Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

My wife, and step daughter both got their second doses recently, and I must say, I noticed feeling ill shortly after. I felt like I was coming down with the flu, achy, stuffed up, tired, even a bit dizzy. I am not sure what brand of dose they got, as they don't even know.

Both of them took days off work afterward. My wife complained a lot of feeling dizzy. Her work has the policy that you can take days off after the vaccination if you are not feeling well, and it doesn't count toward your sick days.

I have a question... H2O

I know about the shedding of spike proteins around people who are "vaccinated". Yet, at the same time (together) I wonder... what about "biological chock" ? I mean you witness your wife and step daughter taking the shot... Isn't that hard to live though ? I know it would affect me, and likely manifest as some form of illness shortly after, for example my husband would suddenly tell me, that he took the genetic jabs :scared:

What does this do on a psychological/physical level ? Isn't there a possibility that this too, has physical consequences on cellular level ?
My wife, and step daughter both got their second doses recently, and I must say, I noticed feeling ill shortly after. I felt like I was coming down with the flu, achy, stuffed up, tired, even a bit dizzy. I am not sure what brand of dose they got, as they don't even know.

Both of them took days off work afterward. My wife complained a lot of feeling dizzy. Her work has the policy that you can take days off after the vaccination if you are not feeling well, and it doesn't count toward your sick days.
I made myself a batch of quinine (which I take with my zinc supplements) - slice off peels of 2-3 grapefruits and 2-3 lemons, cover in 3 inches of water, simmer for 3 hrs, allow liquid to cool. I also made myself liposomal Vitamin C, which is super easy to make also. I was feeling really off the last couple of weeks, but this combo gives me noticeably more energy and my aches and pains, fatigue are much better and so is my mood. My FIR blanket helps too, as well as 2 cups of anise star in hot water, available from the supermarket.
Get well soon! :hug2:
I made myself a batch of quinine (which I take with my zinc supplements) - slice off peels of 2-3 grapefruits and 2-3 lemons, cover in 3 inches of water, simmer for 3 hrs, allow liquid to cool. I also made myself liposomal Vitamin C, which is super easy to make also. I was feeling really off the last couple of weeks, but this combo gives me noticeably more energy and my aches and pains, fatigue are much better and so is my mood. My FIR blanket helps too, as well as 2 cups of anise star in hot water, available from the supermarket.
Get well soon! :hug2:


so, you use warm/hot water for the mix of grapefruit and lemon peel ? Because you mention "allow the liquid to cool off". And how much do you drink from what comes out it ? Making your own quinine... how cool isn't that ? :wow:
I have a question... H2O

I know about the shedding of spike proteins around people who are "vaccinated". Yet, at the same time (together) I wonder... what about "biological chock" ? I mean you witness your wife and step daughter taking the shot... Isn't that hard to live though ? I know it would affect me, and likely manifest as some form of illness shortly after, for example my husband would suddenly tell me, that he took the genetic jabs :scared:

What does this do on a psychological/physical level ? Isn't there a possibility that this too, has physical consequences on cellular level ?
I suppose there is that possibility, but I am pretty philosophical about what choices people make. I met my wife before I discovered the forum, so there is not much collinearity there, so I don't feel betrayed or anything. I have tried to give my views on the vaccines and such, but she has so much societal and cultural pressure, that I knew she would not be able to resist it.

so, you use warm/hot water for the mix of grapefruit and lemon peel ? Because you mention "allow the liquid to cool off". And how much do you drink from what comes out it ? Making your own quinine... how cool isn't that ? :wow:
It‘s really, really easy to make, but the recipe isn’t super specific, and one is encouraged to find what works best for oneself. Cooling down took ages, then I put it in the fridge. I started off with 2 tablespoons x3 daily mixed with the lipo Vit C and zinc. Now I drink half a glass three times a day, plus the tea. I‘ve declared peace on my body! Anyway, all I know is I don’t feel like death warmed up for breakfast anymore. I hope it lasts. 🙏🙂
I got back from an osteopath appointment and unlike other times when I felt much better afterwards, this time I came down with severe aches all along my back and left shoulder and arm.

I was feeling achy when I went in, (I spend long hours at a desk), and it's entirely possible that the pain is just an effect of the treatment combined with natural causes, but it's not at all like previous desk work strain which usually centers on my neck and gives headaches if I don't take breaks often enough. I've been stretching and taking all my normal measures, and they're not working this time to alleviate the pain, which seems to be spreading.

Then I wondered.., the osteopath was very pro-vaccine, and while I didn't ask, I'd be very surprised if there weren't spike proteins shed in that room where I was in very close contact with the practitioner for an hour, (no gloves worn). We had a short conversation where we quickly determined our divergent views on Covid and vaccines, and realizing we were not at all on the same page, quickly changed subject.

I've been groaning and dealing with pain for more than a day now, and it's only just beginning to subside.

It may be nothing, and I can rationalize that it's just normal muscle stuff, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. I wonder if I've been vaxxed by proxy.
Dumb side thought: "Vaxxed" would make for one of those super high score words in Scrabble. A conversation starter at an otherwise fun game night while people dispute the precedence of online versus paper dictionaries!

Is an 80 point word worth losing friends and annoying family?
Personally I have not been experiencing anything

in or though my surroundings that would raise my suspicion, connecting health issues with 'shedding spike proteins'; such as in daily life, subway work, many people passing by, etc. (That doesn't mean it isn't real, possibly affecting unvaccinated people. After all bodies are not the same. Women i believe, especially though the hormonal system they have, are more sensitive physically, connected to their surrounding environment)

My strategy: Since I am aware of the potential issues with the spike proteins - I try to "forget about it" during daily life. So, I keep my mind quiet, avoiding to "search for reasons" - and instead "let it come forward by itself" - if there is anything to it.

I do that because I do not wish that my psyche takes over, playing tricks on me, possibly leading me into a false assumptions or too fast conclusions. I have to keep my ego in check though, by not acting too fast or prematurely (not always so easy) I try not expect anything, just "letting things it be" (open), while remaining sensitive and observant.

Important information tends surface "by itself" when there is more to the story. But this is just my own personal experience in the environment I live in. It may be very different in other places and different (hidden) "vaccine" versions.
I got back from an osteopath appointment and unlike other times when I felt much better afterwards, this time I came down with severe aches all along my back and left shoulder and arm.

I was feeling achy when I went in, (I spend long hours at a desk), and it's entirely possible that the pain is just an effect of the treatment combined with natural causes, but it's not at all like previous desk work strain which usually centers on my neck and gives headaches if I don't take breaks often enough. I've been stretching and taking all my normal measures, and they're not working this time to alleviate the pain, which seems to be spreading.

Then I wondered.., the osteopath was very pro-vaccine, and while I didn't ask, I'd be very surprised if there weren't spike proteins shed in that room where I was in very close contact with the practitioner for an hour, (no gloves worn). We had a short conversation where we quickly determined our divergent views on Covid and vaccines, and realizing we were not at all on the same page, quickly changed subject.

I've been groaning and dealing with pain for more than a day now, and it's only just beginning to subside.

It may be nothing, and I can rationalize that it's just normal muscle stuff, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. I wonder if I've been vaxxed by proxy.

Some of my colleagues at work got vaccinated, also recently I had been in contact with clients who took the jab, so last week I had serious problems to sleep, even while taking 5mg of melatonin, spine pain, headaches, my left eye aching. I've kept taking, melatonin, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D, fasting almost 24 hours a few times last week + exercising 2-3 times last week after which I've felt a lot better.

It seems that from now on will be almost impossible to avoid people who took the jab, so one must take care of himself properly and let the immune system to fight and adapt itself to the new surroundings. It's a challenge that we just have to face and overcome.
I have a question... H2O

I know about the shedding of spike proteins around people who are "vaccinated". Yet, at the same time (together) I wonder... what about "biological chock" ? I mean you witness your wife and step daughter taking the shot... Isn't that hard to live though ? I know it would affect me, and likely manifest as some form of illness shortly after, for example my husband would suddenly tell me, that he took the genetic jabs :scared:

What does this do on a psychological/physical level ? Isn't there a possibility that this too, has physical consequences on cellular level ?
Fabulous question. This IS where the rubber meets the road: your closest loved ones going down a different path with the accompanying mental and social changes...a fork in the road of relationship. This has required a tremendous shift in my relationship to all of reality. And a bit of a struggle to even find my feet Under me; a real soul searching to find a way to formulate a new personal cosmology.

On one side: me, my wife and 2 of my oldest sons. On the other side of this divide: my youngest son and daughter, my wife’s brothers and a bunch of our closest long term friends. Outnumbered about 3 to 1. I hate to even put in these divisive terms like a standoff. But a major issue is that this has a huge impact on communication and communication is a major foundation of both relationships and love. So, it is forcing a reconfiguration; a rethinking of everything. And...

Thinking is one thing but, Yes, I feel it. Both emotionally and physically, psychically. I am still sorting through it. I like to come to terms with potential negatives before they might occur. So when I found out 2 of my kids were pfizered, I have to confront a scenario where one or both suffer and perhaps die. I am still in the midst of that one. I want to process that through with the intention of reaching a level of peace and acceptance so I can maintain
Bret Weinstein is doing excellent work on this subject.

This is an excerpt on just how incredibly dangerous those spike proteins are...

I don't get how his channel isn't being 'pruned' in real time. It might be in part because he's so methodical in his approach that it's hard to point the conspiracy wand at him, but also maybe because there's a fear of how much blow-up and unwanted attention would occur if YouTube tried to cancel him. Again.
I have a question... H2O

I know about the shedding of spike proteins around people who are "vaccinated". Yet, at the same time (together) I wonder... what about "biological chock" ? I mean you witness your wife and step daughter taking the shot... Isn't that hard to live though ? I know it would affect me, and likely manifest as some form of illness shortly after, for example my husband would suddenly tell me, that he took the genetic jabs

What does this do on a psychological/physical level ? Isn't there a possibility that this too, has physical consequences on cellular level ?
Oops. Contd
I want to process that through with the intention of reaching a level of peace and acceptance so I can maintain the strategic Enclosure while leaving the drawbridge down Where love is concerned.

So, I am Indeed wrestling with a lot. Our 4d sts friends love to attack me through my children and loved ones. I will leave it at that.
What happens in the rest of Europe, the deaths and damages from vaccines, just doesn't penetrate people here.

I often get an empty look when I tell them the numbers of how many already have died... as if... I don't know... something essential is missing in the connection / realization.

It isn't just Sweden, trust me. This has marked the entire covid phenomenon. The number of times I have seen that same empty look on the faces of genuinely intelligent people when I try to point out that unprecedented lockdown tactics are completely disproportionate to the underwhelming lethality of a virus that is at best the equivalent of a mildly bad flu season....

It's like, on anything related to the coronavirus, the livestock have been so thoroughly conditioned that it is simply impossible for their rational faculties to operate on the subject. What's worse, and creepier, is that this became apparent almost immediately. A large subset of the populace moved into full panic mode the moment the media told them to, like a switch was flipped. Since then it's been one damn thing after another.

The C's warned us that "the programming is complete", and now we're finding out what that means.
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