Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I think that most of those who are successful in the entertainment business have become successful because they've made a pact with the super-influential companies and the shadowy figures pulling the strings, basically to do whatever they say (sometimes nasty things!). At least there's a lot of anecdotal evidence for this.

So, as I see it, these celebrities who are promoting the jabs, Ukraine, whatever, do so because they want to show their faithfulness to their masters. Some might also be afraid of losing their status if they don't do so (which will happen in a second if needed). Some might just be MKULTRA:d to become robots, or something.
I don't think it's necessarily a pact. I guess this can be forced in a more or less subtle fashion. See my post about the capture of Paris Hilton when she was young. No choice. But I think other means can be drugs, close advisor, participation in cults (as one described in Eyes wide shut movie), orgy and certainly others techniques.

Yeah, MK-Ultra and derivatives programmes.
Colorado College tennis player Jack Madison, 20, died in his sleep Jan. 2

Jack Madison

USA: 18-year-old dies after suffering cardiac arrest in bathroom after gym class, parents say

Jordan Brister, 18, died Sunday, Jan. 8, after suffering a cardiac arrest on Jan. 3 during the school day at Amplus Academy in Las Vegas, according to a statement by the school shared by NBC affiliate KSNV. He was found unresponsive in the school bathroom after attending gym class, his family told KSNV.

Jordan Brister.jpg

Now Stars are opening up not about their drug problems, but about their imagined heart problems.

The mum-of-two explained she had a number of EKGS, which record the electrical signal from the heart to check for heart conditions, which always came back clear. "They'd say I was imagining it and it was all in my head," Pink shared.

Pink said she eventually started seeing a therapist, which helped her learn steps on how to take care of herself, admitting: "I'd never been taught how to take care of myself."

Make your own spiritual box and put it under your bed. When the heart gets "excited" pull it out. Pink knows what's good for everyone. She's a Star.

I smell Pink gaslighting.

PS: Forgot the most important bit of info

Now Stars are opening up not about their drug problems, but about their imagined heart problems.

Make your own spiritual box and put it under your bed. When the heart gets "excited" pull it out. Pink knows what's good for everyone. She's a Star.

I smell Pink gaslighting.

PS: Forgot the most important bit of info

Well she's not long for this world.
It's reported that there's been significant excess mortality in December 2022 in both Belgium and the Netherlands compared to the month's average. In Belgium there was an increase of 14%, but another source says 19%. In the Netherlands, there was an increase of 24.5%, 15,819 people died in december which is 3,100 more than their estimates. News reports from both countries say that the cause could be corona, flu, temperature fluctuations and fine dust/particles (air pollution) among others... but no mention of the vaccine.

A Dutch neurologist tweeted the following image where the white speech bubbles mention all kinds of 'causes' of worldwide excess mortality such as climate change, delayed care, flu, air pollution, etc. and the elephant in the room of course being the mRNA vaccine which hasn't been mentioned in the reports, even though its deadly effects are known.

Maxi Jazz died in December 2022, at the age of 65. He was the lead singer of Faithless.

According to his Instagram account, he was vaccinated on 21st February 2021 (perhaps there were boosters later on):

UK: BBC Formula One presenter Jennie Gow, 45, says she has had a serious stroke

Jennie Gow

Sharing a statement on Instagram and Twitter, Gow said: “Been quiet the last few weeks, this is because I suffered a serious stroke two weeks ago. My husband is helping me type this, as I’m finding it hard to write and my speech is most affected.

Here in Croatia as well more or less public figures die suddenly big time - artists, doctors, sportsmen,....
But you know what is missing ? Politicians. They are all alive and kicking :headbash:
So are everywhere else..
Very good point. We do not see members of the US Congress or members of the EU Parliament having troubles with the jibjab side effects. There are a few in the EU governmental bodies that have had side effects but they are likely those that the PTB targeted.
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