Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

For those who may not have read the entire article, please note:
The CDC still recommends that people of all ages receive a COVID-19 vaccine, saying that the potential side effects do not outweigh the potential harms of getting sick with COVID-19.
Seriously?!? These death jabs don't protect anyone from getting sick with COVID-19. They make people sick. They kill people. We still don't know the long-term effects of these jabs. This is just out-right criminal.
Here in Canada, Hockey teams from Alberta and British Columbia, are in the final games for the chance to win the “Stanley Cup”.
Tonight is game 7, and the British Columbia teams star player, is out, due to a blood clotting event.
The complete text of the tweet reads:
“Hockey is my passion. Brock Boeser for the Vancouver Canucks won't be playing in game 7 against the Edmonton Oilers because of blood clots. He is the Canucks top scorer in the playoffs. Covid vaccine is likely the cause.When are the corrupted captured professional sports leagues, governments, hospitals, physicians, medical institutions, medical organizations and mainstream media going to stop taking their bribes and killing and injuring innocent global citizens.

This arrived in my workplace messenger. It was a screenshot from a first responder group on Facebook.
Note that flu season has turned into Flu Vax season, its all about the vaccine. The wording in general ugly but my colleagues lined up to get their shots at the next ambulance drill. Didn't apply to me as I'm no longer a Cat A worker, still looking after patients though!
One colleague, a young woman of 22 and a jab organizer went into anaphylaxis within 30 seconds of her shot, luckily two paramedics were there and cannulated her and she went to hospital. I doubt an epipen would've been enough. If it had happened at a chemists shop or clinic she may have died.
Two days later she's on messenger telling those that missed their shots:- because of her adverse reaction, to go get them! They're complying, depressing. Brigade doesn't care either.

Another friend has got runaway cancer, leukemia, 54, that makes 4 friends now with cancer. He waited for the 'safe' jab, Novavax, tried to talk him out of it but he needed it for his job.
Programming is complete, Australia is finished, ppl are nuts. I'm going to enjoy myself, at least the deer hunting is good.
"Vaccinating away contact with the soul" (part 1)
26 nov 2023

🇸🇪 by Per Shapio at "Folket's radio" (The people's radio), Sweden

Notice that the podcast is a mix of swedish, english, italian and spanish.

View attachment 95355

An increasing number of healers are noticing dramatic changes in the energy fields of people who have taken the C-19 vaccine.

Many describe how it has become much more difficult or even impossible to reach the person's soul or "higher self", how the energy flows become sluggish and how the aura becomes full of cavities, no longer acting as a protective shell against foreign energies. From a materialistic/mechanistic perspective, all this may seem like superstitious nonsense.

But is it really?

Or, on the contrary, does the materialistic/mechanistic worldview act as a fog, preventing people from seeing that there is a
spiritual war against humanity?

A report by Per Shapiro • Final mix: Samuel Tyskling

Becca Tzigany, healer
Heide Auers, healer
Chamória Anna-Karin Werf, healer
Beatris Benevides-Hilgert, healer
Emanuela Aydalin, Essene therapist
Pedro Carrillo, shaman
Karin Nordlander, therapist and mystic
Wiliam Shiqui, chief of the Shuar people in Ecuador
Thomas Mayer, anthroposophist and author
Rasmus Lindahl, water entrepreneur

Here, I am trying to make a summarisation from a swedish podcast revolving a very interesting subject - the possible spiritual effects the Covid-19 genetic injections have on people's soul, seem from the perspectives of healers.

I am surprized that Per Shapio has taken up several highly interesting, beyond the normal scope themes - such as spiritual aspects and impacts in our lives. I mean it is very unusual from a Swedish perspective, in our little country which i often refer to being "La La Land", and where the outside for most tourists looks and feels so perfect, calm, clean and organized - well, so beautiful... But is it ? I doubt that. Or let's say, this Sweden is a highly odd mix between the most beautiful combined with the rotten and deep cowardliness - which dwell behind the cool veil in our country.

So, having a serious journalist who takes up themes such as spiritual developments, impacts, archons, etc - gives me hope that there are minds in our country, who look beyond the local horizon, beyond the veil of deception in more than just rudimentary ways.

The Jordan Peterson issue
Since the Israeli genocide on the Palestiniams, Jordan Peterson has reached an all time low water mark in his perspectives and views defending Israeli deeply criminal, rotten actions. Peterson now defending the job of the dark powers, which he earlier called out by critizising them in other important areas, in the dark changes of our society (e.g wokism etc) What made me decide to write about this podcast, is the recent discussion at the forum about Jordan Peterson detrimental development lately, especially since he got jabbed with the genetic injections, perhaps could have relevance. Some members have been wondering if his soul has gotten corrupted...

Maybe there is more to that, then what meets the eye.

The Podcast • "Vaccinating away the contact with our soul"

This is a program about the energetic aspects behind the Covid-19 genetic injection campaign, the effects beyond the human body, it has onto the soul.

"If we lost connection with our soul - then there is room for another intelligence to take over. And that is what I think the Grand Plan is.I think there are forces on the planet that want transhumans" - says Beatris Benevides-Hilgert

This is an investigation seeking for answers beyond the common medical expertise.

Wiliam Shiqui, Chief of the Shuar people in Ecuador says:
- "Primarily we need to understand that the enemy specially works on the spiritual level. It is a dark field, a dark plan which is perverted they got in store for us".

Per Shapio remembers and reflects;

It was pretty apparent in year 2020, that something was off - something that simply didn't align. I reacted especially about that the reporting in media, about the Corona Plandemic, was in particular inflated - as if only one subject existed, displacing all other world event. It also became clear that the amount of "infected" and deaths got manipulated in many different ways, in order to make the Plandemi appear being a more dangerous disease than it really was. Endless any articles have been written since then about the ways of manipulations that have been used.

But why ? Meaning; The why - beyond the many explanations that have come to the fore. We know it is about money, corruption, Big Pharma, Power, transfer of wealth, and so on.

Yet again, the question remains; why ? Still many questions which remain unanswered.

Why did these vaccines have such an extreme destructive impact on people's health ? Why was it nearly taboo to talk about it what is many eyes are considered to be the worst medical scandal in human history ? If one only wants to make money, why putting so many people's lives at risk ? The modRNA injections appear to strike against life's most fundamental parts; against women's fertility, her menstruation cycles, her womb, her pregnancy

[well, the injections also hit against men's sperms to a high degree; against men's fertility - I will get to that in a new summarization article in the Corona thread next week, based on Florian Schiller latest 3 hour video in which he titles the Covid-19 injections as having an effect that of a "nuclear meltdown". E.g. when all the new found aspects about the modRNA injections are added, getting revealed / explained - which was both devastating, as well made nearly speechless afterwards. Luckily he made two videos, both in German AND english. Which makes it easier for me to translate and summarize.

But back to Per Shapiro's podcast ]

We see an increase of deaths in ages which it in the Western World where not normal to die in. We see how chronic illnesses in people who had them somewhat under control in the past - such as MS / Multiple Sclerosis - which now suddenly galloper with devastating consequences. The vast increase of certain cancers with aggressive speed. We see blood clots, cardiac arrests, and myocarditis. Sports people who collapse in the middle of the field.

Ultimately I have to ask myself; What is here the question really ? What is this all about ?

Technocratic Initiation Rite ?
I often get the feeling, and many with me, that Covid resembles a religion, a cult. A sort of technocratic initiation ritual for humanity. Where the vaccine corresponds to the holy sacrament of the Eucharist.

One year later in 2022, came the book out with the title "Covid Vaccines from a spiritual perspective" written by the German anthroposophist and healer, Thomas Mayer. Who made a project with over 50 healers, collecting observations on clients who had taken the Covid-19 "vaccinations". They where all in agreement in observing 'blockages' in the people. How the soul, or the higher self, wasn't present any longer. In that vacuum that appeared, came in sort of energies - entities - who didn't belong there, neither in nature or evolution.

Thomas Mayer; Beings that enter the energy field, after vaccination - appear almost like "black spots".

Various wisdom traditions though time had different names for these soulless entities; Like the old gnostics called them the archons (counterforces). Robotlike entities who penetrate the soul after vaccination, and very much like today's transhumanism, wants to merge human nature with artificial intelligence into a kind of a robotlike existence.

(Thomas Mayer)
- We understand that the same beings are also behind the transhumanistic agenda and movement. [they give us their minds].
Thank you for translating @XPan , this is very interesting aspect.
I always thought that mRNA jab is the anticipated mark of the beast - not the microchip or visa card of whatever was suggested in the past.
A touring tribute-band musician I know of just lost his hearing suddenly and unexpectedly -- first one ear in January following a bout of vertigo, and now the other, and he's still "wobbly." Diagnosis = sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). He's now deaf, and there is no suggestion of explanation. Could it be? Hearing loss is an admitted (by mainstream sources) side effect. Both ears, and typically resulting from nerve problems, so I'd guess this is not two, separate, local injuries. I understand vertigo is also commonly traced to inflammation or damage of, or around nerves.
SSNHL happens because of damage to the inner ear, or because of problems with the nerve fibers that deliver information from the ear to the brain. Most of the time, there’s no clear rhyme or reason why it happens to someone. It can be either temporary or permanent.
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After scientifically observing what they called “vaccines” under the microscope, La Quinta Columna concludes humans have been injected with what they are calling a “liquid interface” of a massive implantation of the humans species by another species, which they suggest are demons.

They have compared an implant inside a person who has experienced the “alien abduction” phenomenon and the COVID injection contents, and found the components to be the same.

They advise the aim is to have control over the human head and central nervous system, because it leads to, and I quote, “demonic possession.

They say 5G is essential to this control of humans through this demonic technological control.

Via @zeeemedia

This comes as no surprise to those who have been watching the developments of the research concerning this technology and biblical implications of it! Woe to those involved in pushing this abomination!

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They advise the aim is to have control over the human head and central nervous system, because it leads to, and I quote, “demonic possession.
The C's have said pretty much the same thing:

(Artemis) So they said the vaccine affects the ovaries. Hasn't it already been found before that it affects the pineal or pituitary glands? And isn't the pineal or pituitary used for picking up channeling frequencies?

(L) Probably both.

(Artemis) So does that mean that vaccines make it so people pick up negative frequencies?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So that means people who've been vaccinated are channeling Satan. [laughter] Okay, that's extreme, but...

(L) They can definitely download some weird stuff. But only those susceptible, I think.

(Pierre) On this line, the RNA in the vaccine code is for a protein very similar to syncytin. Mis-expression of this protein syncytin leads to disorders like schizophrenia that are considered by some researchers as possession. So my question is: Can the vaccine in some cases increase the incidence of actual possession?

A: Oh indeed!!

Q: (Artemis) [in a demonic voice] 'The vaccine is preparing the vessels!' [laughter]

(L) This is just getting creepier by the minute!
The C's have said pretty much the same thing:
August 5, 2000

Q: So, we can forget that one for now. Okay, last session you brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies to manifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?

A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

We were told that one of the goal of the lizzies, with and after the wave, was to save and expend their number trough out the our cosmic locator. We also learned that for a human to be a STS candidate, one much reach 95% of STSness and that it was very rare to see human graduate to such a level. They gave one example, Gengis Khan, as one who progressed so my question is, how they think that they will increase their numbers.

If we look at demon or let call them negative frv conscious unit, are they all 4th density level or are some from, let say, lower realm as what we call ‘’hell’’. These lower realm conscious unit don’t have access to physical body with the right frequency to incarnate on our physical plane and thus when the wave come, have no possibility to progress, maybe. So possessing a physical body may be a way for them to access 4th density variable physicality. As is said above, they (STS) seeks to alter creation process to fit their ends or should we say, alter the human in a way to facilitate access for lower frv conscious unit to possess a body.

Pierre) On this line, the RNA in the vaccine code is for a protein very similar to syncytin. Mis-expression of this protein syncytin leads to disorders like schizophrenia that are considered by some researchers as possession. So my question is: Can the vaccine in some cases increase the incidence of actual possession?

A: Oh indeed!!

These dark soul transferring to the physical realm trough possession may have the right frequency (95% sts) to graduate to 4th density and will indeed once there, increase the Lizzies number directly. So using the vax to alter creation and permit access to the physical realm, unnaturally, for sts conscious unit seem indeed to be one possibility.

What do you think
August 5, 2000

Q: So, we can forget that one for now. Okay, last session you brought up the subject of Frequency Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd density, since that seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion, the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in 4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies to manifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?

A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

We were told that one of the goal of the lizzies, with and after the wave, was to save and expend their number trough out the our cosmic locator. We also learned that for a human to be a STS candidate, one much reach 95% of STSness and that it was very rare to see human graduate to such a level. They gave one example, Gengis Khan, as one who progressed so my question is, how they think that they will increase their numbers.

If we look at demon or let call them negative frv conscious unit, are they all 4th density level or are some from, let say, lower realm as what we call ‘’hell’’. These lower realm conscious unit don’t have access to physical body with the right frequency to incarnate on our physical plane and thus when the wave come, have no possibility to progress, maybe. So possessing a physical body may be a way for them to access 4th density variable physicality. As is said above, they (STS) seeks to alter creation process to fit their ends or should we say, alter the human in a way to facilitate access for lower frv conscious unit to possess a body.

Pierre) On this line, the RNA in the vaccine code is for a protein very similar to syncytin. Mis-expression of this protein syncytin leads to disorders like schizophrenia that are considered by some researchers as possession. So my question is: Can the vaccine in some cases increase the incidence of actual possession?

A: Oh indeed!!

These dark soul transferring to the physical realm trough possession may have the right frequency (95% sts) to graduate to 4th density and will indeed once there, increase the Lizzies number directly. So using the vax to alter creation and permit access to the physical realm, unnaturally, for sts conscious unit seem indeed to be one possibility.

What do you think
The entire STS system is pyramidal, so in hell it will be like that too.

Those who are there and do not know, have little knowledge, are in a basic state of action reaction.

So I believe that only those at the top (top of the pyramid), in 4D STS, are the ones involved in the occupation plans.

Just like most people in 3D STS know nothing and only a small percentage (real elite) pull the strings, with the orders 4D STS.
Just as a reference, the above video clip comes from the International Covid III summit (part 1 of 2) at the EU Parliament in Brussels from 3 May 2023.

Dr David Martin starts speaking at 13:05

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