Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Exposure to Spike protein, so vaxx, causes the destruction of synapses.

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This paper was written in support of covid vaccination. It describes how spike proteins can go everywhere in the human body and are the possible cause of 'long covid'. It was sent to me by a pro-vaxxer to support his/her argument.

It's interesting to observe the methods used....
Intravenous injections were performed through the tail vein under general anesthesia using a 1 mL syringe with a 28-gauge needle. Spike S1 protein (N501Y) and hemagglutinin (HA) were dissolved in saline to a stock concentration of 1 mg ml-1, a total of 100 μl saline containing 10 μg protein was injected to each mouse.
Microinjection into the skull marrow was performed in mice under 1.5% isoflurane anesthesia using a 5 μl syringe (#87943, Hamilton) equipped with a 34-gauge blunt needle. To expose the anterior marrow sites (near the bregma), the skin above the skull was opened at the midline. A drill bit was used as a pilot drill to remove the cortical portion of the skull and expose the spongy bone marrow.

In short the paper amply demonstrates: The ability to create artificial spike proteins is well advanced. Injecting such spike proteins is dangerous!

Thanks Pro-Vaxxers!
Former Mets Minor League Pitcher Matt Pobereyko Dead At 31

He just dropped, and that’s all we know,” the baseball player's brother told NBC News of his sudden death.
"He just dropped and that's all we know," Daniel Pobereyko said. "We don't know. There's nothing outstanding on the autopsy. But from what I understand, he would have gotten a clean bill of health if he had a pulse."

My wife's friend flew back home for a visit in late January 2023 for 8-weeks. We can't fly back home as we're not injected, so, still trapped in Canada.

She was married, had children but her husband died not long after (more then 25-years ago). She met a nice man about a decade ago, they had a place they had built and planned to retire together. A few days before she left to meet (and likely get married over there) he died "suddenly" and "UN-expectantly" due to 'clots' (words in the double-quotes are theirs).

The BS quacks, err Docs, said it must be the heat. ONLY, we're on a Pacific island near the equator in a rain-forest (and in our case with headhunters) -- it's always 28 to 32C year-round. It's always a nice temperature and never had so many died (except the very ill and elderly). Doctors, nurses, medical-scientists are so full of it these , how can anyone trust them at all? - they make used car and Timeshare sales-people look downright honest.

While she was there in those 8-weeks, 6/six other direct family member died 'suddenly" and "UN-expectantly". If you included friends and people you don't really know (like a store clerk) I wonder how many died while she was there? There's a 5 to 6-month lag from last shot to kill, overall death rate is running 123% above the long term per-injection trend-line. Despite this I don't think the public has a clue back home -- the 5-6-month cause and effect time lag is too much for their brains to handle.

With another friend of my wife's she was scared after loosing many family members to the shots (in the US). She's had 4-bio-weapon-shots herself. I'm not sure the exact number but I think it's around 1/2-dozen as well.

Jan/23 we lost over 10 family members but it's lessened since then. I lost count but it's about 6/six-dozen dead family members/relatives and close friends now. What worried me is if they kick the 5G up a few notches, there's going to many people dropping.
Alex Jones again but i have been following Rima Laibow for years and seems she has a good track record, in any case this is very very interesting.
Apologies if this thread is not entirely appropriate but didn’t want to clutter the forum by dedicating an entire thread to infowars video
Ups, just what i found. ‘Nice’ family tree. Order bearer, ‘savior’ of Russians from Covid😡 He is still in place, creating new ‘poison’ versions for children etc👆

Ginsburg Alexander Leonidovich, the main creator of the Sputnik V vaccine (mine: there are documents now available, that show that Sputnik is a copy basically of Astra Zaneca), a relative of the creators of the US Federal Reserve: Warburgs, Schiffs and Rothschilds.

The Russian barons of Ginsburg are relatives of the Warburg bankers, creators of the US Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds and the richest British family of rabbis, the Goldsmith bankers, and the British bankers of Sassoon (Rothschild of the East). And through the Goldsmiths, they are the parents of the British royal family, the Windsor and the Stuart, and the Spanish Bourbon royal family.

By searching for the article on Google: "Barons of Ginsburgs” .

Ginsburg, Alexander (Alexander-Moisei) Horatsievich (1863-1948– - since 1885 - retired piston horn, director of the joint-stock company "Platina”. Chairman of the board of directors of the oil and commercial company JSC Petrol. Director of the Office of Salt Industries of Chongar. In 1918, he was arrested by the Central Committee, but he was quickly released. After his release, he goes abroad. His wife is Warburg Rose, daughter of the banker Warburg Sigmund.

Ginsburg, Louise Horatievna (1862). Her husband is Sassoon Joseph S.

The Sassoons are very wealthy merchants, called the Rothschilds of the East, who owned banks and trading companies in Hong Kong and India through the East India Company. Baron James Sassoon is chairman of the Sino-British Business Council. Baron James Sassoon was commercial secretary to the British Treasury and a member of the House of Lords. Sassoon James was a senior executive at Jardine Matheson Holdings and Matheson & Co, Hong Kong trading companies owned by the Scottish Keswick family.

Ginsburg Solomon Osipovich (1841 - September 1, 1905), director of the branch of the bank house “I. E. Ginsburg” in Paris, on Boulevard Haussmann. His wife is Goldsmith Henriette-Ernestine, daughter of the Parisian banker Goldsmith Solomon.
Middleton Carol Elizabeth, mother-in-law of Prince William, née Goldsmith (Goldschmidt), mother of Princess Middleton Kate, wife of Prince Windsor William, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
Relative of the British banking family Goldsmith - Goldschmidt Pinchas Solomonovich – Chief rabbi of Moscow, head of the rabbinical court of Russia, president of the Council of Rabbis of Europe, head of the rabbinical court of the CIS and the Baltic countries.

His wife's name is Brody Dara. Originally from the United States, she comes from a family linked to the Rothschilds.

The Goldsmith banker Frank John William, survivor of the Titanic and father of the English tycoon and politician Goldsmith James, changed his original surname from the German Goldschmidt to the English Goldsmith.

The mother-in-law of the future King of Great Britain, Windsor William, the businesswoman Goldsmith Carol Elizabeth and the chief rabbi of Moscow and the territory of the former USSR, Goldschmidt Pinchas Solomonovich, belong to the same family of bankers rabbis Goldschmidt from Frankfurt.

Ginsburg, Margarita-Anna. Her husband is Robert de Bayer, son of the Consul General of Austria-Hungary in Baussel, director of the Paris-Netherlands Bank (PARIBAS) Rafael de Bayer, and niece of the banker Lambert Leon, husband Rothschild Zoe Lucy Betty (granddaughter of Rothschild Gustav).

Ginsburg, Matilda (Haya-Matley) Osipovna (1844), wife of the notary Fuld Paul, cousin of the minister of the court of the Second Empire Fuld Ashil. Mother of Fuld Louise, wife of Halfin Emil-Solomon-Joge, mother of the philanthropist Rothschild Germain.

Baron von Goldschmidt-Rothschild Cyril Rudolf Alfred Maximilian is the current German member of this family, along with his sons von Goldschmidt-Rothschild James and von Goldschmidt-Rothschild Alexis, and they are in the service of the German royal house of Hohenzollern, which established the baronial titles of the Goldschmidt-Rothschild family.

The Goldsmith family oversees the Charming Company of Goldsmiths, or Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths of the City of London sets the world prices for silver, gold and platinum.

Ben, Frank Zach Goldsmiths also comes from the Stuart family through his mother Lady Goldsmith Annabelle, born into the Wein-Tempest-Stewart family, her husband Goldsmith James (1933-1997), investor, married first in Patigno and Bourbon Maria Isabel (-1954) of the Bourbon royal family of Spain, related to the great treasurers of the Vatican – the black nobility of the Princes of Torlonia and the Princes of Farnese, who created the Order of the Jesuits.

Goldsmiths owns the BNP Paribas Group, whose assets amount to 2,040 billion euros (2018).

Article in french. Auto translate👆

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