Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI 43 minutes​

Her clip is the second clip, after Dan Hartman. Laura Jeffery, a mortician in Canada (Ontario I believe) relates her experience in handling dead people before and during the Covid-19 experience. Of particular note was her exposition on the high number of middle aged women ending their lives during the second lockdown period. Also, the number of dead babies in large cities with social workers at the hospitals (almost none) versus the number of dead babies in more rural areas, with no hospitals with social workers (a large increase), leading me to think that the urban hospitals dealt with the dead babies in a way that bypassed the morticians/funeral homes. She also shows pictures of the 'clots' recovered during embalming, talks of fellow morticians experiences, and relates her discomfort with the cations and attitudes of health care workers such as pathologists, with the exception of the assistance from Ryan Cole of the USA.

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI 43 minutes​

Her clip is the second clip, after Dan Hartman. Laura Jeffery, a mortician in Canada (Ontario I believe) relates her experience in handling dead people before and during the Covid-19 experience. Of particular note was her exposition on the high number of middle aged women ending their lives during the second lockdown period. Also, the number of dead babies in large cities with social workers at the hospitals (almost none) versus the number of dead babies in more rural areas, with no hospitals with social workers (a large increase), leading me to think that the urban hospitals dealt with the dead babies in a way that bypassed the morticians/funeral homes. She also shows pictures of the 'clots' recovered during embalming, talks of fellow morticians experiences, and relates her discomfort with the cations and attitudes of health care workers such as pathologists, with the exception of the assistance from Ryan Cole of the USA.

In regards to the deceased babies, I susgest you listen to interviews with UK Funeral Director John O'Looney. He's been covering this for about 1 to 1.5 years. You can find his interviews on most open, free-speech platforms (obvious not CensorTube). Worth a listen too.

The miscarriage rates were around 78-82% (normally something around 10-13%) so that's basically the murder rate. For the large hospitals they apparently put 4 or so per tray for cremation - the larger hospitals totally bypassed funeral homes to hide the murders. He's covered this in many past interviews as have other people working in that industry.

Now here's something I haven't verified as yet, the large 'smokestack' at large hospitals is often the crematorium - but they are pumping out as much as I would have suspected they would. I would suspect they might BS the parents if the baby was actually born alive as they are worth a-lot of $$ for harvesting - especially stem cells.
* A newborn, baby, child or adult has to be harvested alive, the organs and parts are no good if from a deceased person.

A human body is worth north of $45-million (perhaps much more if UN-injected). Something like a heart can go for over a million - US$, your lungs about 1/2 that amount. So you can see the profit motive to harvest humans including babies (very valuable), however, they MUST be alive (and btw, there is no such thing as 'brain death', that's marketing BS).
* Would you leave 45-million cash unattended in a room of strangers?, that's what a incapacitated person is in a 'hospital'.

Example: In 2020 the relative across the road from me whom also lives in Jacksonville, FL (USA) went in for IBS (some loose stool, very minor). Then the 'hospital protocols' kicked in (this was in Florida). Unlike others in the extended family whom were 'supposedly cremated' (which IMO is more of a BS cover story for harvesting) they returned his cadaver, MINUS any internal organs. So you know he was likley organ harvested - just like my sister was. Most people never figure it out - it's huge business, China harvests over a Billion a year in organs from their own citizens (think: herd).

Again, like killing the elderly they will isolate them, not allow anyone to visit, say he's on say a vent or died mysteriously - truth is there are no witnesses and they can do whatever the hell they want. They are often pathological liars, getting huge bonuses or sociopathic - in the future it's vital that at all times family protect someone 24-hours a day, in person, in one of those places (like the old days).

On the 'white fibrous clots', they are not 'clots' per say as spectrum analysis has indicated NO organic materials, It's DARPA Polymers (I suspect linked to the nano) which as I recall are formed (at least some) when the person is exposed to energy in the form of EMF (they have demonstrated growth from um to cm within minutes). You'll see in a scope growth of this and other things when there's a 2G to 4+G field, WiFi or other EMF source around. You'll see many 'drop dead' 'suddenly and UN-expectantly' when using RF/EMF signals, such as reporters or people in a TV studio. It may be due to sudden growth of the polymers due to the host being in proximinty of a powerful EMF/RF source.
In regards to the deceased babies, I susgest you listen to interviews with UK Funeral Director John O'Looney. He's been covering this for about 1 to 1.5 years. You can find his interviews on most open, free-speech platforms (obvious not CensorTube). Worth a listen too.
Several people have posted links to his interviews if you search in the thread.

On the 'white fibrous clots', they are not 'clots' per say as spectrum analysis has indicated NO organic materials,
The Cs were asked a question about these clots in a previous session:

(bluefyre) Mike Adams analyzed the clots from the embalmers and says they seem to be amyloid plaques. Are they amyloid plaques?

A: Yes.

Q: (bluefyre) How are the jabs creating these?

A: The jabs don't, the body tries to defend itself from invasion.
The interview is the first I've come across from a Canadian funeral director. FWIW.
Funeral director John O'looney:
"I see people under the age of 40 die suddenly from a combination of cancer, heart attack and sudden, very aggressive stroke."

I suspect that this might be one of the side effects the 'elites' were aiming for:

I looked at the link at it said among other things:
Recent government data out of Australia shows that the excess deaths in 2022 were 5162% higher than in previous years.
There is no link to that claim and I find it just a little hard to believe that 51 times more Australians died in 2022 than normal. Instead I found this, which analyzes excess death. Though it is in defence of the vaccines, it still gives a picture:
For example, the latest Provisional Mortality Statistics says: “In 2022, there were 174,717 deaths that occurred by 30 November and were registered by 31 January 2023, which is 22,886 (15.1%) more than the historical average.” By comparison, we estimate that there were 17,900 (11.3%) excess deaths in this period. The main reason for the difference between the ABS figure of 22,886 and our estimate of excess deaths of 17,900 is the difference in the baselines used.

Here the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) talk about 15.1% excess death whereas the authors of the article says 11.3%. Based on the above numbers the baseline must be around 151000 death per year. If the excess is 5162%, then we arrive at 7.8 million deaths. Clearly not true and sometimes the lack of common sense and just a little mathematical knowledge leads to outrageous claims which unfortunately muddies the waters greatly.
Yet, 15% excess death is still a lot of people, but again, if the numbers were 5162%, there would soon not be any Australian standing.

I would also question the science behind the assertion from the same authors that fully vaxxed loses 25 years. It may be true, but it is more akin to speculation than facts and we have no way of knowing the truth of such assertions.
Aeneas, not just life expectancy (which IMO they are aiming for 30 aka 'Logan's Run) but sterilization and so forth as well. Lots of data now coming out - the 1st quarter results of 2023 are likely being compiled right now.

From Edward Dowd's twitter feed - it's mirroring what was seen the the Shape reports from 2010 and 2011. In the case below it's basically 'malignant cancers' - there's 2 solid years of data (2020 may have been the cancelled appointments and so forth - also part of the plan).

aa FtDvligWAAAjejz.png

(Below) Also from Edward Dowd's twitter feed. These are basically 'sick days'. For every 1 death there's about 4 permanent disabilities. BUT - far greater are the 'working wounded', people whom may not be able to get permanent disablity, whom might not be able to do the job safely or as well, but HAVE to work to eat and have a roof over their heads. Pilots dying in the cockpit (4 in 1 week), transport drivers passing at on the road, or in an office co-workers just not the same as before - confused, mental stablity issues, slower, making more mistakes.

It's a 'slow kill' (loosh) - the working wounded if they cannot turn things around - likley will get worse to become the permanently disabled or dead. This is that critical window in time they can make positive changes.

I would expect certain sectors will be skewed a certain way. Medical 'health'-care for example, due to the earliest 'mandates' (<- Voluntary agreements between 2 parties) and the most shots (some on the 7th) should be an early indicator. Flight staff including pilots should be another due to the altitude/pressure changes changes, as should be others which have workers in strong EMF/RF fields. Other areas may lag to when symptoms are obvious - latter mandates, less injections, less physical work.

* Web bot words in square brackets [ ]
Back in 2010 we had the [chronically ill] showing up in 2022 which 12-years later has indeed been the case (<- See the charts above). This in part leads to an [implosion] and [coagulation] (<- blood issues?) of [health care], and [retirement]. The workers at retirement homes/LTCM are equally injected with the bio-weapon. We had 2009/2010 reports for 2023 that there will be staff walkouts, clinics suddenly closing and so forth pretty soon so be prepared.

In 2011 reports covering 2023/2024 it accelerated. I think it's just after people start noticing the national [suicide rates] gain [national visibility]. That should be start to get national visibility this month and next. I suspect some will be those whom are the 'working wounded', let go after they had injection related injuries and whom cannot get any help nor compensation as well as when the banks start imploding.

For 2023/24 the in 2011 data showing the [always ill] and the [suffering sick/ill] leading to amongst other things [organization malaise] - it will impact all sizes of companies and governments as workers take more and more 'sick days' or cannot perform the job to the standards they once had. You should start seeing lots of 'help wanted' signs go unfilled. This should also impact supply lines/JIT.

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Some updates from what I am seeing in my surroundings

  • There are fewer people taking sick days, at least in the team I am in at work. However, I noticed a handful of relatively young (20's) colleagues in another team who appear to be chronically taking time off which to me suggests they may have suffered something more long term.
  • I don't hear about COVID any more
  • I am seeing a number of couples around me who took all the jabs available now in the process of having babies. In fact, one couple were struggling to conceive prior to the jabs and voila! they managed to conceive naturally a couple of months ago. Sooo, not sure about the fertility thing any more.
I have a friend who is triple jabbed and in my view has a constant low grade illness. Whenever I meet with this friend, like clock work, over the following days I develop something. To me, this has now become the price of meeting with him. I wonder, is it shedding or what and my body then needs to go through a process to detox and eliminate whatever I pick up?

Finally, my general feel from what I can see is there WON'T be a reckoning from the covid mRNA vaccines - I think the adverse effects from them will simply go down as the "price" for development and advancement - similar to the hardships people suffered at the beginning of industrialisation with poor working conditions and no worker rights which in turn must have led to mass suffering.

Unfortunate are those who suffered something as I expect they will be accepted as "collateral" and the rest whose bodies appeared to have no reaction will march forward to our AI transhuman future and no doubt form the controllable robots for the likes of the Davos crowd. In about 30 years, those who suffered will be recognised posthumously and there may be debate to pay reparations to their families and the governments then will no doubt come out with some high sounding words to make everyone feel good and a line will be drawn under this matter.

So in summary, whilst I had thought our path to hell was accelerated by the crazy moves by the PTB over the last 3 years, it appears society is now stabilising around the "new normal" and is generally proceeding forward without the apocalyptic happenings I had anticipated. Just goes to show the durability of humanity to withstand and absorb shocks.
Some updates from what I am seeing in my surroundings

  • There are fewer people taking sick days, at least in the team I am in at work. However, I noticed a handful of relatively young (20's) colleagues in another team who appear to be chronically taking time off which to me suggests they may have suffered something more long term.
  • I don't hear about COVID any more
  • I am seeing a number of couples around me who took all the jabs available now in the process of having babies. In fact, one couple were struggling to conceive prior to the jabs and voila! they managed to conceive naturally a couple of months ago. Sooo, not sure about the fertility thing any more.
I have a friend who is triple jabbed and in my view has a constant low grade illness. Whenever I meet with this friend, like clock work, over the following days I develop something. To me, this has now become the price of meeting with him. I wonder, is it shedding or what and my body then needs to go through a process to detox and eliminate whatever I pick up?

Finally, my general feel from what I can see is there WON'T be a reckoning from the covid mRNA vaccines - I think the adverse effects from them will simply go down as the "price" for development and advancement - similar to the hardships people suffered at the beginning of industrialisation with poor working conditions and no worker rights which in turn must have led to mass suffering.

Unfortunate are those who suffered something as I expect they will be accepted as "collateral" and the rest whose bodies appeared to have no reaction will march forward to our AI transhuman future and no doubt form the controllable robots for the likes of the Davos crowd. In about 30 years, those who suffered will be recognised posthumously and there may be debate to pay reparations to their families and the governments then will no doubt come out with some high sounding words to make everyone feel good and a line will be drawn under this matter.

So in summary, whilst I had thought our path to hell was accelerated by the crazy moves by the PTB over the last 3 years, it appears society is now stabilising around the "new normal" and is generally proceeding forward without the apocalyptic happenings I had anticipated. Just goes to show the durability of humanity to withstand and absorb shocks.
Yes, it's something I've been thinking about for a while too.

Through my work I know the people who die every day and it is a low number, very normal.

I don't know if there will be a turning point in the future, but for now people are calm.

I observe heart problems in some other person, but they always justify it by genetic inheritance (my grandfather died from a stroke or similar).

Is rare.
Some updates from what I am seeing in my surroundings

  • There are fewer people taking sick days, at least in the team I am in at work. However, I noticed a handful of relatively young (20's) colleagues in another team who appear to be chronically taking time off which to me suggests they may have suffered something more long term.
  • I don't hear about COVID any more
  • I am seeing a number of couples around me who took all the jabs available now in the process of having babies. In fact, one couple were struggling to conceive prior to the jabs and voila! they managed to conceive naturally a couple of months ago. Sooo, not sure about the fertility thing any more.
I have a friend who is triple jabbed and in my view has a constant low grade illness. Whenever I meet with this friend, like clock work, over the following days I develop something. To me, this has now become the price of meeting with him. I wonder, is it shedding or what and my body then needs to go through a process to detox and eliminate whatever I pick up?

Finally, my general feel from what I can see is there WON'T be a reckoning from the covid mRNA vaccines - I think the adverse effects from them will simply go down as the "price" for development and advancement - similar to the hardships people suffered at the beginning of industrialisation with poor working conditions and no worker rights which in turn must have led to mass suffering.

Unfortunate are those who suffered something as I expect they will be accepted as "collateral" and the rest whose bodies appeared to have no reaction will march forward to our AI transhuman future and no doubt form the controllable robots for the likes of the Davos crowd. In about 30 years, those who suffered will be recognised posthumously and there may be debate to pay reparations to their families and the governments then will no doubt come out with some high sounding words to make everyone feel good and a line will be drawn under this matter.

So in summary, whilst I had thought our path to hell was accelerated by the crazy moves by the PTB over the last 3 years, it appears society is now stabilising around the "new normal" and is generally proceeding forward without the apocalyptic happenings I had anticipated. Just goes to show the durability of humanity to withstand and absorb shocks.
Just as a fact about fertility and it was a couple of years before covid.
My colleague’s wife is a doctor and they in a moscow hospital made an observation - up to 50% of young people between 25-30 years old - already were either sterile or having troubles of conceiving in a natural way🤯
After vaccine terror - i would hardly imagine the figures now🙆
There was a stats in different countries. As i remember everywhere the graphs showed dramatic decrease of fertility after vaccination. The exclusion strangely enough was Israel. Somebody even suggested that they were given ‘placebo’ on purpose as the radical difference could not be explained otherwise, considering all took the same vaccines, Pfizer, AZ, etc . 💁‍♂️
Just as a fact about fertility and it was a couple of years before covid.
My colleague’s wife is a doctor and they in a moscow hospital made an observation - up to 50% of young people between 25-30 years old - already were either sterile or having troubles of conceiving in a natural way🤯
After vaccine terror - i would hardly imagine the figures now🙆
There was a stats in different countries. As i remember everywhere the graphs showed dramatic decrease of fertility after vaccination. The exclusion strangely enough was Israel. Somebody even suggested that they were given ‘placebo’ on purpose as the radical difference could not be explained otherwise, considering all took the same vaccines, Pfizer, AZ, etc . 💁‍♂️

You'll see that issue cropping up all over. For example in autopsies:

Dr. Arne Burkhardt Confirms Sperm Has Almost Entirely Been Replaced By Spike Protein!!

The SP seem to target electrically active areas such as the eyes, brain, nervous system/spinal cord, heart as well as reproductive organs (testes, ovaries). The lipid-nano carrier can be 'programmed' to target anywhere, but the SP themselves have an affinity for those areas.

So many of the issues crop up in those areas: blindness/vision issues, brain issues such as seizures and tremors, heart problems, and sterility or difficulty reproducing.

There's 3/three primary means of contamination: a. transmission, b. shedding and c. transfection - - transfection is a major concern to un-injected whom are still fertile.
(bluefyre) Mike Adams analyzed the clots from the embalmers and says they seem to be amyloid plaques. Are they amyloid plaques?

A: Yes.

Q: (bluefyre) How are the jabs creating these?

A: The jabs don't, the body tries to defend itself from invasion.

This gets into an interesting area - basically the work of Dr. Ardis (toxic peptides, nicotine receptor..) and others. I'll include a video by Dr. Henry Ealy at the bottom of this page. Dr. Ardis covers the effects of the various toxins used such as red cell agglutination (clumping) from venom such as that of the cobra. I'm not sure if the C's had meant it this way, there wasn't much to go on.

I won't cover it here but this also gets into the work of Harald Kautz Vella -- and with the genetics being expressed and soul links into the 'spiders' Dr. R. Steiner (PhD) discusses. Dr. R. Steiner also gets a bit into the issues with EMF/RF fields in some of his work and was warning people even back then.
* To understand the EMF/RF side there's Dr. R. Steiner, Nicholas Tesla and others, it was most known in the older 'worlds' which pre-date ours. Mark Steele does a pretty good 'modern' POV and there are many books on this subject such as "Invisible Rainbow'.

I look at this more from Bechamp's 'Terrain Theory' POV, rather then what I mostly consider to be BS, Louis Pasteur's 'Germ Theory'. In that vein, you'll find much of the research of Ebola to be around yeasts, and Marburg (Rican moulds, from castor beans) although they can also be created using EMF frequencies (frequencies are the underpinnings of our reality).

What they call 'viruses' can be cells under stress from EMF/RF, dead or dying tissues/cells, it could be endo/exo-somes (if the cell is a starship the exo-somes are bi-density shuttle-craft), it could be mycoplasma , molds, fungi, yeasts or bacteria. The 'virus' is a cover story much like they blame warm ocean water for forming typhoons rather then what REALLY forms them. Secret societies and bloodlines always play games.
*You'll find 'fermentation' tanks being used with the DoD Countermeasures/Bio-weapon they term a 'vaccine'.

Lastly as a side note the web-bot Shape reports had picked up in 2011 for July 2023 something which COULD be along this line (if so it would start manifesting about now to the observant):

".. Fermentation is defined as the breakdown of substances in the absence of oxygen and occurs in the colon, an oxygen-free environment where most of the gut bugs reside. .."

.. and in 2011 the Shape reports had...

[breakdown][thought inviolate/constant]
[biologic process]
[feces/waste][fail] <- Colon!?!

"Turbo Cancer" After mRNA Injection: Dr. Henry Ealy Reveals What He Thinks Is Causing It

Venom Poisoning Again Confirmed. Dr. Ardis Was Correct
* Pay attention 18mins in, and the list at 20mins in

Hey Dr Tom Cowann What is the Covid-19 'Virus' and the EMF/5G Connection? [23.03.2023]
You'll see that issue cropping up all over. For example in autopsies:

Dr. Arne Burkhardt Confirms Sperm Has Almost Entirely Been Replaced By Spike Protein!!

The SP seem to target electrically active areas such as the eyes, brain, nervous system/spinal cord, heart as well as reproductive organs (testes, ovaries). The lipid-nano carrier can be 'programmed' to target anywhere, but the SP themselves have an affinity for those areas.

So many of the issues crop up in those areas: blindness/vision issues, brain issues such as seizures and tremors, heart problems, and sterility or difficulty reproducing.

There's 3/three primary means of contamination: a. transmission, b. shedding and c. transfection - - transfection is a major concern to un-injected whom are still fertile.

Here is the original, entire video

with Prof Dr Arne Burkhardt at the Stockholm Conference "Plandemic Strategies" from 21-22 Jan 2023 (organized by Läkaruppropet / Doctors Appeal) - and with better resolution and is highly educational to watch his team's findings showing many tissue samples and being explained.

Lance Reddick died "suddenly from natural causes"!

I only just learned about the sad death of this truly superb actor. I thought this headline was pretty weird so I took the bait:

The family and longtime attorney for “John Wick” and “The Wire” star Lance Reddick are disputing an uncorroborated death certificate that says the actor died of heart disease.

Attorney James E. Hornstein said that Reddick’s reported cause of death — ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease — is “not a result of an autopsy” and is “inconsistent with the facts known to the family.”

Reddick died March 17 at his home in Los Angeles at age 60. At the time, Hornstein stated that Reddick died of natural causes.

But in a Friday statement to The Times, Hornstein said that “no autopsy was performed” on Reddick and that, to his knowledge, “no medical examination of Lance during his lifetime ever indicated such conditions.”
Hornstein described Reddick as “the most physically fit person I’ve ever known,” saying that the “Fringe” and “Lost” actor worked out daily at his home gym, did “extensive cardio work” and contractually required having access to gym facilities when working away from home. He also said Reddick “ate as if a dietitian was monitoring his every meal.”

“The information appearing on the death certificate is wholly inconsistent with his lifestyle,” Hornstein said. “On behalf of [his wife] Stephanie Reddick, the death certificate information is not corroborated and is inconsistent with the facts known to the family.”

I would have thought his role in John Wick 4, a recently released film, and acting roles in general would require him to be vaccinated. I did find this from an article attempting to debunk the conspiracy theorists. I deactivated the link with an extra hyphen as it's total garbage, but for what it's worth:

Lance Reddick has never publicly revealed his COVID-19 vaccination status, but it is likely he was at least fully-vaccinated, because he shared at least two articles criticising anti-vaxxers in 2021.

I did find those on twitter, so the above appears to be true.
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