Sound of Freedom

I agree with some of the stuff that has been mentioneded here when it come to the message of the movie and the awareness it brings to the public. Ofcourse there are various unpredictable angles that this may spin into. One of those angles are parents realizing the importance of taking more responsibility for their children. On the other hand all this awareness can bring more chaos and stress upon the shoulders of the parents and some industries using that as opportunity to bring the relief to that stress.

Depending on where someone is coming from atleast in my upbringing or in my family there has been awareness of such things happening in my country, especially in the post Soviet Union times , where lawlessness was almost everywhere and if you didn't know people with connections to some gangs you where at greater risk being a prey for predators. Ofcourse there are still cases of people being kidnapped everywhere in the world. I don't know the statistics, but what are the odds that those who are kidnapped are most often from problematic families, orphanages where no one will look for them? And how many of them there actually might be? And putting into contrast how many of the children are actually being sold by their own parents?
So the problem I see with child trafficking might not necessarily be people being kidnapped against their will, but due to lucrativeness of easily made money, sold by their own parents. Because if we think for a moment, how many idiots there might be who would risk life sentence to go through the hassle of using force, putting their neck out to kidnap someone? Not many, for the very least in the more developed Western countries especially in our times. It seems to me it would be much easier to attempt to buy children from the parents and let the agony of guilt lay on their own shoulders. In a way people becoming like real cattle by their own choice. This to me seems greater problem. So while the message is good and makes people aware, still there are certain aspects to this whole business that the whole chipping wouldn't solve. The demand for organs and the cost of transplantation is huge enough in the US alone to go through the lengths of being in the human trafficking business, financing wars and conflicts.
@JEEP you're kind of making it worse.

Again, establishing the fact that such rings exist in the world, undeniably so. The magical thinking by some of these people you're liking to seems outstanding. This is so far what has been presented.

There's rings of sex trafficking to which powerful and notorious people belong to.
Horus was a god of the Egyptians.
Here's a collection of pictures of celebrities with black eyes. NONE of them are photoshopped, we swear.
Thus they are all illuminati.
And since they're all Illuminati, Qanon is right, this proves it.

Because fact one is beyond plausible, the rest don't necessarily become true, but that's what they're doing. That's how it's a psyop, that's how it's used to hurt people who may have any interest in the truth. But just launching outrageous theories based on twisted facts that are then used to prove further theories.

I will say it again, we're getting too carried away about a movie. The movie doesn't mention the illuminati, or the government, or anything, Child trafficking is real, and it's wrong, period. Those who opposed it in the media probably felt personally attacked, or they probably felt like they wanted to attack a conservative movie.

The worst part of it is, that continuously bringing up Q, the illuminati, black eyes, whatever else, constantly when talking about a movie, is making the MSM's point, which is silly because the movie didn't even allude to anything other than criminal elements committing horrible crimes that are very common.

The movie was small and grounded, and the message was just as grounded, this is wrong and it happens a lot more than you think. How did we turn that into the illuminati, Q, Egyptian god cults, microchipping every kid on earth, money making schemes, covert child trafficking via adoption fees, book contracts, etc?

The beauty of the message of the movie, is that it really is all you really need, a small concept. Child trafficking is wrong, whether it's a lone lunatic or a hyperdimensional game. It's a simple message that can unite people without it needing a large conspiracy on the other side. This is wrong period, no matter who does it, if it's organized or not, it's wrong period.. and every normal human agrees on it.

You make it political, you have turned a unifying tiny message into a divisive one.
What I don't understand is why the parents haven't gotten angry yet at what's going on with the economy and all the other dangers awaiting their own kids in the near future like a pending train wreck. They have had more then enough time to wake up. It seems to me that they don't give a damn. I see it every day. Kids still wearing masks and nobody is angry. Nobody talks about the horrific conditions around us.

Some do, maybe on the web, but not in my personal life. But I would think that it all begins with their own kids first and then it spreads out. People are so hypnotized. People are all walking around with this dumb hypnotic stare, passing this hypnotic state to anyone around them like they are in a perpetual state of shock. Will anything get through to them? They walk around in a hypnotic state like the people might have looked walking around after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Total blank stare. It's impossible to not be affected when I go out. I might be exaggerating a bit but I think it's kinda like that.

I understood Gurdjieff to say that only a state of conscience will wake people up. It's not a continuous state. It's more like a "pulse" kind of state depending on the recognition and cognition of a specific situation. It's experienced with flashes of 'high voltage'. It's high voltage low current as compared to high current low voltage. The flashes of high intensity is enough to change a person forever. When conscience is active it wakes people up. It'll wake us out of bed from even a deep sleep. Not a brain chip or anything else will suffice imo. But this also applies to their own kids.

As I said we are headed for a train wreck at multiple levels of reality. Will people care about anything when the SHTF apart from their own selves surviving while they are struggling for the basics? I don't know.
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People are all walking around with this dumb hypnotic stare, passing this hypnotic state to anyone around them like they are in a perpetual state of shock
Maybe your seeing the zombification of people who've gotten the jabs plus the other elements, 5G, fluoride in the water, poisoned food, aerosols ect, ect. Their ability "to care" has been whittled away (reminds me of the ceremony at Bohemian Grove called the cremation of care). It's been my stance that most people will only wake up when TSHTF in a major way then chaos to survive as you say. It will be a high level shock to the system. I suppose if peoples physical/mental/spiritual integrity has been to compromised they will disintegrate rapidly while others will find more strength and determination. Life is STILL fairly normal at this point, thankfully in the USA and people continue their lives in a "normal" state of affairs.
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Maybe your seeing the zombification of people who've gotten the jabs plus the other elements, 5G, fluoride in the water, poisoned food, aerosols ect,
Life is STILL fairly normal at this point, thankfully in the USA and people continue their lives in a "normal" state of affairs.
Not so that and not so normal. There are other kind of poisons, somas. USA is not left behind either.

Even If just one parent comes to his or her sense after seeing the film, will be worthwhile enough.
I've noticed that you reference George Webb quite often in your posts, and I'm just curious as to why you trust his information? I've said it before, but I don't trust 'George Webb' one bit. I'm sorry I can't remember in detail all the 'exposures' and 'revelations' he has made, that later has proven not to be even remotely true, but that's my informed impression'I have of him that has cumulated during many years.

For instance, some years ago I was reading and following heavily the pedophile/SRA stuff, with characters like Isaac Kappy and Fiona Barnett, and I remember 'George Webb' from those times as he labeled many of the child sex investigators or whistleblowers as controlled opposition without much/any evidence.

I haven't seen Sound of Freedom yet (but intend to) but at least at this point I have to agree that some posts here appear to go too far with nitpicking and 'seeing something that isn't necessarily there', the conspiracy of this film being a plot to microchip our children being one of them. One thing I learned from doing a deep dive into the pedophile/SRA stuff is that the countermeasures, distractions and attacks these groups engage in are more sophisticated and clever than in, let's say, politics. So, I wouldn't be suprised if most of these 'revelations' and 'debunkings' aimed at various critical thinkers in the alternative media sphere originate from the evildoers themselves.

Hi aragorn.

If you read my posts on this thread, I personally never said this film was a "plot to microchip our children." However, you can look at the information put out by the "anti" child sex trafficking organizations and initiatives themselves, which I talk about in my posts. It's not a conspiracy theory to note, as Greg Reese did in the video I linked to, that the enormous rise in profits in the child sex trafficking industry came with the creation of these organizations, which include the digital cataloging of children. So, chipping is just an extension of what is already going on. That Amber Alert is linked to these nefarious players as well starts to round out that picture since it encourages parents to digitize vital information concerning their children allegedly in the interest of protecting them. Actually, as per a video posted on this thread, it seems the woman who had made the news given she was caught moving a number of Haitian children (this tied to the Clinton's Haiti operation), later wound up with the job of CEO for an organization linked to Amber Alert. So, there's that small world again.

Anyway, aragorn, if you have the time, read the posts I wrote. I don't think you'll find them conspiratorial.

As for "nitpicking" (and I'm not sure which posts you are including in that general category), but those of us discussing the nefarious players connected with Sound of Freedom are highlighting the importance of context relative to assessing the film. This film is not simply a movie we are discussing in the movie section of this forum. The context is of vital importance. In the largest sense, the context is the continued war -- or information war, as some have dubbed it -- that we are in the midst of. If Ballard isn't even close to being an actual hero, as numerous sources are indicating (including Webb), and the film is largely funded by Carlos Slim who's deeply tied to the Clintons (FYI, if you haven't seen what Trump had to say about Slim, then check the video in my first post), then for these reasons we have entered serious second-Matrix disinfo territory. But unlike more confounding scenarios, the objective here seems abundantly clear: that of controlling the narrative (which includes creating a hero) and funneling money that both directly and indirectly (as per its being used for fundraising for the upcoming election cycle) serves the child sex trafficking industry.

The counter argument on this thread is always: it's only about the message. The message of the film is "good." We don't care about the rest.

So, on the "message" of the film: I've not seen the film yet so what I can say about the film itself is limited. I did see a promotional scene from the film which I thought was lacking both in terms of the writing and acting, so I don't have great expectations on that end of things. But, again, if the film's largely fictional narrative is making a hero out of this con artist, Tim Ballard, then I would say that that too is part of the film's "message," whether people realize that or not. And funneling donations into this operator's fund is really just the icing on the already rotten cake.

Anyway, as I said before, we'll just have to wait and see as to whether the exposure of the issue of child sex trafficking through this film is going to have a deleterious effect on the industry -- by which I guess I mean, the profits should markedly decline, and key players should be exposed and tried. Putin has seemingly been involved in doing just that relative to Ukraine... but of course Putin has been largely demonized, and such information isn't readily available in the West.

Of course, with the financial system imploding, and with the no doubt faulty attempts we'll see at inserting CBDC's, etc., we may not be able to see very readily what is effecting what related to this cabal's illicit operations. They are short on cash, and all their illicit activities are therefore likely to take a hit, film or no film. (Due to the war in Ukraine, there is a dearth of laundered funds, which used to prop up these shady banks, some of which have recently failed -- such as Silicone Valley Bank. So, this manner of financial implosion is already happening.)

In other words, there are so many balls in the air right now, it's hard to predict what might happen, or even how we are going to assess what has happened once it does (!).

As far as investigative journalist George Webb goes, aragorn, I wonder how many of his critics have actually spent some time reading and listening to his material for a concentrated period of time. I have, especially this last year or so, much of the research related to the issue of bio weapons, and how they are engineered, the molecular aspects, receptors, pathways, etc. How anthrax, for example, is a good, long-studied durable "carrier" for other diseases that couldn't otherwise make their cellular target without some protective coating, as it were. Actually, Webb has made some very insightful connections between the quickly buried anthrax dimension of 9/11 (anthrax being the gun held to the head of legislators which forced them to accept the Patriot Act), and what is happening now concerning coronavirus. As Webb notes, with very few exceptions, the very same players are involved in both scenarios. There's a lot more to be said on that, but this isn't the right context for it.

Webb has an incredible mind for making connections and storing and reciting detailed information and names. (I'm terrible with names myself, and so I really appreciate those that have a catalog of names at their fingertips.) He is also a creative thinker and something of a wordsmith. He makes interesting analogies and connections, even rhymes, which can serve to provide a handy short-hand for remembering his store of specialized information. Because his research entails such specialized knowledge, one does have to work at it to keep up. One has to really concentrate and expand one's own knowledge base. This kind of work is not for everyone. However, when I do take the time to do that, I find it pays off in deepening my understanding of issues that would never have come to my attention otherwise.

George Webb does miss sometimes with his speculations, and I have heard him readily point to some of his own failings (which already puts him above sources who refuse to acknowledge mistakes). As for SRA related material, aragorn, I know he tries to avoid the subject of child sex trafficking, and issues tied to that, given, as I've said a number of times already, he claims his prior research partner was killed due to her investigative research related to child sex trafficking (not sure about the SRA aspect). He also claims to know of others who were working to expose/stop traffickers who have likewise paid with their lives (I'd have to look for more details on that).

Actually, now that I think about it, someone mentioned Kirby Sommers to him on Twitter, Sommers being a woman who calls herself an ex-sex slave, and who has written numerous books on Epstein and his associates, etc., which are seemingly well researched, although I haven't read any of them myself. But Webb wasn't going to give Sommers any credit, perhaps considering her too compromised. I remember thinking he was being too dismissive in that instance. So, he does have certain stubborn blind spots, maybe especially in that area.

I certainly don't agree with all of Webb's viewpoints. He has little understanding of a more holistic approach to health, for example. And he makes comments sometimes that leave me scratching my head. He is abundantly human, in other words. But as sources go, he does contribute a great deal to the public conversation given that he is often forging new ground for other journalists and researchers -- oh, and he generously includes and refers to the work of other researchers he is in direct contact with, a few of them being scientists doing lab work that contributes to the scope of the work they are all involved in. (Actually, I'd also say that in a personal sense, George Webb seems big hearted and generous.) He is also renewing his past efforts of having (on a string-budget) a countrified looking citizen journalism school, since true citizen journalism is really the mode he feels to be a part of and wants to promote. Actually, on the subject of citizen journalism, Webb also shows how being on the move, and visiting the sites he is investigating is crucial to the type of on the ground journalism he's engaged in. He often has contacts in these various locations, but also takes the time to talk to new people. He photographs himself in these various locations, in front of specific office buildings, hospitals, labs, museums, etc., as a way of bringing the story he's working on to those following him, but also as a way of documenting just where he's been, and why.

Even though Webb doesn't have a massive amount of followers, I still think his work is having a powerful reverberating effect out in the world. His covering the career of Dr. Robert Malone, for example, is especially useful, since, like this Tim Ballard person, Malone is being set up as this "darling" of the "resistance," as it were, which is utter hypocrisy the more you learn about his history, especially as documented by Webb, fact by fact, through the meta-data. Malone and his associates' DOMANE software system, for example (developed I believe at DARPA), used an algorithm to exclude Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in the search for repurposed drugs that would be effective against Covid during the crucial early period (March 2020). Excluding such effective drugs cleared the way to move forward with the mRNA "vaccines," as well as to instate the deadly hospital protocol utilizing Remdesivir and ventilation.

Actually, the "Nuremberg II" lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has interviewed Webb recently (on Rumble, I believe), which perhaps indicates Webb's widening sphere of influence -- although I tend to think of Webb's work as unleashing some very potent raw data that slowly makes its way to more mainstream sources over time. Similar to what I was saying about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Webb's work also serves to refine the conversation, given how specialized and fact driven it is. If he gets it wrong sometimes, I tend to give him some slack, as he does seem to be on the cutting edge of this type of investigative journalism.
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Did you watch the serial?

Silence was based on novels by Drago Hedl, an investigative journalist who no doubt drew inspiration from what he saw and put some of those things in his work. The plot of season 1 of True Detective was similarly inspired by a real case in Louisiana and that's why I used it in my comparison earlier. So, there are broad strokes in both shows which are true, Ukrainian human trafficking in the case of Silence and Louisiana pedophilia in the case of True Detective, which is why I said there were grains of truth in both shows. But neither show is more based on reality than Sound of Freedom since it went beyond merely drawing inspiration and told the actual story, though I suspect that SoF wasn't 100% true to the tale.

Now, perhaps you think Silence should be getting more press or viewers because it's scope was more inclusive of certain things you found lacking in Sound of Freedom. Certainly the scope was generally narrow in SoF, but it did hit all the high points including that there's an international network of child traffickers working with the rich and powerful to indulge in their vile appetites.

I just come back to not understanding why you had such a strong negative reaction to and impression of SoF. Also, I wonder what you mean when you say Silence is more based on reality when in every way I can think of SoF is one step above it. Not having seen Silence I don't know how impactful it was, but SoF did the best job I've ever come across of walking people through the emotional reality of child trafficking and I have a hard time imagining anything doing a better job at handling such a horrible topic with as much care and thought such that people walk away feeling the weight of the situation on their soul and conscience while at the same time not rubbing the audience's face in it such that they feel dirty or molested for having watched it.
What I don't understand is why the parents haven't gotten angry yet at what's going on with the economy and all the other dangers awaiting their own kids in the near future like a pending train wreck. They have had more then enough time to wake up. It seems to me that they don't give a damn. I see it every day. Kids still wearing masks and nobody is angry. Nobody talks about the horrific conditions around us.
I have wondered this quite a bit,

And I don't know, I tend to see it a few ways, first.. normalcy bias, so long as things seem normal enough in their everyday and the damage isn't impossible to adjust to, most people will by default want conditions to remain and quell any thoughts to the contrary. Which, no one can be blamed for that, as far as most people see it, and are told by our leaders, difficulties are temporary and have a human solution, just keep on voting. In this scenario, it'll be too late for a lot sadly, when they decide to jump into action, if they have the resources to do so. Truth is ultimately too dark and people are generally quite afraid of it.

The other angle I have considered is that, well.. there's lessons for everyone and it's different. Perhaps most of the lessons for people aren't related to waking up and do something about what goes on in the world around them, perhaps most are going through the lessons despite the world around them. I know that gets too abstract, but truly, the things that transform people, most people I think, are rather small and local events, with local individuals, that may be related to the global state of affairs, but awareness of this fact may not be necessary to learn whatever it is they need to, much like past life awareness is seemingly unnecessary.

The above isn't to discount all the efforts put in place to keep people complacently in place, and their success. But maybe that is also part of the lesson of living in a 3D world controlled by 4D STS denizens. It is sad, and will most certainly reach tragic levels, but I daresay it seems inevitable for it to be exactly the way it is.

This isn't to say that one shouldn't make an effort in service of awareness, I think those that will resonate, will resonate, but one should attempt to recognize when the efforts go beyond spreading awareness, and fall into wanting others to see the world as one does. That's where that stress comes from.

My two cents
What I don't understand is why the parents haven't gotten angry yet at what's going on with the economy and all the other dangers awaiting their own kids in the near future like a pending train wreck. They have had more then enough time to wake up. It seems to me that they don't give a damn. I see it every day. Kids still wearing masks and nobody is angry. Nobody talks about the horrific conditions around us.

It might play out like the following scene from V for Vendetta - when peeps finally cannot ignore the fact anymore that kids are getting hurt or killed, that it's all just a terrible lie that anything that the elites do is for the benefit or care of children, that's when serious chaos will begin and when the elites will be in the greatest danger.

I just come back to not understanding why you had such a strong negative reaction to and impression of SoF.
This is the assumption and the emotional coloring of my comment. But it is also interesting, thx. I can hear you, and I understand what you say. I just don't think SOF fulfilled so emotionally charged expectations ... but I am glad that SOF even opened the discussion about it. And I am not promoting Silence, why should I, I personally don't respect HEdl nor even the serial directo Matanic, we all know each others ( I am film director and producer too ) ... they are Sorosh people and they are just fueling the same evil, as they are taking awards for best TV show etc, while I can't understand how they can stay normal after making that show, as they all know what we know, and what is truth etc ... I know what misery is happening there, serial is not even a small mirror of that horrors ... and maybe I am just not that sensitive and kind ... as living in 3rd world country makes us more rough ... and there are days like this one today when I wish I don't know anything about what is going on in Croatia today and I can be content accepting the lies that even if my rooftop apartment floods thnx to one of the typical "luxury" villas built in last 3 years mainly for rich pedos, and no metter we all see it is what it is, we will all just keep on understanding that our floding is due to "climate change", as they simply don't care ... and not that we can't report horrors what we see through their windows, as it is abuse of their privacy, no metter they hav eopen windows for all to see ... and we can't even be protected from the floding caused by their building, as they send in that case two bold guys to gently "explain" to me that it is not the wall of their building that I am seeing ... so yes I know it is hard to bring such a sensitive truths up, so any effort is welcomed and SOF too... sorry for typos .. no more minutes ot fix it
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Here our friend Trump ( :-D ) is talking about the movie.

He thought it was very well made in every way and it reminded him of several other cases which he describes. He thinks Disney needs to explain why they didn't release it and what a hideous organization they've become. I heard youtube is censoring reviews and discussions about this film so David made it through so far.

Missing 411- David Paulides Reviews the Movie, The Sound of Freedom"​


The owner of the French telegram channel I refered above made a poll regarding the movie, asking if his followers prefer that he hides facts of which he is aware so as not to "harm the cause".
On Saturday (while visiting the local farmer's market in town), I found a vendor with a small poster of the film.

He talked about the poster's interest by inquiring minds about what it meant, and many of them, as he stated, knew nothing of the documentary.

We both conquered that it's a time when parents should keep close attention to their children's surroundings.

Here our friend Trump ( :-D ) is talking about the movie.

And Caviezel post pictures with Trump.

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