I'd like to toss my two bits into the "message/messenger" and "creator/work" topic.
Communicator - message - receiver.
Encoding - transmitting - decoding.
Conscious content, unconscious content, truth mixed with lies mixed with misunderstandings.
Both negative and positive messengers can "self-defeat" producing a message that doesn't suit their goals, but also both negative and positive receivers can "redeem or corrupt" a message of the opposite polarity. And of course there can be agendas embedded in "trojan agendas" that are illusions. BUT sometimes the trojan agenda that's meant to just be the shell has some actual power to it, and speaks to people in ways that counters the deception. I think this is one way STO influence can assert itself - what if a very clever artist happened to be involved in painting the trojan horse? One that had knowledge and sought the best outcome for all?
So a message's outcome is not determined entirely by the sender or receiver, except to the degree they have knowledge. And with knowledge, you learn that things are not certain anyways.
A message can be interpreted in multiple ways:
. As desired by the messenger.
. As desired by the receiver.
. As society might perceive it. (As in, "how might different types of people interpret this and be affected?")
. As a manipulative 3rd party might see it.
. As a benevolent altruistic 3rd party might see it.
. As a product of the messenger's mind that may reveal things about them - potential source of insight.
. As a product of the messenger's mind and therefore a carrier of their goals (i.e. potentially contaminated depending on messenger)
. Transformatively, independent of messenger - i.e. "what can I learn from and make use of in this" - potential source of growth or nonlinear development, including the paradoxical utilization of a message to bring about an outcome of opposite orientation - "twisting" or "redeeming". But also learning from, such as "do the opposite of this" or "fix this part(s) of the message and suddenly it's super useful!" or "This is not literally true but is useful metaphorically". In other words, combining all other methods of interpretation to comprehensively understand to the best of your ability.
Like: "This movie spreads awareness about evil things and promotes putting an end to them by exercising individual courage, BUT it's put out by people who seem to have weird ties and may not be entirely honest. So let's work out what any ulterior motives could be, OR parasitic motives that could be used by others to twist the message towards their own agendas, or dumb mistakes the messengers might be making. BUT, let's also see what could be learned from this, even if it's a manipulative psy-op; maybe there's a nonlinear potential here, or maybe even a useful clue to help us understand reality!"
Well, I was just thinking that since this movie is a creative action, a bilateral emergence would occur (like, for example, where a particle and antiparticle is produced from a single ray of light) . So there might be BOTH a good and bad to it. The good of it is to wake people up. Possibly something significant will come from it and the STS hierarchy lose a battle like in a poker match.The bad of it is to wake people up just enough but not enough so that they may not do anything collectively about it after seeing it. Then the the STS hierarchy wins.
The C's referred to the "Consortium" using the term "blend", and seemed to indicate that there is some sort of complex interplay between STS and STO involved there. I suspect this is part of it.
Many particular productions or activities may have a different "blend" of STS vs STO-oriented people/forces involved, plus STS and STO "natural" and/or "higher-level" forces might also be involved in complex ways, even if the people involved are largely of one orientation. After all, each person is a "blend" as well, so if enough people have certain aspects of their "blend" that line up, a "positive" work might end up with something negative embedded or vice versa.
And of course, a single work can have multiple outcomes, and STS and STO-oriented activities may grow out from it as competing "branches".
It is possible to make positive use of a message produced by a selfish source, and vice versa. The identity of the messenger should not be allowed to hinder the process of trying to find the "most useful interpretation". At the same time, who the messenger is might help you decide how much effort of analysis the message deserves. i.e. if someone's a serially dumb kook, little effort, but if someone is tied to complex webs in which a lot of deception occurs or money flows, much more effort toward understanding the context and intent and possible useful transformations of the message is warranted.
In other words:
1. Extracting "the most useful interpretation" that can be helpful in one's life, and;
2. Examining the message and messengers and potential reactions of receivers to discover other things about the world...
...these are not mutually exclusive.
The message is information that has flowed through the universe and through a mind, and then through yours. Thus it contains traces of the universe, and traces of the mind(s) it has passed through. To throw out the message because of the messenger risk throwing away an opportunity. Sometimes that risk is worth it, after all we must choose our focus, where to direct our energy. But it should be done with as much care as we can manage. After sometimes it is OUR mind that has distorted the information in the most harmful way, even if the messengers ARE bad guys. Sometimes the harm relies on US having a faulty lens.
Hope someone finds this useful.