Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

About the magnetism, that's connected to some, who got the shot, I've been reading about it from many places(including this forum), but still not sure, is it even plausible.

Until last time, when I was talking to my mother(over 80) on the phone. We use to have lengthy discussions weekly.

She told me that there was a strange event. She lives in apartment house for the elders/retired, who still can take care of themselves. They have sort of "clubroom" downstairs, where they can socialize, play cards and such.

Then one day, janitor appeared there, and was like "can I have a spoon". He wanted to show them, that the spoon sticks in his shoulder, and told that he got the shot recently. He also told, that his wife works at the hospital, and that there they tested with objects like scissors, with similar results.

Although we talk a lot about these shots and related things, I don't remember mentioning it to her. So, this time it was the other way, she told me about it, seeing it in her own eyes. One of her present companion said: "it must be just sweaty skin".

But anyway, I think it's possible, that such a thing is plausible.
One thing, that puzzles me, is that why or how such objects made of stainless steel(as it seems) or brass, having not much of iron content, can be attracted like those with iron content.

If memory serves, it was mentioned in this or other thread about brass coins sticking also. What I discovered years ago, was that copper coins(euro cents) were/are actually just copper plated scrap steel.

For the science, I tested with neodymium magnet the stainless steel spoons, forks and butter knife I have(by Hackmann), and all of them are actually magnetic, if not wholly, but partially. And the scissors I have, are totally magnetic.

In the end, does all that perhaps have to do with iron content of the objects?
Damn. -The pain is spreading down my arm now. My bicept on my Left side is aching. It's quite weird.

The sensation reminds me of the time I had shingles when I was a kid; the nerve on one side of my back was inflamed.

The Osteopath had been working on my back and shoulders, pressing, prodding my skin with bare hands.

I wonder...

If this is my immune system working to deal with spike proteins, does that mean I get those anti-bodies everybody is all excited about? Maybe exposure to a vaxxed person is the safest way to actually pick up immunity to Covid.

Yoikes. I just looked in the mirror, (doing the "Are you having a stroke?" test. What a fun afternoon this has been.) -I'm not; no drooping smile or arms or slurred speech. But I DID see that I now have a couple inches of spotty red rash developing across the back of my Left shoulder. That's sure weird.

Now.., that might be a result of my massaging myself on that muscle group, but I've done that before and harder, and I've never had a rash or bruise pop up.

So... Does this mean I got infected by a True Believer?

If I start to 'turn' please finish me off with a cricket bat so I don't bite anybody I care about. (joking).
If I start to 'turn' please finish me off with a cricket bat so I don't bite anybody I care about. (joking).

"That isn't Woodsman anymore! Don't let him get any closer!"

Jokes aside, a couple weeks ago I was at the pub hanging out with a friend who'd recently gotten her second shot. The next day I had a weird ache in my foot. It became so exceedingly painful over the next day that I ended up taking off the entire week from working out, which I usually do quite religiously.

Now, I'd gone for a long-ish walk, 5 miles or so, before going to the pub that night, and my assumption was that I'd somehow hurt my foot walking. But there was no pain that day, and I go for longer walks quite regularly with no issues. So, at the time I wondered if it wasn't spike protein inflammation.

On a similar note, a friend recently told me she's having the worst period of her life. She hasn't gotten the vaccine yet, but her parents have, and it started just after safe went back to visit them. There were many similar reports of heavy periods or periods at weird times not long ago.
I have a cousin who lives abroad and I haven't seen for many years. He must be in his fifties and as far as I know, was in perfect health. In fact he looked rather athletic in pictures. A couple of days ago someone notified in the online group of the family that he's had a thrombosis and was in the hospital. Yesterday they said that he had a blood clot in his leg and they were going to intervene somehow to prevent it from moving up. And then I remembered that about a month or two ago a lot of my family members on that group, including him, were celebrating having been vaccinated. Some of the doctors out there who are vocal against the covid vaccine have pointed out that one of the worst side effects is precisely blood clots and thrombosis. Surely everyone in my family will say it's a coincidence - I'm not so sure. :(
I am not sure what brand of dose they got, as they don't even know.
She did ask around at work where she got it, and it was the Astrazenica variety. (Don't know what variety my step daughter got though.)

Strangely enough, the lead story on the news, Global, was that new evidence has come in, and now everyone is being told to get the mRna vaccines, pfizer, or Moderna. Hmmm, even if you have already got doses of the other vaccines. My wife grumbled, I am not getting more vaccines...!!!

Strange timing, for a strange request. But what can you expect from this bunch?

So, I was groaning like an 85 year old when I bent down or stood up, creaking around in pain thinking, "This is awful! I've got to do something different. -When was the last time I took any supplements?"

So I made up a big glass of Vitamin C water, (a tall glass with a 1/3 teaspoon of crystals mixed in for a tangy beverage) and drank that down. I also popped a Vitamin A and a magnesium capsule.

Wow. Within 45 minutes I was feeling noticeably better. -Then I went to sleep for a few hours and woke up to find that the pain had receded to maybe only 20% of what it had been earlier. Encouraged, I made up a second glass of Vitamin C water, drank that, and the remaining pain is noticeably receding even further minute by minute.

It wasn't just a matter of dehydration; I'd been drinking plenty of water throughout the last two days.

Mind you, I need to be more selective when trying curative measures rather than using the blunderbuss method (where in desperation one simply jams a bunch of different oddball items into the bell of the weapon and fires blind).

Anyway, I'm feeling MUCH better, and the transition was very rapid. Maybe my body had been deficient in vit C (and those other two) for long enough that when re-supplied, the body cried out with thanks.

Take that as you will.
On the spike protein, it appears it's no joke. So I'm not sure which of these got me - being in close proximity to jabbed people for a number of hours during a flight or having to have a PCR test to fly. Basically since then I've had low grade cold / flu like symptoms which exploded to full on cold / flu like symptoms this week that I decided to take time off work for a number of days. I'm pretty certain I picked up something and to me it feels like one of the other cold or flu like viruses. On the Highwire last night they did mention that there's been an uptick in other cold / flu like viruses in recent weeks which is a bit unusual given we're in summer.

In any case, just a heads up to anyone who hasn't yet had a PCR test or been around jabbed people.
My daughter had her second accident today. She fell down the stairs. She has extreme vertigo. I don't think she broke anything but she is going to be sore. Here is a website reporting the same vaccine side effects my daughter is going through. page after page. The saddest part is that most of them still think they did the right thing getting the jab.

I have a suggestion of what might possibly help your daughter, and others, though it is just a hypothesis. For this I will need to explain my deduction line step by step, as there are few factors which when put together led me to such possible conclusion.

First, here and there appears the the claim, that the vaccination has something to do with the separation of the soul from the body.

In the thread: "Covid Vaccines: What will they actually do?" axj said:
Found this channel recently - supposedly it is a group of human-like ET's orbiting Earth in their ship and communicating directly with a woman through some sort of messenger software. They disagree with how the Federation (which they are a part of) is handling affairs on Earth behind the scenes, which basically amounts to accelerating the pain until people wake up.


As to the vaccines they have this to say:

"The vaccines are designed to separate the soul from the body. To prevent the body-brain connection to soul-spirit, to control the population and to robotize them with AI and transhumanism. This is directly related to the nano-chips present in vaccines and to heavy metals."

This, again, lines up with one of the AstroZeneca vaccine volunteers reportedy saying:

“They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead”

The video on the YT has been removed, at least I cannot open it, which might be telling, you can open other videos from this group with no problem.

Then there is this article: "A Harsh Passover" about the French healer report on having a session with vaccinated woman:

I was having a session with a person who had received the first and second doses of the vaccine. I had already energetically treated that person, but I didn’t know they had taken the vaccine. When I started treatment, I noticed immediately the change, very heavy energy emanating from the subtle bodies. The scariest thing was when I was working on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul: it was detached from the physical body, it had no contact and it was, as if it was floating in a state of total confusion: a damage to the consciousness that loses contact with the physical body, i.e. with our biological machine, there is no longer any communication between them.

During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep discomfort. The energy with which I worked, the energy of its energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these substances, which are very stressful for the subtle bodies.
I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could no longer receive any light, frequency or energy. It was a very powerful experience for me.

Then I understood that this substance is indeed used to detach consciousness so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it possesses in life, where there is no longer any contact, no frequency, no light, no more energetic balance or mind. I realized that it not only pollutes the subtle body or the physical body, but that it is something that has to do with our soul. The purpose is to damage contact with consciousness and try to destroy it.
Then there goes her report of second treatment after second vax and again a deterioration. In the article the author included a quote from Rudolf Steiner: "Eliminate the soul with medicine" I did not find this particular quote, but I did find two such claims in his lectures and there probably are more but I did not look any farther.

The 2 quotes from Rudolf Steiner:

I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.
The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption — oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption they themselves suffered — people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field — the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light.

The first step must be to throw people's views into confusion, turning their concepts and ideas inside out. This is a serious thing and must be watched with care, for it is part of some highly important elements which will be the background to events now in preparation.​

And another one here:
The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.

The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.

I do not know how much the report of the healer is reliable or where Steiner got his information from, yet what they talk about looks exactly like what we see happening now. The channeled source mentioned by axj looks like coming from negative beings to me, yet "false truth" givers always give some good info as well.

Second, some information given by Cassiopaeans look interesting in this context. From the session on November 26, 1994:

Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?

A: It was added to all simultaneously.

Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?

A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.
Session November 27, 1994
Q: (L) Now, last night you said you affected our psyches in order to have us make changes on the board. It occurred to me that you might have the ability to change the electromagnetics of the body which would then affect the physical body, is this correct?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) So, could you perform an electromagnetic healing on me, that is, on the etheric or spirit body, which would then manifest in the physical body?

A: Do.

Session October 7, 1995
Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their soul and not the physical body?

A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure.

Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?

A: Yes, precisely.

Session October 14, 1995

A: KIA's... Are a Separate subject!! KIA's, how many really were?

Q:(T) How many of the 60,000 really were killed? How many of them are listed as dead when they're not? Intelligence... (TK) Tell you what, they could recruit... There were so many different kinds of people that went over there, they could have recruited a bunch... (J): Yeah, that's true. (L) OK, now, are you going to give us a hint as to where they are and what they're doing right now? Are these some of the people working in these underground places?

A: Yes..Yes...Yes. [...] A: Some are body duplicate soul receptacle replacements.

Q: (L) OK, now, you said a moment ago that some of these bodies were used as receptacles, soul receptacles. When you say soul receptacles, do you mean soul receptacles for whom?

A: Replacements for dead bodies, i.e. duplicated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, they make replacements for dead people and put their souls in a replacement body, so that they can continue living on, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they ever use dead bodies and re-animate them and then put other souls in them?

A: No. (T): Now, wait now, you're saying some of them... I'm lost now. (TK) Is there a limit to how long they can be dead? (L) They make...

A: For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" to aliens and S.G. [Secret Government]

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

A: No.

Q: (T): Well, because when your physical body dies, your soul body continues on. Your soul doesn't die, so they always have it. (L) They don't want to take your body out of the graveyard, because they're not concerned about the body.

A: Zero time.

Q: (T): Because there's no time... (L) They use the frequency vibration of the soul pattern, they take it into another density, use their TDARM technology to cause a molecular re-assembly; in other words, the atoms begin to whir and assemble around it in the pattern that it had before, and then it is a full-fledged body, and then they insert it back through the time doorway into 3D again. Is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (T): Are all these [listed] KIA's, are they dead KIA's, when they go, that you were talking about? I mean, are they really dead? (TK) Were they dead when this was done?

A: ?

Q: (T): OK, you said... let's use Vietnam. You said there were 23,000 KIA's of the 60,000 that actually were not killed in action. True? Yes?

A: Were killed, then reanimated.

Q: (L) We're not talking about physical bodies here, are we?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, there are some that were killed in action that the actual bodies were reanimated? (J) As long as they weren't blown up in a land mine, yeah. (L) There were actually bodies that were actually reanimated, is that correct?

A: Some, but most were duplicated.

And the key quote, from the session of June 17, 1995
Q: (L) Well, since we are not going to go anywhere with that question, I have another one... a couple of nights ago I did a session with my son to examine the events that took place on August 16, 1993, over my pool, wherein a couple of UFO-type objects were seen by all of us, kind of casually drifting by. In this hypnosis session, after two or three passes through the subject, he indicated that, in fact, that was not merely a sighting of something going overhead, but was actually an abduction situation. Would that be correct?

A: What do you think?

Q: (L) Knowing what I know now, I think so.


Q: (L) One remark he made during this session, and this startled me a little, and I would like to get a little amplification on the subject, was that toward the end when I asked what happened, he said that he was "taken apart and beamed back down without benefit of a pain suppressor." This meant that when he was demolecularized some sort of device that is used to suppress pain was not used, and the process of atomic demolecularization or remolecularization can actually be painful, and can cause distress. Is this correct?

A: Possibly. The whole process of abduction can be stressful, but, to varying degrees and, of course, we must remind you that, as with everything else, it is your own perception of reality that is the most important factor, not some notion of your own perception of reality.

Q: (L) I don't understand what you mean. Is there some device that... does it hurt to be taken to pieces molecularly, beamed aboard a space ship and then sent back. (J) Can this be painful to the body?

A: Well, first of all, you are getting way ahead of yourself. Do you honestly believe that a beam of light came down and "took you to pieces," moved your body physically onboard a space vehicle, did some form of examination or some such thing and then reassembled your entire body without a pain suppressor? Is this what you believe?


You are not normally removed as a physical third density being from one locator to another. What happens is very simple. The time frame is normally frozen, and we use the term "frozen" for lack of a better term. What this means is that your perception of time in your physical locator, third density body, ceases to pass during this period of time that is called "zero time" variously by members of your human race. What happens is that the soul imprint occupying or of that particular host body is removed forcibly, transported to another locator, and remolecularized as a separate physical entity body for purpose of examination, implantation, and other. Then, it is demolecularized - the soul imprint is used for the purpose of duplication process - it is then demolecularized and the soul imprint is replaced in the original body at the original locator. That is the process that takes place.
Now, it is most important that you understand that this is not a physical, third density experience in its entirety. There is the soul imprint that all first density, second density, third density, and fourth density beings possess, as you already know; that is extracted. From that soul imprint a duplicate copy or cloning, if you will, which appears on fourth density, can then be made and studied and the soul imprint is then replaced into the original body at whatever density it was taken. This is normally how the process is done.
Q: (T) How does the implant come back to the third density body that's originally still here?

A: The process we are describing, which involves the remolecularization; it is very complex to try and describe how the fourth density is translated into third density, except that once the duplicate, the fourth density cloning, or duplicate is present, all fourth density realities surrounding that fourth density duplicate will be matched in third density whenever and wherever desired. Because, in effect it is the entire density level which is being exchanged, not just the object contained within.

Q: (L) So, in other words, just as the soul imprint, when it goes into fourth density, can be used as a template to create a carbon copy, so to speak, then anything that is done to the carbon copy then becomes a template that recreates that same manifestation when it is sent back into the third

A: Precisely. With the only variance there being that technology is used to make sure that implants, or added material that comes from fourth density, is such that it will also translate equally into third density through the remolecularization process.

While it is probably obvious to everyone here, that working on the etheric or spirit body (soul imprint) would influence the physical, it might not be that obvious, at least it was not for me, that there appears to be such a strict correlation between the two.
That whatever is done to one of them, reflects back in the other. Like for instance in the first quote, while talking about burning first ten factors of our DNA they said: "Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal".

And this etheric / spirit body, or what Cassipaeans call soul imprint and in other places they just call it a soul, is tangible enough a body to be "removed forcibly" and worked upon, used as a template to manifest second physical body, add some material to it, which will be translated back to the template ie. the etheric / soul imprint, and manifest the change in the original physical body after replacing it back. And materials that comes from 4th density will also translate back in our physical bodies, though not all, as I understand, because we do not have all of them here.

Then if somebody wanted to remove the soul (the soul imprint or the spiritual/ethereal body) from the physical or just loosen the connection between the two, in order to create easily controllable zombified humans, one would need to inject them with such a substance, which would be unbearable or too painful for the soul and thus push it out. This could even be such a substance that cannot translate back into the soul body. And taking into account, that the whole game is controlled by beings from 4th density, then such a substance can surely be invented.

To quote Steiner (from "A Harsh Passover"article): "With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual".

Such mechanism of a spirit body partially removing itself from the physical one is what we often experience as dissociation from pain, be it physical or emotional, after some traumatic event.

This is perfectly illustrated by the homeopath Deborah Collins in the article: "Fleeing from pain: seven short cases of Opium"

Opium is one of our well-known remedies, generally relating to ailments from shock where the patient is left in a more or less dazed state. The pain, both physical and emotional, has caused the person to dissociate, leaving the body, as it were, in order to avoid the trauma. Physical pain is dulled, as observed in the use of opiates for pain relief, and emotional pain is avoided, as known from the opium dens of the Orient. This, however, leaves the body relatively uninhabited, with the vital force that governs mental and bodily functions less available. Physical functions tend to slow down, constipation and snoring from excessively deep sleep being major indicators for the use of Opium as a remedy.

She describes seven such cases, one of them about very placid 11 month old baby, who sleeps most of the time and never cries. After waking up, when given the opium remedy, the pain comes back, and the baby starts crying. You might read the whole story, very interesting for me.

So my hypothesis is that something contained in the vaccinations may work in such a way as to partially disconnect the soul body from the physical one. I say my hypothesis because I cannot state it as a fact. And I also cannot basically know for sure, what it could possibly be, there are many ingredients in the vax. I do not think anything much could be done if it was this synthetic mRNA or nanotechnology, nanochips causing it.

But there is Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals, which, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.” I remember it was talked about somewhere on this forum.
Link to his talk, first few minutes:

I will quote it whole, as it is short:
In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections.

This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people.

The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent.

And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie.

Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda,
He suggested that this technology was behind the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

He uses the term liquid crystals which I thought might be the same thing or something similar as Darpa Hydrogel talked about by Dr Madej and others.

And below I provide you with the link to the: "Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic" ie. to the analysis of the PCR tests:

This document contains many photos taken under the microscope, and though it talks about PCR tests, it also states, that Darpa Hydrogel is included in the vaccinations as well.

According to this document there are nylon hollow fibers in the test swabs filled with Darpa Hydrogel and lithium. After mechanical manipulation the fibers brake at the end allowing Hydrogel to leach.
I will copy paste some comments below the photos, as they basically say it all:
"After contact of the Darpa Hydrogel with organic fluids (e.g.,saliva), within a few minutes they begin to form rectangular crystal structures.These gradually grow in a fractal manner."
"These Darpa Hydrogel Crystals create a 3D spatial structure and grow through the tissues."
"Darpa Hydrogel Crystals grow under the microscope in the direction of the magnetic field. In the human nasopharynx after swabs grow towards the pineal gland. The pineal gland creates a locally stronger magnetic field than the Earth 's external magnetic field."
Adding the saliva with antibodies caused permanent disintegration of Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.
Adding Ivermectin resulted with complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.

This clearly shows what Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes Darpa Hydrogel in our organisms.

Addition of Darpa Hydrogel from the test rod resulted in total massacre of red blood cells.
Darpa Hydrogel forms blood clots within a few seconds. These subsequently damage and clog blood vessels.

Summary: After spawning a mixture of nylon fiber fragments, Darpa Hydrogel remains on the nasal mucosa under the pituitary and pineal gland along with lithium. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that are directionally oriented to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals are conductive due to the lithium contained in it. The crystals can receive the signal from the transmitter to the cell and transmit signals from the cell to the transmitter. These are actually nano-antennas.
Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a signal which a living cell understands and responds to. (see photo of beetle -Darpa Hydrogel was injected into this nerve structures and was controllable via a radio).
Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot.
A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place. Briefly on the issue of vaccines. Vaccines contain Darpa Hydrogel, lithium and patented genetic information. mRNA is not an untested novelty. In breeding and for top athletes, this type has been using doping for many years. For top athletes 4), this doping significantly shortens the life. Genetic information in the vaccine leads to the creation of a patented mutant.

If all stated in the document is true, then obviously such crystals can cause havoc in our bodies, but they can also be indigestible to our spirit body, and causing damage to our pineal gland might only add to it, thus the soul might be forced to separate itself.
Can this substance be shed, I do not know, but possibly yes, why not.

I think that it is obvious that what I suggest as a possible cure is using Ivermectin for some time, till the results are satisfactory,
and later optionally if there was such a need, one might call the soul back using homeopathic Opium. I did it once, I took Opium 200C and result was immediate.

Will it work, I do not know for sure, but might be worth trying. Then you consider and you decide for yourself.
But there is Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals, which, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.” I remember it was talked about somewhere on this forum.

Now that is an interesting aspect, ella
(referring to crystals)

During one of the latest meetings in the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer interviewed Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt - Institute for Pathology (i am not sure if he still works there, or gone into pension). Very wise, grounded man !

At one time, he mentioned that crystals where found - I just can't remember if he referred to the "vaccines" or the presence of crystals in the body. I will re-listen to it again

He also mentioned reports of the phenomena with magnetism in people after "vaccination", and the possibility of damages from shedding spike proteins - are all aspects which in an honest tradition of medicine - need to be investigated; all aspects and reports - in order to find answers closer to the truth of what is really going on.
According to a friend of a BA pilot, three British British Airways pilots have died in the last 7 days. He also states that British Airways is now in crisis talks with the government.

British Airways state four pilots have died recently. They also state that there is no link to the four deaths.

Another pilot states that many Indian pilots have also died recently.

Now that is an interesting aspect, ella
(referring to crystals)

During one of the latest meetings in the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer interviewed Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt - Institute for Pathology (i am not sure if he still works there, or gone into pension). Very wise, grounded man !

At one time, he mentioned that crystals where found - I just can't remember if he referred to the "vaccines" or the presence of crystals in the body. I will re-listen to it again

He also mentioned reports of the phenomena with magnetism in people after "vaccination", and the possibility of damages from shedding spike proteins - are all aspects which in an honest tradition of medicine - need to be investigated; all aspects and reports - in order to find answers closer to the truth of what is really going on.

Hi XPan

This is a 1m7s video from Dr. Pierre Gilbert.

Now that is an interesting aspect, ella
(referring to crystals)

During one of the latest meetings in the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer interviewed Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt - Institute for Pathology (i am not sure if he still works there, or gone into pension). Very wise, grounded man !

At one time, he mentioned that crystals where found - I just can't remember if he referred to the "vaccines" or the presence of crystals in the body. I will re-listen to it again

He also mentioned reports of the phenomena with magnetism in people after "vaccination", and the possibility of damages from shedding spike proteins - are all aspects which in an honest tradition of medicine - need to be investigated; all aspects and reports - in order to find answers closer to the truth of what is really going on.

The in German language held interview with Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt at the Investigative Corona Committee No 56 - said [08:04] that the injection on peoples arms are now much closer inspected - because they found foreign particles; "needle-like particles" (reminding of asbestos lock-alike particles) - whose purpose is totally unknown. Prof Arne Burkhardt saw those with his own eyes under the microscope.
4 Young British Airways Pilots

The airline reports that already 4 young pilots have died after the "vaccination". None had any conditions or illnesses. The youngest of them was 35 years old. This was reported at the Investigative Corona Committee No.57 • "Under Pressure" today. Apparently the airlines is in distress how to handling this issue with "vaccines" and flying.

The Committee is still going on live, so I can't refer to the video source because it has not been uploaded yet at Odysse. (And I avoid to link via youtube as much as possible).

A lot of interesting details have emerged, e.g really bad results from the (pathology) analysis of recently vaccinated people dying afterwards - where apparently extreme immunological processes have been taking place. The viral mRNA / spike protein damages / changes, have been found in all organs of the body except two areas (e.g. not found in the organ for the sense of scents/smells).

Also about a whistle blower from a hospital revealing that the real damages from the vaccines are far, far greater than reported. I have only listen to bit and pieces - but will listen to the whole session tonight/early morning.
Hi XPan

This is a 1m7s video from Dr. Pierre Gilbert.

Amazing Polly did a recent video that discusses optogenetics here

I have a suggestion of what might possibly help your daughter, and others, though it is just a hypothesis. For this I will need to explain my deduction line step by step, as there are few factors which when put together led me to such possible conclusion.

First, here and there appears the the claim, that the vaccination has something to do with the separation of the soul from the body.

In the thread: "Covid Vaccines: What will they actually do?" axj said:

The video on the YT has been removed, at least I cannot open it, which might be telling, you can open other videos from this group with no problem.

Then there is this article: "A Harsh Passover" about the French healer report on having a session with vaccinated woman:

Then there goes her report of second treatment after second vax and again a deterioration. In the article the author included a quote from Rudolf Steiner: "Eliminate the soul with medicine" I did not find this particular quote, but I did find two such claims in his lectures and there probably are more but I did not look any farther.

The 2 quotes from Rudolf Steiner:

And another one here:

I do not know how much the report of the healer is reliable or where Steiner got his information from, yet what they talk about looks exactly like what we see happening now. The channeled source mentioned by axj looks like coming from negative beings to me, yet "false truth" givers always give some good info as well.

Second, some information given by Cassiopaeans look interesting in this context. From the session on November 26, 1994:

Session November 27, 1994

Session October 7, 1995

Session October 14, 1995

And the key quote, from the session of June 17, 1995

While it is probably obvious to everyone here, that working on the etheric or spirit body (soul imprint) would influence the physical, it might not be that obvious, at least it was not for me, that there appears to be such a strict correlation between the two.
That whatever is done to one of them, reflects back in the other. Like for instance in the first quote, while talking about burning first ten factors of our DNA they said: "Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal".

And this etheric / spirit body, or what Cassipaeans call soul imprint and in other places they just call it a soul, is tangible enough a body to be "removed forcibly" and worked upon, used as a template to manifest second physical body, add some material to it, which will be translated back to the template ie. the etheric / soul imprint, and manifest the change in the original physical body after replacing it back. And materials that comes from 4th density will also translate back in our physical bodies, though not all, as I understand, because we do not have all of them here.

Then if somebody wanted to remove the soul (the soul imprint or the spiritual/ethereal body) from the physical or just loosen the connection between the two, in order to create easily controllable zombified humans, one would need to inject them with such a substance, which would be unbearable or too painful for the soul and thus push it out. This could even be such a substance that cannot translate back into the soul body. And taking into account, that the whole game is controlled by beings from 4th density, then such a substance can surely be invented.

To quote Steiner (from "A Harsh Passover"article): "With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual".

Such mechanism of a spirit body partially removing itself from the physical one is what we often experience as dissociation from pain, be it physical or emotional, after some traumatic event.

This is perfectly illustrated by the homeopath Deborah Collins in the article: "Fleeing from pain: seven short cases of Opium"

She describes seven such cases, one of them about very placid 11 month old baby, who sleeps most of the time and never cries. After waking up, when given the opium remedy, the pain comes back, and the baby starts crying. You might read the whole story, very interesting for me.

So my hypothesis is that something contained in the vaccinations may work in such a way as to partially disconnect the soul body from the physical one. I say my hypothesis because I cannot state it as a fact. And I also cannot basically know for sure, what it could possibly be, there are many ingredients in the vax. I do not think anything much could be done if it was this synthetic mRNA or nanotechnology, nanochips causing it.

But there is Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals, which, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.” I remember it was talked about somewhere on this forum.
Link to his talk, first few minutes:

I will quote it whole, as it is short:

He suggested that this technology was behind the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

He uses the term liquid crystals which I thought might be the same thing or something similar as Darpa Hydrogel talked about by Dr Madej and others.

And below I provide you with the link to the: "Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in the Slovak Republic" ie. to the analysis of the PCR tests:

This document contains many photos taken under the microscope, and though it talks about PCR tests, it also states, that Darpa Hydrogel is included in the vaccinations as well.

According to this document there are nylon hollow fibers in the test swabs filled with Darpa Hydrogel and lithium. After mechanical manipulation the fibers brake at the end allowing Hydrogel to leach.
I will copy paste some comments below the photos, as they basically say it all:

Adding the saliva with antibodies caused permanent disintegration of Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.
Adding Ivermectin resulted with complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.


If all stated in the document is true, then obviously such crystals can cause havoc in our bodies, but they can also be indigestible to our spirit body, and causing damage to our pineal gland might only add to it, thus the soul might be forced to separate itself.
Can this substance be shed, I do not know, but possibly yes, why not.

I think that it is obvious that what I suggest as a possible cure is using Ivermectin for some time, till the results are satisfactory,
and later optionally if there was such a need, one might call the soul back using homeopathic Opium. I did it once, I took Opium 200C and result was immediate.

Will it work, I do not know for sure, but might be worth trying. Then you consider and you decide for yourself.
Thank you for pulling all this information together and compiling it like you did. I did find it helpful to gaining a deeper understanding of what might be going on. All I can do is share what it's like (for me) living in a house full of jabbed people and with one of them having some serious side effects. If others get something out of it then that is good and if not or disagree that is ok too.

I started noticing a big difference after my daughter got her second shot. She did some strange things indicating that she was trying to push me away. Then she became ill herself and those outward things stopped. But the feeling of something is really off kept growing in me. Then the feelings of hollowness I keep picking up. I started crying a week or so ago and that lasted a day. I realized I had started the grieving process. I've been there before and recognized the process. I pushed that feeling away because it seemed so grim and I did not want my thoughts about this to make it so. After reading your post it seems I may be grieving for what is happening to her soul.

She is in my crystal prayers and now I will prayer for her soul to find peace. It is horrible to think that part of her is in confusion and pain. And many others! This is a nightmare.

I've tried to get her to try Ivermectin on more than one occasion but she won't do it. I explained to her how it worked and it would calm down her immune reaction but no. She will only listen to what the mainstream media is telling her. I can't break through that. Although I have been able to get her to change her diet a bit which is something. I will research your suggestion about the Opium 200C. I need to try and understand what the DCM will say about this for her. Should I try to call her soul back? On the surface it seems like yes, but there is so much going on that I don't understand yet about all of this. And if she won't take any suggestions about calming her immune system down then maybe her soul is better off free from the physical pain at least. So many unknowns.

Thank you again for all this information. It has given me some deeper insights and things to think about.
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