Sound of Freedom

To be fair and honest, I just want to add that our task of determining 'who's on what side' is often close to impossible! There are only a few of us here, and out there there are probably millions of grifters, pretenders, scammers, and other deranged individuals who are trying to fool us. Some do it because they have an agenda/assingment, some do it for followers/fame/money (creating 'debunking' Twitter accounts on a hot topic is quite common – the aim is to gain a lot of followers while the topic is hot). Some are just crazy and/or disturbed in other ways. And then there are nowadays also the AI generated bots and posters...phew!

Some topics/subjects are easy to see trough and some are not. SOF is clearly one of the more difficult ones. :knitting:

I briefly looked at that Twitter account again (Tim Ballard Exposed @tim_exposed), and I'm not under the impression it's disinfo. The tweets seem too credible to me. Of course, as we've been discussing, not every source is going to be a perfect source, so maybe you're seeing links to sites and/or material you aren't too thrilled about related to this person's tweets. Anyway, for what it's worth, I don't see it as a glaringly "fake" account. I'll check again when I have more time. But maybe some of these single topic accounts really are just that. Yes, they take advantage of something that's a current hot topic, but that's also why someone might legitimately want to set up such an account: to, in this instance, draw attention to (and collect information on) this false hero the film has created, and what that implies with regard to donations, etc. By the way, articles on Ballard (by Packer, for example, and others), are using court documents, including Ballard's own statements at court, to show the fabrications relative his own history, as well as that presented in the film. So, there are the court records to refer to by way of reference. Here's an article from the Salt Lake Tribune that this Twitter account we've been discussing linked to in this regard (FYI, I've read Packer's articles linked to by @forest_light, but have only scanned this one so far, but it seems to cover similar ground, and Packer is cited here as well):

Robert Gehrke: Tim Ballard’s story in the ‘Sound of Freedom’ seems too good to be true — because it isn’t true

Court records paint a starkly different narrative from the one in the film and that Ballard has repeatedly told publicly.

Robert Gehrke: Tim Ballard’s story in the ‘Sound of Freedom’ seems too good to be true — because it isn’t true
I'd like to toss my two bits into the "message/messenger" and "creator/work" topic.

Communicator - message - receiver.
Encoding - transmitting - decoding.
Conscious content, unconscious content, truth mixed with lies mixed with misunderstandings.
Both negative and positive messengers can "self-defeat" producing a message that doesn't suit their goals, but also both negative and positive receivers can "redeem or corrupt" a message of the opposite polarity. And of course there can be agendas embedded in "trojan agendas" that are illusions. BUT sometimes the trojan agenda that's meant to just be the shell has some actual power to it, and speaks to people in ways that counters the deception. I think this is one way STO influence can assert itself - what if a very clever artist happened to be involved in painting the trojan horse? One that had knowledge and sought the best outcome for all?

So a message's outcome is not determined entirely by the sender or receiver, except to the degree they have knowledge. And with knowledge, you learn that things are not certain anyways.

A message can be interpreted in multiple ways:
. As desired by the messenger.
. As desired by the receiver.
. As society might perceive it. (As in, "how might different types of people interpret this and be affected?")
. As a manipulative 3rd party might see it.
. As a benevolent altruistic 3rd party might see it.
. As a product of the messenger's mind that may reveal things about them - potential source of insight.
. As a product of the messenger's mind and therefore a carrier of their goals (i.e. potentially contaminated depending on messenger)
. Transformatively, independent of messenger - i.e. "what can I learn from and make use of in this" - potential source of growth or nonlinear development, including the paradoxical utilization of a message to bring about an outcome of opposite orientation - "twisting" or "redeeming". But also learning from, such as "do the opposite of this" or "fix this part(s) of the message and suddenly it's super useful!" or "This is not literally true but is useful metaphorically". In other words, combining all other methods of interpretation to comprehensively understand to the best of your ability.

Like: "This movie spreads awareness about evil things and promotes putting an end to them by exercising individual courage, BUT it's put out by people who seem to have weird ties and may not be entirely honest. So let's work out what any ulterior motives could be, OR parasitic motives that could be used by others to twist the message towards their own agendas, or dumb mistakes the messengers might be making. BUT, let's also see what could be learned from this, even if it's a manipulative psy-op; maybe there's a nonlinear potential here, or maybe even a useful clue to help us understand reality!"

Well, I was just thinking that since this movie is a creative action, a bilateral emergence would occur (like, for example, where a particle and antiparticle is produced from a single ray of light) . So there might be BOTH a good and bad to it. The good of it is to wake people up. Possibly something significant will come from it and the STS hierarchy lose a battle like in a poker match.The bad of it is to wake people up just enough but not enough so that they may not do anything collectively about it after seeing it. Then the the STS hierarchy wins.
The C's referred to the "Consortium" using the term "blend", and seemed to indicate that there is some sort of complex interplay between STS and STO involved there. I suspect this is part of it.

Many particular productions or activities may have a different "blend" of STS vs STO-oriented people/forces involved, plus STS and STO "natural" and/or "higher-level" forces might also be involved in complex ways, even if the people involved are largely of one orientation. After all, each person is a "blend" as well, so if enough people have certain aspects of their "blend" that line up, a "positive" work might end up with something negative embedded or vice versa.

And of course, a single work can have multiple outcomes, and STS and STO-oriented activities may grow out from it as competing "branches".

It is possible to make positive use of a message produced by a selfish source, and vice versa. The identity of the messenger should not be allowed to hinder the process of trying to find the "most useful interpretation". At the same time, who the messenger is might help you decide how much effort of analysis the message deserves. i.e. if someone's a serially dumb kook, little effort, but if someone is tied to complex webs in which a lot of deception occurs or money flows, much more effort toward understanding the context and intent and possible useful transformations of the message is warranted.

In other words:
1. Extracting "the most useful interpretation" that can be helpful in one's life, and;
2. Examining the message and messengers and potential reactions of receivers to discover other things about the world...

...these are not mutually exclusive.

The message is information that has flowed through the universe and through a mind, and then through yours. Thus it contains traces of the universe, and traces of the mind(s) it has passed through. To throw out the message because of the messenger risk throwing away an opportunity. Sometimes that risk is worth it, after all we must choose our focus, where to direct our energy. But it should be done with as much care as we can manage. After sometimes it is OUR mind that has distorted the information in the most harmful way, even if the messengers ARE bad guys. Sometimes the harm relies on US having a faulty lens.

Hope someone finds this useful.
I briefly looked at that Twitter account again (Tim Ballard Exposed @tim_exposed), and I'm not under the impression it's disinfo. The tweets seem too credible to me.
Well, I guess we have to agree to disagree. That account pushes e.g. the idea of SOF being a 'Qanon adjacent movie' (just like the MSM does), blatantly makes accusatory claims without no references, posts links to other writings/screenshots using the same talking points, random guys in videos saying stuff. Sorry, but I'm not at all convinced.

By the way, articles on Ballard (by Packer, for example, and others), are using court documents, including Ballard's own statements at court, to show the fabrications relative his own history, as well as that presented in the film. So, there are the court records to refer to by way of reference. Here's an article from the Salt Lake Tribune that this Twitter account we've been discussing linked to in this regard (FYI, I've read Packer's articles linked to by @forest_light, but have only scanned this one so far, but it seems to cover similar ground, and Packer is cited here as well):

Robert Gehrke: Tim Ballard’s story in the ‘Sound of Freedom’ seems too good to be true — because it isn’t true

I speed watched the Packer video and read the article. The points made in the video appears to me as heavy nitpicking of the details, quite desperate IMO. The Tribune article is equally bad. Firstly, in the article they claim that the court records show/prove this and that but at least I couldn't find any links to these court records...they just say it is so, and I should belive them? Secondly, the argumentation is largely based on liberties that are taken in the movie, how the details in the movie don't correspond to reality. Okay, so what? To make an engaging movie I can allow some liberties to be taken. Besides, the discrepancies they point out appear to me not to be that consequencial. And, the movie site also admits that liberties were taken and they list some of the things in the movie that are not based on the true story. The icing on the cake in the Tribune article is that they reference and quote Vice, that's a disqualifier if anything!

Maybe Ballard is embellishing his story, and maybe he's trying to make money out of this whole thing in semi-questionable ways. However, all of these accusatory accounts, videos, articles that I've seen so far appear to me as poorly constructed smear campaigns, which makes their dishonesty way more serious than anything I've seen proven about Ballard.

I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it, and 'what my nose is telling me'. :-D
Greg Reese made a very good point on the subject of emotionalism vs. reason early on in his first video related to this film. His subtitle here states it succinctly; I'll again link to that video, which I found to be a good introductory take on evaluating the film in terms of the context in which it was produced and operates (as opposed to merely having an emotional reaction to it):

Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs​

I also just watched this video. I hope you don't take this as me 'campaigning' against you, I'm just trying to point out more of what I see. :-)

Okay, so the video points out the evil doings of the Clintons, Podestas and their whole network of shayd business including child trafficking – CHECK, this is most likely true, and has been exposed for at least a decade.

The main accusatory claim against SOF in the video is that Angel Studios links to Clinton/Podesta affiliated Polaris project on their website – CHECK, it's true that they do that. However, how serious of an 'offence' is this? As the video admits, they could be unaware of the dubious character of this organisation. So, there's some smoke here but not enough for me to rebuke the whole film.

Another thing is the thing about the producer Slim and how he has funded the CF and B&M Gates foundation. I would have to look into this more to learn about this Slim dude, but I'm not sure I want to put my time into that. However, in any case, at least on the surface I do not see it too alarming and too uncommon for someone with a lot of money funding and investing in well-know (albeit evil) and powerul foundations like these.
I also just watched this video. I hope you don't take this as me 'campaigning' against you, I'm just trying to point out more of what I see. :-)

Okay, so the video points out the evil doings of the Clintons, Podestas and their whole network of shayd business including child trafficking – CHECK, this is most likely true, and has been exposed for at least a decade.

The main accusatory claim against SOF in the video is that Angel Studios links to Clinton/Podesta affiliated Polaris project on their website – CHECK, it's true that they do that. However, how serious of an 'offence' is this? As the video admits, they could be unaware of the dubious character of this organisation. So, there's some smoke here but not enough for me to rebuke the whole film.

Another thing is the thing about the producer Slim and how he has funded the CF and B&M Gates foundation. I would have to look into this more to learn about this Slim dude, but I'm not sure I want to put my time into that. However, in any case, at least on the surface I do not see it too alarming and too uncommon for someone with a lot of money funding and investing in well-know (albeit evil) and powerul foundations like these.

I agree, when there’s a possible buck to make, people invest in all kinds of stuff. For many, it’s not principle-based and doesn’t point to some hidden agenda. When someone has no real principles apart from what makes them money, IMHO their investments will be more at odds with each other. It’s like with the military industrial complex, with people selling arms to both sides, they care little for whom “wins”. Pretty much was expressing the same sentiment here too.

Perhaps it's not so much a larger plan but rather the result of individuals lacking any specific moral foundations, supporting anything that can generate profit. You could find the same people making money from child sex trafficking, as well as from ventures and movies aiming to expose it. If you possess excessive grandiosity and hubris, along with unwavering confidence that you can easily buy your way out of any difficult situation or eliminate individuals to escape potential troubles, then why wouldn't you finance anything that could generate money and expand your influence?
I also just watched this video. I hope you don't take this as me 'campaigning' against you, I'm just trying to point out more of what I see. :-)

Okay, so the video points out the evil doings of the Clintons, Podestas and their whole network of shayd business including child trafficking – CHECK, this is most likely true, and has been exposed for at least a decade.

The main accusatory claim against SOF in the video is that Angel Studios links to Clinton/Podesta affiliated Polaris project on their website – CHECK, it's true that they do that. However, how serious of an 'offence' is this? As the video admits, they could be unaware of the dubious character of this organisation. So, there's some smoke here but not enough for me to rebuke the whole film.

Another thing is the thing about the producer Slim and how he has funded the CF and B&M Gates foundation. I would have to look into this more to learn about this Slim dude, but I'm not sure I want to put my time into that. However, in any case, at least on the surface I do not see it too alarming and too uncommon for someone with a lot of money funding and investing in well-know (albeit evil) and powerul foundations like these.
Hi again, Aragorn.

Re: Slim, there's also the comments made by Trump himself (and that I recommended you look up). As Trump points out, Slim's the largest shareholder in the NY Times. As you yourself acknowledge, he's also given millions to the Clintons and their "initiatives" (some of which are in Haiti [red flag re: child sex trafficking], and Colombia, where some of the Sound of Freedom was shot [another red flag re: child sex trafficking]. Trump emphatically states that journalists for the New York Times are not journalists, they are lobbyists for Carlos Slim and the Clintons. That's how central Slim is.

What Greg Reese pointed out in this film was that the child sex trafficking industry increased exponentially (from 30 billion to 150 billion dollars by 2015) with the establishment of the Clinton-Podesta NGO's. Some sources claim Slim is a Mexican billionaire whose enterprise includes child sex trafficking. On the face of it, and given who Slim associates with at the highest level, this is not just wild speculation, it stands to reason (unless we were all born yesterday).

You may have your issues with George Webb, and I've shared some of mine, but when a journalist who has done the work he has done in the past -- and, again, he knows first hand about the topic of child sex trafficking relative to the CIA and FBI through his past research partner who was killed given her research in this area -- but when he says that very last person anyone should be giving money to to address this issue is long-time CIA operative Tim Ballard (who specialized in honey traps using underage girls) then at the very least it should give one pause.

And yes, as I've gone into before (had you read my prior arguments) it matters very much the authenticity of this Tim Ballard "character" since the film is busy setting up this "real" figure as a hero. Most consumers of the film assume as much, they have no inkling this isn't who Ballard actually is. And the lies extend to Ballard himself who spins these lies in his interviews. We are not talking strictly about "art" here. We are talking about a "bright shiny object" (as per the media's/entertainment's mind control mechanisms) meant to draw attention toward the lie and away from the real perpetrators, especially those of the upper echelon, like the Clintons, Podesta and Richard Branson -- and like the true Tim Ballard, who is a poster boy for the type of psyops the CIA is known for. From what I've seen so far, he seems to fall into the "look like you're really doing something about this" mode of operation. Add to that the self aggrandizement that happens later in his career with his money-maker OUR (which has been under investigation I believe relative to fraud).

At the same time, the film will serve these same "anti" child sex trafficking entities financially and (given some of the monies will go to the coming election) politically.

I'm surprised it's not clear to you, Aragorn. how these synthetic scenarios work. We're seeing it everywhere. The social engineering is such that the issues nearest and dearest to people's hearts, like the environment, or racial and gender equality, are co-opted, repackaged, and weaponized against us. This is no different.

As for that Twitter account, as I said before, there is a mix of things linked to by that account, and I didn't see at first glance the agenda you're indicating other than that of exposing Ballard. I didn't see it as strictly Q Anon related either. Anyway, I'm not here to defend or condemn that account, which I could care less about. The reason I mentioned it to you at all is that it's a short hand way to find more information linked to on this subject, and if that were your intention you could have done that. (I found some worthwhile material through that account, you could have done that as well.)

You know, I'm beginning to think your intention wasn't to have an open minded discussion, but to prove with as little effort on your part as possible that those of us on this thread who are pointing to all the red flags surrounding Sound of Freedom are spurious in their claims. You write off as nothing who the key funder is (which is hard to believe), although there are other funders as well, all tied to the child sex trafficking industry in various ways. You probably missed Amazing Polly's summary on some of this, which was also discussed, along with other commentators who have "dared" to discuss the broader context of this film. Your point of view seems to be that anyone questioning the makers of this film are part of the cabal's attempt to discredit anti child sex trafficking "message" of film itself. Or are duped by such. It's very thin, even knee-jerk that argument, and misses entirely what could be called the workings of Deep State operations.

As I said previously, as per Klaus Schwab & the WEF crowd, we are intended to accept digital identities, social credit scores, CBDC's, etc., and so it is not conspiratorial to note that this aligns with digitally cataloging children in the interest of "protecting" them from traffickers -- it is part of this larger agenda, in other words. Sound of Freedom is another fear mechanism (like Covid was re: lockdowns, infringement on rights, etc.) to set in motion these initiatives. And with this film, politicians have another talking point. Another rallying cry they can use while these NGO's and other entities continue with their activities. (On that point, I'd mention Whitney Webb's book "One Nation Under Blackmail," which does a pretty thorough job documenting how the majority of our government officials are severely compromised. Nothing is too underhanded for most of them, as everything is at stake.)

Anyway, I'm not going to continue posting on this thread at this point, Aragorn. I have other things to do with my time.

Perhaps in time you'll have a second go at this issue, and see things differently. But for now, we'll have to agree to disagree.

To those who have also come late to this thread and who want a better understanding of where I'm coming from, you can look up my posts on this thread, and the see what I and others have taken the time to assemble and discuss with regard to this topic.
This isn't about the documentary "Sound of Freedom", and the following interview was done 2 months ago. But it looks that it wasn't shared on the forum, and it is related to the topic of this thread. But not only.

I listened to the following interview conducted by Shawn Ryan. He recently did interviews with several UFO whistleblowers. But in the following interview he talks with an "ethical hacker" Ryan Montgomery. This interview not only interesting because he shares a lot of invaluable information about security (or lack thereof) and how easy it is to gather information. But he also has a personal project of finding and exposing predators and child abuser or molestors.

What is disturbing, though not surprising, that it takes a lot of effort to bring these people to justice. Ryan made sure to share this info with the media and various legal or political representatives, but either nothing was done, or there were all kind of legal peculiarities that allowed these people go free.

And he also has an important message to the parents. That considering what goes oline nowadays, parents should indeed be more involved at what is going on, including monitoring their child's online activities. No matter how angry the child may be.

Highly recommended. Here's the description from YT:

1 in 5 children in the United States will be sexually exploited online. Every 9 minutes, Child Protective Services finds evidence of child sexual abuse. 93% of victims know the perpetrator. These are horrifying and sobering statistics that drove the Shawn Ryan Show to expose this topic–this is where Ryan Montgomery comes in.

Ryan is the #1 "ethical hacker" in the world and it's a title he's earned by infiltrating websites that host child exploitation and exposing the predators that run rampant there. Ryan takes us into the underbelly of this dark-web hidden world and lights it up in real time. During the filming of this show, Ryan ran a mini-sting operation from his laptop in a chatroom, posing as a teen–it took less than 60 seconds for a predator to take the bait.

This episode is a cold, hard look at the pervasive problem that is child exploitation. Although it's difficult to stomach, we do believe that this episode will educate parents and save thousands of children. Ryan has dedicated his life to saving human life via his treatment center for those with addiction and by forcing this vile topic into the light. We are honored to share his message.

Also some time ago I stumbled upon a short video of another team that did a similar experiment with the teen chat. They also demonstrated how alarmingly fast teens get chat offers from adults. And there is also a video footage of a male meeting with a supposedly underaged girl.

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Some topics/subjects are easy to see trough and some are not. SOF is clearly one of the more difficult ones.
I think we can all agree on this and I suggest the word nitpicking be excluded from further reference. Remember the Cs directive to pay attention right and left in our ongoing quest for truth/objective reality. It should be clear by now from what I've posted about the Franklin scandal and what we suspect of the Epstein scandal, that (as previously quoted) the most powerful people on this planet as Lucifer worshipping child rapists and murderers consistently get away with the most ungodly, egregious, shockingly despicable crimes in the history of humankind. Their evil deviousness knows no bounds and to wrap their ploys in false righteousness - for instance the name Angel Studios - just makes their plots that more delicious to them! Of course, we don't know for sure that SOF isn't on the up and up, that all or some of the players are knowingly or unknowingly duping the public on the nobleness of it all. But let's not shut our minds to the very real possibility, at least for now.
Okay, so the video points out the evil doings of the Clintons, Podestas and their whole network of shayd business including child trafficking – CHECK, this is most likely true, and has been exposed for at least a decade.

The main accusatory claim against SOF in the video is that Angel Studios links to Clinton/Podesta affiliated Polaris project on their website – CHECK, it's true that they do that. However, how serious of an 'offence' is this? As the video admits, they could be unaware of the dubious character of this organisation. So, there's some smoke here but not enough for me to rebuke the whole film.
Umm - exposed for at least a decade and yet, they could still be unaware of the dubious character of this organisation??? That's an extremely huge benefit of the doubt IMO.

Alright - here's something that's popped up that may shed more light or further muddy the waters. DO LISTEN to the 43:10 vid in the article and the remarks at the end.

People Actually Trying to Stop Child Trafficking are Often Murdered The CENSORED Linda Collins-Smith Story


How would you feel if you were fighting for the custody of your granddaughter after your daughter was killed, and before you had a chance to be heard in court about why you, as the granddparents, were in the best position to raise her, and then you saw that your granddaughter had already been adopted out to another family? One person who tried to expose this corruption is former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who can no longer talk about this topic today because she was murdered.
In 2019 we interviewed Kathy Hall on KFNX Talk Radio out of Phoenix regarding the kidnapping of her granddaughter after her daughter was killed in Arkansas. She was close friends with Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was working on her case and attempting to help her get custody of her granddaughter.

But after returning to Arkansas after a trip to Arizona, Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith was murdered.

Here is the episode:

Couldn't help but notice the Mormon Temple right off the bat! Also, here's a screenshot from the website, Vaccine Impact - notice the two stories listed on the right - apparently others are suspecting SOF isn't what it purports to be:


This became a huge national story, and late last year ABC’s 20/20 ran a documentary on the Linda Collins-Smith story, spinning the story in a specific direction that they obviously wanted the public to believe. You can watch it here (let us know if this video disappears):

Watch 20/20 Season 45 Episode 6 Red Handed Online

Kathy Hall, who was a close friend of Linda, had been interviewed by ABC during the filming of this show, but then ABC decided to exclude her testimony after her house burned down, the day before Rebecca O’Donnell, who was being held as the suspect in Senator Smith’s murder, allegedly pleaded guilty to her murder.

So go watch what the corporate media is reporting about Senator Linda Collin-Smith’s murder on ABC first, then come back to this article, where I will tell the public the “other side” of this story, as reported by her good friend, Kathy Hall, one of the last people to communicate with the Arkansas Senator just before she was killed.
I recently had several conversations with Kathy Hall to get an update on her story since we interviewed her in 2019.

In that interview in 2019, Kathy Hall related how her daughter was killed in a hit-and-run drive-by, and how she and her husband, a disabled military veteran who served for 26 years, immediately filed to take custody of their daughter’s daughter, their granddaughter.

However, they never got to even present their case to the court in Arkansas to take custody of their granddaughter, and then found out through social media posts that the foster family she was placed with following her daughter’s death had already adopted her.

Their granddaughter was placed with a Mormon family. The adoptive grandparents have posted many photos of Brooklyn publicly – available for everyone to see – on Facebook.

The Mormon adoptive parents originally moved Brooklyn out of Arkansas to Wisconsin, before returning to Arkansas. They have refused to allow Brooklyn to have any contact with her biological family, including letters sent to her.

Mormon Child Trafficking​

Why am I pointing out the religious affiliation of the family who adopted the Halls’ granddaughter?

I have nothing against Mormons. I know there are many fine people in the Mormon religion. I have done business with many of them, and some of them have worked for me for years, and are very fine people.

I mention the Mormon connection in this story because in 2019, a Mormon politician in Phoenix was arrested and indicted on federal charges of child trafficking in three different states: Arizona, Arkansas, and Utah.

He is currently serving time in prison for selling babies from the Marshall Islands.
Ex-Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen sentenced to 5 more years behind bars
A former Phoenix politician already in prison on a six-year sentence for operating an illegal adoption scheme involving women from the Marshall Islands was ordered to serve another five years behind bars for defrauding Arizona’s Medicaid system in a scam to get taxpayer-funded health coverage for the birth mothers, even though he knew they didn’t live in the state.

Paul Petersen, a Republican who was Maricopa County’s elected assessor for six years and worked as an adoption attorney, on Friday received the second of three sentences stemming from the adoption scheme. His five-year Arizona punishment is to be served after he completes his six-year federal sentence for conspiring to smuggle people in Arkansas.

Petersen was dressed in an orange prison suit in the Phoenix courtroom where he offered apologies and cried as he described hurting his clients, former co-workers and his own family through his practices. “I have no one to blame but myself.”

Authorities have said Petersen illegally paid women from the Pacific island nation to give up their babies in at least 70 adoption cases in Arizona, Arkansas and Utah. Citizens of the Marshall Islands have been prohibited from traveling to the United States for adoption purposes since 2003.

He was sentenced in Arizona for submitting false applications to the state’s Medicaid system so the pregnant Marshall Islands women could receive health coverage and for providing an affidavit to a court that contained false information about expenses paid to a birth mother.

Petersen is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and earlier in his life completed a proselytizing mission in the Marshall Islands, a collection of atolls and islands in the eastern Pacific, where he became fluent in the Marshallese language.

Petersen was arrested in 2019. After the allegations of adoption fraud emerged, Petersen kept working as the assessor for the most populous Arizona county for nearly three months amid heavy pressure to resign — and he did so in January 2020. He was responsible for determining property values in the county that includes Phoenix.

Petersen has said he helped people with hundreds of legal adoptions after he discovered a niche locating homes for vulnerable children from the Marshall Islands and helping needy mothers who wanted a more stable family life for their children. (Full article.)
The judge in Arkansas that allegedly approved all of Paul Petersen’s illegal adoptions is Judge Stacey Zimmerman, the same judge in the Halls’ case, who refused to allow the Halls to take custody of their own granddaughter, and instead allowed a Mormon family to adopt her.

Judge Zimmerman still sits on the bench in Arizona, although she has had challengers to her position.

Linda Collins-Smith was investigating the adoption of the Halls’ granddaughter to the Mormon family, and was in almost daily communication with Kathy Hall.

She knew there was corruption in the Child Welfare system, and of course the Paul Petersen case proved it. Linda was apparently investigating Judge Zimmerman on other cases as well, some even worse than the Halls’ case.

Issues with the ABC Documentary​


Senator Linda Collins-Smith with her friend Rebecca O’Donnell, the women the corporate media wants you to believe murdered Linda.
Not only was Linda Collins-Smith investigating judges who may have been helping Paul Petersen and others illegally traffick children through adoptions, she had also just gone through a messy divorce from her husband, who was an Arkansas Judge who was removed from the bench for watching pornography on his laptop while working.

The ABC documentary admits that Linda had received death threats from her former husband, and feared him. One of her friends, Rebecca O’Donnell, had helped her install security cameras in her home.

In the ABC documentary, they show a video clip that allegedly was recorded on the day Linda was murdered in her kitchen, and then dragged to a location outside the house where she was wrapped up in a tarp.

That video clip shows Rebecca O’Donnell (Becky) putting a security camera and a large knife into a bag, but it does not show Becky actually stabbing Linda, nor is she covered in blood. Also, if she is taking away the video camera after the murder, then where is the video footage of the actual murder?

There were other details conveniently left out of the documentary, including the interviews ABC did with Kathy Hall.

The documentary states that Linda Collins-Smith returned from a trip to Washington D.C., and then went missing before her body was discovered.

However, Linda Collins-Smith did not fly back to Arkansas from that trip in Washington D.C., where she also met with Kathy Hall.

She first flew to Arizona, and while she was there she met with Arizona lawmakers, presumably to discuss the Paul Petersen case and the child trafficking industry he was running in Arizona, Arkansas, and Utah.

She was in contact with Kathy Hall during that time, and her last text to Kathy was just after she arrived back in Arkansas.

I wonder why ABC did not want to report this?

On the day before Rebecca O’Donnell reportedly confessed to murdering Linda Collins-Smith, the Halls’ house burned down, allegedly due to a “gas leak.” Kathy and Jeff escaped unharmed, but they lost their two dogs and cat in the fire.

ABC reportedly decided not to include Kathy’s testimony in their documentary, because it was “too dangerous” for her after their house burned down.

Halls’ Second Granddaughter Kidnapped​

Sadly, life for the Halls has not become easier since they lost both their daughter and their granddaughter 6 years ago.

In 2021, they moved into a new house, and they welcomed a new granddaughter into their life, born to their son. Their son named her “Hailey”, after his sister who had been killed 5 years earlier.

The mother of their granddaughter allegedly had drug issues, and their son was not in a position to care for his daughter alone, so Kathy and Jeff stepped forward to start caring for their granddaughter.

Unlike the family who was awarded custody of their first granddaughter and did not allow their family to have any communication with her, the Halls tried to work with the mother of their grandchild, and allowed her to visit at times, although she did not live in their home.

While this troubled, young mother was staying nearby in a Detox center, she allegedly used the Halls’ address as her “residence” when filling out paperwork, even though she was not actually living there.

This was all the Child Welfare family police needed to seize their granddaughter and put her into foster care.

Even though they were quickly able to determine that the birth mother was not, in fact, living in their home, they allegedly accused Kathy of suffering from trauma from the death of her daughter 5 years earlier, and demanded that she get counseling, from a counselor of their choice, before they allowed the baby to come back home.

The Halls now live in Colorado, and when the child police (more accurate term than a “social worker”) took their granddaughter, a “social worker” from Fayetteville, Arkansas, was transferred to Colorado just to work on their case.

They also stated that Jeffrey Hall, a 26-year veteran, was unfit to be a parent because he had been diagnosed with PTSD after serving in Iraq years earlier. The VA had him on several psych drugs, but he got rid of them all and started using medical cannabis instead, and his health has been much better since. Cannabis is legal in Colorado, even for recreational use.

Kathy refused their order to receive counseling, knowing that they would use it as an excuse to come up with some kind of diagnosis to justify keeping their granddaughter.

They did eventually get their granddaughter back home, where she is now, after 9 months in foster care with strangers.

This 3-year-old child who is dearly loved by her grandparents was severely traumatized, and continues to suffer emotional stress today.

The Halls need a good civil rights attorney to sue Colorado for kidnapping their granddaughter. Please contact us if you can recommend one.

The way they treated a disabled 26-year veteran is a tragedy, and a clear violation of so many laws, including ADA laws, not to mention all the other abuses this family has suffered through.

We Don’t Need Fictional Movies About “Child Trafficking” Outside the U.S. – We Need to Stop Child Trafficking in the U.S. Through Foster Care and Adoption!​


Sound of Freedom: A Movie About Child Trafficking Produced by Child Traffickers?
So while Linda Collins-Smith has now been murdered to silence her and stop her work of investigating child trafficking by judges and politicians involved in the Child Welfare system here in the U.S., and while good parents and grandparents like Kathy and Jeff Hall become targets and have their children kidnapped by the child police in Child Welfare every single day in this country, millions of people are being fooled into believing that watching a fictional movie about child trafficking outside the U.S. on the Big Screen will somehow solve this problem.

And when I published articles revealing how this movie does nothing to identify who the child traffickers are, or how to stop it, I have been vehemently attacked and criticized by this new cult following from this movie, with people saying things like: “If you are attacking this movie then you must be supporting child trafficking,” or “What have YOU done to address this issue?”, or “Why don’t you make your own movie if you don’t like this one,” etc.

How sad. I have been covering this issue for over a decade now, naming names and exposing corruption, as in this story with the Hall family.

But NOBODY, including most in the Alternative Media, wants to touch this topic, because the only way we are going to stop child trafficking in this country is to STOP TAKING OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN through foster care and buying them from foreign countries through adoption.

And anyone who dares to expose this corrupt child trafficking business, such as Linda Collins-Smith and the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, will pay a high price for doing so, including possibly losing their life.

I have been threatened for publishing these kinds of stories for years now, from judges, DAs, and large law firms, demanding that I remove certain stories like this one that names names and exposes the corrupt people in power that allow this to happen.

And just for the record, I am NOT suicidal (been there done that), and I do not currently have any life-threatening disease that I am aware of.

I will also not give in to those of you attacking and threatening me, and will not take down any of these articles, nor stop publishing them, as long as God keeps me on this earth as a light shining into the darkness.

I will continue to take a stand for these parents and grandparents, and their children, who have suffered through REAL human trafficking and had their lives destroyed.

How about you?

Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. (Luke 12:2-3)

Regarding - “Why don’t you make your own movie if you don’t like this one,” - one just has to read what I posted about Nick Bryant's efforts to get a film made for the answer to that question:

Nick Bryant: Thus far two major magazines have shut me down with stories about Epstein. It is mind-boggling, because I know the Epstein story better than any other journalist in New York. I can see by their reporting that they are just jumping into this at the shallow end of the pool. They don’t understand the larger ramifications of Epstein. “The Franklin Scandal” has been optioned by Magnolia Pictures for three years. Magnolia has a very good reputation. Rob Reiner hooked up with Magnolia for a while and pitched “The Franklin Scandal”. We’ve been rejected by every network. I thought when Rob Reiner came on board, that that would be it, a slam-dunk at that point, but we were rejected by every network. You know, every magazine article I pitched on Franklin was rejected. I had an agent that tried to sell “The Franklin Scandal” book proposal, and it was a very large book, but he couldn’t sell it. So, I’ve been rejected on this thing forever. I just pitched another magazine article on Epstein today. The editor was aware of my work in this area, so hopefully I will get some good news about that. Magnolia Pictures has really hung in there. Most people have read about the rejections and have just given up on it. A few very distinguished film makers have given a rejection on Franklin, and that was it. But Magnolia Pictures have been having rejections on Franklin for like – three years, and they are still hanging in there with it, so I find that pretty amazing.

Yeah, can't get anything going on the Franklin Scandal or the Epstein scandal, but Sound of Freedom is breaking records! :halo:
I'm surprised it's not clear to you, Aragorn. how these synthetic scenarios work. We're seeing it everywhere. The social engineering is such that the issues nearest and dearest to people's hearts, like the environment, or racial and gender equality, are co-opted, repackaged, and weaponized against us. This is no different.

As for that Twitter account, as I said before, there is a mix of things linked to by that account, and I didn't see at first glance the agenda you're indicating other than that of exposing Ballard. I didn't see it as strictly Q Anon related either. Anyway, I'm not here to defend or condemn that account, which I could care less about. The reason I mentioned it to you at all is that it's a short hand way to find more information linked to on this subject, and if that were your intention you could have done that. (I found some worthwhile material through that account, you could have done that as well.)

You know, I'm beginning to think your intention wasn't to have an open minded discussion, but to prove with as little effort on your part as possible that those of us on this thread who are pointing to all the red flags surrounding Sound of Freedom are spurious in their claims. You write off as nothing who the key funder is (which is hard to believe), although there are other funders as well, all tied to the child sex trafficking industry in various ways. You probably missed Amazing Polly's summary on some of this, which was also discussed, along with other commentators who have "dared" to discuss the broader context of this film. Your point of view seems to be that anyone questioning the makers of this film are part of the cabal's attempt to discredit anti child sex trafficking "message" of film itself. Or are duped by such. It's very thin, even knee-jerk that argument, and misses entirely what could be called the workings of Deep State operations.
I have to say that I'm surprised by your sudden tone that I perceive as angry, plus you're making a number of assumptions about me that I find astonishing. I thought we had a good and constructive debate on the topic, why the sudden change?

I'm just trying to get as close to the truth as I can, as I suppose everyone here. As I said, I've been down this pedophile/SRA rabbit hole before and investigated it quite extensively, and I'm just calling what I see based on the discernment I've developed on the topic.

Btw, I didn't say that the Twitter account was Qanon related but that the account portrays in various post the film SOF as a 'Qanon adjacent movie', just like the MSM. And that accounts agenda, as you rightly say, is "to expose Tim Ballard", the question is, are their motives honest, can they be trusted?
Last edited:
To follow up on the previous post, another article from Vaccine Impact:

U.S. Government Wants Facial Scans of All Children: To “Protect” Children or to Traffick Them?


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) of the federal U.S. Government is considering allowing businesses to use biometric facial scans of children under the age of 13 as “a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent.”

The Federal Trade Commission is seeking comment on an application from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) and others for a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule.

ESRB, which currently operates a COPPA safe harbor program, was joined in its application by Yoti, a digital identity company, and SuperAwesome, which provides technology to help companies comply with parental verification requirements. The companies have requested approval for the use of “Privacy-Protective Facial Age Estimation” technology, which analyzes the geometry of a user’s face to confirm that they are an adult.

Under the COPPA Rule, online sites and services directed to children under 13 must obtain parental consent before collecting or using personal information from a child. The Rule lays out a number of acceptable methods for gaining parental consent but also includes a provision allowing interested parties to submit new verifiable parental consent methods to the Commission for approval.

In a Federal Register notice, the FTC is seeking comment on a number of questions related to the application including whether the proposed age verification method is covered by existing methods; whether the proposed method meets the requirements under the COPPA Rule; and whether the proposed method poses a privacy risk to consumers’ personal information, including their biometric information.

The public will have until August 21, 2023 to submit a comment. After they are submitted, comments will be posted to

NOTE: Publication of this Federal Register notice is required by the Rule and does not indicate Commission approval or endorsement of the program. The Commission has 120 days to review proposed verifiable parental consent methods and must set forth its conclusions in writing. (Emphasis mine. Full Press Release.)

As the FTC noted in this press release, “Under the COPPA Rule, online sites and services directed to children under 13 must obtain parental consent before collecting or using personal information from a child.”

So are parents of children under the age of 13 the ones complaining about online sites collecting data on their children and petitioning the FTC to protect their children?

No, businesses are the ones petitioning the FTC to allow face scans of children under the age of 13, allegedly as an “age verification” system.

US seeks comment on age-estimation idea to protect children, Yoti requests approval

Businesses are asking U.S. regulators to approve facial age estimation as a tool for segregating people online by age and, in turn, the government is seeking comment on the idea.

The businesses are digital ID software company Yoti, Epic Games subsidiary SuperAwesome and the Entertainment Software Rating Board. They want the Federal Trade Commission to allow online content and services firms to rebuff children by using software that analyzes facial biometrics with a degree of privacy.

Specifically, the three petitioners want it to be legal for companies to add the age-estimation software to other tools the industry can use under the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA. (Full article.)

When corporate America and the U.S. Government promote a new solution to an alleged problem, we need to always look and see what this alleged “problem” is to justify some new government intervention.

So what exactly is the “problem” with children that the Big Tech companies and the U.S. Government now want to start scanning the faces of children in order to “verify” their age?

Here is an article published earlier this month (July, 2023) that gives an example of this “problem.”

E-scooter fatality shows gap in remote ID check process for age restrictions

The unfortunate death of a 12-year old boy in England has highlighted the difficulties with enforcing age restrictions using remote processes, and raised the possibility that biometric authentication may be more widely needed.

The e-scooter rented by the youth was supposed to be restricted to riders 18 years and above, but a 14-year old friend of the boy transferred an account with e-scooter rental company Voi to him using a verification code sent to the mobile device it was created on, the BBC reports. (Full article.)

The death of a 12-year-old boy is tragic, no matter what the cause, but does this single incident signify a growing threat to children under the age of 13? Does it compare to how many children this age die in car accidents, drown in a swimming pool, or die after receiving a vaccine or other pharmaceutical product?

I think there are far more serious issues facing children today that parents need to be concerned about, and many of those issues will not be solved by scanning the faces of America’s children to “verify” their age.

For example, there are many situations that put children in danger that are “legal” where they currently do not need their parents’ consent.

In the State of California, for example, a minor child can choose to get certain vaccines, including the HPV Gardasil vaccine and COVID shots, without their parents’ approval, and they can now also choose to have transgender surgeries and drugs without their parent’s consent.

In many states, a minor child can choose to use birth control or even have an abortion without their parents’ consent.

Facial recognition software to “verify” a child’s age as “a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent” will not protect them in these dangerous situations, because a parent’s consent is not even needed.

So allowing businesses to scan the faces of America’s children under the age of 13, is not really an action that the FTC is considering to help parents, but to help businesses identify young children and verify their age.

They claim that the images collected are “privacy-preserving”, but the mere act of allowing a young child’s face to be scanned “with their actual month and year of birth” (source) means that they are stored in a database somewhere where pedophiles will now have access to that information.

And those pedophiles are not just cartel members living in the jungles of far away places like Columbia.

No, they are working in our government, in our nation’s child welfare system in child “protective” services, in our schools and in our churches, as we have so often documented here at Health Impact News over the years.

The article continues, but I think maybe you're starting to understand what may be really going on here. Release a blockbuster movie on child trafficking - on the fourth of July no less - starring the actor who portrayed Jesus Christ and distributed by Angel Studios - and ramp up the fear that your own children as well as all children are in extreme danger of being abducted by ruthless global child traffickers for horrible sexual purposes! FEAR FEAR FEAR - just like the entire Covid Scamdemic! What's a parent to do to protect their vulnerable children - I dunno - maybe get their faces scanned and put into a global database so they can always be positively identified? Microchips come later.

A far-fetched supposition or the real intention of a movie highlighting the horrors of child trafficking?
To follow up on the previous post, another article from Vaccine Impact:

U.S. Government Wants Facial Scans of All Children: To “Protect” Children or to Traffick Them?


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) of the federal U.S. Government is considering allowing businesses to use biometric facial scans of children under the age of 13 as “a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent.”

As the FTC noted in this press release, “Under the COPPA Rule, online sites and services directed to children under 13 must obtain parental consent before collecting or using personal information from a child.”

So are parents of children under the age of 13 the ones complaining about online sites collecting data on their children and petitioning the FTC to protect their children?

No, businesses are the ones petitioning the FTC to allow face scans of children under the age of 13, allegedly as an “age verification” system.

When corporate America and the U.S. Government promote a new solution to an alleged problem, we need to always look and see what this alleged “problem” is to justify some new government intervention.

So what exactly is the “problem” with children that the Big Tech companies and the U.S. Government now want to start scanning the faces of children in order to “verify” their age?

Here is an article published earlier this month (July, 2023) that gives an example of this “problem.”

The death of a 12-year-old boy is tragic, no matter what the cause, but does this single incident signify a growing threat to children under the age of 13? Does it compare to how many children this age die in car accidents, drown in a swimming pool, or die after receiving a vaccine or other pharmaceutical product?

I think there are far more serious issues facing children today that parents need to be concerned about, and many of those issues will not be solved by scanning the faces of America’s children to “verify” their age.

For example, there are many situations that put children in danger that are “legal” where they currently do not need their parents’ consent.

In the State of California, for example, a minor child can choose to get certain vaccines, including the HPV Gardasil vaccine and COVID shots, without their parents’ approval, and they can now also choose to have transgender surgeries and drugs without their parent’s consent.

In many states, a minor child can choose to use birth control or even have an abortion without their parents’ consent.

Facial recognition software to “verify” a child’s age as “a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent” will not protect them in these dangerous situations, because a parent’s consent is not even needed.

So allowing businesses to scan the faces of America’s children under the age of 13, is not really an action that the FTC is considering to help parents, but to help businesses identify young children and verify their age.

They claim that the images collected are “privacy-preserving”, but the mere act of allowing a young child’s face to be scanned “with their actual month and year of birth” (source) means that they are stored in a database somewhere where pedophiles will now have access to that information.

And those pedophiles are not just cartel members living in the jungles of far away places like Columbia.

No, they are working in our government, in our nation’s child welfare system in child “protective” services, in our schools and in our churches, as we have so often documented here at Health Impact News over the years.

The article continues, but I think maybe you're starting to understand what may be really going on here. Release a blockbuster movie on child trafficking - on the fourth of July no less - starring the actor who portrayed Jesus Christ and distributed by Angel Studios - and ramp up the fear that your own children as well as all children are in extreme danger of being abducted by ruthless global child traffickers for horrible sexual purposes! FEAR FEAR FEAR - just like the entire Covid Scamdemic! What's a parent to do to protect their vulnerable children - I dunno - maybe get their faces scanned and put into a global database so they can always be positively identified? Microchips come later.

A far-fetched supposition or the real intention of a movie highlighting the horrors of child trafficking?

why must "they" always invent a new problem, moneycosting, activity?? can they not keep quiet??? the intrusion of computers in our life becomes intolerable. just like the cass said : computers will dominate you.
I could continue to post the relevant stories from Vaccine Impact, but will just supply specific links with tidbits of info. Please peruse to get a very different perspective of what's likely going on with this movie and more:

The frenzy surrounding the Sound of Freedom fictional movie has gone from hype, to insanity, to now blasphemy.

Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel appeared on Fox News and stated that “we have to do a lot more” to rescue children being trafficked, and that Donald Trump was the one who was going to rescue trafficked children.

“I’m still Jesus, but he (Trump) is Moses.”
This is on our Bitchute channel:

But the source for this funding is Tim Ballard himself, who stated who was funding the movie in an interview in Utah 5 years ago on Fox News. Here is the clip from Fox 13 News in Utah. The original interview is here.



This same local news outlet, Fox 13 News Utah, also reported in 2020 that Tim Ballard’s organization, Operation Underground Railroad, was under criminal investigation for its fundraising methods.

I did a search in the corporate media to see if any of them were making that claim, because the corporate media in general would endorse something like micro chipping children, rather than oppose it, and I could not find any reference to chipping children in the “leftist, godless” media attributed to Tim Ballard.

However, there is a video being circulated right now by naturopathic Dr. Amanda Vollmer addressing this topic, and she most certainly is not part of the “godless, leftist media,” as she gained a strong following during the COVID scamdemic for pointing out the fraud being committed by COVID and their “vaccines,” and she is obviously part of the Alternative Media.

Here is her video (opinions her own):


WOW to what that woman is saying! I firmly believe she's got it right!

And just to add, in the mentioning that we're being exposed to rituals, recall the discussion of Enoch and the connection to casting spells/black magick. Are we not witnessing the ongoing symbolic rituals/spells/magick by the MKUltra crowd of celebrities, forever displaying these symbols that Vigilant Citizen has been exposing for years? Interestingly enough, Vaccine Impact has pointed out Elon's curious new X symbol:


When an inverted image of the new Twitter logo is placed next to the new “X” logo it resembles the Masonic Logo.

Even if you don't buy the Masonic X symbol, consider this (from Forbes):

Elon Musk’s abrupt decision to do away with Twitter’s iconic blue bird and rebrand as “X” erased one of social media’s most recognizable brands overnight and potentially killed billions in brand value, but marketing and branding experts told Forbes the unconventional and seemingly reckless strategy signals the start of Musk’s promised “everything app” and could have more to it than meets the eye.

The change was unsurprising—Musk has been open about his ambition to build an “everything app” like China’s WeChat and has already changed the business name to X Corp—but it was sudden.

The above from same article that begins:

Last year I published an article about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter, and his desire to turn it into an “everything app” similar to the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information.

The video in the article @1:08 says that his family had a history of abuse and witchcraft - tell-tale signs of multi-generational mind control. Well you know, they love to show us exactly who they really are:


Elon Musk’s baphomet Satanic “costume” from last Halloween.

Yeah, just kidding around - nothing to see here . . .
Interesting . . .

Church of Jesus Christ will pay $250M into fund for Boy Scout sexual abuse claims

The Boy Scouts of America will receive more than $1 billion from its primary insurer and The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints in a tentative agreement to resolve sexual abuse claims of thousands of men who say they were molested decades ago by scoutmasters and others.

Under the agreement, insurance company The Hartford will pay $787 million into a fund to be established for the men, the company said in a news release Tuesday. In exchange for the payment, the Boy Scouts and its local councils will fully release The Hartford from any obligation under policies the insurance company issued to them.

Under a separate settlement, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has agreed to pay $250 million into the fund for abuse claimants. The church, based in Salt Lake City, was the largest single sponsor of Boy Scout troops before ending its longtime partnership with the organization at the beginning of last year.
I have to say that I'm surprised by your sudden tone that I perceive as angry, plus you're making a number of assumptions about me that I find astonishing. I thought we had a good and constructive debate on the topic, why the sudden change?

Hi Aragorn.

I apologize for the tone of my last post since I see from your response that for you it seemed to be coming out of left field (!). I thought your own tone had something to do with it, but people can easily misread things like that.

You did say "I hope you don't take this as me 'campaigning' against you," so maybe you in some way realized that you were bordering on doing just that. It happens sometimes, even if we don't consciously intend it.

Anyway, as I was saying before, I do need to take a break at this point, and I again apologize for what now appears to be my misconstruing things with you, Aragorn.

By way of a peace offering, I hope you'll accept my little olive branch... 🌿
Hi Aragorn.

I apologize for the tone of my last post since I see from your response that for you it seemed to be coming out of left field (!). I thought your own tone had something to do with it, but people can easily misread things like that.

You did say "I hope you don't take this as me 'campaigning' against you," so maybe you in some way realized that you were bordering on doing just that. It happens sometimes, even if we don't consciously intend it.

Anyway, as I was saying before, I do need to take a break at this point, and I again apologize for what now appears to be my misconstruing things with you, Aragorn.

By way of a peace offering, I hope you'll accept my little olive branch... 🌿
Olive branch accepted! :-)

Look, I'm just trying to share the way I discern these things based on my past experiences and mistakes.

I promise you, I'm at the top of the list of people to admit that the Clintons, Podestas, and other 'deep state' bastards should never be trusted. A couple of examples...

Some 5-6 years ago, while the Kappy/Barnett thing was hot, there was this Hollywood style 'pedo hunter' (unfortunately I can't remember his name). He was all over the internet and made a grand style documentary about his actions (maybe similar to SOF), he did a lot of fund raising (many donated and he got apparently a lot of money), and it later turned out that he was, indeed, a fraud. He hadn't rescued anyone, and his film was just fiction.

Then around the same time there was this younger dude on Twitter who came out as a whistleblower of being a SRA victim. He appeared very authentic and I sincerely believed him, felt sorry for him. There were "people after him", and he needed to move house to escape people started donating money to him (I didn't). Then, later, it turned out that he was a drug addict who had made the whole thing up just to get money for his drugs. To discern if this was true (I had a hard time believing this), I had to listen and read very carefully the things he put out and compare it with other sources, which took a lot of time. In the end, I had to admit that I had been fooled.

In other words, I have no trouble believing that some of these 'pedo hunters' and whistleblowers are fraudsters. However, I've also learned that one shouldn't jump too quickly to conclusions...sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And that our tendency (which is understandable) to do sleuthing to 'expose those bastards' is often utlizied by those very bastards (they feed us false leads).

As a closing remark I have to say that one of the biggest enimgas regarding the SRA/pedo stuff is Fiona Barnett. I've listened to numerous of her interviews, watched her doucmentary, and read her book 'Eyes wide open', and I still can't say if I trust her or not. She appears very witty, smart, and down-to-earth, and in essence she's very believable. However, some of the things she describes seem so outlandish that you don't now what to think! She's disappeared from the internet some years ago, so I don't know what she's up to these days.

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