St.Petersburg metro explosion-multiple casualties reported after blast on subway

My heart goes to this tragedy, the family of the victims, Russia.

Every time something like this happens it is against not just a country but against humanity. This is very sad, to see these attacks again and again, in Syria, in Irak, in Yemen, in England, in Russia, everywhere humanity is attacked. How repulsive are the people or the entities that control these "humans" to do this to us. Enough!
Lumiere_du_Code said:
And some Ukrainians, as usual, rejoice and gloat. And all Ukr TV channels, the security service and politicians routinely throw shit at the fan and - guess what - they say Putin did it. And all these "experts" and "politicians" on their accounts in social networks certainly write the name of Putin in an offensive language, using obscene words. Monkeys are not capable of another, in general. These "human" beings do not know the limits of abomination and malice, and it pains me to watch it.

I want to add that yesterday's terrorist attack was certainly a "signal", because its organizers knew that Putin would be in St. Petersburg that day, and that April 3 was the day of the formation of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB/ФСБ). And who at us likes all these games with signs, dates and numbers?

And the explosion was not planned to be the only one, as you know, since another explosive device was found and correctly neutralized.

I read Russian forums and comments in news media, and I see that people there are solidary with each other (not including some degenerates and trolls, of course), and the residents of St. Petersburg are not intimidated, but they feel anger towards those who did it and they are strong. Yesterday they helped each other, the drivers delivered all those who needed to the destination free of charge, people opened an online notice board for everyone who needed help, etc.
And I wish President Putin and all the people there to cope with all the difficulties and remain united and aware.

Lumiere_du_Code, thank you for sharing your testimonials about the moods and attitudes in Ukraine with regards to this horrible attack. Same thing goes for forums in Russian that you read. People like me, who live far away from the actual events, only have the media to inform us about what's going on so such testimonials are like gold really. I'm catching up with the Civil War In Ukraine thread as I am a relatively new arrival here, and I saw your posts there too. Really useful.

Thank you for sharing everyone!
This girl on Twitter made a valid point: "Where are you worldwide celebrities who prays for another cities?! Or we are not people for you?!"

clerck de bonk said:
Yes, did You also notice the 'reporters' obvious glee (or was it just me?) which they could barely contain? It makes me mad... :mad:
And nobody's pulling out their flags now (very few anyway).

Unless I missed something, I haven't seen people changing their facebook profile pictures to the Russian flag either. But hey, with reporters showing such attitude as described above, I'm not surprised at all.

angelburst29 said:
The Russian Investigative Committee has revealed the identity of a 22-year-old man who blew himself up in the Saint Petersburg subway on Monday, killing 14 and injuring dozens of people.

Since there was another location with explosives, there should be at least one more person to be found. I wonder how this investigation is going to unfold.
I can't place tweets from twitter here, so if you want to read, see the link:

Western journalists hours after the attack are going wild on conspiracy theories how Putin is actually behind it.

Apparently conspiracy theories exist in their world. But only when Russia can be blamed.

People are really showing their true colors nowadays and I am glad they do, by their fruits you shall know them. No more pretending. What a hatefull and despicable bunch of creatures.
bjorn said:
I can't place tweets from twitter here, so if you want to read, see the link:

Western journalists hours after the attack are going wild on conspiracy theories how Putin is actually behind it.

Apparently conspiracy theories exist in their world. But only when Russia can be blamed.

People are really showing their true colors nowadays and I am glad they do, by their fruits you shall know them. No more pretending. What a hatefull and despicable bunch of creatures.

Yeah, isn't it psychopaths, sociopaths and the like that have the habit of accusing others of what they themselves are doing? Especially if it suits their agenda. Seems to fit the bill here.
Logic of western journalists:
- If the attack happened in West Europe, then it's the terrorists.
- If the attack happened in Russia, then it's Putin and Russians.

People still cannot see the lies, common sense is very uncommon :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
According to Reuters, Merkel's government didn't light up the Brandenburg Gate in Russian flag colors in solidarity for the St. Petersburg tragedy as it did for France, the Netherlands and other countries who experienced terrorist acts. The PTB really hates Russia.
NormaRegula said:
According to Reuters, Merkel's government didn't light up the Brandenburg Gate in Russian flag colors in solidarity for the St. Petersburg tragedy as it did for France, the Netherlands and other countries who experienced terrorist acts. The PTB really hates Russia.

Indeed, there is a PTB Western full press hate on for them. When the West stopped honoring their WWII efforts, remembering their great losses the Russians endured fighting fascists, attending their ceremony's, revising history, pulling down monuments, arming proxy thugs and parking NATO on their doorstep, it became near unbearable to realize the direction the West was taking, and nothing has improved. It's embarrassing looking at our leaders today, how they act and what they stand for.
NormaRegula said:
According to Reuters, Merkel's government didn't light up the Brandenburg Gate in Russian flag colors in solidarity for the St. Petersburg tragedy as it did for France, the Netherlands and other countries who experienced terrorist acts. The PTB really hates Russia.

Yeah, what a shame. The official explanation of the Berlin senate was that "St. Petersburg isn't one of Berlin's twin cities" - a very weak excuse. Since this doesn't add up because they also lid up the Brandenburg gate after an attack in Jerusalem and the attack in Orlando (both not twin cities), they further weaseled around by explaining that in the Jerusalem case, they wanted to show solidarity because of the German history, and in the Orlando case (the gay club bombing), they wanted to show solidarity as "an open city". How pathetic. (German source: _
clerck de bonk said:
Yes, did You also notice the 'reporters' obvious glee (or was it just me?) which they could barely contain? It makes me mad... :mad:
And nobody's pulling out their flags now (very few anyway).

Yeah. Haven't seen anyone (outside this network) expressing their condolences or putting Russian flag profile in FB.

Yesterday during Finnish news program Yle A-studio another journalist presented the idea of "conspiracy theories" and how Moscow could be behind the bombing (without any proof obviously). The journalist had noticed "how Putin was the first person to inform media about the casualties" (which may have something to do with the fact that Putin is the president of Russia). Apparently it was suspicious that he was having a meeting with journalists around the time of the bombing.

Another newspaper's (Iltalehti) headline poster was implying connection with opposition protests: "Violent terror attack after protests - WHAT'S GOING ON IN RUSSIA?".

These so called journalists are acting exactly like the straw man which they're normally using to attack people who ask legitimate questions based on real evidence. Now there's zero evidence in their speculations and they're driven mainly because "Putin is thug", as one journalist wrote on twitter.

Here's btw short article about this topic published yesterday on Finnish SOTT:
luc said:
NormaRegula said:
According to Reuters, Merkel's government didn't light up the Brandenburg Gate in Russian flag colors in solidarity for the St. Petersburg tragedy as it did for France, the Netherlands and other countries who experienced terrorist acts. The PTB really hates Russia.

Yeah, what a shame. The official explanation of the Berlin senate was that "St. Petersburg isn't one of Berlin's twin cities" - a very weak excuse. Since this doesn't add up because they also lid up the Brandenburg gate after an attack in Jerusalem and the attack in Orlando (both not twin cities), they further weaseled around by explaining that in the Jerusalem case, they wanted to show solidarity because of the German history, and in the Orlando case (the gay club bombing), they wanted to show solidarity as "an open city". How pathetic. (German source: _

Interestingly, the only city that had a building lit up in the colours of the russian flag was Tel Aviv, the night after the attack. I don't know if it was done for political reasons by the Israeli government, but it is also a fact that a lot of the country's population are jewish russians.

Tel Aviv, Israel is only country to light up city in Russian flag colors

The response of the western world to the attack in St Petersburg is indeed sickening - although, unfortunately, predictable.
A few more places lit up last night, most after public pressure.

Light of hope: Global landmarks commemorate St. Petersburg blast victims (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Several cities around the world have memorialized the victims of the St. Petersburg Metro explosion, which killed 14 and injured dozens, but some landmarks that usually show solidarity after similar attacks in other countries have chosen not to for Russia.

The Eiffel Tower turned off its lights in tribute to the victims of the St. Petersburg Metro blast, apparently after the city’s authorities came under massive public pressure on social networks.

“Tonight, at midnight, Paris dims the lights of the Eiffel Tower in tribute to the victims of the attack in Saint Petersburg,” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo wrote on Twitter.


The German city of Dresden lit up its iconic Palace of Culture with the colors of the Russian flag on Tuesday evening as a symbol of mourning and solidarity.

Dirk Hilbert, Dresden’s mayor, sent a letter to St. Petersburg Governor Sergey Poltavchenko, in which he “strictly condemned” the terror attack and “extended sincere condolences on behalf of all Dresden residents” to the victims and their loved ones.

“I am here at the Palace of Culture only for this event, because I believe it is very important that we show this as a sign of solidarity here in Germany,” Ulf Rothe, a local resident, told Ruptly.


Palace Albanija, a high-rise building in Belgrade, Serbia was also illuminated in Russia’s national colors on Tuesday.

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic sent a telegram of condolence to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We are deeply shaken by the news of the horrific explosion at a metro station in St. Petersburg, which is obviously a senseless act of terrorism,” Vucic said.
Tel Aviv

It was midday in Europe and early morning in the US when the blast in St. Petersburg occurred, so public outcry followed when, on Monday, Tel Aviv was the only city that showed solidarity.

Israeli city projected the Russian flag onto its City Hall.

“In solidarity with our friends in Saint Petersburg, TelAviv city hall is lit tonight in the colors of the Russian flag,” Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai wrote on Twitter.

‘Shame!’ Social media points to double standards concerning St. Petersburg attack

People on social media have been pointing out that, after the Paris and Brussels attacks, the world’s major cities immediately used their landmarks to display grief and show solidarity. However, that didn’t happen after the metro blast in St. Petersburg.

Some have begun note how victims of terrorism are treated differently, depending on the country in which the attack takes place.

The majority of the anger was directed towards Germany’s Brandenburg Gate, which showed solidarity after similar attacks in Paris, Brussels, London, Orlando, Istanbul, Nice and Jerusalem.

Klaus Lederer, Berlin’s culture commissioner, took to Facebook to say that “the Russian flag [colors] should have also been actually projected on the Brandenburg Gate.”

Some people criticized Facebook for not creating a filter with Russian colors, but the social media giant did activate safety checks in the wake of the blast.

Social media users were asking if the London Eye, which is also usually lit up in similar cases, would be illuminated in the colors of the Russian flag.
More attacks against Russia: Explosion in Rostov-on-Don, police ambushed in Astrakhan

Russia Insider article:

Russia is experiencing a string of terror acts and violence.

An IED, apparently disguised as a flashlight, injured one person on Thursday morning in an explosion in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, police sources told the Russian media. The blast reportedly took place near a school.

The explosive device detonated when a man picked it up off the ground.

Earlier on Thursday, Russia's National Guard announced that four suspects in an attack on police in Russia’s southern city of Astrakhan have been shot dead during a manhunt. The gunmen killed two officers, seriously injuring two others.

According to RT:
Three Russian National Guard servicemen were shot at from a moving vehicle at a checkpoint on Thursday, RIA Novosti reported. One of the attackers was killed on the spot.

Police cordoned off the entire district of the city where the attack took place, with no vehicles allowed in or out. A special operation was launched. Local investigators have confirmed that the attackers were identified as suspects in the fatal April 4 shooting.

“One of the suspects in the murder of policemen in Astrakhan was eliminated during an attack on a National Guard post, while another died after an injury to his back, two others were located and eliminated. All of them were wanted in the case of the [April 4] murder of the police officers. There have been no casualties among National Guard servicemen,” a National Guard spokesman told Sputnik news agency.
A terror attack in St. Petersburg on Monday killed 14 and injured more than 40.

A gathering in memory of the victims of the deadly St. Petersburg metro explosion will take place in the city on Thursday.

In other news, Russia has had it's hands full in dealing with other explosions and weeding out extremists.

Memorial Gathering to Take Place at St. Petersburg Metro Station on Thursday

A gathering in memory of the victims of the deadly St. Petersburg metro explosion will take place in the city on Thursday, St. Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko announced.

"I invite all the people who are not indifferent, who were deeply affected by the tragedy that has occurred, to come to the Tekhnologichesky Institut metro station at 18:00 [15:00 GMT] on April 6," Poltavchenko said.

A memorial action will also take place in the Russian capital, Moscow, on Thursday afternoon in Manezhnaya Square.

Nine Facts About St. Pete Suicide Bomber

He was 22, a native of the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan. So far, this is all we know of Akbarzhon Dzhalilov, who reportedly blew himself up, along with 14 other people, in the St. Petersburg metro Monday. Sputnik took a closer look at the region the suspected terrorist came from.

The suspect - Fact 1: Even though a native of Kyrgyzstan, Dzhalilov carried a Russian passport.

In 2011 his family moved to Russia where his father and elder brother received Russian citizenship. After he came of age, Akbarzhon was also issued a Russian passport.

Fact 2: He comes from an ordinary family. His father still lives in Russia and his mother recently returned to Osh, Kyrgyzstan, along with her two sons. Neighbors describe them as quiet and inconspicuous people without any strong religious affiliations.

On Tuesday, investigators in Osh questioned Dzhalilov’s mother and his other relatives.

Fact 3: In Kyrgyzstan Akbarzhon Dzhalilov is officially considered a suspect with investigators unable to either prove or disprove his guilt. They insist that this is up to their Russian colleagues to determine.

City of Osh - Fact 4: Osh is a 3,000-year-old city in Kyrgyzstan’s southern Fergana Valley. The second largest city after Bishkek, Osh is the country’s unofficial “southern capital.” The residents are mostly conservative and very religious.

Fact 5: Osh is the main city of a “problem” region of the same name. Having no clear-cut border with neighboring Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the region is the focus of regular conflicts.

The situation came to a head in 2010, when violent clashes between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks reportedly left 418 people dead.

Fact 6: Osh is located just a few hundred kilometers from the Afghan border, but experts believe that Afghanistan poses no real threat to Kyrgyzstan.

Fact 7: Osh is considered to be more vulnerable to recruiting attempts made by terrorist organizations than the country’s more religious northern regions.

Radical Islam - Fact 8: Radical Islam is not widespread in this small central Asian republic. Experts believe that even though various international religious groups are active in Kyrgyzstan, there still no visible signs of any radicalization among the local population.

According to official data, 500 people have so far left the country to join jihadist militants in Syria. 30 have been killed there and about 40 have returned home.

Fact 9: Islamic groups are partly spreading Radical Islamic ideas, but they have been gaining maximum traction in Central Asia. A number of suspected members of Hizb ut-Tahrir were arrested in Kyrgyzstan in January.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international, pan-Islamic political organization, which aims to re-establish the Islamic Caliphate and introduce Sharia law. Its members are recruiting fighters for Daesh.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is outlawed in many countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Germany.

On April 3, an explosion hit the center of St. Petersburg on the rail between two metro stations, killing at least 14 people and injuring about 50 more.

On April 5, the Russian Investigative Committee named Kyrgyzstan-born 22-year-old Akbarzhon Dzhalilov, a Russian citizen, as the suicide bomber behind the attack.

The investigation also found out that the same man had left a bag with an explosive device at another subway station. It was defused by mine-disposal experts.

The Russian city of Rostov-on-Don was hit by an explosion, local media reports citing sources in the regional law enforcement services.

Russian City of Rostov-on-Don Reportedly Hit by Explosion: One Injured

The blast took place in the center of Rostov-on-Don, one person is reportedly injured.

According to the information from the source, a man picked up a suspicious object on the road and it detonated.

"A man picked up a suspicious object on the road, which detonated, the blast tore off his fingers, and he was also got an abdominal wound. The man is hospitalized," the source said.

Another source said that that the accident took place not far from one of the city's schools, its territory is cordoned off, special services are operating on the spot.

"The incident occurred around 07:00 Moscow time not far from the Socialistskaya street. According to preliminary data, one person is injured — a man whose fingers were shot off," a source said.

The source explained that the wounded person is a school janitor and the accident took place while he was cleaning the territory around the school. The detonated object was an improvised explosive device disguised as a flashlight.

He specified that the school was suspended, children are not allowed into the building.

Earlier in the week an explosion occurred in St. Petersburg in a subway train car on the stretch between the Sennaya Ploshchad and Tekhnologichesky Institut metro stations. Another blast that was supposed to take place on Ploshchad Vosstaniya station was prevented by bomb technicians.

The Monday explosion claimed the lives of at least 14 people, 55 others remain in hospitals.

An interior ministry source reported that three servicemen of the Russian National Guard were shot at from a moving vehicle during a search for those responsible for the killing of two police officers in the southern city of Astrakhan.

Russian National Guard Members Injured During Search for Astrakhan Attackers

Three servicemen of the Russian National Guard were shot at from a moving vehicle during a search for those responsible for the killing of two police officers in the southern city of Astrakhan, a local interior ministry source told Sputnik.

"According to preliminary information, there were three attackers, they opened fire from a car, one of the attackers was killed," the source said, adding that the attackers could be the ones who killed police officers on Tuesday.

Later, a representative of the regional Investigative Committee confirmed to Sputnik that the killed attacker was one of the men wanted for the killing of two police officers in Astrakhan.

"As a result of the armed confrontation, three law enforcement members were injured, one of the attackers was eliminated by return fire. During the shootout, other attackers managed to escape, they also seized the weapons of the law enforcement members. The eliminated attacker has been identified as one of those wanted in the criminal case, according to preliminary information," the representative said.

A regional law enforcement source told Sputnik that another man wanted in the case was injured during the shootout with the National Guard.

According to the source, one of the four administrative districts of Astrakhan was cordoned off after the shootout and police have found the car used by the attackers.

On Wednesday, the Russian Investigative Committee announced the names of four men wanted for the killing of two police officers in Astrakhan. On Tuesday, Astrakhan's local authorities said a group of radical Islamists attacked and killed police officers overnight before fleeing the scene. The group numbered eight assailants, with two already detained in Astrakhan.

Four suspects in the killing of two police officers in Russia’s southern city of Astrakhan have been eliminated, a regional representative of the Russian National Guard told Sputnik.

4 Suspects in Killing of Police Officers in Russia's Astrakhan Eliminated

On Wednesday, the Russian Investigative Committee said that four men were wanted for the Tuesday killing of two police officers in Astrakhan. The group of radical Islamists responsible for the killing numbered eight assailants, but two of them had already been detained.

One of the suspects in the murder of policemen in Astrakhan was eliminated during an attack on a National Guard post, another died after an injury to his back, two others were located and eliminated. All of them were wanted in the case of the murder of police officers. There have been no casualties among National Guard servicemen," a National Guard representative told Sputnik on Thursday morning.

A local interior ministry source told Sputnik in the early hours of Thursday that three servicemen of the Russian National Guard were shot at from a moving vehicle during a search for those responsible for the killing of two police officers in Astrakhan. One of the attackers was killed in return fire.

Six Central Asian citizens have been detained in St. Petersburg on suspicion of facilitating terrorist activities and recruiting their compatriots into terrorist groups, the Russian Investigative Committee said Wednesday.

Six Asians Detained in St. Petersburg on Suspicion of Terrorist Recruitment (Video) (1:12 min.)

The arrests were carried out jointly with officers of regional FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs directorates, as well as special National Guard subdivisions.

"On April 5, 2017, as a result of investigative actions and measures, investigators… detained six citizens from Central Asian republics who arrived in Russia for work," the committee said.

The unidentified detainees are suspected of recruiting, starting in November 2015, mostly immigrants from Central Asia to commit terrorist crimes and involve them in the activities of Daesh and the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) terrorist groups (both banned in numerous countries).
Eärwen said:
More attacks against Russia: Explosion in Rostov-on-Don, police ambushed in Astrakhan

Russia Insider article:


A note - pertaining to the Russia Insider website:

Inside Job at Russia Insider: Fresh Allegations of Fraud Fort Russ Editorial Team

On April 11th, 2016, Fort Russ featured an exposé on a number of serious allegations of fraud and impropriety at Russia Insider (RI) - a crowdfunded platform for news out of Russia, in English. Since the 2016 FR exposé, several other former employees of RI have come forward to confirm the allegations and present new information. (Article continues.)
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