seem to me to be on equal strength and that makes it difficult to elucidate where the truth lies.
I hear you, but I think in those cases the best approach is to take time to digest the information and remind oneself to think critically, to realize that one is emotionally exhausted of the lies and that emotionality won't aid in approaching the truth, it will hinder that approach. That emotionality will cause one to jump to conclusions, to validate a notion that "everyone is evil".

So, my suggestion is to put some distance between you and the information and take your time to dissect it, realize that there's a difference between what you know and what you want to know to be true. I think scrutiny is the best response to distrust, but cold scrutiny with the goal of truth and not of confirmation of a preconceived notion.

If they went through such lengths over 200 bucks, they really have little on this film, I mean that is truly reaching and stretching a tiny news item over their desire to demonize this film.
So, the question remains, why are some people so quickly accepting these 'news articles' to discredit the film? Is it an underlying/unidentified programming that produces this bias, or some weird 4D influence?

Yeah, had someone from the EU jumping up and down over this guy (so it must percolating around FB or whatever else - Bots, don't know), except he suddenly morphed into the guy that 'made the film," so 200 bucks goes to becoming the maker of the movie and a child trafficker.

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