Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Bahian judo fighter Nilton Ferreira collapses during championship fight

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Seems that he was the second fighter to die in the same tournament.

On Friday, L uiz Fernando Cherubini, a fighter in the M7 category , between 60 and 64 years old, and a member of the Embraer Sports Association, from São José dos Campos, had already died after participating in the same championship. At the time, the judoka would have felt unwell at the end of a fight and went to the stands, where he died.

translated from:

Morre judoca que estava internado após sofrer infarto durante luta
Mary Miller exposes Myocarditis increases among young men and women

Mary Miller exposes Myocarditis increases among young men and women

"Your agency, the CDC has put this out, I'd like everybody to notice the alarming red line, that is the increase in myocarditis among young men and teenage boys after they received the COVID vaccine. And I'd like to know why the Biden administration continues to push this on our young men and teenage boys and even pregnant women and babies to receive this vaccine. But especially our young men and teenage boys who we can see are at increased risk for myocarditis."
Mary Miller (politician)

Bray Wyatt: World Wrestling Entertainment champion dies aged 36 from heart attack

Bray Wyatt dead vaxx
Three-time WWE world champion Bray Wyatt has died at the age of 36.

Wrestling reporter Sean Ross Sapp later said that the 36-year-old had died of a heart attack, after a brush with Covid that exacerbated existing heart conditions.

Brazil: observation under the microscope of thrombotic blood with graphene oxide... After Pfizer's vaccination against Covid-19.

COVID-19 Scam: More Genocide Signals, Breast Cancer

COVID-19 Scam More Genocide Signals, Breast Cancer.jpg

Well, it's story time, boys and girls, and it's not a good one. If you know me, I'm in the medical field and I'm a numbers guy, so this is not good. Okay, scoot over. In 19, we have a chart for the United States of the four major cancer groups. I circled younger than 45 the cancers because I'm going to be honest, in the medical field, this is not your typical age range for any cancer upticks. I mean, cancer is bad in any of these ACE columns. We don't mind at all. But when you start talking about statistics and data, this is an odd age range to have cancers in. But so we look at this like what's going on, okay?

Now, in 19, I'm looking specifically at the breast for female category because I care more about our females. They populate the earth and they feed the young, okay, with their with the breasts. So look at in 19: 26,660. Now if you're like, okay, but what's our baseline, like where do we start at? What start here? And then I'm not, again, it's not a bash, you'll see where I'm going with this, okay? So in 19, let's say our baseline is 26,660. That's not good numbers man, I want zero, right?

So good 2020. 2020, same chart,, okay, I circled the years in the same column. Look at the bottom. All right. So you like James, it's the same damn near. It's actually 100 less. We're coming down. Okay. So we're tracking baseline 19, 20: 26,500, okay? What happened in 2020? What was introduced that usually but took like a year to get it really fully ongoing with most people? And if you know anything in medicine, how long is stuff like this introduced to the body, this particular kind of thing introduced to the body, how long does it take to like show itself if anything is going to be abnormal with the body, okay?

Let's look at what comes next. 2021, same website, same chart, look at the bottom, 26,510. Oh, James, it's not going anywhere. We're baseline and tracking at the same. It seems like we're going to, that's what we got every year, it's a thing. It's what we got. Okay.

2022, take a look at the bottom: 47,000. Now again, numbers: 19, 20, 21... here, all of a sudden, spike, double. So something happened, something happened. You can't, something off. Something is weird. Something is different. Something is going on.

So we're never going to get the truth on the jab and its side effects when they don't do studies on them, other than just telling us the studies they've done shows efficacy. So something is going on now in 2022. What all James, that was the fluke. That was the fluke, you know, it was a bad year, it was a bad year, 2022.

2023, They don't have the same chart yet to look at because it's not done yet comprising of the data. So it looks like this. Same website. Look at the bottom: Female breasts all the way down, 297,000. 297 in the year ain't over yet. What the fuck is going on with cancer and the breasts and things like that for females? What's going on? You can't be a brain wearing, having person, okay, you can't have brain and be like "That's, you know, yeah, that's just what happens". We just, you know, it goes like this, no, okay.

So just to point that out a little closer here, that's a problem. Something's going on here and it's not 19, not 20, not 21. 22 and 23 there is a huge boom in cancer, especially in female breast cancer and younger ages of 45 and down below. What happened that could have caused this? Tell me.

I checked the data he is referring to and it's alright except for 2023. He forgot 2023 data are for all ages, not only for age <= 45. If we took all female breast cancers for 2021 for example, the number is 281,500, much more than the 26,510 for age <= 45.

But it's true there was a jump between 2021 and 2022 for age <= 45.

The main page of the site data: Cancer Facts & Figures 2023

Pdf by years:
  1. Estimated Deaths for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2019 (PDF)
  2. Estimated Deaths for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2020 (PDF)
  3. Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2021 (PDF)
  4. Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2022 (PDF)
  5. Cancer Facts & Figures 2023

Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2019.jpg
Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2020.jpg
Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2021.jpg
Estimated Number of New Cases for the Four Major Cancers by Sex & Age Group, 2022.jpg
Estimated Number of New Cancer Cases and Deaths by Sex, US, 2023.jpg


In October 2021, the C's have said that there were no placebos. Is the "placebo" hypothesis part of a disinfo or damage control campaign (as if Pfizer was not so evil after all)?
I'm not sure how deliberately committing fraud in order to produce financial gain would not be considered evil, in that I can see a possible motive for Pfizer deliberately inserting placebos into their disastrous product rollout.... This would be in order to cover up the severity of side effects while still being paid for it?

As a side note, it would be interesting to know how "organic portals" are affected by the vaxx. Are they also having disastrous side effects?
I think 'probably' the same on the physical bodies, as they make up approx 50% of the population and if the goal is to reduce the population significantly while still making a profit (and not damaging infastructure or having to engage in something chaotic, like war), then it would have to work the same.

In my mind, the difference would be in people's attitudes towards the jab. Organic portals are more likely to act as livestock would, being obedient to authority, believing what they're told and just following the herd and then 'virtue signalling' about how 'good' they were for doing that. Similar to the lack of awareness, and intellectual curiosity of cattle or sheep. The non-organic portals would have to be forced into taking it, have misgivings about it, and create a stink and become actively angry when injured. These are the people that start fighting the system, who want to change it, and who are the only ones who have the ability to do so. Organic portals, to my mind, are the ones who don't question authority, don't fight for change and who most of all are obedient.
Here are highlights of medical research of covid jabs written by a famous Russian professor, who fought against covid narrative.
Graphene oxide factor is being analyzed as well.


The scientific journal "Bulletin of New Medical Technologies" (issue 1 for 2023) published an important material – "On the mechanism of action of modern immunobiological drugs" authored by Dr. Alexander Redko and Dr. Denis Ivanov. This is a concise review of the scientific literature in public databases devoted to drugs "from covid" based on mRNA/DNA vaccines, demonstrating a total substitution of concepts in immunology and epidemiology. All this led to a massive injection into the pharmaceutical market of drugs that had not passed the full cycle of research, which were administered to people all over the planet under various ultimatum pretexts. Today, scientists around the world record millions of cases of side effects – up to severe pathologies, disability and death. Katyusha (publisher) considers it important to familiarize readers with the detailed, proven facts of the pathological effects of GM substances on the population, given in the study by Redko and Ivanov. And we join the authors' conclusion – before receiving the results of a broad public study of air defense from these cocktails, it is necessary to introduce a moratorium on their advertising, propaganda and use.

The full scientific article by Dr. Alexander Redko and Denis Ivanov – "On the mechanism of action of modern immunobiological drugs" can be read at the link. (редько-иванов-мрнквакцины .pdf?ysclid=lepsx7wuar209173528) The material has 135 reference links, we will highlight the key facts:

"In March 2020, after the statement of the head of WHO that the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection "resembles a pandemic," the pharmaceutical industry considered that all restrictions on the production and release of drugs had been lifted. Up to this point, previously considered unpromising gene technologies have again come to the forefront.

The basis laid down in technology is to introduce genetic material in the form of mRNA into the cells of the recipient's body (in our case, a healthy person). The mRNA that enters the cell is translated into a protein characteristic of the pathogen in order to trigger an immune response of the body to this protein. As a result of mRNA injection, one viral protein "spike protein" ("S-protein") is synthesized in the cells of the body, while changes have been made to the genetic sequence of the coronavirus protein, allegedly to increase stability by changing the twisting. The role of spike protein in the process of virus reproduction is to ensure the penetration of viral mRNA into the cell. The S-protein attaches to a specific protein (enzyme) located on the cell membrane, which begins the process of fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane.

In order for the mRNA of the drug to penetrate into the cells after administration into the body, a special "delivery mechanism" is required. It is claimed that delivery is provided by the conclusion of the mRNA molecule in nanoparticles-an envelope consisting of synthetic lipids, ethylene glycol and cholesterol. Further, upon contact with the cell envelope, which consists of a bilipid layer, the envelope lipids "fuse" with the cell membrane, which allows the contents of the envelope, that is, mRNA to penetrate into the cell.

About graphene in vaccines. Currently, there is convincing evidence that graphene oxide or hydroxide is used as a means of delivering mRNA/DNA S-protein. Justifications are given for the use of this element, which, according to the authors, has unique physico-chemical properties. Modifications of the graphene oxide surface are described to improve its functioning both as a vaccine carrier and as an adjuvant activity enhancer to activate cellular and humoral immunity.

At the end of September 2020, the Shanghai National Nanotechnology Research Center applied for priority for the use of graphene oxide as a carrier for a recombinant coronavirus vaccine. Almost simultaneously with the Shanghai Center, in October 2020, the Beijing University of Technology submits an application for the preparation and application of a nanoadjuvant "pachyman" based on graphene oxide and adj-
juvant/antigen for joint vaccine delivery. Permission for 2 drugs (from Pfizer and Moderna) used to prevent a new coronavirus infection was received already in August 2020, although the application was submitted in January 2019.

The medical use of graphene-based materials in a biological context has so far been limited due to their strong toxic potential. Graphene-based materials have never been used in vaccines, their effect has not been fully studied. If they continue to be used on a massive scale, the consequences can be disastrous. Due to the potential risk factors associated with the production and use of graphene-related materials, the number of nanotoxicological studies of these compounds has increased rapidly over the past decade.

Numerous toxicological studies have revealed the effects of nanostructural/biological interactions at various organizational levels of biological systems, from molecules to animals. In general, it has been demonstrated that graphene oxide with its numerous oxygen groups (carboxyl, hydroxyl, epoxy) can form complexes with organic pollutants, metal ions through electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bonding and coordination. In biological systems, such as the human body, it has a huge potential to accumulate toxins and turn them into an even more powerful toxin. Despite a large number of studies reporting varying degrees of toxicity, all works speak of an unambiguous toxic effect on eukaryotic cells. The ability of graphene oxide to penetrate the plasma membrane leads to a change in cell morphology and increases the number of cells that enter the apoptosis stage.

Studies have shown that after intravenous administration of graphene oxide, it was detected in the lungs, liver, spleen and bone marrow. Due to their properties, graphene nanoparticles can reach all organs and penetrate the central nervous system. It can cause acute and chronic tissue damage by passing through normal physiological barriers such as blood-brain, hemato-placental and hematotesticular barriers. In addition, there is infiltration by immunocompetent cells, granuloma formation and pulmonary edema in mice after intravenous injection of 10 mg kg/body weight of graphene oxide.

The physical characteristics of graphene, its graphene oxide derivative, such as size, surface area and surface charge, give it pronounced genotoxic properties and cause serious DNA damage (chromosome fragmentation, strand breaks, point mutations and DNA changes).

The formation of excessive oxidative free radicals, mediated by graphene oxide, increases oxidative and thermal stress, disrupts the mitochondrial respiratory system, which as a result can lead to pronounced toxicity. Moreover, in addition to damaging the plasma membrane and inducing oxidative stress, graphene nanoparticles can cause apoptosis and/or necrosis of cells, directly affecting the activity of the mitochondria of cells.

The consequences of introducing coronavirus S-protein genes into the body. Outside of the viral particle, the spike protein has increased toxicity and is able to accumulate in organ tissues. The research results indicate that the protein can be synthesized in various organs for a week or more after injection. It may be present in the blood for up to four weeks after injection of the drug.

Spike protein by itself, that is, not being part of the coronavirus, can damage endothelial cells and disrupt blood circulation, penetrate the blood-brain barrier. These data may be even more important for the pathogenesis of long-term COVID syndrome, which can
affect up to 50% of people infected with a new coronavirus infection.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains extended amino acid sequences previously established as characteristic of a prion-like protein. This suggests that vaccine-induced spike protein production is synonymous with prion-like protein production. The ways in which this protein is distributed throughout the body are tracked. The contribution of spike protein, due to its prion-like properties, to neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases; to blood clotting disorders was revealed.

It has been established that spike protein affects the cells of coronary vessels and other arteries, thus causing cardiovascular diseases - coronary heart disease, systemic hypertension and stroke. Spike protein, which is stimulated by mRNA-like drugs against a new coronavirus infection, triggers cellular signaling events that contribute to arterial-pulmonary hypertension, other cardiovascular complications and/or complications in other tissues/organs in certain people.

The effect of vaccines on organs and systems. The drugs released for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection, unlike the vaccine drugs of previous generations, spread extremely quickly in the body. Thanks to graphene additives, they penetrate into all organs, including the central nervous system, and accumulate in tissues.

In a study by Hanna N. and co-author. It has been shown that after intramuscular administration of the drug to nursing mothers, mRNA is detected in breast milk and in the blood for a considerable time (more than two weeks) after injection of the drug.

Penetrating into the central nervous system, it leads to disorders of neurons, which in many cases causes neurological effects such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, Bell's palsy, hemorrhagic stroke.

The most common side effects of drugs against a new coronavirus infection of a neurological nature are headache, Guillain-Barre syndrome, venous sinus thrombosis and transverse myelitis. There are other neurological side effects that occur with much less frequency. It is noted that neurological side effects occur with the use of any of the approved drugs, but venous sinus thrombosis occurs especially often after the use of vector vaccines. Despite the fact that the therapy of these side effects does not differ from similar conditions caused by other causes, the worst outcome is associated with venous sinus thrombosis.

Influence on the rheological properties of blood. Not only neurological disorders manifest themselves after the use of drugs to prevent a new coronavirus infection. These drugs change the properties of blood components, its rheological properties and, as a result, lead to the formation of blood clots.

BioNTech et al., using microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood in a dark field on a slide, evaluated peripheral blood in 1006 patients after mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting in March 2021. In 948 subjects (94% of the total sample), aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of unknown origin of various shapes and sizes were detected in the blood a month after administration of the drug mRNA. In 12 subjects, the blood was examined by the same method before administration of the drug, showing a completely normal hematological distribution.

The changes detected after injections of mRNA drugs confirmed that the changes were caused by the so-called "vaccines" themselves. In one of the first official reports of the European Medicines Agency dated March 10, 2021, four cases of thrombosis were noted in Austria in people immunized with drugs from the same batch, including at least two severe cases and one fatal case. The batch was withdrawn from use. The next day, there were reports of deaths in Denmark, and the country suspended the use of drugs to prevent a new coronavirus infection to allow time for an investigation. Several other countries followed suit.

Analysis of the European database Eudra Vigilance until April 16, 2021, complications associated with thrombocytopenia, bleeding and blood clots in recipients of various "vaccines" showed that the most common complications occur when using vector vaccines. Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of new diseases of vaccine-associated immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia are beginning to be issued.

It is noted that there is a connection between the introduction of drugs for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection and the occurrence or exacerbation of autoimmune diseases. And if diseases such as immune thrombocytopenia, myocarditis and Guillain-Barre syndrome occurred for the first time, then psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, IgA nephropathy sharply worsened. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children was considered as a severe complication of a new coronavirus infection, while myocarditis in children was more often interpreted as a side effect of using drugs to prevent a new coronavirus infection, especially in adolescents aged 12-17 years. However, the situation has changed, and now multisystem inflammatory syndrome occurs after injections of these drugs. Most likely, this situation is justified by the fact that side effects after the administration of drugs may be associated with the pro–inflammatory effect of the lipid nanoparticles used or the delivered mRNA (i.e., the composition of the drugs), as well as with the unique nature, expression pattern, binding profile and pro-inflammatory effects of the produced antigens - spike protein and/or its subunits / peptide fragments – in human tissues or organs.

Myocardial lesions. Myocarditis most often occurs after the second dose, with the highest frequency recorded among young male recipients. This complication has rarely been observed among recipients of the adenovirus vector vaccine, and its clinical, laboratory and imaging features resemble other common causes of acute myocarditis. The pathogenesis of myocarditis associated with mRNA vaccine is most likely mediated by an autoimmune mechanism. However, other mechanisms may be involved. Until September 30, 2021, only in Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute registered 1,243 cases of myocarditis after administration of the drug SOMIRNATY in young people.

When examining young people with myocarditis, it was found that a free spike antigen was detected in the blood of adolescents and young adults who developed myocarditis after using mRNA preparations. This made it possible to understand the pathological role of spike protein and to understand the cause of myocarditis.

It becomes obvious that the number of cases of myocardial damage in the form of myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure will only increase with the continued use of drugs for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection.

Liver damage. The drug with mRNA can be distributed quite nonspecifically in organs such as the liver, spleen, heart, kidneys, lungs and brain, and its concentration in the liver is about 100 times lower than at the site of intramuscular injection. A preclinical study has shown that the drug BNT162b2 can be transcribed back into DNA in the Huh7 liver cell line. Moreover, this happens within 4-7 hours. If DNA derived from BNT162b2 can be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of the recipient DNA, then this could potentially mediate genotoxic side effects. In fact, liver cells become a target for cytotoxic T cells. This assumption is confirmed in the clinic. Only one injection is enough to develop autoimmune hepatitis. Further clinical studies are required to establish a link between the administration of drugs for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection and oncogenesis in the liver.

Influence on the reproductive system. Outside of the viral particle, the spike protein causes an immune response that is not characteristic of the body's response to the virus. For example, natural immunity to a virus involves the formation of antigens tuned to different parts of the whole virus. One of the consequences of using mRNA encoding spike protein alone is the formation of excessive immunity to spike protein and cross-immunity to similar proteins present in the body. In particular, an autoimmune reaction to proteins characteristic of the organs of the reproductive system is described. Menstrual cycle disorders were noted in different age groups of women.

There are changes in the concentration of sperm in men. In all clinical publications, they write about the need for further expanded studies to study the effect of these drugs on the reproductive system. In December 2022, a paper appeared on the change in the number and properties of hematopoietic stem cells obtained at birth from mothers who were administered drugs to prevent a new coronavirus infection.

An increase in the number of neoplasms and the appearance of unusual forms of tumors correlating with mRNA injections are reported. Oncologists note a sharp progression of cancerous tumors after mRNA injections in patients whose condition before injections was stable or improved for a long time (several years). VigiAccess, the WHO database, as well as VAERS and other official organizations collect side effects from drugs used to prevent a new coronavirus infection, report many thousands of cases of "neoplasms" or new tumors, which include cancer of various localization, as well as numerous benign neoplasms.


The modern level of biotechnology development has allowed the creation of a new generation of pharmacological drugs capable of purposefully delivering genetically modified material to cells. Thanks to the developed delivery system, the active substrate directly affects the genes of the cell, changing them and, accordingly, changing the genetic program of cell functioning embedded in them, which begins to produce certain proteins that are not typical for the body.
A sufficient amount of clinical data has been accumulated confirming the negative effect of drugs using mRNA/DNA technologies on the body. Pathological influence and manifestation of side effects occur in all organs and systems of the body. Currently, there is no scientific data on the long-term effects of the effect on the functioning and vital activity of the body after the introduction of drugs containing nanoparticles of various chemical elements and genetically modified material.
In order to exclude catastrophic consequences for the Russian population in the form of increased mortality and the growth of oncological, chronic, incurable diseases, it is extremely important to conduct a comprehensive independent analysis of the medical data of people who have undergone the procedure of administration of drugs for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection. Until the results of a large-scale study are obtained, a moratorium on the mass use of drugs for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection should be introduced."

P.S. In the context of the voiced medical facts, the persistent intention of the soil scientist Ginzburg to continue to chip away at our children "from covid" causes indignation. In February 2023, Ginzburg applied for registration of the Gam-covid-Vak-D potion (for children 6-11 years old), which, according to his "honest" statements, is a solution in the proportion of 1 to 10 of Sputnik V, which has already ruined and crippled millions.

Clinical studies of the Sputnik-V (for adults) were officially completed on 31.12.2022, but there is no data on the results of mandatory examinations - because they will be immediately smashed to smithereens by honest scientists and researchers.

Fellow human rights activists have prepared a template for a crime statement against Ginzburg and other vaccination criminals under Articles 237, 238 and 159 of Articles. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Fraud).

French basketball mourns the death of Ludovic Vaty

Ludovic Vaty

The former France international died aged 34 following a cardiac arrest during training at the end of August. He had been in a coma. His death has shocked the basketball world

He would have been 35 on 21 November, but Ludovic Vaty will not be celebrating with his two boys, aged 8 and 12. The basketball player, a former pivot for the French national team, died following a serious heart attack on Tuesday 29 September. On 29 August, during training with his club TOAC Toulouse (N2, 4th division), the 2.06m pivot suffered a heart attack that forced the medical profession to place him in a coma.

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) V-safe website quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation. The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.”
Student at Fort Novosel goes into cardiac arrest in the cockpit | investigation won’t take place
On Friday, August 18, a student pilot was flying NOE (Nap of the earth is a low altitude flight used by military aircraft to avoid enemy detection and attack in a high-threat environment) when he suddenly slumped over the controls. There was a second student pilot who jumped into action and pulled him off of the controls while the IP (Instructor Pilot) took over and was able to safely land on the stage field.

Well-known Wichita DJ, musician and voice of Spangles commercials dies suddenly at 62
White, 62, died suddenly on Monday after collapsing at his Wichita home, said his wife and fellow Ten Day Wish band member, Tanya White. His death was unexpected, she said, and she and his many friends and fans are having trouble accepting it.
My wife just got back from a family visit in the Philippines. Pretty much, no sooner that she got back, that she got a phone call that her second oldest son (32yrs old) died. Just went to bed, and never woke up. She usually would talk to him every day, and of course spent a lot of time with him and all the rest of her family when she was back there to visit. She said he looked completely fine, and didn't complain of any medical issues. So it came as an absolute surprised to them that this could happen. I took her to the airport last night to go back to Philippines for the funeral. Pretty hectic few days here the last couple, she had just unpacked and had to pack again, and also flying to Philippines is not cheap, unless you book like 6 months in advance. There was a bit of a scramble to come up with the money, luckily some of her friends, and work colleagues helped out, so she had enough to allow her to go.
My wife got a call in the night last night from the Philippines. Her other son is in the hospital with, what they think, is a stroke. Details are sketchy right now, but you can imaging that this is horrible news. I am hoping that since he was hospitalized right away, as it happened in the day time, that he will be alright. Will have to wait to see what further updates bring.

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