Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I hesitated to post here or in the main thread.
There's visibly an organism here at Luxembourg which seems not corrupted, but it seems it's only 2 people, here's a link to the "About us" on their website : About us | European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
They released a study early june which was sent by Telegram, I did not find the PDF on their site, so I attached it here, it's in french

I also checked their website and their Telegram group and could not find that study there either. Searched for it in as well and came up with nothing. So it is possibly a fake document that is being attributed to them.
My daughter had an MRI a few days ago and didn't seem to have any negative reactions. I was worried that if she had one of the magnetised jabs what it would do to her, but she seems ok other than severe vertigo. Her ferritin levels are low so maybe that helped. I don't know. She did wait 6 weeks after her jab before having one though. Her brain is fine so it seems it's just her immune system going haywire.

Sorry to hear about your daughter Debra! Hopefully her immune system calms down soon.

Secondly, you do make an interesting point. What exactly would happen to a magnetized person in an MRI machine?

Sorry to hear about your daughter Debra! Hopefully her immune system calms down soon.

Secondly, you do make an interesting point. What exactly would happen to a magnetized person in an MRI machine?

I knew that's what it would look like, but seeing it is a different thing. I cannot see how one could survive this if one's biochemistry has become magnetic or even merely paramagnetic. I picture the EM analogue of a serious centrifugal action, down to the basic protein building blocks, and that can't be a good thing.
Eventful night

One of my closest colleagues at work, who had taken the AstraZeneca jab earlier (out of the blue and totally unexpected) - well, he took his second shot yesterday. And went to work. But this time it didn't go so well.

He complained about weakness, headaches and fever, and a friend told me that he didn't look so good. Apparently the "mobile traffic central" at our subway, drove him home. I wrote him an sms, and was very serious with him - urged him not to neglect his symptoms - and go immediately to the hospital. Given that he is/has been pretty well informed about the dark side of the genetic jabs... But with those symptoms, the likelihood of blood clotting is mighty high - and no reason to neglect them. Such as the typical "waiting until it get's better" - because if there is damage inside (serious blood clotting going on), it can continue while you get "better", until you suddenly crash. But then the damages are often severe. I told him tell them your suspicions of blood clotting. Better early, than too late. The guy is a husband and a father to 5 children...

He did not reply.

A sudden angry wasp

In the morning in the end of my duty, as I was leaving over the train to the next driver - I told her about our colleague gotten bad after the jab. All of the sudden, it was like an angry wasp exploding in my face - "I don't wanna hear anything from you, absolutely nothing. My mom got Covid, and got sick - I know how dangerous the disease it. And I got the first shot of the vaccine, so that !!"

I just stared at her, and wondered if she still was in possession with all the screws in the right place...

A new connection with a neighbor

As I almost had reached home - I met a neighbor and her dog "Pluto". The wonderful thing with her is - that despite I lived there for 11 years, we only used to say hi, and bye (which took several years) But as of lately, we have suddenly long conversations - sometimes a half hour - just like that. Either she standing on the balcony and me looking up - or we meet by accident when she goes out with the dog.

Beautiful, refreshing meetings ! You know, without bull or masks. This straight-ness in communication is so... like fresh air to me. A lady who is clear minded of what is going on, we have started share our impressions. She has her head straight on, is not afraid, and does not back off in conflict when other people try to attack her (you know like health authorities / pretty tyrants trying to pull off their ugly twists) So, she told me a few things out of her life and profession within schools - and boy, it was sooo un-swedish and courageous. By being this admirable lady, who dares to say "stop", telling people when things are not ok as damages are about to unfold on the school kids... calling in meetings, getting workers fired, who spray around their aspetos-like dust openly in schools while working, and saying "Oh, the kids are fine" :whistle: while they started to get ill... such things, you know. It does impress me, simply because I rarely meet people that are like that here in Sweden.

I told her, how wonderful it was to meet meet and talk with her. How good it felt for the soul, and for the heart - and that I was happy about doing what we do. So, we introduced each other by our names.

Ah, what a wonderful lady. :wow:

Some things change. Other things never change.
This is Pluto, by the way

And it just occurs to me, that these animals... save a lot of people souls and lives.

Making their owners cope and hold the brainwash at bay, those adverse effects from this strange Plandemic. So, we got one of many million heroes here; our dogs, cats, and animals !! I write this, because my neighbor at one time earlier had mentioned, how much Pluto meant for her, to cope with this sh** that is going on.

2021-04-27-20-31-43.jpg . 2021-04-27-20-32-16.jpg
@XPan What a darling. He would make lots of things right. ☀️

Regarding your comment about the angry waspish lady - perhaps she got the jab and is now regretting it and is fearful and it is coming out in anger.

Well I know my colleague for 20 years (and she is anything but a vasp). But showed signs of not wanting to deal with the whole vaccine issue during the past 4-5 months - kind of avoiding it. Now she simply took the jab, "to get it over with". (I have to think of Jordan Peterson here) Her mother's condition was probably the deciding factor to get the jab, while in the mean time increasing her fear for Covid. She is a great, sincere gal, a great mom - but not particularly deep.

Some people just don't have the nerve to penetrate the skin deep appearance of 'reality'.

When I asked her about the side effects she said "Yeah well, you get a little bit bad at first, and then you are ok again".

The time for her to regret, I think is too early... Everything up here in Sweden - reactionwise - is far behind of most other countries, due to that our society stayed relatively open. (less dangerous). What happens in the rest of Europe, the deaths and damages from vaccines, just doesn't penetrate people here.

I often get an empty look when I tell them the numbers of how many already have died... as if... I don't know... something essential is missing in the connection / realization. It's as if they just don't get it... the seriousness. It's a "vaccine" for them. An immunization. And that in Sweden has always been held in highest regards. So... they don't make the mind-soul-heart connection that those jabs are serious, genetic manipulations and a crime against humanity.
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The blood could not drain and was soaking the brain. «All the venous sinuses were blocked by thrombus, a scenario that I had never seen in many years of this profession. You have to imagine the venous sinus as the river in the center of a valley in which several streams converge. If a dam is built at the center of the watercourse, the river swells and at that point the tributaries are unable to discharge, with the result that the upstream pressure rises ». Zona speaks out of the teeth: "I am not a virologist or an epidemiologist or a coroner but, in the face of the picture I saw in that girl's head, it is clear that we are facing something not normal."

What to say other than this was completely avoidable? Will criminal charges ever be brought?
This is Pluto, by the way

And it just occurs to me, that these animals... save a lot of people souls and lives.

Making their owners cope and hold the brainwash at bay, those adverse effects from this strange Plandemic. So, we got one of many million heroes here; our dogs, cats, and animals !! I write this, because my neighbor at one time earlier had mentioned, how much Pluto meant for her, to cope with this sh** that is going on.

View attachment 46158 . View attachment 46157
Thank you for sharing all of this, including this beautiful dog. It is, for me anyway, difficult sometimes to keep calm in front of all of this. And you are right, dogs, cats, birds, books, they help us, in a strange way, to stay sane. All of these people that accept without fighting the "vaccine" are mentally ill. They are ill. They are not anymore in contact with their intelligence, their core, their soul. They accepted what is unacceptable, with free will. They remind me what William Shirer said about Germans, in his "Berlin Diary". He said that when the German army invaded the countries around, bombing and killing and stealing the food of these countries to give it to the Germans who at first had access to good food; and when he asked the Germans that this food that the Germans had was the death of thousands of people, were they aware of this? the Germans looked at him without understanding, they had no conscience anymore, they refused to understand. They were like little robots, no more humans. Shirer's loneliness is ours too.
A sudden angry wasp

In the morning in the end of my duty, as I was leaving over the train to the next driver - I told her about our colleague gotten bad after the jab. All of the sudden, it was like an angry wasp exploding in my face - "I don't wanna hear anything from you, absolutely nothing. My mom got Covid, and got sick - I know how dangerous the disease it. And I got the first shot of the vaccine, so that !!"

I just stared at her, and wondered if she still was in possession with all the screws in the right place...
Most people have lost the plot by now and as the Cs said: the programming is complete. It's up to us to decide how to deal with these people and keep our sanity intact. It's not easy, but perhaps this is how we learn to stalk all those small fry petty tyrants and advance to a higher level on which we can deal with bigger petty tyrants while keeping our cool and an eye on the ball (I'm not saying you didn't keep your cool).

The other day I was in a meeting where people were telling each other that they received their first vaccine. Being an observer looking in it seemed to me as if they were showing off their 'good' character/deed. I didn't say anything and they didn't pursue it, but I have my story ready, in case I need it. Just some thoughts. :-)
Thank you for sharing all of this, including this beautiful dog. It is, for me anyway, difficult sometimes to keep calm in front of all of this. And you are right, dogs, cats, birds, books, they help us, in a strange way, to stay sane. All of these people that accept without fighting the "vaccine" are mentally ill. They are ill. They are not anymore in contact with their intelligence, their core, their soul. They accepted what is unacceptable, with free will. They remind me what William Shirer said about Germans, in his "Berlin Diary". He said that when the German army invaded the countries around, bombing and killing and stealing the food of these countries to give it to the Germans who at first had access to good food; and when he asked the Germans that this food that the Germans had was the death of thousands of people, were they aware of this? the Germans looked at him without understanding, they had no conscience anymore, they refused to understand. They were like little robots, no more humans. Shirer's loneliness is ours too.
I find your judgmental attitude somewhat black and white. To say that people who got vaccinated are mentally ill or implying that they have no conscience is not helpful nor is it an accurate description of what is happening. People are taking the vaccination for various reasons. Some of those has to do with a unrelenting pressure being put on them, the wish to be with loved ones or to be able to travel home to see loved ones. Some are given the choice to get vaccinated or to be without work. If you have dependents who rely on you as the bread winner, then it is a difficult choice and not one taken lightly. We have a number of people on the Forum who for various reasons chose to take the vaccine. They are not robots or mentally ill or lacking in conscience and are just as welcome here on the Forum as before being vaccinated.
For those who have taken the vaccine or are about to, we recommend to do the vaccine protocol so as to protect against the possible negative effects of the vaccine and to share here anything that comes up in connection with the vaccine, so that we can help them overcome negative side effects.

Let us not add fuel to the fire of dividing people against each other or take the high moral ground. We are here to learn to be of service to others, not to cast stones.
I find your judgmental attitude somewhat black and white. To say that people who got vaccinated are mentally ill or implying that they have no conscience is not helpful nor is it an accurate description of what is happening. People are taking the vaccination for various reasons. Some of those has to do with a unrelenting pressure being put on them, the wish to be with loved ones or to be able to travel home to see loved ones. Some are given the choice to get vaccinated or to be without work. If you have dependents who rely on you as the bread winner, then it is a difficult choice and not one taken lightly. We have a number of people on the Forum who for various reasons chose to take the vaccine. They are not robots or mentally ill or lacking in conscience and are just as welcome here on the Forum as before being vaccinated.
For those who have taken the vaccine or are about to, we recommend to do the vaccine protocol so as to protect against the possible negative effects of the vaccine and to share here anything that comes up in connection with the vaccine, so that we can help them overcome negative side effects.

Let us not add fuel to the fire of dividing people against each other or take the high moral ground. We are here to learn to be of service to others, not to cast stones.
I know, you are right, it was just an expression, without judging them. In Spanish it will be saying "estan locos!", they are crazy and it is a very normal expression that express concern about the sanity of people in some areas, like this story about vaccination. I did not choose the right words.
I also checked their website and their Telegram group and could not find that study there either. Searched for it in as well and came up with nothing. So it is possibly a fake document that is being attributed to them.
I sent a mail 2 days before and phoned yesterday to Amar, the author of the document, I wanted to have a chat with him. He confirmed he wrote it. He told me what is his main motivation : he has 2 childs and wants the best for their future, simply. We should go drink a beer in a near future, he was pleased that i contacted him because here in luxembourg, or let's say the people coming to work (French, Belgian and Germans), the % of people being vaccinated is incredible, it's difficult to find someone who is not "hypnotized".
My wife, and step daughter both got their second doses recently, and I must say, I noticed feeling ill shortly after. I felt like I was coming down with the flu, achy, stuffed up, tired, even a bit dizzy. I am not sure what brand of dose they got, as they don't even know.

Both of them took days off work afterward. My wife complained a lot of feeling dizzy. Her work has the policy that you can take days off after the vaccination if you are not feeling well, and it doesn't count toward your sick days.
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