Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I just heard from a friend whose friend's 27 year old son died of a heart attack a couple days after receiving vaccine (Wisconsin/USA). Medical community there actually DID attribute his death to vaccine, surprise! However, there was a disturbing result of that admission. The life insurance company carrying his policy denied benefits for his death because...get this! he died as a result of an experimental medicine/medical procedure, which apparently is NOT covered under the policy if it's determined to be cause of death.

WTH? Here we are hoping for disclosure and admission that these vaccines are killing people and when they finally DO admit it, the surviving families, who are fortunate enough to have a life insurance policy, are left without compensation for the loss of their loved one.
How many people realize this before getting the jab?
That is horrible. So sorry about your friend's son. :hug2: You may want to suggest your friend call an attorney to see if there is any legal recourse. That doesn't sound legal to me.
WTH? Here we are hoping for disclosure and admission that these vaccines are killing people and when they finally DO admit it, the surviving families, who are fortunate enough to have a life insurance policy, are left without compensation for the loss of their loved one.
How many people realize this before getting the jab?
What a double blow. In a way, I can understand the life insurance company as why should they pay, when the blame is really on the vaccine companies? The Pharmaceutical companies should pay, but they have gotten a free pass, thus life insurance companies can't go after them. As it is common knowledge that Big Pharma don't carry any responsibility, then in a way it is up to the people who choose to take the vaccine to carry the consequences. Even then, it does not make the loss of a loved one, any easier to deal with.
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Thank you all for posting all the valuable info. I'm especially grateful for the info re: the "shedding" of whatever is in the vaccine effecting others, this being especially seen in abnormal periods for women and possible miscarriages. I'm having all the signs of early pregnancy (again). At my age I've had several very early losses aka "chemical pregnancies" and a miscarriage at 10 weeks. At my age, every pregnancy is something that shouldn't be wasted. My husband, whose main source of info is MSM and family has all been vaccinated and live in daily fear of COVID, is planning on getting vaccinated soon. We have had several blowouts about this instigated by me, fueled by me, and handled badly because of me.

Last night was probably the worst in that I found this info on the thread about shedding and realized that he could be potentially endangering this pregnancy. He does not think so but I think that he is understanding that there are women out there having odd things happen to their body. As of now, he's not willing to delay vaccination to see if this pregnancy lasts at least beyond the 3 month mark.

I had a dream that he stayed with his parents for 2 weeks after being vaccinated each time. It seemed of a more peaceable solution to things. I'd stay with my family but they have been vaccinated recently as well. I'm just afraid of alienating his family (who really want a grandchild) as a crazy person but I just don't know what to do. If I miscarry again, I worry that resentment will build inside of me like a toxin. Just needed to vent somewhere so I don't turn into a total beast. Yeah, I can't find how long "shedding" may occur for this "vaccine."
Hi Ruth

The C's talked about the credit card when they talked about the number 666 and the Beast
We are all under a number and so is the vaccine.
Everything is connected.

The C's may not have talked about the vaccine but they have been talking about viruses for a long time.
So virus = disease = vaccine.
Here we go.

Idea I had yesterday when I saw the number of suffering people in India: the 4D STS feed on our fears, our sufferings and our deaths. OK?
Well, they have so much to eat right now that they will become obese and burst like balloons.
It's a bit silly but it made me laugh and, my god, it feels good to laugh....

Love to all

Translated with (free version)
A little update...I just lost it with my husband. Wailing on the floor. All the grief I've been experiencing for the past few years of infertility came out. Not my finest moment. He relented and agreed to delay vaccination at least until we see if this pregnancy is going to last and beyond it's very vulnerable stages. I'm relieved and embarrassed. I hope that my actions are partly STO because my intention was to protect against the potential harm that ignorance/programming can do.

Women Complaining of Severe Menstrual Disorders post COVID Injections – Even if They Did Not Get the Shots!​

I an concerned about my sister in the UK, she will be 65 next month, she is post menopausal. She received the Pfizer jab about a month or so ago. She had a minor procedure for cervical dysplasia, close to three weeks ago. I have encouraged her to talk with her GP, she intends to call her on Monday.

Since the procedure, she had initially a black discharge (she is sometime sketchy when discussing medical issues with me for some reason, I think she feels intimidated because of my knowledge, and think she can figure things our for herself, which she has told me many times). Anyway she is now having menstrual like cramps, and menstrual type bleeding. She tells me that it could be due to delayed healing because of her age.

But at the back of my mind I can't help thinking that this could be related to the jab she received. After reading this link I posted earlier in the thread, also makes me concerned, it could be related to the jab. She tells me she is feeling really fatigued, possibly some of that feeling of fatigue could be caused by her "sense" that something is not as it should be, she has had the same procedure, many years ago.

Here is the link again that highlights my concerns.

Could be as she says delayed healing, that is age related, but one cannot help being concerned, with the flood of information that is flying around on the web. As the saying goes or something like it. Too little information is dangerous, by the same token too much information can also be dangerous, it takes discernment to balance between the two OSIT.

Thanks for reading, just needed to share.
I spoke yesterday evening with my father and during the conversation he mentioned that his wife had an outbreak of shingles. Asking to it, my father said that it can happen when the immune system is low and to my next query, he said that she had never had it before in her life. I knew that she had been vaccinated with the first Pfizer/Biotech vaccine a couple of weeks before, so I asked in a neutral inquiring tone, if perhaps it could be a side effect of the vaccine. My father categorically ruled that possibility out and said it had also been now 3 weeks since the vaccine (actually only 2 as I had written down the date). And, my father said, the doctor had also ruled it out. So all is well in the vaccine world. I did wonder what had happened to my father and his keen and astute observing eyes of crops and livestock when he was a farmer. Such a keen eye for subtle changes and an ability to connect the dots, had been most useful for him then but seemed lost now in connection with the corona virus.

Interestingly, the name of shingles in our mother language, Danish, is 'Helvedes ild', which directly translates as Hell's fire. After speaking with my father, I searched on the net and within less than two minutes, a few articles were there talking about a study in Israel where a possible connection was there between covic vaccination and shingles. The vaccine mentioned in the study was Pfizer.
I found your post interesting @ Aeneas, and made me think about viral shedding. I had chickenpox as a child, I think at the age of 5 (one of only two childhood illnesses I have ever had, for me, it gives strong thought to herd immunity). Then in my early sixties, here in Canada, I developed shingles. At the time there was a push for seniors to receive the shingles vaccine. I believe it was a live virus and not attenuated.

Strangely within the last month or so, I started to have aching pains, in my back and hip, the area where the shingles developed, it felt like a post shingle neuralgia, which I had, had previously. I took L Lysine and the pain issues resolved. I did wonder at the time if viral shedding from this jab that everyone seem to be getting, could be somehow related. A vaccine station is set up in a park close to where I live.
This thing with women and their menstrual cycles is flooding into the covid vaccine space at an alarming rate. The last week or so has seen an explosion in this story.

Ps, I've seen some really disturbing photos of huge lumps of clotted blood coming out of women that I won't even dare post.

What is going on?
This thing with women and their menstrual cycles is flooding into the covid vaccine space at an alarming rate. The last week or so has seen an explosion in this story.

What is going on?
Could you post and share what you have discovered, it would be interesting. Concerning issues regarding infertility and miscarriages, and also the issue of depopulation, either real or imagined, It would be of benefit for members, to be able to formulate some credible information. Thanks.
Could you post and share what you have discovered, it would be interesting. Concerning issues regarding infertility and miscarriages, and also the issue of depopulation, either real or imagined, It would be of benefit for members, to be able to formulate some credible information. Thanks.

Okay... so there's loads of stories people are giving and this number is increasing drastically I'd say e.g.


Some are going as far as posting photos and they are erhmm, not palatable really. I'm quite hesitant to post so be warned these are quite graphic really. I am not an expert in women's health so don't know if these are normal occurrences..


I can honestly say I don't know what's going on especially with those experiencing these who haven't been vaccinated. All I can think of is something similar to the thing that happens with chickens with regards Marek's disease. That is when the vaccinated chickens kill the unvaccinated chickens as they act as vectors.
Moving away from women's health - I think that story will resolve itself soon enough as there's quite a lot on its case now. Today I saw an influx of stories of young people who had adverse effects. They are mostly American. All I can say is that the young will not be spared.

I watched a video of a 22 year old lady talk about how she was driving and then all of a sudden she lost control of the right side of her body. She's now in hospital and has a whole list of ailments to contend with.

Seen many stories of young people suffering strokes, lots of psychological issues, seen guys complain about their ability to exercise or workout. These stories are starting to come in too!

All I can say is we are witnessing something scary unfold before our eyes. Lots of victims being created.
Okay... so there's loads of stories people are giving and this number is increasing drastically I'd say e.g.

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Some are going as far as posting photos and they are erhmm, not palatable really. I'm quite hesitant to post so be warned these are quite graphic really. I am not an expert in women's health so don't know if these are normal occurrences..

I can honestly say I don't know what's going on especially with those experiencing these who haven't been vaccinated. All I can think of is something similar to the thing that happens with chickens with regards Marek's disease. That is when the vaccinated chickens kill the unvaccinated chickens as they act as vectors.

I find your post inappropriate, to deflect and disgust, nothing more that can be described as gutter press. What are you trying to do? Defelect from the the real issues, real women, having real issues, that are being ignored or buried, in the click bait that you have exibited in response to my question. Surely, here on this forum, a better response, could be formulated. I am dumbfounded.
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