Sound of Freedom

It's interesting that the biggest incident in the past that should have been the giant wake-up call regarding child trafficking, the Franklin scandal, was successfully eradicated from public awareness.

This was the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the U.S.A. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.


Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, “Conspiracy of Silence” was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary.

Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.

Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson.

Decamp also wrote a book called the Franklin Coverup
In the Franklin Coverup book it talks about the possible killing of a child at the Bohemian Grove. Here is the link to scans from the book about the killing.

Bush Jr. continues in has father’s Homosexual footsteps, by having callboys visiting the Whitehouse.
“Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool reporter serving the younger Bush–before which Gannon had advertised himself on internet pornography sites as a male “escort” charging $200 an hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch–forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer “I believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person–but I am not in a position to know positively.” ”

The following archive paints a chilling portrait of what is really going on in the upper echelons of the ruling elite here in America. The story involves children from orphanages in Nebraska being flown around the United States by top Republican officials in order to engage in child sex orgies with America's ruling elite. It is a fact that during the 1980's, child sexual services were provided by top Republican officials to key, bureaucrats and diplomats but most importantly, there is a chilling proximity of all of these events and personalities, to the President of the United States at the time, George H.W. Bush. And there have been victims who claim that the President himself engaged in the activities. It is a tale of child sex, murder, espionage, blackmail, and huge payoffs. And all the players are involved. From the White House to the CIA to the media barrons to the Republican elite - right down to the orphanages where they procured their victims.

This story was the second biggest scandal of the 1980's which was completely obliterated by the Bush White House - A complete coordinated blackout by the ruling elite in cooperation with the American television networks. (The biggest scandal being the Bush involvement in the attempted assassination of President Reagan) Since the elite who own the television networks in America are the same elite who feast off the carcass of the American population - just like the Bushes do and who sit on the same boards of the same corporate cartels as the Bushes do - most Americans will never hear of this explosive story. But thanks to the Internet all these suppressed news facts are re-surfacing. Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this horrific tale is that such realities can be so completely obliterated by the powers that be so that, even though these are simply the very biggest most explosive stories of our time - you will never know that they happened.

Boy's Town Abuse!

For years, former Nebraska State Sen. John DeCamp has spearheaded an inquiry into a massive pedophile ring with a base of operations in Omaha, Nebraska, that has been linked to high-ranking political figures in Washington. Recently, DeCamp won a $1 million civil judgment against former big-name Republican Party figure Larry King (an Omaha credit union founder) on behalf of a young man, Paul Bonacci, who charged that King had molested him and brought him into the pedophile ring.

DeCamp was the guest on the February 24 broadcast of Radio Free America, the weekly talk forum sponsored by AFP (American Free Press) with host Tom Valentine. Valentine’s questions are in boldface. DeCamp’s responses are in regular text. Caller’s comments are in italics.

When your client, Paul Bonacci, filed a law suit against Larry King of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, you also named the Catholic Arch diocese of Omaha as a co-defendant. Why?

The reason was that my client said that it was because of a couple of Catholic priests there started doing improper things to him at a very young age that started him into the tragic life that he led. The federal judge ruled that it was not possible to name the archdiocese—that it couldn’t possibly be guilty of anything, because how would they know what individual priests had been doing. In other words: “How would the bishop have known anything to stop it?”

This sounds just like the current controversy in Boston, except this happened long before the Boston scandal.

That’s right. It was exactly like Boston. I took it so seriously at the time that I went to Rome and met with Cardinal Ratzinger. He’s the one who has been in charge of this systemic problem in the church of priests involved in pedophilia. Ratzinger is now in the limelight over this issue, but he couldn’t get anyone to do anything 12 or 13 years ago when I was writing about this and filing my lawsuit.

I appealed the decision removing the diocese from my lawsuit. I went before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and they upheld the judge’s decision in favor of removal of the diocese.

I went on to win the rest of the lawsuit against Larry King, but I was always bitter because I knew that I was right. This problem of priests abusing their position and abusing young children was a serious problem and not being properly dealt with by the church.
In other words, someone had used psychiatric techniques and sexual abuse to alter this young man’s mind.

Yes, and this happened at Boys Town. The story he told was that all of these mind control experiments were being carried out.
Your research has focused on Omaha, but this whole sex ring involving Larry King and Boys Town extends nationwide, all the way to Washington and involves the CIA and parts of the military.

I only focused on Omaha because it happened to be an important staging ground for so much of the intrigue that I documented. There was a confluence of institutions here in the Omaha area that are linked to all of this pedophile network. One of those institutions is Offutt Air Force Base, which, of course, is where the head of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) is located.

The SAC is the most secure place in the world. That’s where they took President Bush on Sept. 11.

As a Nebraska senator, I was in there. They have, beneath the ground, more of a secure barricaded facility that could take a nuclear hit.

What’s interesting—and this came out after the fall of the Soviet Union—is that there were more CIA people stationed and operating out of Omaha and Offutt than at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.

Your research (and that of others) indicates that, for a variety of reasons, this national pedophile network is tied to the mind control and mind-altering experiments that have been conducted by the CIA under such names as MK-ULTRA. These have been acknowledged by the CIA and written about even in such mainstream publications as The New York Times. This mind control programming includes get ting small children and confusing them with sex and drugs.

As I pointed out in my book, many of the kids taken out of Boys Town and who were part of the sex ring being operated by Larry King were often taken out to Offutt Air Force Base. I believe that Offutt was the military component, so to speak, or contact point, for what we now know were mind control experiments in the MK-ULTRA mode.
In your research, John DeCamp, have you been able to link this Jubert to what you’ve been investigating?

John Jubert had some other links that go directly into what we are talking about here. But I don’t think this is the time or the place to go into that right now. He was proved to have skinned alive two little boys from the Omaha area.

I know when you tell people about things like this, they think you are nuts. Are people in denial or does this system go so high that if you challenge those responsible you just disappear or what?

I will say that my client, Monsignor Hupp, had turned over to the bishop the name of a member of the clergy from the Omaha area who had killed a boy and they wouldn’t do anything about it. Again, I can’t go into that now.

I wrote my book at the suggestion of William Colby, the former director of the CIA. He said: “Write it for your own protection. Tell the story and nobody will have any reason to do you in, since you’ve already said it. They may try to make you sound like a kook, but at least they won’t have to kill you to shut you up.”

The Franklin Cover Up is only the tip of the Iceberg

George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders or The Franklin Coverup”.

U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak children over to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, known as a “Brownstone” to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators — some willing and some unwilling participants — got a taste of the “Voodoo Drug” in their drink.
Alexander: Having watched many of Ted Gunderson’s speeches online, in which he exposed child sex trafficking, I personally don’t think he was involved in the coverup. I think (and I accept that I could be wrong) that it was simply impossible at the time for him to expose such a powerful organization.

The true story never has been told that children from orphanages all across America during the 1980s came to Washington DC, paid by the US Taxpayers, to unknowingly participate in the Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring.

Daddy Bush, Dick Cheney, John Sununu, according to sources, would be standing in line to greet the children and their caretakers as they came to the Vice President’s Home and or the White House for their specially invited tour at US Government expense.
Gunderson and Pender, who ran the operation, dispatched the limo at Bush’s request, and the female would take the children to the limo and immediately give them a Coke or Pepsi with the VOODOO DRUG in it, and they were off to U.S. Senator Barney Frank’s pad, known as a “Brownstone”.

Of course, the U.S. Senators and U.S. Reps were there with the good-looking female prostitutes who would help get the congressmen and senators drunk on the “VOODOO DRUG”, so when Daddy Bush, Dick Cheney, John Sununu and others showed up at the party and the children in the limo arrived, the female prostitutes left and the child sex party started, with U.S. Vice President George HW Bush, Richard Cheney, John Sununu and others showing the VOODOO drunk congressman and senators how to have sex raping children, while the cameras were running.

The most thoroughly documented evidence proving America’s global pedophilia network operating at the highest levels of the US government is the infamous Franklin scandal, uncovered in a June 29, 1989 mainstream newspaper article by the Washington Times,[1] also reported by Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Nightly News,[2] and fully exposed in the truth revealing British documentary “Conspiracy of Silence,”[3] despite it being literally pulled at the last minute from its original scheduled Discovery Channel airing on May 3, 1994.[4] After it was listed in the TV Guide for a 10PM viewing, it was abruptly cancelled and all copies of the Yorkshire Television video were suddenly bought up with a half million dollar production company payoff.[5] Had it not been for a single rough-cut copy anonymously sent to attorney John DeCamp a year after all videos were supposedly destroyed, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be would’ve successfully blacked out this explosive documentary from ever being seen by anyone. That’s how pervasive and absolute the sinister controllers’ power at the top is. And as it is, its television broadcast ban has persisted to this very day, but thanks to DeCamp and the internet, it’s still widely available.

A just deserts irony rings true here – after the government’s own top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) invented the internet,[6] among other reasons as a potential tool for controlling the masses, similar to pedophilia, the internet has now fast become the elite’s international crime cabal’s own self-undoing.[7] Thankfully for us, truth can never be erased, at least not completely.

The Franklin scandal was also thoroughly chronicled in two very well-researched bestselling books, the first in 1992 called The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska written by the same aforementioned attorney, the late longtime Nebraska state senator John DeCamp,[8] and the other even more detailed account published in 2011 entitled The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal by journalist Nick Bryant.[9] Even CIA Mockingbird controlled propaganda ministry[10] rags like the Washington Post[11] and the New York Times[12] back in 1989 and 1990 ran articles covering the momentary blip on the public radar screen, documenting American history’s biggest, all but forgotten pedophile scandal. Of course the only reason for this amnesia is the massive top-down textbook cover-up.
Despite this brief wide exposure by a diverse array of MSM outlets, Bush senior ensured that within a month in the summer of ’89 the entire story got buried and ever since over the next three decades was hardly ever heard from again. Yet its uncovered, incontrovertible facts remain irrefutable and undeniable, once again illustrating how the most powerful people on this planet as Lucifer worshipping child rapists and murderers consistently get away with the most ungodly, egregious, shockingly despicable crimes in the history of humankind. Yet despite Trump’s victory last November “ending” the dynasty run of the Bush-Clinton-Obama crime family spree[13] as outed international drug lords[14] [15] and pedo-pimps,[16] [17] [18] Washington remains a fortified, entrenched deep state pedophile-saturated swamp currently committing treason against a sitting US president.[19]

So, a horrifically extraordinary scandal that has all but been completely erased from public memory! And yet, the horror continues with Jeffrey Epstein having been a key player in the child sex blackmailing of important people although one has to think for some/many, no drugging was necessary!

And so, what has changed from then and now . . . the scamdemic?

From this current Sott article:
...but those few years were Covid years, and they've taught us all a lot.

Firstly, and most importantly, its become increasingly apparent that any policy is only as fair as the people implementing it, and only as decent as the intention behind it, and, however superficially humane this plan might sound, the practical impact would be to hand yet more control over to the same murderous, eugenicist state that very recently killed thousands with a lie.

Secondly, a monopoly is a monopoly - whether private or state-backed - and the moment a monopoly exists the freedom to choose is dead. Freedom of choice is always the first liberty to go, but never the last.

The unfortunate truth is that we live in an era of ever-increasing - and anti-human - corporate/state overreach.

Yep, the very real unintended consequence of the scamdemic is that it served to open the minds of the public, parents particularly, that our government/health officials and agencies aren't the upstanding, honest authorities previously assumed to be. The public is finally getting a clue particularly as to the sexualization of their child's education with outrageous grooming/trans/LGBTQ+ aspects!

In contrast to the Franklin scandal, the Sound of Freedom movie is quite tame especially as it makes absolutely no reference to the wider array of child trafficking speculations/associations including: QAnon, Pizzagate, the Black Eye Club, Satanic Ritual Abuse, spirit cooking, adrenochrome, one eye symbolism, pyramid symbols, Egyptian sun god symbolism - a fav with Madonna and Katy Perry featured in such productions, MKUltra and all the broken mirror/doll imagery repeatedly appearing in fashion and music videos, and on and on.

Will the Sound of Freedom be the catalyst of a much needed great awakening to the evil operating right under our noses? Despite the efforts of the Legacy Media to discredit and denigrate the movie and its viewing public by utilizing the QAnon conspiracy theory smear tactic, those efforts appear to be falling flat:

Oscars Columnist: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Deserves to Be a Best Picture Contender

A prominent Hollywood awards columnist is pushing Sound of Freedom for Oscars contention, as the anti-child trafficking drama has emerged as the surprise box-office success of the summer.

Columnist Sasha Stone made the case in a recent post on her site Awards Daily.

Does that mean the industry will give this film a chance? Nope. It does not. In fact, they’re doing the opposite. They’re trying to discredit and destroy it because of course they are,” she wrote.

“They should all hang their heads in shame.”

Just came across this rather relevant comment to another of the numerous Franklin scandal links available:
Jennifer September 11, 2019 at 9:57 am - Reply
In 2003 we were told that the Mormon Hierarchy gained control of the FBI in 1953. That was a conspiracy theory we had never heard of before and didn’t believe it. However, we went looking and saw a lawsuit where non-Mormon agents sued the Bureau because they felt they were being overlooked for promotions which always went to Mormon agents. We also read that Hoover liked to hire Mormons because he thought he could trust them.

What we would ask after reading your article is this: Who investigates the FBI because it seems they drop the ball all over on serious investigations and protect the guilty as we are even seeing today? What agenda are the Mormons serving?

Curious to me, though, I have yet to find the photo that is most seared into my brain regarding the Franklin scandal - a bed full of gagged and bound boys (in the 12-14 year age range) lying on their sides like anchovies discovered in a hotel. Was this photo successfully wiped from the internet?
It's interesting that the biggest incident in the past that should have been the giant wake-up call regarding child trafficking, the Franklin scandal, was successfully eradicated from public awareness.

This was the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the U.S.A. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.


The following archive paints a chilling portrait of what is really going on in the upper echelons of the ruling elite here in America. The story involves children from orphanages in Nebraska being flown around the United States by top Republican officials in order to engage in child sex orgies with America's ruling elite. It is a fact that during the 1980's, child sexual services were provided by top Republican officials to key, bureaucrats and diplomats but most importantly, there is a chilling proximity of all of these events and personalities, to the President of the United States at the time, George H.W. Bush. And there have been victims who claim that the President himself engaged in the activities. It is a tale of child sex, murder, espionage, blackmail, and huge payoffs. And all the players are involved. From the White House to the CIA to the media barrons to the Republican elite - right down to the orphanages where they procured their victims.

This story was the second biggest scandal of the 1980's which was completely obliterated by the Bush White House - A complete coordinated blackout by the ruling elite in cooperation with the American television networks. (The biggest scandal being the Bush involvement in the attempted assassination of President Reagan) Since the elite who own the television networks in America are the same elite who feast off the carcass of the American population - just like the Bushes do and who sit on the same boards of the same corporate cartels as the Bushes do - most Americans will never hear of this explosive story. But thanks to the Internet all these suppressed news facts are re-surfacing. Perhaps the most chilling aspect of this horrific tale is that such realities can be so completely obliterated by the powers that be so that, even though these are simply the very biggest most explosive stories of our time - you will never know that they happened.

Boy's Town Abuse!

So, a horrifically extraordinary scandal that has all but been completely erased from public memory! And yet, the horror continues with Jeffrey Epstein having been a key player in the child sex blackmailing of important people although one has to think for some/many, no drugging was necessary!

And so, what has changed from then and now . . . the scamdemic?

From this current Sott article:

Yep, the very real unintended consequence of the scamdemic is that it served to open the minds of the public, parents particularly, that our government/health officials and agencies aren't the upstanding, honest authorities previously assumed to be. The public is finally getting a clue particularly as to the sexualization of their child's education with outrageous grooming/trans/LGBTQ+ aspects!

In contrast to the Franklin scandal, the Sound of Freedom movie is quite tame especially as it makes absolutely no reference to the wider array of child trafficking speculations/associations including: QAnon, Pizzagate, the Black Eye Club, Satanic Ritual Abuse, spirit cooking, adrenochrome, one eye symbolism, pyramid symbols, Egyptian sun god symbolism - a fav with Madonna and Katy Perry featured in such productions, MKUltra and all the broken mirror/doll imagery repeatedly appearing in fashion and music videos, and on and on.

Will the Sound of Freedom be the catalyst of a much needed great awakening to the evil operating right under our noses? Despite the efforts of the Legacy Media to discredit and denigrate the movie and its viewing public by utilizing the QAnon conspiracy theory smear tactic, those efforts appear to be falling flat:

Oscars Columnist: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Deserves to Be a Best Picture Contender

Just came across this rather relevant comment to another of the numerous Franklin scandal links available:

Curious to me, though, I have yet to find the photo that is most seared into my brain regarding the Franklin scandal - a bed full of gagged and bound boys (in the 12-14 year age range) lying on their sides like anchovies discovered in a hotel. Was this photo successfully wiped from the internet?

wow!!! what a detailed investigation!!! congratulations and thanks. the swamp really has a long existence. looks like new atlantis again...
wow!!! what a detailed investigation!!! congratulations and thanks. the swamp really has a long existence. looks like new atlantis again...
Yes, although I was pretty familiar with the details of the Franklin scandal, I did get a refresh on other connections that went along with it - really too much to post in this thread although there are other posts about the Franklin scandal on the forum. There are a lot of internet links so the info is still available to those that choose to learn more. It did make me sad as to the people attempting to expose this evil that were suicided or otherwise terminated plus the abducted paper boy that got swept up into this evil. The bad guys don't fool around when it comes to protecting their rackets. I still can't believe I can't find the bound boys picture - and they may have been a bit younger, say 8/10 to 12. Hard to say as I haven't seen that pic in a long time.

Meanwhile, seems there's a bevy of Sound of Freedom vids - this one 23:43 and with free ticket offer:

CONGRESS EXPOSED By "Sound of Freedom" Creator

Stephen Gardner sits down with movie producer Eduardo Verastegui to discuss his movie Sound Of Freedom. Colonel Douglas Macgregor and House Rep. Jim Jordan have been blowing the whistle on 85,000 missing kids coming across the border. Hollywood is furious a movie outside of their control is doing so well. Mel Gibson is trying to bring light to trafficking as well. If you can see the movie, please spend the money. If not, myself and others will cover a free ticker by following the link below. Thanks Mister 1920 soap for sponsoring this video and not bailing on my channel or these kids. Tim Ballard is a true American hero and Jim Caviziel does an excellent job of portraying the character.
Great work Jeep. I had forgotten about Franklin and how that would connect right to Pizza; Silence; Epstein Island etc etc etc..ugh...
Yeah - it's all connected - even to Iran-Contra! As I mentioned previously, anybody who gets in the way or becomes a threat is terminated. From this link:

A list of the dead follows who were all deeply connected with some aspect of the Franklin case:
  1. Bill Baker – He was a restaurant owner in Omaha, and a partner of Larry King in homosexual pornography operations. He was found shot in the back of the head.
  2. Shwan Boner – Brother of victim-witness Troy Boner, he died of a gunshot wound from ‘Russian Roulette.’
  3. Gary Caradori – Chief investigator for the legislative Ranklin Committee, Caradori told associates days before his death that he had information that would ‘blow this case wide open.’ He died when his plane crashed on July 11, 1990.
  4. Andrew ‘A.J.’ Caradori – Died at the age of 8, in the plane crash with his father.
  5. Newt Copple – A confidential informant for Caradori and his investigative firm, Copple was a key behind-the-scenes activist fighting the cover-up of the Franklin case. Son of Commonwealth Savings owner S.E. Copple, businessman in his own right, an ex-champion wrestler with no prior health problems and parents who lived into their late eighties and nineties, Copple suddenly ‘died in his sleep’ in March 1991, at the age of 70.”
  6. Clare Howard – The former secretary of Alan Baer, who arranged Baer’s paedophile trysts, Howard ‘died in her sleep’ in 1991.
  7. Mike Lewis – A former caregiver for victim-witness Loretta Smith. He died of a ‘severe diabetic reaction’ at the age of 32.
  8. Joe Malek – associate of Larry King and owner of Peony Park, where homosexual galas were held. His death from gunshot was ruled a suicide.
  9. Aaron Owen – the brother of victim-witness Alicia Owen. He was found hanged in his cell in Lincoln, Nebraska, hours before one of his sister’s court appearances.
  10. Charlie Rogers – A reputed homosexual partner of Larry King, Rogers said that he feared for his life, in the days before his death. His head was blown off with a shotgun, in what was ruled a suicide.
  11. Dan Ryan, an associate of Larry King. He was found strangled or suffocated in a car.
  12. Bill Skoleski – An officer in the Omaha Police Department who was believed to be keeping a file on Larry King, he died of a heart attack.
  13. Kathleen Sorenson – The foster parent for Nelly and Kimberly Webb after they fled the home of Larry King’s relatives, Jarrett and Barbara Webb, she was an outspoken activist against Satanism.
  14. Curtis Tucker – An associate of Larry King, he fell or jumped out of the window of the Holiday Inn in Omaha.
  15. Harmon Tucker – A school superintendent in Nebraska and Iowa, a reputed homosexual, his death had signs of satanic ritual murder. He was found dead in Georgia, near the plantation which Harold Andersen and Nebraska-Iowa FBI chief Nicholas O’Hara used for hunting.”
  16. Bill Colby – One time director of the CIA and according to De Camp, the “heart and soul of the Franklin Case.”
The military is involved - from the same link:
Meanwhile, Noreen Gosch self-published a book: Why Johnny can’t come home which details the events surrounding her son’s disappearance. She also spoke in court in support of Bonacci singling out in particular U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret) as a primary mover in the paedophile ring that abducted her son, Johnny Gosch. She established a clear link that the military was involved which was mirrored in the high profile Presidio Affair several years previously. (More on this in later posts).
DeCamp also includes suggestions that King was involved with arms shipments and procurements which always seem to merge with trafficking and child rape networks somewhere down the line.

After Craig Spence was “suicided” in the Boston Hotel in November 1989, Decamp observes that: “… it was the latest in the long string of deaths of persons linked to Iran-Contra covert operations and funding. There is evidence that Larry King had Washington business in that area as well. ‘In the 6 ½ months since federal authorities closed Franklin, rumors have persisted that money from the credit union somehow found its way to the Nicaraguan contra rebels,’ said a World Herald article on May 21, 1989.” [6]
BTW - Investigative journalist Nick Bryant doesn't believe Spence was "suicided" and states his reasons in the interview referenced below.

Decamp also wrote a book called the Franklin Coverup
John DeCamp wasn't the only author - Nick Bryant as well:


There's a two-part interview with him on the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Disassociation (ISSTD) dated January and February 2020, featuring the Franklin Scandal and The Epstein Affair, with the latter being a lot more recent, sheds more light on the ongoing child trafficking problem that Sound of Freedom highlights:

From Part 1:
“The Franklin scandal” is about an interstate pedophile network that flew kids from coast to coast. What we are seeing with Jeffrey Epstein, we saw in the Franklin scandal, although I think the Franklin pandering network was much, much bigger than Jeffrey Epstein’s network. There were two primary pimps. There was a pimp in Nebraska, Larry King. He was getting children that had fallen through the cracks, from foster-care homes, from Boy’s Town Orphanage and from some other institutions. There was another pimp living in Washington, DC, who was involved in this, Craig Spence, who had his home wired for audio-visual blackmail. Anybody who took part in any of those parties at Craig Spence’s home was definitely blackmailed.
I only had one overt death threat and that was the first time I set foot in Nebraska…When I realized it was real, that it was a reality, that all these kids had been destroyed, I just made a decision that I wasn’t going to stop. The people who were hassling me were going to have to kill me if they wanted me to stop. That was it.
Americans think it is special interest money that is co-opting the political system. Which is true, but political blackmail is also co-opting the political system. Recently, I talked to the editor of a major magazine in New York City about Epstein. The Epstein story had broken. I knew more about Epstein so I thought someone would jump on it. She could not believe that sexual political blackmail existed. We’re talking about the editor of a major magazine in New York City and she does not believe that sexual political blackmail exists! That’s how obtuse people are about this reality!

From Part 2:
But I have known that Jeffrey Epstein has been clandestinely taping people. In 2005, when the Palm Beach Police Depart served a warrant on Jeffrey Epstein’s home, they found two hidden cameras. Hidden cameras have been a part of his reality for quite some time.
So, if you are blackmailing very powerful people – you cannot do that and live, unless you have an organisation behind you. And those people that you are blackmailing have got to be aware of that organisation, or else they will take you out in a heartbeat. Legs broken, arms broken or whatever they do.
I acquired the “Black Book” about five or six years ago, and at the same time, I acquired the passenger manifest. What is troubling is that I pitched that “Black Book” to every major magazine in New York and none of them would touch it. So that was frustrating for me. I had so much evidence at that point, I had police reports. I had everything and I still couldn’t get anybody to touch it. The response to Epstein is very similar to what I experienced with Larry King and Spence. Epstein ran a very large paedophile network, that panders young girls to rich and powerful men, just the way that King and Spence ran a network that pandered mostly boys, but also young girls, to powerful people. They are very similar and blackmail I believe was part of the Epstein network and certainly blackmail was part of the King and Spence network. Federal and local law enforcement got corrupted in Epstein’s case – when he had to do 13 months for all the girls he molested, and especially when the Feds had a list of like, 38 victims. So, it is very, very similar to what I have written about in “The Franklin Scandal”, very similar.
Warwick Middleton: Nick, you’ve been endeavouring for some years to have a documentary film series made on the Franklin scandal. You’ve also clearly been wanting to say more about the Epstein matter. What is the chance of you being able to get a film made or do some in-depth analysis associated with a publication in a mainstream media regarding Jeffrey Epstein?
Nick Bryant: Thus far two major magazines have shut me down with stories about Epstein. It is mind-boggling, because I know the Epstein story better than any other journalist in New York. I can see by their reporting that they are just jumping into this at the shallow end of the pool. They don’t understand the larger ramifications of Epstein. “The Franklin Scandal” has been optioned by Magnolia Pictures for three years. Magnolia has a very good reputation. Rob Reiner hooked up with Magnolia for a while and pitched “The Franklin Scandal”. We’ve been rejected by every network. I thought when Rob Reiner came on board, that that would be it, a slam-dunk at that point, but we were rejected by every network. You know, every magazine article I pitched on Franklin was rejected. I had an agent that tried to sell “The Franklin Scandal” book proposal, and it was a very large book, but he couldn’t sell it. So, I’ve been rejected on this thing forever. I just pitched another magazine article on Epstein today. The editor was aware of my work in this area, so hopefully I will get some good news about that. Magnolia Pictures has really hung in there. Most people have read about the rejections and have just given up on it. A few very distinguished film makers have given a rejection on Franklin, and that was it. But Magnolia Pictures have been having rejections on Franklin for like – three years, and they are still hanging in there with it, so I find that pretty amazing.
It draws together the key dynamics of the Franklin scandal, overlying the key dynamics of the Epstein scandal.

So, some very interesting insights and connections to the scandals of the past and what's ongoing now.
From whatreallyhappened:

Colombian child prostitution ring where 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' is smashed as madame who recruited them is arrested
A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders.

Webmaster addition: And now you know why critics claim "Sound of Freedom" is anti-semitic!​

🤔 Hmmm, no mention of a French distribution?

The faith-based political thriller has already sold more than $127 million worth of tickets at the U.S. box office, making it the sleeper hit of the summer season.
The faith-based political thriller Sound of Freedom is headed for cinemas overseas.

Angel Studios on Wednesday announced release dates for 21 markets, including the U.K., Australia, Spain, South Africa and a host of countries in Latin America. It begins its foreign run next month. At the U.S. box office, the movie crossed the $100 million mark on July 19, a little over two weeks after its release on July Fourth. And it finished Tuesday of this week with a cume north of $130 million.

The Utah-based Angel Studios, which prides itself on working outside of the Hollywood studio system, offers a unique “pay it forward” option whereby consumers can donate tickets. Sound of Freedom has stayed high up on the domestic chart since its debut and is even outpacing Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One, which launched July 12 and finished Tuesday with a North American total of $124.2 million.

Directed and written by Alejandro Monteverde, Sound of Freedom stars The Passion of the Christ’s Jim Caviezel as the real-life Tim Ballard, who worked as an agent for the Department of Homeland Security before embarking on his own quest to bring child traffickers to justice (Ballard founded his own anti-trafficking organization, dubbed Operation Underground Railroad).

Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp, José Zúñiga and Eduardo Verástegui co-star (Verástegui is also a producer).

Angel Studios says it is bringing the conservative-leaning movie directly to theaters overseas in Latin American countries and the U.K./Ireland. In other markets, it will partner with local distributors.

“Since Sound of Freedom launched in the U.S., demand has been building around the world in dozens of regions and languages,” said Jared Geesey, Angel’s senior vp of gobal distribution. “Child trafficking is a global issue, and we hope to build on the incredible momentum here in the states and share the film’s powerful message worldwide.”

The film opens Aug. 18 in South Africa, followed by Australia and New Zealand on Aug. 24. It rolls out across Latin America on Aug. 31, including in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. It goes out Sept. 1 in the U.K./Ireland and on Oct. 11 in Spain.

Movies and series from Angel Studios, also home of The Chosen, are crowdfunded in part by the Angel Guild, a community of over 100,000 people who vote on all eligible films submitted to Angel Studios.

While Sound of Freedom has been discussed on QAnon message boards, Angel says it isn’t a QAnon movie. Yet in late 2021, Caviezel spoke at a QAnon convention in Las Vegas, where he invoked the QAnon slogan, “The storm is upon us.”
Hi aragorn.

If you read my posts on this thread, I personally never said this film was a "plot to microchip our children." However, you can look at the information put out by the "anti" child sex trafficking organizations and initiatives themselves, which I talk about in my posts. It's not a conspiracy theory to note, as Greg Reese did in the video I linked to, that the enormous rise in profits in the child sex trafficking industry came with the creation of these organizations, which include the digital cataloging of children. So, chipping is just an extension of what is already going on. That Amber Alert is linked to these nefarious players as well starts to round out that picture since it encourages parents to digitize vital information concerning their children allegedly in the interest of protecting them. Actually, as per a video posted on this thread, it seems the woman who had made the news given she was caught moving a number of Haitian children (this tied to the Clinton's Haiti operation), later wound up with the job of CEO for an organization linked to Amber Alert. So, there's that small world again.

Anyway, aragorn, if you have the time, read the posts I wrote. I don't think you'll find them conspiratorial.

As for "nitpicking" (and I'm not sure which posts you are including in that general category), but those of us discussing the nefarious players connected with Sound of Freedom are highlighting the importance of context relative to assessing the film. This film is not simply a movie we are discussing in the movie section of this forum. The context is of vital importance. In the largest sense, the context is the continued war -- or information war, as some have dubbed it -- that we are in the midst of. If Ballard isn't even close to being an actual hero, as numerous sources are indicating (including Webb), and the film is largely funded by Carlos Slim who's deeply tied to the Clintons (FYI, if you haven't seen what Trump had to say about Slim, then check the video in my first post), then for these reasons we have entered serious second-Matrix disinfo territory. But unlike more confounding scenarios, the objective here seems abundantly clear: that of controlling the narrative (which includes creating a hero) and funneling money that both directly and indirectly (as per its being used for fundraising for the upcoming election cycle) serves the child sex trafficking industry.

The counter argument on this thread is always: it's only about the message. The message of the film is "good." We don't care about the rest.

So, on the "message" of the film: I've not seen the film yet so what I can say about the film itself is limited. I did see a promotional scene from the film which I thought was lacking both in terms of the writing and acting, so I don't have great expectations on that end of things. But, again, if the film's largely fictional narrative is making a hero out of this con artist, Tim Ballard, then I would say that that too is part of the film's "message," whether people realize that or not. And funneling donations into this operator's fund is really just the icing on the already rotten cake.

Anyway, as I said before, we'll just have to wait and see as to whether the exposure of the issue of child sex trafficking through this film is going to have a deleterious effect on the industry -- by which I guess I mean, the profits should markedly decline, and key players should be exposed and tried. Putin has seemingly been involved in doing just that relative to Ukraine... but of course Putin has been largely demonized, and such information isn't readily available in the West.

Of course, with the financial system imploding, and with the no doubt faulty attempts we'll see at inserting CBDC's, etc., we may not be able to see very readily what is effecting what related to this cabal's illicit operations. They are short on cash, and all their illicit activities are therefore likely to take a hit, film or no film. (Due to the war in Ukraine, there is a dearth of laundered funds, which used to prop up these shady banks, some of which have recently failed -- such as Silicone Valley Bank. So, this manner of financial implosion is already happening.)

In other words, there are so many balls in the air right now, it's hard to predict what might happen, or even how we are going to assess what has happened once it does (!).

As far as investigative journalist George Webb goes, aragorn, I wonder how many of his critics have actually spent some time reading and listening to his material for a concentrated period of time. I have, especially this last year or so, much of the research related to the issue of bio weapons, and how they are engineered, the molecular aspects, receptors, pathways, etc. How anthrax, for example, is a good, long-studied durable "carrier" for other diseases that couldn't otherwise make their cellular target without some protective coating, as it were. Actually, Webb has made some very insightful connections between the quickly buried anthrax dimension of 9/11 (anthrax being the gun held to the head of legislators which forced them to accept the Patriot Act), and what is happening now concerning coronavirus. As Webb notes, with very few exceptions, the very same players are involved in both scenarios. There's a lot more to be said on that, but this isn't the right context for it.

Webb has an incredible mind for making connections and storing and reciting detailed information and names. (I'm terrible with names myself, and so I really appreciate those that have a catalog of names at their fingertips.) He is also a creative thinker and something of a wordsmith. He makes interesting analogies and connections, even rhymes, which can serve to provide a handy short-hand for remembering his store of specialized information. Because his research entails such specialized knowledge, one does have to work at it to keep up. One has to really concentrate and expand one's own knowledge base. This kind of work is not for everyone. However, when I do take the time to do that, I find it pays off in deepening my understanding of issues that would never have come to my attention otherwise.

George Webb does miss sometimes with his speculations, and I have heard him readily point to some of his own failings (which already puts him above sources who refuse to acknowledge mistakes). As for SRA related material, aragorn, I know he tries to avoid the subject of child sex trafficking, and issues tied to that, given, as I've said a number of times already, he claims his prior research partner was killed due to her investigative research related to child sex trafficking (not sure about the SRA aspect). He also claims to know of others who were working to expose/stop traffickers who have likewise paid with their lives (I'd have to look for more details on that).

Actually, now that I think about it, someone mentioned Kirby Sommers to him on Twitter, Sommers being a woman who calls herself an ex-sex slave, and who has written numerous books on Epstein and his associates, etc., which are seemingly well researched, although I haven't read any of them myself. But Webb wasn't going to give Sommers any credit, perhaps considering her too compromised. I remember thinking he was being too dismissive in that instance. So, he does have certain stubborn blind spots, maybe especially in that area.

I certainly don't agree with all of Webb's viewpoints. He has little understanding of a more holistic approach to health, for example. And he makes comments sometimes that leave me scratching my head. He is abundantly human, in other words. But as sources go, he does contribute a great deal to the public conversation given that he is often forging new ground for other journalists and researchers -- oh, and he generously includes and refers to the work of other researchers he is in direct contact with, a few of them being scientists doing lab work that contributes to the scope of the work they are all involved in. (Actually, I'd also say that in a personal sense, George Webb seems big hearted and generous.) He is also renewing his past efforts of having (on a string-budget) a countrified looking citizen journalism school, since true citizen journalism is really the mode he feels to be a part of and wants to promote. Actually, on the subject of citizen journalism, Webb also shows how being on the move, and visiting the sites he is investigating is crucial to the type of on the ground journalism he's engaged in. He often has contacts in these various locations, but also takes the time to talk to new people. He photographs himself in these various locations, in front of specific office buildings, hospitals, labs, museums, etc., as a way of bringing the story he's working on to those following him, but also as a way of documenting just where he's been, and why.

Even though Webb doesn't have a massive amount of followers, I still think his work is having a powerful reverberating effect out in the world. His covering the career of Dr. Robert Malone, for example, is especially useful, since, like this Tim Ballard person, Malone is being set up as this "darling" of the "resistance," as it were, which is utter hypocrisy the more you learn about his history, especially as documented by Webb, fact by fact, through the meta-data. Malone and his associates' DOMANE software system, for example (developed I believe at DARPA), used an algorithm to exclude Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in the search for repurposed drugs that would be effective against Covid during the crucial early period (March 2020). Excluding such effective drugs cleared the way to move forward with the mRNA "vaccines," as well as to instate the deadly hospital protocol utilizing Remdesivir and ventilation.

Actually, the "Nuremberg II" lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has interviewed Webb recently (on Rumble, I believe), which perhaps indicates Webb's widening sphere of influence -- although I tend to think of Webb's work as unleashing some very potent raw data that slowly makes its way to more mainstream sources over time. Similar to what I was saying about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Webb's work also serves to refine the conversation, given how specialized and fact driven it is. If he gets it wrong sometimes, I tend to give him some slack, as he does seem to be on the cutting edge of this type of investigative journalism.
Thanks for your reply, Heather. Well, the beauty of this forum is that we can investigate things and hone our discernment together, to maybe come close to something resembling the truth. For one, I can't say 100% for sure that Webb is a grifter but I've seen enough 'blips on the radar' with his information to not find him as a useful source of information. I think that the latest 'blip' from him was his claim that the Ukraine war was "all about the money", and that "right now secret deals are being made in Saudi-Arabia with Putin, US, and powerful oligarchs to end the war...right now a deal of trillions of dollars is being negotiated, and my sources tell that the deal will soon be done." Mind you, that this was like 6 months ago...and as we see, this did not manifest. If Webb thinks that the Ukraine war (at least from Russia's side) is "all about the money", then he's pretty darn ignorant of geopolitics and the big picture of things.

So, in a sense, it doesn't matter if Webb is 100% realiable or not, I just don't trust him enough to put the little time I have to read/follow him anymore. One thing I usually do is that I follow and read some of the 'main players' in the alternative sphere for a while, and then try to observe if there are any 'blips' in what they are saying. If there are enough 'blips', then I'll invest less (or zero) time following them. For instance, Malone has gathered some 'blips' on my radar but not yet enough to be 'cancelled' :-D Maybe this is not the right thread to discuss it, but I'll just mention that the two 'blips' he has on my chart is 1) he took the Moderna jabs, even though he knew the technology/principles/dangers of the product 2) he sometimes ventures into politics and societal discussions, in which he doesn't really have the expertice (e.g. at one point he was promoting the idea of 'Chinese communists taking over the US'.) However, as I've followed his writings for years, his writings (besides the 'Chinese thing') appear pretty down to earth and reliable.

Just shortly about Fuellmich, that you mentioned...maybe you've seen the doubts about him in the Covid thread? To me personally, there started to be too many 'blips' as Reiner invited very dubious guests to his Corona committee, which made me suspect that he was either way more ignorant than I thought, or that he was deliberately 'muddying the waters' and stalling the whole process. As it turned out, or so it strongly appears, the latter seems to be the case and at the very least, he never delivered what he promised to do, that is, prosecutional actions (the famous 'Nuerenberg 2' that everyone is so exicted about).

We all use our discernment to judge the quality of information but sometimes we can become 'hung up' with some persons. This is what I see also in your reply. I could be wrong, but there's an emotional flavor of trying to defend George Webb, and that emotional component may just perhaps be clouding your judgement. I can tell you that I've done that many times myself in the past: I get very excited and impressed by some individual, which then makes me 'lionize' and defend this person even though there are many 'observable blips'. I get emotionally attached to the person (which may be a deliberate technique used by 'them'), which clouds my discernment. Maybe wishful thinking, but I think I've become better at avoiding this, the risk being that yous start to 'suspect everyone'. :scared:.

So, let's continue to share the 'blips' we've observed with various characters, and maybe we'll succeed in getting closer to the truth. On that note, I would be interested to read the main sources that say Ballard is a con artist, could you share those? (I guess they've been mentioned in this thread, but I'd appreciate a 'shortcut'). :-[

Oh, and one thing about the movie that I thought of recently: why would the evil pedophile network want to make money on a film highlighting evil pedophiles networks, when they can make money in so many other ways (running an evil pedophile network being one of them)?
Thanks for your reply, Heather. Well, the beauty of this forum is that we can investigate things and hone our discernment together, to maybe come close to something resembling the truth. For one, I can't say 100% for sure that Webb is a grifter but I've seen enough 'blips on the radar' with his information to not find him as a useful source of information. I think that the latest 'blip' from him was his claim that the Ukraine war was "all about the money", and that "right now secret deals are being made in Saudi-Arabia with Putin, US, and powerful oligarchs to end the war...right now a deal of trillions of dollars is being negotiated, and my sources tell that the deal will soon be done." Mind you, that this was like 6 months ago...and as we see, this did not manifest. If Webb thinks that the Ukraine war (at least from Russia's side) is "all about the money", then he's pretty darn ignorant of geopolitics and the big picture of things.

So, in a sense, it doesn't matter if Webb is 100% realiable or not, I just don't trust him enough to put the little time I have to read/follow him anymore. One thing I usually do is that I follow and read some of the 'main players' in the alternative sphere for a while, and then try to observe if there are any 'blips' in what they are saying. If there are enough 'blips', then I'll invest less (or zero) time following them. For instance, Malone has gathered some 'blips' on my radar but not yet enough to be 'cancelled' :-D Maybe this is not the right thread to discuss it, but I'll just mention that the two 'blips' he has on my chart is 1) he took the Moderna jabs, even though he knew the technology/principles/dangers of the product 2) he sometimes ventures into politics and societal discussions, in which he doesn't really have the expertice (e.g. at one point he was promoting the idea of 'Chinese communists taking over the US'.) However, as I've followed his writings for years, his writings (besides the 'Chinese thing') appear pretty down to earth and reliable.

Just shortly about Fuellmich, that you mentioned...maybe you've seen the doubts about him in the Covid thread? To me personally, there started to be too many 'blips' as Reiner invited very dubious guests to his Corona committee, which made me suspect that he was either way more ignorant than I thought, or that he was deliberately 'muddying the waters' and stalling the whole process. As it turned out, or so it strongly appears, the latter seems to be the case and at the very least, he never delivered what he promised to do, that is, prosecutional actions (the famous 'Nuerenberg 2' that everyone is so exicted about).

We all use our discernment to judge the quality of information but sometimes we can become 'hung up' with some persons. This is what I see also in your reply. I could be wrong, but there's an emotional flavor of trying to defend George Webb, and that emotional component may just perhaps be clouding your judgement. I can tell you that I've done that many times myself in the past: I get very excited and impressed by some individual, which then makes me 'lionize' and defend this person even though there are many 'observable blips'. I get emotionally attached to the person (which may be a deliberate technique used by 'them'), which clouds my discernment. Maybe wishful thinking, but I think I've become better at avoiding this, the risk being that yous start to 'suspect everyone'. :scared:.

So, let's continue to share the 'blips' we've observed with various characters, and maybe we'll succeed in getting closer to the truth. On that note, I would be interested to read the main sources that say Ballard is a con artist, could you share those? (I guess they've been mentioned in this thread, but I'd appreciate a 'shortcut'). :-[

Oh, and one thing about the movie that I thought of recently: why would the evil pedophile network want to make money on a film highlighting evil pedophiles networks, when they can make money in so many other ways (running an evil pedophile network being one of them)?
Hi again.

I agree on the Webb "blip" re: Ukraine. I would have added that to my list of reservations about Webb had I recalled it at the time I wrote that post. However, in your not following Webb anymore you're missing A LOT of documented blips concerning Malone. So, there's always a trade off. You can find such info if you search Webb's Twitter account -- or is it X now? (Maybe I dislike Big Tech, but I still miss the little blue birdie icon -- the big black X is looking ominous by comparison!) Any case, at Webb's Twitter account you should see Malone's name crop up again, and again if you do some scrolling.

I don't feel emotionally invested in Webb -- at least not the way you are implying, which reminds me of how emotionally invested a lot of people seem to be regarding Sound of Freedom; in other words, in a way that clouds one's judgment.

I am too critical of Webb to be that emotionally invested. That's not to say I don't find him to be largely kind hearted, generous and hard working. He too took the jab, by the way, which really shocked me at the time given the kind of research he does. He said a number of things as to why he took it, although I think the best explanation (based on some of the things he said) is that he got too invested in a line of thinking related to the military and their "Sword and Shield" approach to bioweapons. SARS-CoV-2 could be said to be the Sword, and the Covid shots -- specifically, for Webb at least, the J&J shot -- the Shield. For some reason (that I'm not at all clear on) Webb reasoned that the J&J jab would likely be the safest, and he seemingly even convinced himself that he was better off with this potential "shield" as opposed to going without it.

I would say this self-harming move of Webb's is an example of his not stepping back, taking a break, and re-evaluating the situation from a fresh perspective. I believe a failing of his is that he overworks himself, which inevitably backfires, as it did with his taking the J&J jab. To his credit, during the time he was investigating vaccine injury specifically related to heart issues, he submitted himself to third generation EKG testing (his having learned that most doctors are still using earlier EKG's which offer a lot less information), and he learned he has several markers indicating myocarditis, which was a fairly rare disease before the Covid shot rollout.

So, Webb is paying a serious price for his shortcomings. And, yes, this does sadden me. But (on the issue of being "too emotionally invested"), we can all think with heart, and feel without losing our judgment. Remaining objective does not mean we lose our capacity for empathy. Interesting that doctors in our present soulless system are trained so as not to be emotionally invested in their patients (or at least that is my understanding), and yet I think we're seeing that the bravest and best of doctors to have emerged under this Covid crisis turn out to be those who have a vested stake in caring about humanity as a whole, and each of their patients in particular.

Anyway, suffice it to say, I have many "issues" related to Webb. But then show me the "perfect" source? There isn't one. However, to confirm what you are saying, the more we look to a variety of sources, and carefully determine their strengths and weaknesses, the more we can cross-reference and draw the most reliable conclusions... at least until new credible seeming information comes along to possibly alter them. It's a process, certainly, in which we will never entirely "arrive," even if there's a driven part of ourselves that likes to think we will -- but that, no doubt, is what keeps us all going (!).

Aragorn, if you check out Peter Duke of The Duke Report on Rumble, you'll see some conversations with George Webb. The reason I mention Duke is that he's a good counter to Webb. As far as a "source" goes, I wasn't sure about Duke initially, but over time I've come to appreciate his perspective. (Like myself, Duke likes the articulate commentator and writer, Jasun Horsley, whom I'd listened to intently for a number of years, as well as read; Horsley's got a subtle, nuanced mind, and is a very good writer. FYI, Duke plans on interviewing Horsley in the near future re: his book "Kubrickon," which is critical of Stanley Kubrick, and which I've been meaning to read myself.) But back on Webb, Duke is good at keeping Webb on point, and asking Webb questions in order to flesh out his material especially given Webb's shorthand can seem cryptic at times for those less versed in the specialized knowledge he possesses. Duke has an interesting background with some Hollywood connections. Actually, he did scriptwriting for the X-Files. His website for The Duke Report, which uses an algo to bring up news stories from websites he likes, also has a good reading list to refer to. But, again, Duke makes an interesting and helpful contrast to Webb, so it's a pretty good duo of sorts.

Here's a link to The Duke Report website (and, as I said, you can find him on Rumble where he has his chats with Webb):

Peter Duke, Author at The Duke Report | Page 3 of 5

On Reiner Fuellmich: I haven't paid much attention to him for some time, although in this recent interview with Webb I was left with the impression that he's still pressing ahead I believe with a class action lawsuit, so we'll have to see what develops. As to whether he is deliberately slowing things down, etc., I'd never say never, but I honestly don't know. I haven't looked into the matter. Although it probably is true that the wheels of justice do turn slowly (alas), especially if one wants to do a thorough job.

Aragorn, as to your "why" question regarding Sound of Freedom, as well as my assembling sources for you... I made arguments that I'd hate to have to try to repeat when I did a pretty thorough job the first time around. Just go to my account and search under "content." It wouldn't take long I don't think to catch up, and this material should answer your question hopefully fairly comprehensively.

Also, on Twitter/X... someone opened an account titled Tim Ballard Exposed @tim_exposed. You'll see a lot of links to vids, etc., being collected by this person. I'll see if I can link to that account:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1677317747137495040|twgr^05d297bed731e5b5c505589a655943caaf21dc7c|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Actually, a video tweeted by this account is by someone you can find on Youtube under the name OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY. This person has done a number of vids on Sound of Freedom. In one he supports my earlier contention that one of the reasons the project was shelved initially had to do with Hillary's not being elected. So, if you watch his vids, keep an eye out for that line of argument. He's aware too of Disney's taking over Fox , which also affected the producing and/or distribution of the film.
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I don't feel emotionally invested in Webb -- at least not the way you are implying, which reminds me of how emotionally invested a lot of people seem to be regarding Sound of Freedom; in other words, in a way that clouds one's judgment.
I do not intend to nitpick but this one statement stood out for me because maybe I've missed something: who here on the Forum has shown emotional investment in the Sound of Freedom movie? I haven't seen any evidence of that here on this thread, or do you mean other people in social media are emotionally invested in the movie somehow?

In terms of your statement of not being emotionally invested, your long drawn-out posts tend to contradict that statement and give the flavor of someone who is triggered or is not taking a neutral Observer view of the situation. My two cents only.
I do not intend to nitpick but this one statement stood out for me because maybe I've missed something: who here on the Forum has shown emotional investment in the Sound of Freedom movie? I haven't seen any evidence of that here on this thread, or do you mean other people in social media are emotionally invested in the movie somehow?

In terms of your statement of not being emotionally invested, your long drawn-out posts tend to contradict that statement and give the flavor of someone who is triggered or is not taking a neutral Observer view of the situation. My two cents only.

My "long drawn-out posts"?

Wow. And that alone indicates I am "triggered"?

I could turn that around and say that your short rather thoughtless post suggests more of an emotional reaction rather than someone taking the time to make a considered argument.

This is a forum. What we do here is we try, in as specific a way as possible, to convey our points of view -- using words. We are also sharing information. Aragorn and I have been exchanging our experiences concerning certain sources. Who knows, there might even be some information in that exchange that could aid you in your own research. (Stranger things have happened on forums.)

As to your other comment, many here (and elsewhere) are convinced that their emotional response to "the message" of the Sound of Freedom precludes any other considerations as to the funders and other Deep State operatives associated with the film. That suggests an emotional investment that clouds judgment. Certainly at this forum we are here, in part, in order to evaluate how the Deep State, or cabal, or Dark Cult, etc., is operating. When one learns it is their operatives who have put in motion such a film, it would seem to be critical to evaluate why that is. Greg Reese made a very good point on the subject of emotionalism vs. reason early on in his first video related to this film. His subtitle here states it succinctly; I'll again link to that video, which I found to be a good introductory take on evaluating the film in terms of the context in which it was produced and operates (as opposed to merely having an emotional reaction to it):

Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs​

We must not allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason​

Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs
Heather, I'll get back on some of the other stuff later but for now, I'm just curious regarding something you wrote:
Also, on Twitter/X... someone opened an account titled Tim Ballard Exposed @tim_exposed. You'll see a lot of links to vids, etc., being collected by this person.
I had a look at that Twitter account and a bunch of postings, and I have to say the content wasn't convincing, and it looked exactly as many of those made-up debunking accounts that popped up as mushrooms back in the days of Kappy and Barnett. In those days, it later turned out that many of those accounts were apparently created by the SRA/pedophile minions (abusers themselves) as a assigned countermeasure to 'Pizza Gate', Kappy and all that. Some of them did pretty skillful 'mind games' and reverse-psychology, which made many users believe their claims. The most usual tactic was/is to accuse the whistleblowers/investigators of being pedophiles themselves, i.e. classic psychopathological projection. Statements and video clips were/are also often taken out of context, painting a false picture etc.

So, at least for now, I don't see any reason to trust this anonymous account named 'Tim Ballard Exposed' that joined Twitter in May 2023. Are you trusting it, if so, why?

In any case, let's keep exploring together. I'll later have a look at the other information you've provided. :-)
Heather, I'll get back on some of the other stuff later but for now, I'm just curious regarding something you wrote:

I had a look at that Twitter account and a bunch of postings, and I have to say the content wasn't convincing, and it looked exactly as many of those made-up debunking accounts that popped up as mushrooms back in the days of Kappy and Barnett. In those days, it later turned out that many of those accounts were apparently created by the SRA/pedophile minions (abusers themselves) as a assigned countermeasure to 'Pizza Gate', Kappy and all that. Some of them did pretty skillful 'mind games' and reverse-psychology, which made many users believe their claims. The most usual tactic was/is to accuse the whistleblowers/investigators of being pedophiles themselves, i.e. classic psychopathological projection. Statements and video clips were/are also often taken out of context, painting a false picture etc.

So, at least for now, I don't see any reason to trust this anonymous account named 'Tim Ballard Exposed' that joined Twitter in May 2023. Are you trusting it, if so, why?

In any case, let's keep exploring together. I'll later have a look at the other information you've provided. :-)
Hi Aragorn.

I haven't really put a lot of time in at that account. But I did watch the Youtube videos I mentioned done by OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY, which I found through that Twitter account, and I thought that person authentic. He was putting together some of the same material we've been assembling here, as well as adding some of his own insights. So, maybe it's a mix, that Twitter account.

I will see if I can make the time to go through it more diligently and see what I think.

Meantime, @forest_light put together a lot of info related to Tim Ballard in Post #86 of this thread. You might want to check out that post, especially links to Lynn Packer on American Crime Journal. See what you think about that. As forest_light notes, we're in Mormon territory with all this.

[@forest_light]: OK, so... I have been doing some digging to find out about the origins of 'Liberty and Light' - the organisation I mentioned in my last post which clearly has a connection to Tim Ballard's new 'SPEAR Fund'. I could not understand why there was no information on the SPEAR webpage about their 'mission', however info about them was on 'Liberty and Light', so I was curious.

On a website called 'American Crime Journal' I found multiple YouTube presentations from a journalist Lynn Packer relating to Tim Ballard / OUR. (Yes, he's a Mormon). He seems to have done a great deal of research on Tim, his associates, OUR and more.
To be fair and honest, I just want to add that our task of determining 'who's on what side' is often close to impossible! There are only a few of us here, and out there there are probably millions of grifters, pretenders, scammers, and other deranged individuals who are trying to fool us. Some do it because they have an agenda/assingment, some do it for followers/fame/money (creating 'debunking' Twitter accounts on a hot topic is quite common – the aim is to gain a lot of followers while the topic is hot). Some are just crazy and/or disturbed in other ways. And then there are nowadays also the AI generated bots and posters...phew!

Some topics/subjects are easy to see trough and some are not. SOF is clearly one of the more difficult ones. :knitting:

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