I've tried to think about the whole movie quite differently, thanks to the conversation between @Alejo and @Bluegazer. In cybernetics (as defined by M. Mazur), "information" is the relation between the elements of the same set, and the elements are called "originals". "Codes" are relations between elements of the different sets that create "images". The processing of "originals" into "images" and back is called "message processing". If relations in the "images" set represent exactly the same relations as in the "originals" set, and "images" and "originals" are the same or analogous, we call that "transinforming". "Pseudoinforming" is when not all "originals" are in the set of "images" or when there are more "images" than "originals". Of course, there's also "disinforming", when "codes" don't encode any "originals".
Like most art, this movie falls into the "pseudoinforming" category. In that case, some of the not encoded "originals" can be retrieved on the basis of information already contained in the "images" set (called "parainformation"). If we think about "image" sets as our minds, this can be understood as associations, stereotypes, etc. Changing "parainformation" is often the key to changing a system's behavior (via perception of "gender", "nationalism" or "vaccine" stereotypes).
So as you can see, even in the most severe case of "pseudoinforming", some individuals will be able to decode what is not present, discard excess infromation, and reproduce a significant set of "originals", sometimes despite the author's intentions.
In Cybernetics, both information and "energomatter" are needed for the system to start affecting other systems. I guess for most audiences, without information on how it is connected, this will mean transferring energomatter via donation to keep this rescuing business going (that depends on the situation not being resolved). But on the other hand, new "parainforamtion" will be formed in society; that trafficking is very real, and it's probably far beyond organized crime.
Like most art, this movie falls into the "pseudoinforming" category. In that case, some of the not encoded "originals" can be retrieved on the basis of information already contained in the "images" set (called "parainformation"). If we think about "image" sets as our minds, this can be understood as associations, stereotypes, etc. Changing "parainformation" is often the key to changing a system's behavior (via perception of "gender", "nationalism" or "vaccine" stereotypes).
So as you can see, even in the most severe case of "pseudoinforming", some individuals will be able to decode what is not present, discard excess infromation, and reproduce a significant set of "originals", sometimes despite the author's intentions.
In Cybernetics, both information and "energomatter" are needed for the system to start affecting other systems. I guess for most audiences, without information on how it is connected, this will mean transferring energomatter via donation to keep this rescuing business going (that depends on the situation not being resolved). But on the other hand, new "parainforamtion" will be formed in society; that trafficking is very real, and it's probably far beyond organized crime.