Sound of Freedom

I've tried to think about the whole movie quite differently, thanks to the conversation between @Alejo and @Bluegazer. In cybernetics (as defined by M. Mazur), "information" is the relation between the elements of the same set, and the elements are called "originals". "Codes" are relations between elements of the different sets that create "images". The processing of "originals" into "images" and back is called "message processing". If relations in the "images" set represent exactly the same relations as in the "originals" set, and "images" and "originals" are the same or analogous, we call that "transinforming". "Pseudoinforming" is when not all "originals" are in the set of "images" or when there are more "images" than "originals". Of course, there's also "disinforming", when "codes" don't encode any "originals".

Like most art, this movie falls into the "pseudoinforming" category. In that case, some of the not encoded "originals" can be retrieved on the basis of information already contained in the "images" set (called "parainformation"). If we think about "image" sets as our minds, this can be understood as associations, stereotypes, etc. Changing "parainformation" is often the key to changing a system's behavior (via perception of "gender", "nationalism" or "vaccine" stereotypes).

So as you can see, even in the most severe case of "pseudoinforming", some individuals will be able to decode what is not present, discard excess infromation, and reproduce a significant set of "originals", sometimes despite the author's intentions.

In Cybernetics, both information and "energomatter" are needed for the system to start affecting other systems. I guess for most audiences, without information on how it is connected, this will mean transferring energomatter via donation to keep this rescuing business going (that depends on the situation not being resolved). But on the other hand, new "parainforamtion" will be formed in society; that trafficking is very real, and it's probably far beyond organized crime.
The owner of the French telegram channel I refered above made a poll regarding the movie, asking if his followers prefer that he hides facts of which he is aware so as not to "harm the cause".

I think this question sums up well the discussion going on in this thread.
This, of course, is just my opinion, but I think that this film is a very good thing. It gets out into the open the hideous, despicable child sex trade and the sexual abuse of children into the open for everyone to see. I think it, also, shows just how desperate the left woke crowd are to do anything and everything to degrade the movie and those behind it. To do whatever they can to keep people from seeing it.
This, of course, is just my opinion, but I think that this film is a very good thing. It gets out into the open the hideous, despicable child sex trade and the sexual abuse of children into the open for everyone to see. I think it, also, shows just how desperate the left woke crowd are to do anything and everything to degrade the movie and those behind it. To do whatever they can to keep people from seeing it.
I agree, I think you summed up pretty well the important message that is being delivered to the public through this movie. To me at least that's the only aspect that matters. That is, raising the public awareness on child trafficking.

The debate regarding the accuracy of the story on which the movie is based on and other similar debates are unrelated and just a distraction that leads to useless waste of time and energy.

Just my take on the subject.
Interesting that QAnon is often referenced in child trafficking/sacrificing articles/videos presumably to ultimately discredit their legitimacy.
Yes, accusations of crazed Q Anon followers is coming up fairly often with those who criticize the film and it has a fishy quality to it. From the beginning the main topic with Q was the elite where pedophiles and I believe there was also satanic worship thrown in. An army of keyboard detectives combed the internet looking for proof and some did a decent job finding it. Pizzagate was said to be a Qanon conspiracy as well.

As time has passed and Q faded, evidence of elites as pedophiles involved in child trafficing has been growing steadily along with their public display of satanic rituals.

Now my question is, if Q was a psy-op created to subvert people why was pedophilia the main subject? Isn't this and all thats associated with it something "they" wished to hide?

Several months ago a series of synchronicities happened where 3 different people (in my daily rounds of info gathering) said there where 2 Q's. The real Q was started by the Trump administration to inform people. The second Q was the infiltration by the deep state (CIA?) which diverted the message to " the military will save the nation, trust the plan" That was surely a diversion into wishful thinking no doubt.

Anyway I've been thinking about this a bit for the last few months and whats come up around this film makes me consider it even more.

Q DID IT !!!!!! 🤪

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Here is a positive response to the film.

A group of Republican Senators held a press conference about Biden's open boarder which highlighted Child trafficking. At 12:05 Sen. Ron Johnson (one of our best representatives) spoke of the suffering of children and the 85,000 missing. He said he had a zoom call with Tim Ballard and spoke to him about the film and Speaker McCarthy is holding a showing of the film next week, he encouraged all to see it. He called for pressure to be brought by the public to stop these atrocities.

Later in the talk he speaks of a safe house in Guatamala he visited where little girls of sex trafficking where cared for. The youngest was 11 yrs. old and there where cribs for the babies these children where having.

The woman senator after Johnson is also good. I didn't catch her name but a new comer to the senate and she sounds good so far. The other guys are ok too its just that Sen. Johnson is always so impressive.

There have been 300,000 unaccompanied minors come into the country, 85,000 are missing is my understanding. Others are in slave labor situations and with questionable guardians.

Interesting that QAnon is often referenced in child trafficking/sacrificing articles/videos presumably to ultimately discredit their legitimacy.
Hang on, I am not denying that such practices run in those circles, but that article you linked quite literally says the following:

The most prominent theory is that this has something to do with initiation rites, or perhaps a ceremony and sign of allegiance within the Illuminati, and I’d have to agree.

My only conclusion thus far is that we’re witnessing a rather bizarre worship of the Egyptian sun god Horus. In the Mysteries of Isis, Horus’ left eye was black, representing the moon. His right eye was white, representing the sun. These are also the two pillars of Freemasonry. The third pillar, or the third eye, represents the Kabbilistic tree of life and the god within. Actually, Horus lost one eye while reclaiming the throne from his uncle Set. That eye was restored through the alchemical powers of Thoth Hermes.

And anyone reading that would think... based on what evidence? how did you arrive at that conclusion?
Now my question is, if Q was a psy-op created to subvert people why was pedophilia the main subject? Isn't this and all thats associated with it something "they" wished to hide?
I would say because of the deep levels of discomfort that the topic generates, and because of how ignored the topic is where it would seem so implausible, and so outrageous, that it would be simple to label everyone a nut job. Besides, it would be easy o catch people's pattern recognition systems going nuts and labeling everyone and everything in a specific light with more and more outrageous claims.

Some people would simply go too far, and those would be easy to discredit, and the whole idea would be discredited by default. And now anyone who considers that there's a large organized system, to which some of the elites the world over belong to, is entirely discredited, like believing in flat earth.

So, by presenting it, they made sure it would become an untouchable subject. An uncritical mind, or a mob of uncritical thinkers, when presented with some truth and just enough disinformation, do everyone else a disservice by running crazy with whatever revelation.

it has happened before, remember the whole "the queen is a lizard"? and there were people who would slow down videos of her sneezing or something and go "see?! she's slipping!!"

It's the easiest way to prevent a topic from being discussed, find a way in which no one will want to even broach the subject.
I would say because of the deep levels of discomfort that the topic generates, and because of how ignored the topic is where it would seem so implausible, and so outrageous, that it would be simple to label everyone a nut job. Besides, it would be easy o catch people's pattern recognition systems going nuts and labeling everyone and everything in a specific light with more and more outrageous claims.

Some people would simply go too far, and those would be easy to discredit, and the whole idea would be discredited by default. And now anyone who considers that there's a large organized system, to which some of the elites the world over belong to, is entirely discredited, like believing in flat earth.

So, by presenting it, they made sure it would become an untouchable subject. An uncritical mind, or a mob of uncritical thinkers, when presented with some truth and just enough disinformation, do everyone else a disservice by running crazy with whatever revelation.

it has happened before, remember the whole "the queen is a lizard"? and there were people who would slow down videos of her sneezing or something and go "see?! she's slipping!!"

It's the easiest way to prevent a topic from being discussed, find a way in which no one will want to even broach the subject.

Ok, that makes sense. Now they're trotting out this Q dirt to divert exposure concerning the movie/trafficking of children and its failing, which is how I see it anyway. It's ridiculous. Could we say the Q psy-op was a flop then, that its backfired on them? They took a chance, exposed the truth and then it was out in the public where the affects where actually uncertain. The Big, Ugly Truth is coming out anyway and the Q scam was a finger in the dam trying to hold things together.

The Q people are probably saying "we told you so".

Or........ maybe there where 2 Q's ! :lol: I thought it an interesting idea but I'm not attached to it.
In something you linked to... I think it was in the Lynne Packer/American Crime Journal material.. it seems that Glenn Beck actually penned the storied myth surrounding Tim Ballard: you know, the necklace, the Rambo like action figure saving the lives of these enslaved children, etc. I found this especially interesting given I seem to remember George Webb mentioning Beck is 100% CIA owned and controlled.
I've noticed that you reference George Webb quite often in your posts, and I'm just curious as to why you trust his information? I've said it before, but I don't trust 'George Webb' one bit. I'm sorry I can't remember in detail all the 'exposures' and 'revelations' he has made, that later has proven not to be even remotely true, but that's my informed impression'I have of him that has cumulated during many years.

For instance, some years ago I was reading and following heavily the pedophile/SRA stuff, with characters like Isaac Kappy and Fiona Barnett, and I remember 'George Webb' from those times as he labeled many of the child sex investigators or whistleblowers as controlled opposition without much/any evidence.

I haven't seen Sound of Freedom yet (but intend to) but at least at this point I have to agree that some posts here appear to go too far with nitpicking and 'seeing something that isn't necessarily there', the conspiracy of this film being a plot to microchip our children being one of them. One thing I learned from doing a deep dive into the pedophile/SRA stuff is that the countermeasures, distractions and attacks these groups engage in are more sophisticated and clever than in, let's say, politics. So, I wouldn't be suprised if most of these 'revelations' and 'debunkings' aimed at various critical thinkers in the alternative media sphere originate from the evildoers themselves.
Another aspect that is worth observing IMO is the moral or philosophical reaction of individuals towards the subject itself. It's difficult to imagine but it's possible that many people didn't know that human and child trafficking/abuse/exploitation exists. Now that they know, what do they think/feel about it? I think all these questions are more or less interesting but one has to be careful of how to frame them. OSIT

It seems incredulous to imagine that people did not know, like one would need to be living under a rock, yet as you say, it is possible. It is possible that many live or have lived an insulated life or having been overly sheltered by parents to just not know the dept and breadth of this human flesh trading. A film like this might shake them to the core - a core that is largely shared across humanity. People may talk and share more. It might be obvious that there are also those who don't want it talked about, and from their perspective they might be willing to throw up all kinds of road blocks that have bearing on those who want to talk and share. Those people might be willing to see how they can game it - control and profit from it. This is not new.

As for the message and messengers, the former takes precedence - it is not a hypothesis, it is an ugly fact, yet as in all things left and right one naturally should pay attention. Thus, many true (realities) messages are messaged by both people with good and bad intentions, and the latter may have different aims which does not change the initial message only what they would wish to have happen with it.

Truman let it be known that there was a military industrial complex to be aware of, yet he himself had well served it as a warmonger to the detriment of millions. There are many examples of important messages through people sometimes at odds with the message itself.
Interesting that QAnon is often referenced in child trafficking/sacrificing articles/videos presumably to ultimately discredit their legitimacy.
Hang on, I am not denying that such practices run in those circles, but that article you linked quite literally says the following:
And anyone reading that would think... based on what evidence? how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Ok, I inadvertently caused some confusion here. The quote from me was an add on to the subject matter I posted in that I was searching for some vids that connected adrenochrome with the Black Eye club and child trafficking/sacrifice. The vids that I saw kept inserting QAnon into the narrative which instantly rendered the vids invalid to me. One that I viewed, though, repeated the Egyptian sun god eye business which surprised me. Below is the vid with the Egyptian tale beginning @4:25:

This vid didn't say anything about adrenochrome (or QAnon) so I kept looking, but this was after I saw the following that turned out not to be a viable vid:


Clicking on it opens this:


and this:


Turns out it's a promotion for the book Alive After the Fall and that's all.

This one was good until 8 minutes in:

Another Q statement @15:11. The vid is the End of Part 8.

I re-watched this one and it seems like it is the first one with the bad link - English then German:


I believe I came across either another article or vid on the subject that also inserted QAnon and that's why I stated what I did. The guilty parties really don't want the general public to think these terrible things are really happening and what better way to discredit them than make a QAnon association - especially after the J6 shaman publicity.

Hope this clears up the confusion.
I believe I came across either another article or vid on the subject that also inserted QAnon and that's why I stated what I did.
Here we go and with the Egyptian myth, too:

This page has the previously referenced English/German vid in it, but just 6 min. It also has an audio only vid - 2:23:49 long. Did not listen to it all, but just a little to determine that adrenochrome and associated ills are addressed.


More QAnon linkage from previously referenced article/vid - screenshot:


I think we can get a clue as to the real program here: Make outrageous claims/connect to QAnon/Pizzagate while obscuring that the source is really the ultimate culprits . . . CIA disinformation agents. But look how many people are sucked in until the QAnon link invalidates it all! What idiots to believe all these famous people are doing such despicable things! And they're all so clumsy getting those black eyes - too many recreational elixirs of one kind or another - but not adrenochrome!

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