Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Just spotted this story, yet another young sportsperson dying. 18 year old MMA fighter died last month but no cause of death given as yet. A fair few comments suggesting the 'jab', more and more people are definitely starting to notice : Rising MMA star Victoria 'The Prodigy' Lee dies at the age of 18

Rising MMA star Victoria Lee dies at 18​

No cause of death given here either.

Rising MMA star Victoria Lee dies at 18​

No cause of death given here either.
Doesn't look like the cause of death has been given anywhere as yet.

She would almost certainly have been jabbed given Singapore's rules on travellers over the last few years (she fought there in 2021). Not sure about the rules in any MMA events she competed in but I'm guessing they mostly required jabs too.

However, one thing I did spot was a suggestion of suicide by the language used by her sister in her Instagram post:

Please give our family grace and respect during this most difficult time. And please, check on your loved ones. Keep checking on them. Give them hugs and tell them how much they mean to you. You just never know.

The use of 'check' does strike me as odd and a little suggestive. Maybe... Maybe not... We'll see.
Just saw this on FB. Michael Flatley of "Riverdance" and "Lord of the Dance" fame has an aggressive form of cancer.
Dear friends, we have something personal to share, Michael Flatley has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He has undergone surgery and is in the care of an excellent team of doctors. No further comments will be made at this time. We ask only for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you. 🙏🏻 Teamlord.
In the span of a month, I learned that 4 ladies that I know have developped health problems: Two are in their early fifties, one suffered an heart attack and was diagnosed with myocardisis, another had a stoke. No previous conditions, nothing in the family history that could have given a warning. Both of them havn't gone back to work after the Christmas holidays... I know that one of them has taken 3 doses Pfizer, for the second one I am less sure.

The two other ones are in their thirties/early forties. For both of them, their health deteriorated a few weeks after taking the vax. They both had to stop working. They have no idea if/when they will be able to work again.

I gave Gaby's protocol to one of them, you never know.

It really starts to hit close to home😓
U.S. — Medical experts are absolutely stumped as to what could be causing the recent uptick in healthy, young people everywhere that are suddenly collapsing with heart failure. Despite their uncertainty, experts do feel confident that we can rule out that one thing as the culprit.

“It’s too early to say what could be causing this, but it’s never too early to say what isn’t causing this,” said local expert, Dr. Scott Rufflinger. “This could be caused by anything. But the one thing we know for certain is that it’s definitely not what we’re all thinking that’s behind this — if you know what I mean. We can go ahead and rule that thing out right now because Science just called us on the phone and told us not to discuss it. We always follow Science.”

According to sources, experts have been working tirelessly around the clock to try and get to the bottom of why so many seemingly perfectly healthy, athletic people are falling over suddenly. “I wish I could point to something in the past year or two that large groups of people were exposed to, or forced into, but nothing comes to mind,” added Dr. Rufflinger. “If only there was one thing all these patients had in common.”

At publishing time, experts said they had narrowed down the list of what most likely was causing these sudden health issues down to:
climate change, racism, Christian Nationalism, standing up too quickly, standing up too slowly, and not eating enough bugs (excessive interest in conspiracies, not praying to Schwab or Greta, having the thermostat above 15 C, not believing in Democracy, .... add your own. ).
In red my thoughts on "Why ?"

Lisa Marie Presley, 54, rushed to the hospital after cardiac arrest

Lisa Marie Presley

Singer Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, was rushed to the hospital on Thursday, according to a report by Entertainment Tonight, citing a LA County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson.

She was pro jab, so highly likely took the clot shot(s):

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I always find it weird reading the twitter or Facebook posts of these "blue tick" people promoting the vaccine.

It's like they all received a memo from the marketing department from Pfizer / Moderna on what to say.

It's so weird when you consider the vaccine is a product like a car or a skateboard lol!
I always find it weird reading the twitter or Facebook posts of these "blue tick" people promoting the vaccine.

It's like they all received a memo from the marketing department from Pfizer / Moderna on what to say.

It's so weird when you consider the vaccine is a product like a car or a skateboard lol!
One possibility is they received mental programming from the PTB.
One possibility is they received mental programming from the PTB.
I think that most of those who are successful in the entertainment business have become successful because they've made a pact with the super-influential companies and the shadowy figures pulling the strings, basically to do whatever they say (sometimes nasty things!). At least there's a lot of anecdotal evidence for this.

So, as I see it, these celebrities who are promoting the jabs, Ukraine, whatever, do so because they want to show their faithfulness to their masters. Some might also be afraid of losing their status if they don't do so (which will happen in a second if needed). Some might just be MKULTRA:d to become robots, or something.
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