Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Latest update on Eriksen:

Eriksen had cardiac arrest but test results are normal, Danish team doctor says

Denmark's Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest when he collapsed during his side's Euro 2020 opening match against Finland, his team's doctor confirmed on Sunday, but the reason remained unclear.

"He was gone; we did cardiac resuscitation, it was a cardiac arrest. We got him back after one defib (defibrillation),” Morten Boesen told a news conference, adding that Eriksen remained in hospital for further tests after his collapse on Saturday.

"The exams that have been done so far look fine," Boesen added. "We don't have an explanation to why it happened."

"The exams that have been done so far look fine,"

And that right there is the smoking gun... I'm pretty sure he was vaccinated now.

You read through most of covid vaccine side effects and you'll see this... in a lot of cases, the test results always return back normal. This is quite the problem as a few have ended up being diagnosed with psychological issues as a result i.e. they are imagining their problem as opposed to they are having a real problem.
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I don't speak Spanish, but this is out and about and is supposed to be a Mexican TV show that was debunking the vaccine and magnets, etc sticking to people.

There's more of this type of video on this YouTube channel. Very good collection. laugh or to cry?
Going to out this here as a case of interest. I saw this a couple of months ago but didn't think much of it. There is an NBA player who retired unexpectedly in April due to a heart problem. It was unexpected as he had recently just signed a contract with a new team so one would assume that at the time of signing all was a-okay health wise - again, they go through regular rigorous health screening and testing.

Date of this is April 2021

Date of this is March 2021

Ps, there's no indication on the net he took jib jab but one would assume any such indications would have been scrubbed.

Problems with the heart rhythm... More collaboration that the vaccine is a big culprit


Like, these people will definitely be brought in a court of law eventually, right? They can't get away with this, can they?

What is the threshold of pain before people switch on to what is happening?

Latest update on Eriksen:

The same is written by the italian msm. They don't know what caused the heart attack.
And that right there is the smoking gun... I'm pretty sure he was vaccinated now.

You read through most of covid vaccine side effects and you'll see this... in a lot of cases, the test results always return back normal. This is quite the problem as a few have ended up being diagnosed with psychological issues as a result i.e. they are imagining their problem as opposed to they are having a real problem.

About the question if he took the jab or not, the official italian propaganda MSM mouths are saying that those are just rumors spread by no-vaxx nutzoids, still didn't heard no one from the italian alt news sphere to comment on what happened to Eriksen.

Will get here if there will be more news on this matter.
I don't speak Spanish, but this is out and about and is supposed to be a Mexican TV show that was debunking the vaccine and magnets, etc sticking to people.

Watching the first minute, I wonder if it's even worth it translating. Setting aside the language, you might be able to feel from the tonality and demeanor of the animators (and of the 'volunteers') that they just want to get it over with. The animator hurriedly waves the spoon over the arm and exclaim, "ok, let's move on!". It reeks of morning-show style MSM propaganda.

And then, the black-shirt guy comes in at 1:11, that is a precious moment caught on camera! "Look at that, don't be kidding! Wait a minute..." "Yes, that is strange..." "Once again, seriously -"
They take it more seriously, test a coin (nothing), the crowd gets anxious, calling out for someone with a magnetic cellphone, another guy calls out, "[inaudible] damned, explain to us!" The rest goes pretty much as you could guess from body language and tone,
"The truth is, we don't know, but we are going to find out, this information just came out and it's the first time I've seen it i had not seen any of it yet - [blue shirt interjects, me neither!], but don't worry [inaudible] if your arm is magnetic and it's a bad thing something would have happened, but anyways you can find us here dispelling myths - [end clip]
There's more of this type of video on this YouTube channel. Very good collection. laugh or to cry?
I choose laugh.

I tried this on myself (not vaccinated) and the key stuck to my chest. Then I put on some talcum powder and the "magnetic effect" vanished :-)

Ericksen is an interesting case. I would not expect to get the truth from the MSM seeing how everything else is being manipulated. However, players at that level are financial assets which are monitored by the best. So a missed diagnoses of heart problems seems a stretch. However the possibility exists that they missed it. Seeing how the vax is seen to cause problems with the heart for some I'd be willing to wager a large sum of money that it was the vax. It will be interesting to see how it goes with other players, though I wouldn't put it past TPTB to give saline solutions to future high profile athletics to avoid such in the open events.
Why not... I'm going to stick this here. Danish football player Eriksen collapsed in the field with no one around him. Apparently he has now been stabilised and is in hospital.

Did he take the jab? Want to know how many of these football players took the jibjab.

Going to be keeping an eye on athletes from both the Euros and Olympics this summer. Want to see how many go down inexplicably.

From what I understood/heard/picked up along the road
is that the German football team's head, earlier decided not to vaccinate before/during the championship. :whistle::referee:🧐

It is very tempting to believe that the Danish team did use the jabs - but at the same time it is in truth speculation until otherwise proven. The rumor says, Eriksen got the jab 12 days prior he collapsed. However @aragorn I just realized, did find that Italian article's headline of that the Milan group all got vaccinated ! (in which Eriksen played) Good find Aragorn !!
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I forgot to mention that an 18 year old girl from Genoa, Italy who took the AZ jab on 25th may, has had thrombosis afterwards and died a few days ago.

As i mentioned earlier, AZ J&J aren't better than other western vaccines though from where I sit it seems that the official narrative tries to focus almost all the attention on these two vaccines when someone suffers from severe side effects or worse, the AZ and J&J thus becoming the scapegoats while Pfizer and moderna are being promoted to and injected in millions of people. And if there are potentially dangerous evil vaccines I'd say those are Pfiser and Moderna in yhe first place.

People around me when are talking about having taken the jab, almost all of them are saying that they have been jabed with Pfiser.
From what I understood/heard/picked up along the road
is that the German football team's head, earlier decided not to vaccinate before/during the championship. :whistle::referee:🧐

It is very tempting to believe that the Danish team did use the jabs - but at the same time it is in truth speculation until otherwise proven. The rumor says, Eriksen got the jab 12 days prior he collapsed. However @aragorn I just realized, did find that Italian article's headline of that the Milan group all got vaccinated ! (in which Eriksen played) Good find Aragorn !!

Oh gosh, I was too fast - and please forgive me.

A lot more info has come to the fore. I thought I had read all entries :whistle: (apparently I didn't) Now it looks obvious that Eriksen did take the jab.

Great work of you all, digging up the dirt. :headbanger:
I guess we'll never have a smoking gun. But just to put things into perspective: sometimes a cigar's just a cigar. Even if some things are unclear (was the Inter Milan team vaccinated? Or the national Italian team (for the Euro 2020)? Was the Danish national team vaccinated?), they might just be telling the truth. I was looking at a list of football players who died of cardiac arrest while playing, and it is not uncommon (the list is just about those who died, but if you took into account all those who suffered heart attacks while playing, and recovered, the list'd probably be much longer). Even after 2009, when health screening supposedly became stricter and more thorough, and constant monitoring was implemented, you still find cases of 'sudden' heart attacks among players. In most cases, there's no explanation or underlying condition. I guess too intensive training, stress and possible doping can't be ruled out.

The following is a list of association footballers who died while playing, either directly from injuries sustained during a game, or after being taken ill on the pitch. Following an increase in deaths,[1] both during matches and training, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) considered mandatory cardiac testing,[2] already in place for years in some countries, such as Italy.[3]

By 2009, FIFA player Pre-Competition Medical Assessment (PCMA) included family history, heart rhythm, sounds, and electrocardiogram (ECG) results.[4] The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) required extensive medical tests, including ECG and echocardiogram for players in the Europa League 2011–12.[5] Constant monitoring has been advised
From what I understood/heard/picked up along the road
is that the German football team's head, earlier decided not to vaccinate before/during the championship.

Not exactly, XPan...

Although none of the players in the German squad have been fully vaccinated yet, there is "a noteworthy proportion of those who have been vaccinated at least once or in some cases twice," said team physician Prof. Dr. Tim Meyer.

Further vaccinations are not planned in the coming weeks, he said, adding that this would not make sense during the tournament. "I think it's too dangerous in view of the conceivable side effects," said Meyer.
Group vaccinations such as those recently carried out by the national teams of Belgium and Italy were not planned in Germany, he said.
Like, these people will definitely be brought in a court of law eventually, right? They can't get away with this, can they?

Just watch them.

The pharma companies have been given immunity against any and all liability.

That leaves the politicians and bureaucrats ... who will simply plead that they were only "following the science", and will do their best to melt back into anonymity (the primary strategy of these managerial scum, who always seek to diffuse responsibility throughout the organization such that no one person can be held to account).

That isn't to say justice won't be done. But it won't happen in the courts of today, under the laws of today. It will only happen in truth and reconciliation commissions and people's tribunals, and we're not going to have those until the system is brought down already.
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