Sound of Freedom

Awareness of this horrific problem is good. And perhaps Angel Studios is unaware of who they are promoting. But if we think that the same NGOs whose efforts increased the child sex trade by 500% will somehow end child sex slavery, then maybe we are too emotional to think clearly. And that’s a problem. Because this same cabal is pushing a totalitarian surveillance state, they are already pushing the idea of micro-chipping your children, to keep them safe. And without logic and reason, the people will demand it. And our children will be more enslaved than ever."
This meme has just started circulation.
My gut feeling is that the “agenda” is pushing for “chipping and tracking”.
Perhaps it's not so much a larger plan but rather the result of individuals lacking any specific moral foundations, supporting anything that can generate profit. You could find the same people making money from child sex trafficking, as well as from ventures and movies aiming to expose it. If you possess excessive grandiosity and hubris, along with unwavering confidence that you can easily buy your way out of any difficult situation or eliminate individuals to escape potential troubles, then why wouldn't you finance anything that could generate money and expand your influence?
I really wouldnt worry about people behind the movie. The message is what is important. Plus, for all we know, all that bashing of the creators and producers could be just lies. Its not that it would be the first time. I mean: "russians are shelling their own nuclear plant, Pfizer vaccine is good for you" and so on, and so on . . . .
Watched it today,

Recommended, it hits hard.. really hard actually, it's a rough movie because of its topic for sure, even to the point of making you beyond uncomfortable, angry even, without getting graphic or distasteful. So the shock it provides is of a different nature and I think that is really well done.

From a purely cinematic point of view, there could be a bit of criticism, in dialogue, pace, whatever.. but it would be small honestly.

In that sense, if you know the topic and know a bit about Hollywood you can probably imagine how the movie will proceed, but I think it still is worth it.

The trafficking business is a really large, REALLY large business worldwide, which explains why there was such a freak out over it, and all the points are made clear in the movie without it feeling preachy.

I cannot understand how any normal human being would oppose this movie gaining any popularity, though sadly I am not surprised, I just can't understand it.

So, watch it if you can.
I think it's safe to say that with an executive producer of that caliber and a Clinton connected backer, it's no wonder this film got distribution. The question is why do these particular players want such a film produced and distributed in the first place?
The film was made in 2015, perhaps I want to believe that the universe arrange it for people to see it now, back then might not have caused so much attention.

Thanks Heather for bringing more information forward on this matter. Since trafficking is getting so much more exposure now perhaps they are jumping in such a dramatic way (and clearly the film is having an impact on the public) to try and control the narrative about child trafficking. Maybe we'll see special tasks force operations initiated by the governments to crack down and save children for public approval and quell the outrage, meanwhile business proceeds as usual....which is doubling down on what they're already doing. How unsurprising.

Well, it's to late for that. A major blind spot for these people is how much they underestimate/degrade people. Their deceptions worked so well for so long but no longer.
I'm trying to understand your point and it happens that I want to pretend I didn't read it because most of what is happening on the planet is so bad, that sometimes people (me) just want to see a glimmer of hope. Especially with the most helpless human beings.

This tweet appeared in my feed, I think it has some very good points to consider as well. Fwiw.


Since the film Sound of Freedom was released, it received tremendous opposition from two sides: The mainstream media dismissed it as QAnon conspiracy nonsense which was to be expected.

And over the past few weeks, many "truthers" and a few popular conservative influencers warned that this film is a psy-op, claiming that the deep state wants this movie to be out to get people to accept biometric IDs (chips) for children. In other words, Sound of Freedom is a grand conspiracy to brainwash the masses to accept microchipping children...and, as a result, everyone else.

They listed some supposedly shady connections from years ago regarding the funding of the film along with the usual "they are freemasons!" accusations based on silly hand signals and certain postures in public (on a side note: not all freemasons are evil or the "bad guys," but that's a whole other story for people stuck in over-simplified black and white thinking)

Most of the black-pilled "truthers" mechanically reposted this psy-op info just mindlessly without any thought of their own, like a black-pilled hive-mind infected by wetiko "shouting" in unison: "Don't watch the film. It's a trap!"

I've looked into all the info people posted about film being a psy-op conspiracy, and it's not convincing at all. As my friend and colleague David Whitehead (@TruthWarriorDad ) recently posted:

**"Yeah, I'm not yet sold on the sound of freedom conspiracy. I've seen all the talking points and the "case" is pretty weak from what I've seen. It's good to remain rationally cautious and skeptical, of course, however, that said, never forget that the so-called truth movement is loaded top to bottom with fakes, paranoids, radicals, and agents who sow discord and division on every possible issue currently being exposed. I've watched this occur for years now, like clockwork. Bottom line IMHO is that if this film gets people thinking about, talking about, and investigating the VERY REAL issue of international child sex trafficking, then thank you psyop!"**

I wholeheartedly agree with David. It's also gotten worse, IMO. There are increasingly mentally unstable people (based on unconscious childhood wounding, Trauma, shadow projections, personality disorders, etc) in the "truther community" spreading claims that mirror their paranoid mind, and there is tons of nonsense in the conspiracy world out there as well (not just the MSM), which people just run with.

Over the past three years, it has increased with highly questionable and exaggerated claims that this or that is a psy-op, controlled op, etc.

David has some good insights into this topic since he is a veteran in this field. I have also researched the issue of child trafficking, elite pedophile rings, and many other legit conspiracies since the 90s, which most people just have become aware of over the past few years. I've talked to people trafficked as children way before it became popular. I've spoken out and written about it for over 20 years, even before social media.

It doesn't imply that I "know it all" or that I'm never wrong, but just like David, I've seen enough and seen specific patterns and issues in the growing "truther community" over feh past two decades, and I also had to learn some lessons the hard way by turning the mirror on myself.

Back then, some of my views were also unconsciously influenced by my paranoid mind and negative bias stuck in black-and-white thinking, projecting my internal misery and shadow into the world due to a lack of sincere shadow and trauma work. At the same time, I thought I was "right" and knew "the truth," but I was lying to myself.

Once again, what Gurdjieff said comes to mind:
"In order to understand the interrelation of truth and falsehood in life, a man must understand falsehood in himself, the constant, incessant lies he tells himself."

However, virtually no one was receptive to the topic of child trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Elite pedophilia back in the 90s or even 2000s. It is a very dark and disturbing topic that makes most people very uncomfortable to the point of wanting to ignore it.

You need a particular strength of soul to go there and confront it. Even what happened on Epstein Island is a kindergarten play to what is really going on worldwide.

But step by step.

I remember something David Icke said at his live talk I attended in 1999 (one of his 8-hour lectures back in the day) that always stuck with me.

I'm paraphrasing:
"Once the dark, disturbing secret of elite child trafficking comes to light, the masses won't be able to look away. It's all about the children because anyone with a conscience cares about children. Once this topic [of child trafficking and elite pedophilia] reaches global consciousness, it will break the matrix."

Icke said that 24 years ago. What were you doing over the past 24 years when many brave people already tried to expose this topic only to be ignored, laughed at, and ridiculed? It's a rhetorical question.

I noticed that most of the paranoid black-pilled "truthers" just "woke up" in the past 3-5 years to these topics, hooked on external information [with lack of inner work] or random posts they read on social media.

At some point, you just have to ignore people who see psy-ops and controlled opposition everywhere in their wetiko-infected paranoid minds where "everything is a trap" lacking nuance, wisdom, and vision.

I've written an article about this very topic already last year. I recommend reading the entire article for context to what I'm sharing here:
- Controlled Opposition and the Truth Movement…

All the people that warn about the film being a grand conspiracy psy-op miss the bigger picture in the context of the evolution of consciousness and archetypes and how far we have come.

Did you even go and see the film?

My wife Laura (@lauramatsue ) and I saw the film a few days ago. The theater was packed on a weekday afternoon. I shed some tears during the movie, knowing how deep the horror goes and what these children experience.

The film didn't sensationalize this topic and was well made to reach the intended target audience, which was not me or anyone already aware of this topic.

Here's what many jaded black-pilled truthers don't get in their short-sighted tunnel vision: Many "regular folks" who saw the film had no idea about this topic before, and it touched them deeply.

Over the past few days, I've also watched many video reactions of "normies" on TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter, who shared their impressions right after the film. It truly opened their eyes to this disturbing topic, making them question a lot, and become more observant.

You could see it in their eyes and sense it in their voice. It motivated them to become better parents and talk to others about it. Awareness is the first step.

It's encouraging to see how the collective consciousness is more open and ready for this topic to be acknowledged and looked at at its current mass level besides the obvious resistance of the MSM.

It's a hugely positive sign considering the symbolic meaning and representing archetypes coming into the collective awareness during this Time of Transition in the context of the evolution of consciousness.

I've waited for this reaction and "acceptance" for 25 years.

And that aspect is what virtually all black-pilled folks don't get in their endarkened cave. They can't see the forest for the trees.

Does this imply all is good and over, and we will win the war against child trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse in the next few years? Nope, hunting down pedophiles or arresting the bad guys is not enough. I have repeated that over and over again over the years.

The topic of pedophilia and child sexual abuse is connected to everything else we see right now in our culture, society, and maybe even in your own life:

The sexualization of children (even sexualizing yourself, for what example do you set for children?), queer "family" events, people's obsession with youth, trying to look "younger" and "sexy" (filters, cosmetic surgery, botox), porn, OnlyFans, Tinder, the abuse of sexual energy driven by lust and the lower nature, narcissistic parents showing off their little children on social media (especially in bathing suits), etc, etc....the list goes on and on.

It's all interrelated, for the shadow needs to be made conscious of, within ourselves and without in the world.

Nothing is isolated. Nothing is separated. It's all interrelated. We also need to take a look into the mirror and how we abuse sexual energy (for attention, power, or addiction) that occult forces feed off- the deep dark sexual shadow with all its suppression [with all the religious guilt programming] or hedonistic over-indulgence - two sides of the same coin

Sound of Freedom is a big step forward in the right direction in raising awareness. My advice: Ignore the black-pilled naysayers. Go watch it yourself. Speak out about and put the mirror on yourself as well, for the work is always twofold but one: as within, so without - as above, so below.

Add: had not seen the movie yet, it will be until 31 of August on at my country.
The film was made in 2015, perhaps I want to believe that the universe arrange it for people to see it now, back then might not have caused so much attention.
Quite possibly, and true it has more impact now which is very good. I think our reactions are very similar, high hopes that this film is a major breakthrough in getting the information out so that it can be stopped. Then an immediate sucker punch to the belly when its corrupt makers are exposed. It's been this way for me many times in the last few years when events seem to lead to progress and hope only to be wiped out. I tell myself it HAS done good non the less because its exposing them, little by little I guess. I place a lot of value on truth however and it appears to be true what is being presented about the makers and the NGO's whom Angel Studios had listed as contacts but removed immediately after this info came out. If this is false then I gladly accept it. The claims should be examined i think.

BUT, that doesn't mean this film won't go a long way in waking up the people which it seems to be doing. The children being trafficked over the US/Mexican boarder have been getting a lot of coverage here and I feel like the ball has started to roll in exposing the whole nightmare. I agree with David Icke and I've said it here before, when this is all known it will bring them down, I hope.

So, it's to bad this film doesn't appear to be made by well meaning people and thats just another thing we have to deal with. Its disappointing. That DOESN'T Mean there's NO Hope, there's plenty from my perspective anyway. What I say here is that their plans won't work because they've already been exposed by many people and the numbers will grow..

Well, it's to late for that. A major blind spot for these people is how much they underestimate/degrade people. Their deceptions worked so well for so long but no longer.

. The tweet you posted makes some good points towards the end I think but the criticisms of the dark pilled truthers is bothersome. I'm not on twitter so maybe there are a lot of nutty paranoids going off but I don't get my information from them.

Most of the black-pilled "truthers" mechanically reposted this psy-op info just mindlessly without any thought of their own, like a black-pilled hive-mind infected by wetiko "shouting" in unison: "Don't watch the film. It's a trap!"

Anyway, I hope that clarifies my views on the matter. I'm not the best with expressing myself in writing. I bet there are others here who felt the same way when the down side was posted. Lets see what other information comes out.

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The film was made in 2015, perhaps I want to believe that the universe arrange it for people to see it now, back then might not have caused so much attention.

I'm trying to understand your point and it happens that I want to pretend I didn't read it because most of what is happening on the planet is so bad, that sometimes people (me) just want to see a glimmer of hope. Especially with the most helpless human beings.

This tweet appeared in my feed, I think it has some very good points to consider as well. Fwiw.

Add: had not seen the movie yet, it will be until 31 of August on at my country.
Hi mabar.

This person you are quoting is not talking about the makers of the film that you can read about in the post I put together, which has links to two videos worth watching.

This person is also not dealing with the fact that the Angel Studios website linked to (and then erased the links when this was exposed by Greg Reese) the very Clinton-Podesta NGO's that largely contributed to the soaring increase in child sex trafficking profits to begin with.

I too just learned the film Sound of Freedom was made some time ago -- your date is 2015. I also heard it had a small release online, I believe in 2019.

One can only speculate as to why it took this long to be distributed in theaters. If it's true it was released online in 2019, it could have been to test its reception, similar to what in Hollywood is done through a preview showing to see how the audience responds before its theatrical release. Sound of Freedom might even have been re-edited based on the reaction of this initial online release. Of course, when the PTB decided to go with the Covid pandemic scenario in 2020 it makes sense that the film would be put on the back burner as far as a theatrical release goes with so much else going on. But, again, this is just my own speculation.

After I wrote that post yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night as I sometimes do due to intermittent insomnia. I usually read until I can fall back to sleep. But last night after waking up something again struck me -- this time very powerfully -- regarding the motives of the very same players benefiting from child sex trafficking being the players producing and distributing the film.

Let me see if I can put this as plainly as I can.

So, if the funders and exec producer of the film -- tied to the Clinton-Podesta NGOs, including the nefarious activities of the Clinton Foundation (with Carlos Slim not just a major donor to the Clinton Foundation but someone who worked on Clinton Foundation "projects" in various countries including Colombia, where, not surprisingly, some of Sound of Freedom was shot, as well as Haiti--where much of the Clinton's child sex trafficking has been documented)... but my point is, if such persons are behind this film, a film which is eliciting such an emotional response from most of those viewing it, then they must have a reason for wanting to elicit such a response. And that's what struck me rather forcefully last night as I lay there awake.

Just as with the Covid "pandemic," which relied on fear to cause the majority of the population to accept masking, shutting down the economy (with a ruthless targeting of small businesses), and finally to accept and even be elated by receiving a potentially lethal injection, then what, I thought, would be the common denominator when comparing that scenario with this film about the horrors of world-wide child sex trafficking?

Could the common denominator be fear?

Could the parents of young or teenage children react with an emotionalism bordering on fear concerning the safety of their own children? Would a percentage of them seek to protect their children by enrolling them in Amber Alert whereby significant facts such as name, age, sex, residence, etc., of their children could be easily accessed? Would such parents (many of whom are already offering up their children for potentially lethal Covid shots) also allow for the micro-chipping of their children since, just like with the Covid shot, they are convinced it's for their own protection?

In light of everything we've just seen concerning Covid, I'd say this is all very plausible. This is exactly why these nefarious players would produce such a film: to put the subject of child sex trafficking on the map for many who didn't even realize there was such a widespread problem, and to personalize it by evoking an emotional, for some fearful response whereby many of them would seek out the "protection" offered by the Clinton-Podesta NGO's (namely, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and International Center for Missing and Exploited Children), Amber Alert, & other related entities.

Another factor in all this is the profit motive. Not just concerning the film itself, but in terms of raising money in the form of donations to the cause of stopping child sex trafficking (as per the above mentioned entities). Oh, and also, the profits associated with drawing out new victims.

I'm hearing from a lot of sources that as the financial system implodes, so does the money necessary for running all the nefarious and lucrative operations, including child sex trafficking. Drawing attention, and money to the situation, as well as digitally cataloging a whole new crop of children or would-be targets would be in line with the machinations of a desperate and illicit power structure about to implode.

This meme has just started circulation.
My gut feeling is that the “agenda” is pushing for “chipping and tracking”.
View attachment 78150

Hi Debra.

Very interesting the quote from Tim Ballard. Ties in very nicely doesn't it?

What's the connection to Freemasonry?
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I really wouldnt worry about people behind the movie. The message is what is important. Plus, for all we know, all that bashing of the creators and producers could be just lies. Its not that it would be the first time. I mean: "russians are shelling their own nuclear plant, Pfizer vaccine is good for you" and so on, and so on . . . .
Tim Ballard himself said on video that the largest funder of the film is Carlos Slim.
Some tried to say that Trump was involved when a picture of him with Epstein surfaced. I doubt you could be in big business or govt without having some dealings with the big players in trafficking. That doesn't necessarily directly equate to an involvement in trafficking itself.

One of the lessons of ponerology is that any movement that begins with good intent is open to the infiltration of those with the opposite intent in order to use the movement for their own ends.

I still have the same hope that mabar addresses - the story about the starfish helps.
From SummerLite
Quite possibly, and true it has more impact now which is very good. I think our reactions are very similar, high hopes that this film is a major breakthrough in gettingthe information out so that it can be stopped. Then an immediate sucker punch to the belly when its corrupt makers are exposed. It's been this way for me many times in the last few years when events seem to lead to progress and hope only to be wiped out. I tell myself it HAS done good non the less because its exposing them, little by little I guess. I place a lot of value on truth however and it appears to be true what is being presented about the makers and theNGO's whom Angel Studios had listed as contacts but removed immediately after this info came out. If this is false then I gladly accept it. The claims should be examined I think.

It has also happened to me and will continue to happen, it is one of many ways to learn. I can't say if it is false or not about the issue of Angel Studios, I don't know and, if it should be observed/examined since in this forum we are looking for the truth.

I can say that I at least do not want to do it, I do not want to kill the messenger yet?, give time for it to arrive I guess, I have not seen it and, anyway I am already learning a priori, so there is already the seed of suspicion.

From SummerLite
So, it's to bad this film doesn't appear to be made by well meaning people and thats just another thing we have to deal with. Its disappointing. That DOESN'T Mean there's NO Hope, there's plenty from my perspective anyway. What I say here is that their plans won't work because they'vealready been exposed by many people and the numbers will grow.

Is it. For me, their plans will continue to work because even though they have already been exposed - in part - they have the power to continue to do so, although it is good that many people to be aware, it is part of the struggle of good against the evil of humanity, life is full of grays between those two points.

From SummerLite
The tweet you posted makes some good points towards the end I think but the criticisms of the dark pilled truthers is bothersome. I'm not on twitter so maybe thereare a lot of nutty paranoids going off but I don't get my information from them.

Yes, there is a lot of that. And not that I take that information into account, it's good to know that there are.

From Heather
This person you are quoting is not talking about the makers of the film that you can read about in the post I put together, which has links to two videos worth watching.

This person is also not dealing with the fact that the Angel Studios website linked to (and then erased the links when this was exposed by Greg Reese) the very Clinton-Podesta NGO's that largely contributed to the soaring increase in child sex trafficking profits to begin with.

No, and I haven't seen your videos either, so it was easy for me to dismiss that particular piece of information. Now I was struck by the name Greg Reese, I don't know him, I went to search in this forum.

I found this recently from the Elon Musk's thread
From Voyageur
So was surprised to see this feature on Randell's site, and it is from one Greg Reese (who is he?). Oh, Greg is the producer of Infowars, another that have not frequented.

Ah! Infowars, I was already aware that it was not very reliable source, I stayed in the past, I don't know if its forms and manners have changed, since I don't follow it, this article is from 2009 and we find ourselves again with the messenger's part.

Alex Jones: The Pied Piper of Extremism Who Brands "Truth-Seeking" as Mental Illness

Although, I have not seen your videos and although they do not give me much confidence by the messanger, it would be naive to deny certain connections, Carlos Slim, had, has, will continue to have businesses that make him money no matter how ignoble and/or criminal they may be, billionaires do not give up. They give crumbs from time to time so that people don't feel so indignant. That's the way the system is.
Eduardo Veràstegui is also a Mexican producer of the movie, I guess he had to swallow certain principles to ally with Slim and be able to carry it out.

From SummerLite
I too just learned the film Sound of Freedom was made some time ago -- your date is 2015. I also heard it had a small release online, I believe in 2019.

One can only speculate asto why it took this long to be distributed in theaters. If it's true it was released online in 2019, it could have been to test its reception, similar to what in Hollywood is done through a preview showing to see how theaudience responds before its theatrical release. Sound of Freedom might even have been re-edited based on the reaction of this initial online release. Of course, when the PTB decided to go with the Covid pandemic scenarioin 2020 it makes sense that the film would be put on the back burner as far as a theatrical release goes with so much else going on. But, again, this is just my own speculation.

According to an interview I saw of Agustin Laje to Eduardo Verastegui (both Spanish-speaking right wingers) Verastegui commented that he had many problems for it to be screened in theaters, that nobody wanted it because it was not good business until Angel Studios appeared and they launched it in a short time.

Here is the interview, it can be subtitled in English.

Note, I haven't finished answering your post, Heather.
Well, I can understand someone being in a position of rescuing stole kids the world over, to see the benefits of having tracking devices on them. From one point of view, it would make things easier. However, these types of business are such that removing or deactivating such chips would be the response of whoever's in charge of it.

I daresay that the reason there's such a push back from apparently both sides of the discussion is that, it's a really large business, which much like the drug business, once it grows that large, it starts to require the involvement of higher and more public figures in order for it to remain functional, it also means that a lot of people are getting their cut.

Also, it's a topic that really isn't political, it really has the potential of differentiating humanity into pathological and normal human beings. People have disagreed over almost anything in the past few years, on this one, I daresay that most would agree and those who don't would be exposed, and those who don't are members of both sides of the political spectrum.
I found this recently from the Elon Musk's thread
From Voyageur : So was surprised to see this feature on Randell's site, and it is from one Greg Reese (who is he?). Oh, Greg is the producer of Infowars, another that have not frequented.

Ah! Infowars, I was already aware that it was not very reliable source, I stayed in the past, I don't know if its forms and manners have changed, since I don't follow it, this article is from 2009 and we find ourselves again with the messenger's part.

Hi again, mabar.

I myself am no great fan of Alex Jones or Infowars. (Not that they don't sometimes provide some legitimate commentary.) It was journalist Celia Farber, who I've been reading lately, and who I think is credible and relatable, who linked to Reese's video in her Substack. (She also claims Reese to be a friend.) Actually, it was journalist George Webb who spoke highly of Farber, which is how I first found out about her. In any event, I found Reese's video to be succinct and strong and I thought he made a compelling argument regarding emotionalism vs. critical thinking relative to the rather charged situation surrounding this film.

It has also happened to me and will continue to happen, it is one of many ways to learn. I can't say if it is false or not about the issue of Angel Studios, I don't know and, if it should be observed/examined since in this forum we are looking for the truth.
In Reese's video he has a screenshot of the Angels Studio links to the Clinton-Podesta NGO's (from before it was erased), which you can evaluate for yourself. As I earlier pointed out as well, the last time I checked, Polaris was still mentioned on their site (Polaris, as Reese indicates in his vid, is also tied to the Clintons).
I didn't see the movie myself, just saw Operation Toussaint. I follow a french Telegram channel against pedocriminality and saw some of the same critics (not the "it's to force to chips your children" type) from some victims : dubious funding, redirection to an unclean non profit association (to say the least), obscene amout of money for the protaganists, etc., all of this pointing to some damage control, that is addressing the subject while leaving the real culprits, or more nefarious aspects aside. (While it's good to see the subject addressed, but, like it has been already said in this thread, not so good, perfect, optimal)

Regarding Operation Toussaint, which I saw, I really fail to understand how this was legally possible. Something seems off to me, but I know too that I'm pretty ignorant in US/World laws. (There are so much other movement who walks on eggshells.)

So, good point : exposure of the problem. Bad point : insert what you want...

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