Sound of Freedom

It's just a perception , that's all 🌻
I was hoping to expand my views by taking in both sides/ multiple sides such as people who hold your perception, people who are neutral, people who love it and the in between.

I respect your decision to not elaborate. Please know that in the future if you change your mind and would like to discuss I am not here to change your perception or tell you why you have the wrong view or anything like that. I like engaging with both sides one in order to have multiple perspective but also to help with any blind spots due to limiting beliefs that all humans have
My question is: Why did Disney decide to resell the film's copyrights? If they hadn't, the film would never have been released.

Disney might be a divided empire.

Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg told hundreds of people at a Sunday school meeting in Los Angeles that a small yet powerful group of Hollywood insiders has declared war on the “evil” entertainment industry elite who traffic in children, and “Hollywood pedophiles have nowhere left to hide.” [snip]

I sometimes wonder if Julian Assange is sitting on some information about pedophiles in high places because I remember reading that in his early days as a hacker he helped police track them.

In any case, as Wahlberg says in the full article, these men working to bring down these trafficking and child sex rings have balls of steel. The label toxic masculinity is just ridiculous in the face of this movement - though you could see why the establishment would consider these men a threat and want to angle society against them.
Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

I am suspicious about this article being true, as the site is the only one reporting it (others have copy-pasted). The piece misses some important details, like where is this church located?, when did it happen?, are there witnesses? etc... And besides, this actor is working pretty much under the spotlight to this day, let's say, while Caviezel and others around Sound of Freedom have been effectively relegated for some time now.
Me and my lady just finished watching it.


Production was great, and I believe it was worth every cent we spent to view it. I looked at my daughter afterwards and nearly choked up knowing that there are predators in this world that view her, and all other children as nothing more than a disposable commodity. That’s a level of hurt that I cannot describe… But it’s also a sobering reminder of one monstrous facet of what we are up against.

This is a film that terrifies, galvanizes, and yet at the same time inspires one to spread awareness about this uncomfortable aspect of our reality. I find few, if any careers in this world more honorable than the ones that require you to risk everything for the sake and freedom of abused and enslaved children. Those are the real heroes.

“When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate.”
There are many angles through which such a movie hurts the establishment's narrative:
- Open border (especially towards the south) policy embraced by the current "administration"
- Establishment's mouthpiece Hollywood's attempted sabotage of the movie, being itself a hub of crimes against children
- Ukraine
- Establishment's LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ's se*ualization and se*ual mutilation of children
- Transhumanism and the objectification, desacralization and commodification of human beings, including children
- The rapid coverup of the Epstein dossier and the connection of high profile oligarchs and technocrates
- Neo-feudalism AKA the great reset
and probably others.
It exposes them more, as a bonus it forces them to expose themselves more than they’d probably like.
I plan to see the movie soon and good news, its playing in my area and hasn't been censored. Not so good news, a red flag has been raised on Angel Studios connecting people to criminal organizations, hard to believe they're unaware of the connection. Hmmm...Wow! What to make of this!

The Clintons, the Podestas, and their friends are demonstrably involved in the criminal side of child sex trafficking. If this is news to you I recommend my report from 2019; Are the Clintons Involved in Human Trafficking? Which is based on the well-researched article by Corey Digs. And it is this group who manages and runs Polaris, the ICMEC, and the NCMEC. And these are the same groups that Angel Studios, producers of the Sound of Freedom, are directing people to as a way to combat child trafficking.

The billionaire who has been funding Tim Ballard’s operation is Carlos Slim. Who has also funded Hillary Clinton and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Témoignage de Tara Lee Rodas, audition au Sénat américain : « Que ce soit intentionnel ou non, on peut affirmer que le gouvernement des États-Unis est devenu l’intermédiaire d’un trafic d’enfants à grande échelle, d’une valeur de plusieurs milliards de dollars, mené par de mauvais acteurs qui cherchent à tirer profit de la vie des enfants. »

Testimony of Tara Lee Rodas, US Senate Hearing: "Whether intentional or not, it is safe to say that the United States government has become the conduit for large-scale child trafficking, worth billions of dollars, run by bad actors who seek to profit from the lives of children. »
Images réelles de l'opération de l'île dans "Sound Of Freedom".
Reportage de CBS d’octobre 2014, lorsqu'il était encore bien vue de dénoncer le trafic sexuel d’enfants.

Real footage of the island operation in "Sound Of Freedom".
CBS report from October 2014, when it was still popular to denounce child sex trafficking.

L’acteur de #SoundOfFeeedom JIM CAVIEZEL, menacé par la CIA !
Jim Caviezel répond à un tweet disant que ses jours sont comptés car la CIA le poursuivra
Traduction de la vidéo :
Il dit qu'il n'est pas suicidaire mais qu'il est possible qu'il puisse mourir d'un "accident", comme l'attentat à la vie avec "l'accident" de moto en 2009 après la Passion du Christ

Il n a pas peur de la mort , son amour pour Dieu et pour les enfants sont bien plus importants que les crises hystériques des médias mainstreams et de leurs idiots et malhonnêtes fact checkers .
Les seules personnes dont l'avis compte pour lui sont les personnes honnêtes comme la journaliste Lara Logan ou le Général Flynn qui elles, n ont pas peur que l'ont détruise leurs réputations tant que c'est pour défendre l amour de Dieu .
Il invite tous les chrétiens ( tous les croyants ) à en faire de même et à se lever à présent .
#SoundOfFeeedom actor JIM CAVIEZEL, threatened by the CIA!
Jim Caviezel responds to tweet saying his days are numbered because the CIA will prosecute him
Translation of the video:
He says he is not suicidal but it is possible he could die from an 'accident', such as the attempt on life with the motorcycle 'accident' in 2009 after the Passion of Christ 🤯
He is not afraid of death, his love for God and for children is far more important than the hysterical fits of the mainstream media and their idiotic and dishonest fact checkers.
The only people whose opinion counts for him are honest people like journalist Lara Logan or General Flynn who they are not afraid that they have destroyed their reputations as long as it is to defend the love of God.
He invites all Christians (all believers) to do the same and to rise now.
Enorme déclaration de l’acteur de #SoundOfFeeedom Jim Caviezel sur ces pédophiles qui nous dirigent. Il semble que les pédophiles deviennent enfin les traqués et c'est tant mieux !!
Huge statement from #SoundOfFeeedom actor Jim Caviezel about these pedophiles who run us. It seems that pedophiles are finally becoming the hunted ones and that's good!!
I plan to see the movie soon and good news, its playing in my area and hasn't been censored. Not so good news, a red flag has been raised on Angel Studios connecting people to criminal organizations, hard to believe they're unaware of the connection. Hmmm...Wow! What to make of this!

Check out journalist Celia Farber's Substack: "Why Doesn't Angel Studios Understand The Implications Of Pointing To Clinton/Podesta NGOs In The Fight Against Child Trafficking? A Greg Reese Report Raises Uncomfortable Questions"…

Farber states Greg Reese told her that within 1 hour after release of his vid (linked to above by SummerLite) the links to NCMEC & ICMEC (the Clinton-Podesta NGO's), which are seen in a screenshot in the video, were removed from the Angel Studios website. [these acronyms stand for: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and International Center for Missing and Exploited Children]

Echoing SummerLite's post, this Bitchute video contains a clip from an interview with Tim Ballard in which he states that the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is the primary funder of Sound of Freedom. In the same vid, Trump singles out Slim as behind sexual misconduct charges against him. He also points out that Carlos Slim is the largest shareholder in The New York Times. We learn Slim is also one of the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

So, we come full circle, as now Trump is screening Sound of Freedom financed by Carlos Slim whom he accuses of setting him up for sexual misconduct (!).

Going back to Greg Reese's video, what's particularly disturbing is how these NGO's and other initiatives such as Amber Alert, which are seemingly intended to monitor world wide child sex trafficking (with Amber Alert giving parents tools for tracking their children should they go missing), in actuality are fronts masking the digitized cataloging and targeting of potential victims. As this video points out, in the aftermath of these far reaching ["anti" child sex trafficking] initiatives the profits from child sex trafficking soared 500% from 30 billion to 150 billion dollars.

Towards the end of the Bitchute vid (where various inserts are accompanied by hip hop) you see that Hollywood insider Jerry Molen (who's worked on some of Spielberg's most successful films) is also this film's executive producer. Not only that, as described by the filmmakers, he was given the final say as to the editing/content of the film. In that respect, this is not an 'indie" film (if there ever really was such a thing). As the filmmakers state, "[Molen's] also very well connected so his name still calls down a lot of power."

I think it's safe to say that with an executive producer of that caliber and a Clinton connected backer, it's no wonder this film got distribution. The question is why do these particular players want such a film produced and distributed in the first place?

My first assumption (and I have yet to see the film) but my first take before doing any research was that the PTB has been aware for some time that the subject of child sex trafficking is getting more and more traction online, and so the idea of harnessing that growing pressure for exposure with a disturbing narrative film (without actually going into too much detail, or having to name names) could be their idea of a desirable compromise. However, after doing some research I realized things could be far worse than typical controlled opposition tactics: consider that before Angel Studios took down the link to the Clinton-Podesta NGO's, those running the show in all this (and Molen would certainly be ranked rather high since he might well be functioning as a Hollywood insider handler) but those running the show may have reveled in the idea of creating a focal point or context in which the audience's emotional reaction could then be unwittingly funneled into the very organizations and/or initiatives responsible for the dramatic rise of the child sex trafficking industry. Even without the links, it is now suggested at their website that concerned citizens do their own research, which invariably would lead them to the same outlets. Also: Polaris is still named. As per Reese's video (a transcription of which you can see under the video):

"In 2009 the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project and by 2014 they created a 'Global Modern Day Slavery' database of organizations in 199 countries to monitor human trafficking."

This is not to say that everyone involved in the making of this film are in on what appears to be the larger deception implied by all this. Celia Farber in conversation with Greg Reese had this to say:

"Greg and I had a very thorough conversation. We concluded that our best guess is that Tim Ballard himself is likely a victim of something or other, and probably genuine."

Journalist George Webb was less generous. But then he lost his research partner who he claims was killed due to her investigative work related to child sex trafficking:

Last of all, Greg Reese sums things up well I think:

"Awareness of this horrific problem is good. And perhaps Angel Studios is unaware of who they are promoting. But if we think that the same NGOs whose efforts increased the child sex trade by 500% will somehow end child sex slavery, then maybe we are too emotional to think clearly. And that’s a problem. Because this same cabal is pushing a totalitarian surveillance state, they are already pushing the idea of micro-chipping your children, to keep them safe. And without logic and reason, the people will demand it. And our children will be more enslaved than ever."
I think it's safe to say that with an executive producer of that caliber and a Clinton connected backer, it's no wonder this film got distribution. The question is why do these particular players want such a film produced and distributed in the first place?
Thanks Heather for bringing more information forward on this matter. Since trafficking is getting so much more exposure now perhaps they are jumping in such a dramatic way (and clearly the film is having an impact on the public) to try and control the narrative about child trafficking. Maybe we'll see special tasks force operations initiated by the governments to crack down and save children for public approval and quell the outrage, meanwhile business proceeds as usual....which is doubling down on what they're already doing. How unsurprising.

Well, it's to late for that. A major blind spot for these people is how much they underestimate/degrade people. Their deceptions worked so well for so long but no longer.
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