Sound of Freedom

‘Sound of Freedom’ audience members claim theaters are sabotaging showings​

Several moviegoers have claimed that movie theaters are intentionally sabotaging showings of the controversial film “Sound of Freedom” by either forgetting to dim the lights, or in at least one case, turning off the air conditioning in the theater.

Since the film opened July 4, several patrons of AMC Theatres and Regal Cinemas have complained on social media that they have been forced to evacuate theaters due to unforeseen circumstances.

The rapper also claimed that when he went to purchase tickets, the entire theater was almost booked but when he arrived it was just him, his partner and “maybe eight other people in the whole theatre.”

The Post reached out to AMC for comment.

One TikTok user who saw the film opening day claimed the theatrical experience was “uncomfortable.”

On a post with over 900,000 views, Ohio rapper Jamskillet — born Jacob Matthews — told his followers that when he saw the film with his girlfriend, “there was no AC running” and it “was unbearably hot.”

Matthews, 30, said that he sought out an AMC employee and asked to have the AC restored — only for the worker to reply that it wasn’t working.

The rapper also claimed that when he went to purchase tickets, the entire theater was almost booked but when he arrived it was just him, his partner and “maybe eight other people in the whole theatre.”

Since being released, the film has been criticized for furthering QAnon conspiracy theories. Caviezel, 54, is said to have regularly repeated such falsehoods.©Amazon/Courtesy Everett Collection
“I didn’t think anything of this until I got on TikTok a few days later, and come to find out that hundreds of other people are experiencing the same thing,” he added. “So AMC and Regal, the people who own it, are not running AC and they’re making it hard to get tickets.”

Another user posted a video of an employee offering attendees “free passes to come back and see [the movie] again, hopefully without interruption” after the lights failed to dim.

The employee then said that they “apologize for the inconvenience. But we’re getting it hopefully looked at later in the week.”

“Really,” commented the person filming the video, which has accumulated 7 million views.

Another user posted a video of an employee offering attendees “free passes to come back and see [the movie] again, hopefully without interruption” after the lights failed to dim.TikTok/leannestone2“This is called intentional,” said a bearded man near the camera. “They don’t want it to go to the box office gross. Don’t take the money.”TikTok/leannestone2The employee then said that they “apologize for the inconvenience. But we’re getting it hopefully looked at later in the week.”TikTok/leannestone2
“This is called intentional,” said a bearded man near the camera. “They don’t want it to go to the box office gross. Don’t take the money.”

The camera then pans up to the lights which flicker as the movie continues to play on-screen.

Adam Aron, CEO of AMC Theatres, called out the accusers on Twitter — throwing water on the idea that the movie giant was “suppressing” the film.

“Really bizarre FUD [fear, uncertainty and doubt] floating around Twitter that we are suppressing attendance for Sound of Freedom,” tweeted Aron. “Yesterday we showed that movie 3,000 times at our 570 U.S. theatres and more than 100,000 people watched it @AMCTheatres. Misinformation on Twitter is astonishing. Bots? Haters?”

What do you think? Post a comment.
Aron followed up the tweet last week, claiming that 1 million people had now seen the film at an AMC theater.

“Sadly, conspiracy theorists are so prevalent in America. So much garbage information is spread,” read the tweet. “More than ONE MILLION people have watched Sound of Freedom at AMC Theatres. More than at any other theatre chain on the planet. Yet people falsely claim otherwise. It is so bizarre.”

Jul 2, 2023 11:18pm PT By Owen Gleiberman
It's been sold as a "conservative" thriller, but you don't need that mindset to find it compelling.
Tweeter crowd
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It looks like the discussion concerns different aspects. A first one would be the subject of the movie itself: is it good, is it bad, etc.
The second would be the subject of the movie: is human and child trafficking a good or a bad thing. I think we all agree here that that human trafficking is bad and beyond bad. That some people out there think it's not a big deal or not bad is already concerning. Another aspect is the reception of the movie: are people attacking the movie, the content of the movie, or the subject of the movie. That's an interesting angle. Another aspect is the intent of making the movie: is there an agenda etc. It is a complex thing to disentangle because good people can do good things for the good reasons (super rare), bad people can do good things for the bad reasons (quite common), good people can do good things for the bad reasons (are they still good?) and bad people can do good things for good reasons (redemption?). And any of those possibilities can have good (less probable) or bad (more probable) consequences and results. Another aspect is how different actors will profit from the movie: more funding for the organizers, more surveillance from big tech/global technocracy, some small trafficking gangs being arrested, etc.
Another aspect that is worth observing IMO is the moral or philosophical reaction of individuals towards the subject itself. It's difficult to imagine but it's possible that many people didn't know that human and child trafficking/abuse/exploitation exists. Now that they know, what do they think/feel about it? I think all these questions are more or less interesting but one has to be careful of how to frame them. OSIT
The propaganda of this movie is remarkable so I have My doubts of the clean intention, but maybe some people Will start to see and Will be aware of this horrible situation...

I have not seen the movie yet. This post is not about the plot but rather about the politics unfolding in Mexico now that Eduardo Verástegui is in the spotlight for the media success of Sounds of Freedom

Who is Eduardo Verástegui?

As you know, Eduardo is the producer of Sounds of Freedom, an actor and an avowed ultra-conservative and extreme right-wing Mexican political activist.

The Mexican ultra-right, like others around the world, is part of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference). CPAC is an international forum that brings together ultra-right leaders and associations from around the world.

The founder of the Viva Mexico association, Eduardo Verástegui, served as host of the CPAC event in November 2022. In his speech he stated, "We are the true right. And although there are those who say they are too, in reality they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Conservatives are the true right, and we will never negotiate with those who do not defend the family and life before conception. (...)
Conservative associations under the CPAC umbrella see a society that is increasingly decadent, corrupt and deviating from Christian values. They feel that their religious freedom is under siege. They believe that communism has found a way to capture democratic institutions and seize power.

CPAC associations are fearful of the advance of socialism in Latin America and have set out to do whatever it takes to stop the left. Whatever it takes means dressing up as sheep while being wolves.

The CPAC meeting was attended by Steve Bannon, a key advisor to Republican Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, who claimed that electronic voting will be used to "steal" elections from Mexicans

Taking advantage of the success of Sounds of Freedom in social networks, Eduardo Verástegui announced through social networks, in a political message with religious overtones and practically a year before the elections, his intention to run for the Presidency of Mexico in 2024.

Eduardo's ideology borders on religious fundamentalism and he emphasizes his belief in "a Mexico that allows God to be the center of our nation".

Unfortunately for Eduardo and the extreme right, the National Action Party (P.A.N, which represents the right and the opposition in Mexico) aims to select Xochitl Galvez as its candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. Xochitl has openly declared himself a Marxist and Trotskyist... but that doesn't matter as long as P.A.N tries to return to the power.

This bothered Eduardo a lot and he sent the following message via Twitter now that he is better known thanks to Sound of Freedom.​

"Mexico, the P.A.N. is dead, and we are not sure that it rests in peace, because it died in disgrace. The PAN leadership betrayed its militancy by imposing a candidate who represents the opposite of the values defended by the majority of its followers. [A commentary by Xochitl Galvez, who claims to be a Marxist and a Trostkyist, follows.]​
The parasites of power killed the PAN with a shotgun model Xochitl Galvez 666, continues Verástegui. With the arrival of progressive Supremacism to the PAN, today that party and MORENA party (National Reconstruction Movement now in power) are exactly the same.​
I have been telling you, all the parties are the same and let it be clear, I am talking about the leaderships whose members are promoters of the populist, communist and Trostkyist left, that is the bad news.​
But I have very good news for you. Although the majority of the Mexican people have been left without political representation, they are not orphans. Many Mexicans who already saw this wave of betrayal coming have been building a movement of patriots that seeks to defend the three pillars that sustain this great nation: God, country and family. That is why I want to invite you to join this movement, to join this army of Mexicans that will not allow them to steal our souls. No, no, we will not allow it. Stay tuned, because very soon we will let you know how to join this movement. The time has come for family unity, because together we are stronger, the gates of the "Viva Mexico" movement. Long live Mexico, God bless you.
While the right and the extreme right are settling their differences, Cinepolis, the most important movie theater chain in Latin America, has already announced the screening of the film on August 31.

Everything is ready to position the wolf Eduardo Verástegui as the sheep that will save Mexico from child trafficking and socialism...

In politics nothing happens by accident
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Sorry, your answer was not clear to me. You say that it is possible to separate the work from the author? [..] So his work is influenced by the way he acts in life. I find it difficult to try to separate his work from his person.
The words "work" and "author" were not used in my response to your comment; the words "message" and "messenger" were. A "work", particularly a "life's work" may contain multiple messages, only some of which may be correct. Conflating concepts doesn't help add signal to this discussion, which is not about some pathological 'philosopher', but about a movie that reveals truths about child trafficking.
As outlined by this article: Pathetic media attacks on movie about child trafficking 'Sound of Freedom' driven by bigotry and fear -- the media is freaking-out about a movie (from what I understand a "fiction" based on real events) that denounces the most abject of all crimes against children. Apparently, despite the establishment's attacks, the movie is doing relatively well against idiotic movies like indiana jones 5 and the flash.. 12? after being blocked by Disney and being bought from them by a small distribution company. But the overall attitude of these "opinion makers" says a lot about their rotten minds.

Here are some discussions about the movie and what it exposes:

This one is an interview by J. Peterson
I would make a couple of small corrections after watching a lengthy interview with the producer/actor and Tim Ballard himself. They wanted to do a South American release and approached Disney SA which was interested, but couldn't pull the trigger without approval from above. Disney said "this isn't for us" but still owned the rights. It wasn't bought by Angel Studios, it was bought back from Disney by the producer, which took some time because he still owed something like $5million. After that, he shopped it around for 2 years before he found a distributor.

The story itself is mostly true but pared down due to budget. The real operation saved about 120 children, not just the 50 that were portrayed. The bust occurred in 3 locations at once. Tim Ballard admits that some of the lines were changed because what he said in real life portrayed, in his words "his own cowardice" and didn't make for good cinema. Though I wish they'd kept the line his wife actually gave him - instead of "Then you quit and go save those kids" she actually said after a discussion where he really thought he would have to come home so he wouldn't end up jobless and homeless with 5 kids, "You will not jeopardize my salvation!" I found him truly inspiring, but I also read he was just pushed out as CEO of the Nazarene Fund and Operation Underground Railroad, so if the matrix is coming for anyone, it seems to be Tim Ballard. I hope it's not a hint at something else, because we need heroes. Check out his interview with Tim Pool from 7/11. I can't link it because I'm at work and youtube age-gates Tim Pool.
Haven't read all of this thread, just skimmed through. Appears to be a lot more here than meets the eye and deserves closer attention. Meanwhile:

Tim Ballard, Who Inspired Sound Of Freedom, Out At Both Organizations He Led
Tim Ballard, who the movie “Sound of Freedom” is based on, is reportedly out at both of the organizations that he led.

Motherboard reported Wednesday that Ballard was no longer the CEO of the Nazarene Fund, an anti-trafficking organization backed by Glenn Beck.

“Tim Ballard is no longer the CEO of the Nazarene Fund,” the organization said in a statement. “The Nazarene Fund continues to be focused on our mission to Rescue, Rebuild and Restore. There are so many people around the world who are in need of our unique services and we are grateful for the support we receive to help us accomplish our mission.”

The news comes after Ballard “quietly parted ways” with Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), an organization that he founded and was the basis for the movie, which recently hit theaters.

Motherboard reported late last week that Ballard allegedly went to donors and told them that he had been “forced out” and wanted help to create a new organization.

“While Tim Ballard stepped away from OUR several weeks ago, we continue to pursue OUR’s core mission,” OUR said in a statement. “We are excited that many are learning about the organization and its rescue operations and are seeking ways to support it.”

Ballard told Tim Pool on a podcast last week that he was stepping down from the group to start a new foundation called the SPEAR Fund.

He said, “I told Angel Studios, take the logo off of OUR … because so many organizations out there are doing such great work, and we’re not the solution to every kid.”

“I have hope,” Ballard said during the podcast as donations started pouring in. “For the first time I have hope that we can actually make an enormous impact in the fight against child slavery.”

As of the time of publication, Operation Underground Railroad’s website still featured Ballard’s name and photo on its “about us” page.

Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent, was appointed by former President Donald Trump to a federal advisory panel on human trafficking.

I thought of this while listening to this little video that puts Oprah in the spotlight. Is she the first in a series of characters who will fall one after the other? Who's behind it?
Yeah, I've seen a picture of Oprah with Tom Hanks and I believe, her bestie, Gayle King, posing in front of a clock with Pizzagate type "numerals". Likely from Vigilant Citizen back when one could readily access their content. That pic may even be on the forum somewhere, I don't know. Of course Hanks became known for his many odd pics of single gloves and socks - quite weird and disturbing. Where there's smoke, there's fire . . .

Screenshot of VC's current front page:
Tthis post is really really long. I apologise, but for those that don't have time to watch hours of YouTube, I am trying to offer some kind of overview - then you can explore more if you feel to.

I am wondering if this whole situation unfolding - with the movie "Sound of Freedom" coming out - is a perfect illustration of 'hubris'. I see that it has the potential to competely 'blow up' in the faces of those orchestrating all of this.

They may get lots of money and attention, and 'hope' to implement the next phase of the plan (chipping kids/and god knows what else they have planned) but on a broader scale, because there is so much focus on this subject because of the film and social media, there is also the risk of exposure on a level they cannot imagine possible in their worst nightmares, as more people ask questions / look much closer / share information. For those with eyes to see, people will not be able to 'unsee' what is going on with this organisation, or those at the heart of this agenda. Ultimately, it seriously has the potential to backfire massively and support more people to become aware on so many levels.

Just a heads up: pretty much everyone mentioned in this post below is a MORMON. He's a Mormon, she's a Mormon... all their family and friends are Mormon... Mormon, Mormon, Mormon. Holy shi-ite Mormons... I have never heard / read the word Mormon so many times as I have in the last couple of days. Just assume Mormons are e v e r y w h e r e... because it would appear that they actually are... and I'm starting to wonder if anyone in Utah is not a Mormon! 🙄 Newsflash: anyone connected to Tim Ballard is super likely to be one.

Glad I cleared that up. No offence to anyone Mormon, I don't (and would not want to) have authority over what others put their faith in, but it appears that some of these Mormon folk have hatched a plan and some other Mormons who see what is going on are doing their best to 'shine some light' on concerns they have about how 'shady dealings' are bringing their beloved Church into 'disrepute'. It's kinda like watching 'War of the Mormons!'. (I keep thinking I just typed 'Morons' every time I see that word.) There are moments where I feel like I have been sucked into an alternate reality... 'mormon-tarily'... and I may never get out alive 🤪 Arrgghhhhhhhhh!

OK, so... I have been doing some digging to find out about the origins of 'Liberty and Light' - the organisation I mentioned in my last post which clearly has a connection to Tim Ballard's new 'SPEAR Fund'. I could not understand why there was no information on the SPEAR webpage about their 'mission', however info about them was on 'Liberty and Light', so I was curious.

On a website called 'American Crime Journal' I found multiple YouTube presentations from a journalist Lynn Packer relating to Tim Ballard / OUR. (Yes, he's a Mormon). He seems to have done a great deal of research on Tim, his associates, OUR and more. (I am guessing those at ACJ are probably all Mormons too, I haven't checked)

Lynne Packer has been a journalist a long time and is ex military.

I have not watched much of this (got sidetracked) but there is an Interview about Packer's history here.

How Lynn Packer became involved in this story...
In connection to OUR, Packer started researching / reporting in 2014 - Sean Reyes was appointed Utah Attorney General - and within just one month he appeared to have a strong alliance with Tim Ballard [ I would not be remotely surprised if they had a connection well prior to his appointment to Attorney General].

Like Ballard, Sean Reyes is also (you guessed it) a Mormon and one of the most visible political champions of OUR.
Reyes joined Ballard on raids in Haiti and Colombia and according to his LinkedIn profile, is a "global ambassador" for OUR.
Reyes was also one of the producers of "Sound of Freedom."
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Packer reported/published from 2014-2018 about OUR/Ballard/Reyes and then dropped it.
Once OUR were investigated in 2020, he recommenced his own investigations.
(He has a huge series of YouTube presentations on 'American Crime Journal' on this subject if you want to explore further.)

Tim Ballard’s Secret “Whiteboard Meeting” in August 2019

Posted : March 2021.
Packer outlines an overview from a 'Secret Whiteboard Meeting' regarding 'Slave Stealers LLC' (for profit).
'Liberty and Light' is connected to Slave Stealers as an 'Equity Trust'.
Packer gives an overview of organisations and people connected to Tim Ballard / 'OUR', headed by 'Slave Stealers LLC'.
There is so much information in this presentation I don't really know where to start / how to summarise it clearly so will copy some screenshots and try to give you a basic overview. (There are subtitles in the presentation for non English speakers but hopefully I have given enough info that you get the general idea.)

Purported evidence of the whiteboard plan drawn by Tim Ballard below... (shame they don't have a photo with him writing on it!)
Some areas are blanked out for 'legal reasons'. It would be interesting to see a clear close up version of this with no 'white outs'.
It's hard to read, but at the top right you can see "take sizzle on the RESCUE". I think sizzle is related to 'drama, publicity, filming'?
Sizzle is also mentioned in red under OUR / The Nazarene Fund / Children Need Families so it appears clear that this is where all the 'promotion' and attention has been as they grew this project over the years and where the majority of funding has been channelled.

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Below is a simplified version of the whiteboard - note below the channelling of funds filtering through to (currently a webpage with no active links). Funds also then cycle back to Russell Ballard 'Silent Partner' who has a vested interest in ongoing profits from 'Slave Stealers LLC', upcoming proposed 'Slave Stealers' TV show / book revenue and proceeds from "Sound of Freedom" film... and... heavens only knows what else.

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Slave Stealers LLC
Silent Partner
- M Russell Ballard: (I don't think he is directly related to Tim Ballard)

Partner - Brian Norton
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The presentation Packer offers explores the structure of the organisation 'Slave Stealers', demonstrates how family members of Tim Ballard (including his wife and other family members) and Russell Ballard (and his family) are all directly involved / actively promoting OUR and other affiliated 'not for profit'.

Katherine Ballard (Tim's wife) is the CEO of CNF (Children Need Families)

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What could they be hiding???

Tim and his cohorts have been making big plans...
Tim has been very busy, writing books while rescuing children and smashing pedo rings.
Where does he find the time....? 🤔
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I looked these up: both registered on the same day, different companies.

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Stowaway Productions is linked to a planned 'Slave Stealers' TV series.

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In this presentation, Packer also focuses on orphanages / funding to build a new orphanage via 'anonymous donors' which I assume are directly/indirectly funnelled from OUR. There is a reason they are wanting these children to be processed through the orphanages and no doubt there is a lot of greasing of palms with 'authorities'... but what is the end agenda? To bring them all into the Mormon church, or are they made 'available' to other hidden parties? The mind boggles.

Recall the above quote in relation to the ambitions/intentions of OUR:

An orphanage run by Guesno Mardy is highlighted in the presentation:
The Gardy Centre at Foyer de Sion - 'Home of Zion', as well as others he was connected to.
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There has been a phenomenal amount of money funnelled into OUR. They reportedly received $47 million in donations in 2020 (I am assuming this is USD). It appears the Gardy orphanage may have been used as a way of distributing or perhaps laundering funds as well as a tangible 'lure' for donations (through widespread heavy marketing via social media), but also a way of funnelling children through the organisation / a endless stream of available children for adoption and to promote the 'cause'. It seems apparent that massive funds are likely to have been misappropriated/used fraudulently in connection with the orphanage.

Many of the children in the Gardy orphanage are not sex trafficked, often they are surrendered to the orphanage because people cannot feed or provide for their children but it appears this is not clarified to those applying to adopt children - and despite the massive donations to OUR (many on the pretext that they are supporting the orphanage/sex trafficked children), the children still live in atrocious conditions. Prospective parents wishing to adopt children from the orphanage pay around 20,000 (USD?) as well as making other donations, it is clear this money is not being used to improve the living circumstances of the children or the workers/carers connected to this 'establishment'.

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Operation VOODOO?? Say no more.

After the Haiti earthquake The UK Independent ran a post quake story:

There is much more in the presentation than what I have posted - (there is a whole series of these presentations!) :nuts:
If you listen to it at a higher speed, it doesn't take too long, he speaks pretty slowly.

Packer affirms in another presentation that Tim Ballard / OUR :

- does not support Transgender surgery, puberty blockers etc
when it comes to children;
- supports Russia, Putin in Ukraine war

That kinda surprised me.
But there it is.

Journalists (including Lynn Packer) discuss OUR / Tim Ballard / falsehoods in 'Sound of Freedom":
Sound of Freedom, Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad

"Mormon Stories Podcast with John Dehlin discusses the new hit movie Sound of Freedom – based loosely on the work of Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad. Joining us for the interview will be journalists Anna Merlan and Tim Marchman for Vice News and Lynn Packer for American Crime Journal – all who have been heavily involved in coverage of this story."

If you don't want to listen to all of this, you can hear what Packer has to say from approx 1:24:00
There is also some discussion in this interview that the inflated attention on international sex trafficking is also removing the focus from the fact that the majority of kids that are abused or sexually violated are often at risk in their own homes / by someone close to their family / in their community / church etc. 'Money and resources are being redirected overseas when there are real and significant threats in front of us'.

This is what Lynn Packer says about the film plot:

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Packer focuses in this presentation on the film script of "Sound of Freedom".
Timeframes, misinformation, fabrication of events.

Why has Tim Ballard left OUR / The Nazarene Fund?

Around 2:34.00 the interviewer asks Packer if he has:
"any insider information about why OUR has kicked Tim Ballard out of the organisation?"

Packer replies that 'it's the second time (that Tim has left OUR)
. The first time he says Tim resigned after it was disclosed he was making 300K+ per annum (the board admitted it seemed excessive - but maybe it was worth it). Then he took no salary for a year, he didn't leave completely, he wasn't CEO, he may have helped with fundraising - but he was essentially out of the non profit. Then for whatever reason they pulled him back in for whatever reason - he went for maybe another year taking no salary - and recently his salary has gone up to half a million per annum. There are so many things going wrong, so much trauma going on within OUR that it could be a lot of things. Tim says himself he suffers from OCD and PTSD - his leaving could be for health reasons.

Packer talks about some issues relating to OUR and the Smart Foundation (Elizabeth Smart kidnapped at 14) originally having an association and then Elizabeth and her father pulling away from OUR after initially 'working together'. Ed Smart was very unhappy about the aftercare of victims being 'provided' by OUR. More about this here, as well as information about inflation / distortion of statistics constantly repeated by Tim Ballard, (inflating around 800%) and upon investigation have been affirmed to be completely incorrect and basically delusional.

Personally I doubt Tim Ballard leaving OUR is for health reasons, given how fast he started SPEAR and is pumping info via 'Liberty and Light' website, seeking donations through that site and SPEAR, and giving interviews promoting / announcing SPEAR. I would say he is using the 'momentum' and 'limelight' from his 'Hero' status around the release of Sound of Freedom to ensure people focus on where Tim 'leads' and continue to donate to a cause he is directly and actively connected to.

I just did a search before posting and saw this article:

Tim Ballard Out as CEO at Glenn Beck-Backed Nazarene Fund

Significance of the number 89?
Tim has an instagram handle that is 'timballard89' and I recall something about 'Liberty89' - I don't know what the significance of the number 89 is. I have looked up this reference in relation to the Book of Mormon, but couldn't find anything obvious, so if anyone else has a clue I would be interested to hear. Perhaps it has some religious/historical significance, I haven't done enough research to make a link with anything yet.

Published material I noticed, highlighting serious issues with Tim Ballard / OUR:

'Called by God' - In 2014, I went on a vigilante raid to “save” kids sold for sex. What we did haunts me now.

2021 Article from a woman (journalist) who was asked by Tim Ballard to be part of a 'sting' operation.
Worth the read and reflection. Particularly in terms of trauma and lack of aftercare for victims which has been a recurring theme with many things I have read.

"Operation Underground Railroad exaggerated role in child exploitation investigations"

2021 Article : highlighting misrepresentation that OUR was donating money to government agencies connected to anti trafficking and using information/updates from the achievements of the agency to suggest OUR was directly involved in their operations / success.

🧐 It seems possible that Tim Ballard and his associates might be on 'a mission from God' to 'save' as many people as possible, bringing them to the Mormon Church, that 'Slave Stealers LLC' and its labyrinth of subsidiaries was a pathway devised to implement that. What is also clear is that they are very focused on generating a massive amount of income through donations to keep them in the lifestyle they would like to be accustomed to, as well as (I assume) to fund the next phases of their 'great plan'.
Never mind who becomes 'collateral damage' or is massively traumatised in the process.
'It's for the 'greater good!!' they reassure themselves. 'God told us to do it!'
Or maybe what they consider the 'greater God?' 🙄
Now that he has been pushed from both OUR and Nazarene Fund, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Tim has written a book called 'The Covenant' so I am going to do some reading about that next. I assume it is a foundational part of this pathway he and Russell Ballard seem to have forged in tandem. I assume that Russell Ballard is mentoring Tim. Every time I see reference to that term, Covenant, I keep thinking of the Covenant spoken about by the C's. Ughhhhh. Shudder.

Goodness only knows what has happened to that young boy Gardy Mardy, the kid who was abducted that apparently was the 'inspiration' for this whole 'OUR project'. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that the US Gov was behind his abduction from the start / or someone directly connected to the Mormon Church who wanted to execute this plan... but maybe I am just getting way too cynical in my old age. The more I look, the more I hear, the more I dig, the story around him feels like a setup, not something 'random'.

Hold your loved ones close.

Thanks @forest_light for putting all this together. Interesting how the Mormon Church is so involved, though not surprising since the corruption at the top of that organization has been on numerous researchers' radar for years.

In something you linked to... I think it was in the Lynne Packer/American Crime Journal material.. it seems that Glenn Beck actually penned the storied myth surrounding Tim Ballard: you know, the necklace, the Rambo like action figure saving the lives of these enslaved children, etc. I found this especially interesting given I seem to remember George Webb mentioning Beck is 100% CIA owned and controlled. And what do our intel agencies mostly focus on? Manipulating the masses through all manner of disinfo/psychological operations.

Since Ballard is being set up as a "real" hero in all this, I thought Packer's list was useful enough to re-post (although I recommend people read forest_light's entire post, and at least some of the links):

This is what Lynn Packer says about the film plot:

Main Plot Pure Fiction.png

As per forest_light's post (and other commentary in this thread), creating a hero out of a phony, lying CIA trained con artist like Tim Ballard who's out to make a buck in the lucrative child sex trafficking industry seems just about right. That's the film I would make, actually. (Now that I think about it.)

Having said that, it seems that CPAC supports Sound of Freedom and supports Trump, and Trump is screening the film. And for good reason. His "base" are hell bent on stopping child sex trafficking. And I'm willing to assume that most of them are sincere in that objective. (I just noticed @Puma's post talks about CPAC, so you can refer to his post for more info.)

So, I guess we just have to sit tight as see how this all plays out.

Let's not forget, though, how Trump pushed the vax enthusiastically without any warning about it's being Emergency Use, and experimental.

As I stated earlier, I'm sure he'll also be pushing this film without giving any warning as to the numerous troubling pitfalls many of us have been assembling here. But then that's Trump.

Not unrelated, what's interesting about having RFK Jr. running right now is that it seems to be forcing Trump to have to be more specific with his message. I know Kennedy has already pointed out how Trump had investments in both Pfizer and Moderna -- and in the aftermath of that happening I noticed that Trump had made statements I never heard him make before about targeting Big Pharma. So, things could get far more interesting with Kennedy in the ring.
Sorry, your answer was not clear to me. You say that it is possible to separate the work from the author? I used the example of Foucault, because as I said before, the man had a fixation with power and his works speak of the dynamics of power in society. It is a truth because it is what power does, like saying that the sun is hot. Now, this whole issue of power in Foucault that he talks about in his works, when we see how he acted in his life, he reflected it in his horrible behavior with children. I remember the C's saying that the issue of sex is not just about pleasure, it's about CONTROL AND POWER over others. So his work is influenced by the way he acts in life. I find it difficult to try to separate his work from his person.
I see your point, in Foucault's case his message aligned with some deeply disturbed and pathological character. So, one could look at his message and compare it against his character and one would find him being completely "honest" about what he was trying to accomplish, disturbed but sincere.

The thing with this films is that it's a bit more of a stretch in my opinion. They made a movie about how child trafficking is wrong, because they want mormon converts? or because they want to chip everyone? or because they want to make money? or because they want to make child trafficking legal? But the movie doesn't hint at any of the above, there's even a spot at the end where Caviezel talks to the audience directly and says "children are not for sale, share this story, it's a large business".

That's why I find it a stretch to try to infer character flaws on the people behind the "children are not for sale" message. Foucault was explicitly saying, yea pedofilia is cool...and behaved as such. What is being put forward is that this film is saying "yeah, child trafficking is wrong and very widespread.." but somehow want its opposite to become the reality.

Do you follow me? it's like the nefarious purposes don't align with the message of the movie. So, I am not sure Foucault is an adequate analogy.

I am not defending or denying what has been put forth above, the mormon stuff, the money making plans and so on. But we don't have to support them financially beyond the movie, and they're not asking either, and we don't have to convert to mormonism. We don't have to deify them in order to find value in this specific work of fiction.
The words "work" and "author" were not used in my response to your comment; the words "message" and "messenger" were.

Wait, this is easy to understand: the message is the work and the messenger is the author. That's why I put it this way in the question. The message of the film is correct, but the devil is in the details. 🤷‍♂️
Do you follow me? it's like the nefarious purposes don't align with the message of the movie. So, I am not sure Foucault is an adequate analogy.

We agree that this is not the best analogy. I used it as a case where the relationship between message and messenger is quite evident, i.e. the influence of the author, his biases in his work.

That's why I find it a stretch to try to infer character flaws on the people behind the "children are not for sale" message. Foucault was explicitly saying, yea pedofilia is cool...and behaved as such. What is being put forward is that this film is saying "yeah, child trafficking is wrong and very widespread.." but somehow want its opposite to become the reality.

I repeat what I said when I commented on the information provided by forest_light:

Now reading what @forest_light commented if the whole Tim Ballard thing turns out to be like that, if we think about it, the fact that someone has to pay those sums of money to adopt a child, the way they create the whole situation to achieve the task of making that money, to me constitutes another form of trafficking. It's not really helping the children. And the irony of the case is that since Tim Ballard opposes transgender, sex change surgeries... I guess before someone adopts they evaluate if they can be a competent parent because it turns out that those who can pay that kind of money for an adoption may be the ones who then subject those children to the same gender ideology, surgeries and hormones. I don't know, but it would seem to close a circle, and in the end nothing changes... But as I always say, I may be wrong.

I am not defending or denying what has been put forth above, the mormon stuff, the money making plans and so on. But we don't have to support them financially beyond the movie, and they're not asking either, and we don't have to convert to mormonism. We don't have to deify them in order to find value in this specific work of fiction.

And I also agree with the latter, but rotten fish is rotten fish. And what bothers me is that they use such a horrible and painful topic, that although I repeat the message is correct, there is a background of intentions that at the end of the day is just more greed.

Anyway, I have nothing more to say...
Edit: What does "based on truth" mean to you?
Did you watch the serial?
What is truth? If we know that than we know what is based on truth, or not? But how do we know that?
Is it true what is known among people or what is just recorded in police records?
How do you decide whom to believe?
Do you think all police records are based on truth?
What do you know about Croatia, Osijek, and the war in Jugoslavija?
Do you know who is Drago Hedl?
Do you speak Croatian, so you can read articles and decide for yourself?
Do you know who is Kolinda Grabar Kitarović?
Do you know what is 3 Sea initiative?
Do you know what is the role of Croatia in the Ukrainian war?
What do you know about Yugoslavia?
Why I am not a good source for you, but some other random unknown person is, how you decide?
How do you know I am not a police officer who worked on some cases?
Who or what is a relaibale source?
if we think about it, the fact that someone has to pay those sums of money to adopt a child, the way they create the whole situation to achieve the task of making that money, to me constitutes another form of trafficking. It's not really helping the children.

Charging a fee for an adoption can help prevent nefarious things in some circumstances. If I use animal rescue as an example, charging an adoption fee makes it less likely that a dog will be adopted by underground dog fighting rings to be used as bait dogs to train the fighters on. That operation prefers to steal dogs rather than pay for them.

The ability to pay an adoption fee can also indicate that the adopter has the financial means to care for the child. These kids are probably being stolen or picked up for nothing and that makes them harder to trace. If someone is willing to fill in adoption paperwork and meet legal requirements for an adoption, they're less likely to use the child in illegal activities.

Not saying that adoption fees and paperwork is going to protect every child, just that it gives the child a better chance of being safe and well cared for.
Yeah, I've seen a picture of Oprah with Tom Hanks and I believe, her bestie, Gayle King, posing in front of a clock with Pizzagate type "numerals".
The Meat Clock:


Oh, forgot about the black eye!

Hanks became known for his many odd pics of single gloves and socks

Tom Hanks also posts pictures of children’s clothing on the Internet. These pieces of abandoned clothing seem to suggest that children were kidnapped, grabbed off the streets, and bits of clothing were left behind as evidence.


Regarding the black eye club - numerous well-known people sporting shiners:


The most prominent theory is that this has something to do with initiation rites, or perhaps a ceremony and sign of allegiance within the Illuminati, and I’d have to agree.

My only conclusion thus far is that we’re witnessing a rather bizarre worship of the Egyptian sun god Horus. In the Mysteries of Isis, Horus’ left eye was black, representing the moon. His right eye was white, representing the sun. These are also the two pillars of Freemasonry. The third pillar, or the third eye, represents the Kabbilistic tree of life and the god within. Actually, Horus lost one eye while reclaiming the throne from his uncle Set. That eye was restored through the alchemical powers of Thoth Hermes.

And now with the coronavirus, celebrities everywhere are tweeting each other in strange, cryptic messages, as if the adrenochrome has begun to wear off. Ellen’s out of breath. Madnonna’s in a milk bath, surrounded by rose pedals, reading slam poetry about how Corona’s “the great equalizer.” Meanwhile, Tom Hanks, who obsessively takes pictures of a little boy or girls one lost shoe, stands next to Oprah and Gayle King and a hot dog clock with a newly acquired shiner of his own and a sign that reads: “I am not allowed to talk….”
Based off of this photo alone, one is left to wonder whether Oprah or Gayle threw the punch.

David Space recently said: “Whatever happens to Tom Hanks happens to us.”

This is a strange world that we live in.

Interesting that QAnon is often referenced in child trafficking/sacrificing articles/videos presumably to ultimately discredit their legitimacy.
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