Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

What Can Megyn Kelly's Adverse Vaccine Reaction Teach Us?​

Story at a glance:
  • Since vaccines seek to provoke the immune system into creating an immune response, unintended immune responses to vital human tissues are one of the most common significant side effects of vaccination
  • When the COVID-19 vaccine campaign started, many were concerned that the experimental mRNA injections had a variety of unique risks for autoimmunity. Rather than require the manufacturers to properly assess that risk, the vaccines were instead brought to market and then mandated upon the world
  • Autoimmune complications (like Kelly’s) have become one of the most common side effects of the vaccine, and data shows it afflicts vaccine recipients at a dramatically higher rate than normally seen from a pharmaceutical
  • This wave of autoimmunity is causing an immense degree of suffering and appears to be inflicting profound damage on the entire economy due to the how many people are being forced into disability because of their new autoimmune disorders


‘Statistically Significant Increase’ in Myopericarditis and Single-Organ Cutaneous Vasculitis Found After COVID-19 Vaccination

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A large nationwide study of more than 4 million people in New Zealand identified a statistically significant association in two adverse events following vaccination with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

In the post-marketing safety study recently published in Springer, researchers examining 12 specific adverse events found an increase in myopericarditis during the 21-day period following both Pfizer vaccine doses. Myopericarditis describes two distinct inflammatory heart conditions that occur simultaneously, myocarditis and pericarditis.

The highest rate of myopericarditis was observed in the youngest participants under 39 years of age following the second vaccine dose—with an estimated five additional myopericarditis cases per 100,000 persons vaccinated regardless of age. Researchers also observed an increase following both vaccine doses in individuals aged 40 to 59.

“Our findings align with international postmarketing studies, case series reports, and cases detected through reports to New Zealand’s spontaneous system that identify an association between the BNT162b2 vaccine and myo/pericarditis, especially in younger people and after the second dose,” the researchers stated.

In addition to myopericarditis, the study found an increase in single-organ cutaneous vasculitis (SOCV) in the 20- to 39-year-old age group following the first vaccine dose. SOCV is a syndrome characterized by inflammation and damage to the skin's blood vessels without the involvement of other organ systems.
Here's a screenshot of Alberta Covid vax stats between the ages of 6 months to 19 years. If these are accurate, it's a sad story.

View attachment 81699
I’m going to contribute a suspicion and possible “conspiracy theory” that’s been niggling at the back of my mind, for a couple of weeks.
And, before anyone comments on my observations that “Correlation doesn’t ALWAYS mean causation”, yeah, I get that.

I’ve been made aware, by several different sources, of intestinal /digestive problems, a LOT of people are experiencing, after being injected.

Ive been reading and weeding through many different studies and reports of the well functioning normal, human gut biome being fundamentally changed, with decreased or missing bacteria types, as well as radical increases in other bacterial types.
These changes are documented and are happening to the injected subjects of this “Covid” nightmare campaign.
You can read and weed for Hints and clues in this report, for instance:

So, for what it’s worth, at the beginning of September, a bunch of young children in Daycares, in Calgary Alberta, are experiencing an extreme outbreak of e coli infections.

Thirty-seven kids hospitalized: The E. coli outbreak that has raged through nearly a dozen Calgary daycares​

Six kids remain on dialysis, and nearly 400 sickened by an outbreak at 11 Calgary daycares
Published Sep 15, 2023

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, speaking to reporters on Friday, cried as she spoke about the E. coli outbreak in 11 Calgary daycares that has put dozens of children in hospital.[…]

[…]dozens of patients have been treated, many for a severe complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can damage the kidneys.
“The age of the children, the severity of the illness, the numbers involved, have all made this very challenging,” said Dr. Mark Joffe, the chief medical officer of health, at a press conference earlier this week.
[…]On Friday, officials said there were 377 lab-confirmed cases of E. coli. There were 12 people in hospital and six were on dialysis.
[…]Health officials are speaking to both those who fell ill, and those who did not and crunching data on who fell ill, when and what foods they ate.

“Looking carefully at the differences between those two groups can help provide an indication of what the likely source of infection was,” said Joffe.”
Here’s the link to the full article:

***I wonder if anyone will ask the question “who was injected with the Covid synthetic mRNA products, and who was not?”

For what it’s worth, there are still a “few” harder to control” tough Canadians in that reside in Calgary, so there is high possibility that “some” non injected kids are attending the different daycares.

According to the available data, fully “vaccinated” isn’t mandatory for school attendance in Calgary:
“The Calgary Board of Education does not require vaccinations or proof of immunizations to attend school .”

Gawd, those poor, little vulnerable kids.
I’m not “enjoying” this dark, dirty, sad show.
Bearing witness gets increasingly more horrifying each and every day.
The food the kids were eating all came from one location and the outbreak was first reported starting on Sept 5.

However, according to documents posted on the Alberta Health Services website, The Fueling Brains Academy Kitchen and one of the Fueling Brains daycare locations had been found in violation of public health regulations related to food handling before.

A central kitchen is an off-site facility that produces food to be delivered to multiple locations.

I found this study done in 2022 titled Gastrointestinal Complication of Covid-19 Vaccines. This may have already been posted/known about. Cov19 vax can affect the intestines directly, according to this, and non-destructive E. coli already exists in the intestines naturally. I'm not trying to say there's a relationship. It's just a thought. I mean, there have been many E. coli outbreaks before Cov19 vax.

Here, we present the first published case report of post-vaccination acute diverticulitis and colon micro-perforation following a Moderna booster dose in a young adult. Upon literature review performed on three databases - PubMed, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect - this is the first published case report documenting adverse events profile post-COVID-19 vaccination.


Interaction between the viral spike protein and the host angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ACE2) cell receptor explains such diverse symptoms. ACE2 cell receptors are found in the lungs and in abundance in the esophagus, ileum, and colon [13]. SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein has a greater affinity for the human ACE2. This enables the virus to enter the GI tract, where it promotes inflammation. The mRNA vaccine carries messenger RNA (genetic information), which, once injected, gets translated into viral spike protein in the host. Our hypothesis is that transcribed viral spike protein binds to cells in the GI tract in a manner similar to that of the actual virus, promoting dysbiosis and inflammation. Hence, the vaccine is able to produce various GI symptoms in recipients, similar to patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.


Table2 summarizes the GI tract adverse event profile of the three major COVID-19 vaccines administered (post first, second, and/or booster doses) in the US [18].

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Of 36 reported cases of bowel perforation post-vaccination, 13 patients have died (nine female, four male), and of 606 reported cases of diverticulitis post-vaccination, 15 individuals (eight female, seven male) have died [18]. Additionally, at least 100 vaccine recipients have died from GI bleeding among a total of 171 incidents post-vaccination, and 431 vaccine recipients reporting post-vaccination diarrhea (210 female, 221 male) have died among 26,822 total reported incidents of diarrhea post-vaccination, according to VAERS as of March 5, 2022
...The Fueling Brains Academy Kitchen and one of the Fueling Brains daycare...

Whoops. A correction 'cause this not right. It's a little confusing. 'Fueling Minds' are the kitchens (2), 'Fueling Brains' are the preschool facilities (8 in Calgary and Strathmore and 1 in Saskatoon.).

Learned it from here:
A statement from Fueling Brains Academies noted it shares similar ownership with Fueling Minds but the two are independent entities.

“Our affected Fueling Brains campuses source their food from Fueling Minds, a catering company which provides food service to our campuses as well as other childcare centers.
Here's a screenshot of Alberta Covid vax stats between the ages of 6 months to 19 years. If these are accurate, it's a sad story.

View attachment 81699
This chart gives me some hope though...vaccinations dropped off in every age group, so whilst initially parents seemed eager to roll up their children's sleeves, something changed a lot of minds for subsequent doses?
Autopsies prove: Microfibres from masks lead to serious nodule formation in the lungs

Those who refuse to wear masks are defamed by the state, and ordinary citizens hunt down maskless people as conductors and in public institutions. Scientific studies, on the other hand, seem to confirm the assumption that masks offer no relevant protection against coronaviruses.

What a renowned expert from Austria is now reporting should mean the immediate end of masks, if only along the lines of labour law protection.

At first it sounds like a horror report from the armoury of alarmists: Granulomas are said to have been found in the majority of examined lungs of mask wearers. Microfibres from masks have been identified as the trigger for these nodules.

This is not just anyone's opinion, but that of Professor Martin Haditsch from Linz, a proven expert with a worldwide network and a specialist in hygiene and microbiology, infectious and tropical medicine, virology and infectious disease epidemiology.

Incidentally, Prof. Haditsch is listed as a "Corona opponent" by self-appointed fact-checkers from The portal does not shy away from displaying organigrams here, which are supposed to resemble those of mafia hunters, probably not without reason. But the zenith of such portals has long been passed, the headlines are becoming more and more lurid and already sound like cheap Jerry Cotton pulp novels: "In the net of the Corona opponents".

The professor gave an extensive interview to Report24, from which we have written down the part concerning the masks:
"During the Corona era, lungs were also transplanted into people and the organs removed were examined. And in most of the removed lungs - the ones that had become diseased, of course - granulomas, i.e. nodule formations, were found, and they were examined.
And the trigger for these nodules was microfibres from masks. That's no joke! If I now say: Well, but there are people who wear them, you have to say: Yes, they have always worn them. But there is a reason why occupational medicine - this is an occupational health issue - has laid down very specific and binding framework conditions for who may wear which mask, when and for how long.
And for the FFP2 mask, for example, there are specifications that this mask may only be worn for 75 minutes at a time during heavy physical activity. This is a dust protection mask.
And if the activity is easy, I think in Germany it is one hundred minutes, in Austria it is plus 50 per cent, but it comes out to about the same. And this time must be adhered to.
And then a mandatory thirty-minute mask break must be observed. This is to protect the health of the people who are more exposed. And none of these people automatically wears these masks for eight hours a day for weeks or months."
Le Dr Phillip Buckhaults, expert en génomique du cancer, témoigne devant le Sénat de la Caroline du Sud de la contamination par l'ADN trouvée dans les vaccins COVID à ARNm
"Le vaccin Pfizer est contaminé par de l'ADN plasmidique, il ne s'agit pas seulement d'ARNm... Je suis assez alarmé par les conséquences possibles de cette contamination... Elle pourrait provoquer certains effets secondaires rares, mais graves, comme la mort par arrêt cardiaque... Cet ADN peut s'intégrer et s'intégrera probablement dans l'ADN génomique des cellules qui ont été transfectées avec le mélange vaccinal... Il est différent de l'ARN parce qu'il peut être permanent... Il pourrait théoriquement provoquer... une attaque auto-immune soutenue contre ce tissu. Il y a probablement environ 200 milliards de morceaux de cet ADN plasmidique dans chaque dose du vaccin... C'est une mauvaise idée."

Cancer genomics expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testifies before the South Carolina Senate about DNA contamination found in mRNA COVID vaccines“The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA, it's not just mRNA... I am quite alarmed by the possible consequences of this contamination... It could cause some rare, but serious side effects , such as death by cardiac arrest... This DNA can and probably will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that have been transfected with the vaccine mixture... It is different from RNA because it may be permanent... It could theoretically cause... a sustained autoimmune attack against this tissue. There are probably about 200 billion pieces of this plasmid DNA in each dose of the vaccine... This is a bad idea ."
Anti-Covid injections damage the immune system, says infectiologist Pietro Vernazza

According to infectiologist Pietro Vernazza, the innate immune system no longer reacts as well to pathogens after mRNA vaccination. These comments are condemned by the rest of the scientific community.

People would be weaker against pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses if they were vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine against Covid: at least, that's what Pietro Vernazza, former Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases at St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital, has written in an online blog. The infectiologist draws his conclusion from three studies published at different times between 2021 and 2023.

However, this deduction has been strongly criticised by the rest of the scientific community. "Studies do not show that the immune system is suppressed", explains molecular biologist Emanuel Wyler. He continues: "To prove this, we would have to see whether vaccinated people are sicker when they are infected, or whether they are sicker more often. However, the studies mentioned by Pietro Vernazza were conducted in laboratories and not on real people. What's more, "if vaccines suppressed the immune system, we should have seen something of this in the light of the enormous experience acquired worldwide, which has not been the case to date", says Swissmedic.

Pietro Vernazza qualifies these accusations: "Various independent groups have measured that the reaction of cells to external pathogens is modified after vaccination. We measure such processes in the blood. He concludes: "The effect of vaccination on cells has been proven, but I don't know what it means. It's something we need to study."
Microfiber is the new asbestos.
What do you mean? This is a false problem?
I think Benjamin meant that the general population will become aware of the dangers of microfibers just as it became aware of the dangers of asbestos (which is a group of minerals made up of thin microfibers, hence the parallel). Almost everyone I know is aware of the harmful effects of asbestos; it was even taught in schools! Usually, a dangerous substance becomes part of 'common knowledge' once enough people have been harmed by it. The time has come for people to understand that wearing masks all the time is a very bad idea... just like being exposed to asbestos in your home!
What do you mean? This is a false problem?

Just the opposite. What Natus Videre said. Microfiber is everywhere. It's used to cover furniture, towels, clothing... I've used microfiber towels to dry dishes. It really doesn't absorb water very well and after the dishes dry, I've seen hundreds of tiny, long 'shards' covering the surface of those dishes. I stopped using anything microfiber after that.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral. There are six types, all of which are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fibre (particulate with length substantially greater than width) being composed of many microscopic "fibrils" that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to various dangerous lung conditions, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer.
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