Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Colleague, mid 40s has a strange rash around one of his eyes, now blind in that eye but sight is recovering. Has taken 3 weeks sick leave.
Bit of an update. Colleague has just 3% sight and has now extended his leave to 5 weeks, not looking good despite drip fed antibiotics. I posted here and have now received an update.
A friend who works in a pre school said 3 out the 5 vaxxed staff are sick as are many of her jabbed extended family.
Her extended family were sick from the first but have now lined up the second. One was hospitalized for a week!

Of her work colleague one was in ICU overnight then spent about a week in hospital. Another has been off sick for 3 weeks and the other is suffering from brain fog and fatigue.

This same friend will lose her job in mid November because she refuses the shot but no one is answering the positions vacant ads. She has also been chastised by a local for not taking the shot, an elderly guy. He is locally known as a successful but arrogant dickhead but he approached her and made amends. He and some of his friends are experiencing pains where they had none before. In his case, it's the spleen/pancreas area, others the liver or lungs and heart, spike proteins? He says the doctor has no idea what's causing it but he knows he's made a mistake and he was man enough to approach and apologize to her. Looks like he knows his time is up, accelerated by his choices, he made huge step by approaching my friend, may he transition well.

After winning the fight against the flu shot in my job I've been told that unless I take the shot by September's end I will no longer be an ambulance officer, just a firefighter until they demand it too but I have handyman customers who couldn't care less if I've been jabbed or not and have prepped somewhat for such an occasion. Their loss not mine, I'll have some fun with this, using information from this forum and elsewhere I've been having some lively email exchanges with my 'superiors'.... 'who are just following orders'!

Take care everyone, prevail!
Content creator ReallyGraceful posted a video the other day describing vaccine adverse effect stories posted to facebook under the hashtag #protectyourfamily. I don't feel like logging into facebook any time soon so I haven't checked, but I imagine there are a lot of those out there, although they might be scrubbed already. I screenshotted these from her video:










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It was difficult to watch as Youtube repeatedly refused to play it in my computer, but finally worked. Indeed Youtube videos have been increasingly stopping to work in my computer, at least some specific videos. If others are also having this issue, it is also available in,​

Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop (Official Music Video)

Apparently Clapton is part of this forum.
The video is perfect for so many reasons.
By the way, some say that Tom Petty was a regular over on the SoTT side, commenting under the name of Canyon Jammer.
Mr Clapton, if you are reading this, you might try Metanx twice daily for 6 months to help with small fiber neuropatic pain and nerve fiber regeneration. It really works for most patients. Also helpful might be alpha lipoic acid and benfotiamine. They all work different ways. Best wishes, and thank you for the song.
Sharing this for posterity, since things are being "disappeared" from social media sites.

The author of this letter is a Canadian Mom, a former "believer" and priestess in the Medical cult, which adds a bit of punch to her points, in my opinion.

The recipient of this letter, Bonnie Henry, is the unelected but appointed (and I will add GROOMED stooge, by the WHO, refer to her Wikipedia entry and read between the lines) Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia, Canada.

August 23, 2021

letter sent to Bonnie Henry today Via email, titled "covid vaccine passport feedback"

Dear Bonnie,

I am a former registered nurse, graduated top of my class, youngest graduate the program had ever had at that time. I am a mother of an immunocompromised stage 4 cancer survivor. He has medical PTSD resulting from his cancer treatment, as well as hearing loss from chemotherapy. This means he cannot be around folks who are masked, including us, his parents. He lost 3.5 years of his childhood to fighting cancer, and now he's lost another 2 years of living life to his fullest due to your mask and lockdown policies. And for a virus that has an extremely high survival rate for a majority of the population, with the exception of elderly people with multiple comorbidities, it is unacceptable to me that you should limit the lives of healthy individuals across the province.

You have also ignored actual health advice for Canadians - like exercise, healthy eating, getting enough vitamin D (stats show that those most likely to be hospitalized overwhelmingly are obese and have low vitamin D levels). But you don't tell the truth to Canadians. You push fear and vaccine agendas, and ignore the fact that we have the same number of deaths as a typical flu season. Meanwhile, the flu has disappeared. Where did it go? Did we finally cure the flu, and replace it with a different virus that presents similarly with similar symptoms? I think not. I wasn't born yesterday.

You keep crying about overwhelming the health care system. Have you seen the health care system? It's always overwhelmed. This is nothing new, at all. In health insurance, a pre-existing condition is not covered in benefits - likewise, the pre-existing condition of our health care system is not for you to get benefits from at this time. And yet, you are happy to see the firing of doctors who speak out against this nonsense, and fire nurses who won't succumb to your vaccine orders. Are we in a crisis or are we not? Are we overwhelmed or are we not? If we truly were in a crisis it would be all hands on deck - instead you will happily create policies and health orders that will lead to a mass exodus of health care providers. BCNU is already working on their case to fight your vaccine policies. Large numbers of nurses are planning to retire, quit, or force their employer to fire them so they can respond with wrongful dismissal lawsuits. All thanks to you.

Might I remind you that on June 10th, the FDA in a safety communication said to stop using the rapid antigen testing, citing significant concerns that the performance of the test had not been adequately established and presented a risk to health (Health Canada has stated that it's taking it's guidelines from the FDA and CDC). Around the same time, the CDC provided advanced notice that the PCR test emergency use authorization was being revoked - likely because it was never designed to be used as a diagnostic test because you can find anything you want by running the cycle counts high enough. The inventor of the PCR test said himself that the test is for forensic purposes only and cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. BC was running the PCR cycles at 35-40 cycles, which is above the recommended threshold of 25. And you wonder why case numbers were so high- these were false positives in asymptomatic people, yet you used it to fuel lockdown and mask policies. Both of the primary tests we are using here have been recalled, so by what grounds do you declare these case numbers?

I have an affinity for reading medical research, it is my hobby. It is clear, however, that you do not share my zest for truth in facts, nor my hunger for knowledge that isn't paid for by politics and agendas.

It is appalling to me that you cannot see the parallels of vaccine passports to the "papers" and yellow stars of Nazi Germany.

The Nuremberg code, to which Canada is a signatory, states:

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

Your vaccine passports are the definition of coercion, and therefore a violation of the Nuremberg code. Might I also remind you that "following orders" was not an accepted legal defense in the Nuremberg trials.

In addition, it is equally appalling that you can stand in front of a crowd with a straight face and say that these vaccines, masking, social distancing, etc are working. The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." Your covid policies are insanity based on that definition. It is clear what you are doing isn't working. Vaccinated individuals are still catching, carrying, spreading covid, therefore your passport makes even less sense, because you still give privileges to those that can still spread Covid (the vaccinated have become the 'silent spreaders' when the vaccine suppresses their symptoms while unvaccinated individuals know when they are sick and can appropriately isolate themselves). You are breaking human rights laws, the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, Bill S-201 the Genetic Non-discrimination Act, and precedent-setting case law. Please see the video link below by a Canadian Criminal Defense lawyer from Ontario, Nicholas Wansbutter, for a summary on which laws you are breaking by enacting vaccine passports.

There is a video compilation below of you saying several times that masks don't work for viral infection and should not be worn by healthy people, and then a clip showing you do a full 180 degree turn on your position. Might this have been financially motivated? Because it isn't scientifically proven, in fact I have a collection of several studies that prove that masks do not stop viral transmission. You had it right the first time.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer Ontario Flip-Flops on Mask Wearing

I also have an article of you stating, "This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports." YOU said that. What's changed? You now don't care about inequality? Now it's ok to discriminate against and coerce the citizens of British Columbia with an experimental medical treatment for which they have less risk with covid than they do the side effects of these experiments?

MRNA vaccines are new and experimental, as are the viral vector vaccines. An article from 2017 titled, "Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine" by Stat, states - "mRNA is a tricky technology. Several pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get the mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects."

And this is proving to be true. The VAERS data from the USA is troubling at best. As of August 13th, there have been 13,068 deaths, 13,811 life threatening adverse events, 17,228 cases of permanent disability, and over 126,000 hospitalizations and emergency room visits following covid vaccinations as reported to VAERS. And, might I remind you, that an audit of the VAERS system estimated that between 1-10% of all reactions are ever reported, and that VAERS grossly under-represents the total data set. Therefore, it is easy for any person with a brain in their head to see that this vaccine is not entirely safe. Is it acceptable for you to destroy an 18 year old man's entire future with endocarditis, something that he can never fully recover from, and trade that for an elderly death from covid? The vaccine program has shifted the vulnerable population from entirely old people with comorbidities, to young people with vaccine injuries. A friend of mine had a stroke and went into kidney failure following his first covid shot - he is on life support now, not from covid, but from the vaccine. He was a healthy 40 year old male. You might like to pretend that these injuries don't exist, we all know you and the medical establishment has been ignoring vaccine injury for decades, but the public is not ignoring these injuries. Thromboembolism leading to strokes and heart attacks, nervous system disorders, seizures, Bell's palsy, endocarditis, guillain barre syndrome, allergic reactions, skin reactions, heart palpitations, I could go on and on and on. Pfizer themselves reported a 16% decrease in fertility following their covid shot, will you be paying for the fertility treatments of those unable to conceive after taking part in this experiment? I've been following these injury cases and will continue to do so. You willfully turn a blind eye to these horrific side effects and continue to push forward this unsuccessful vaccine.

I am aware of the animal studies that have been done in the past on coronaviruses, and that ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) led to the deaths of the animals in the trials. It is clear to me that this fall we will see a number of vaccinated people succumbing to ADE, and yet I'm sure you will blame the unvaccinated for this. These vaccines are all still under clinical trials, and it will be several years before the long term data is known. and even then, the control groups of these studies were unblinded and given the vaccines, and so the trials have committed scientific fraud, in that they will never have long term data with a control group to present. I hereby declare it anyone's right to be part of the unvaccinated control group. I recall the H1N1 vaccine, rushed to market (and wasn't even a new technology being used), - it injured several people and gave several kids narcolepsy. It also gave my nephew encephalitis and he suffered brain damage. This is what experimental vaccines with rushed approval do to the people. That vaccine was pulled from the market for much less than what these vaccines are doing to people now.

Vaccine passports are a huge step back for human rights, equality, and one big step towards division and fascism. And we have you to thank for that. The blood of the vaccine injured is on your hands, as is the tearing apart of the fabric of our society with your fear mongering. You will pay for your crimes against humanity. And you will, no doubt, be hearing from several lawyers. April 17, 2023, will be just the beginning. You are a disgrace and history will remember you as such.


A very disappointed mother, woman, Canadian, health care professional, researcher, grandchild of WW2 veterans who fought and died for the freedoms you are destroying, and competent adult capable of making my own health care decisions. I stand for body autonomy and the right for all people to not to be coerced into being a guinea pig in a pharmaceutical experiment.
The letter of the Canadian mother to Bonnie Henry - is spot on and written in such a direct, yet respectful way, filled with facts and reminders... (Truly impressive. Which I am sure was no easy task !) I am also sure that her words likely will fall off like water droplets on a oily rain jacket... Puppets like Bonnie Henry and the many others disgraces to humanity, have been placed there during the latter years, for a reason...

However - that does not diminish my deepest respect in how the mother wrote that letter. It's utterly powerful and brilliant ! An emphatic person also can clearly feel her disappointment and pain, including the disapproval to everything that is "happening" now.

With all right !
The letter of the Canadian mother to Bonnie Henry - is spot on and written in such a direct, yet respectful way, filled with facts and reminders... (Truly impressive. Which I am sure was no easy task !) I am also sure that her words likely will fall off like water droplets on a oily rain jacket... Puppets like Bonnie Henry and the many others disgraces to humanity, have been placed there during the latter years, for a reason...

However - that does not diminish my deepest respect in how the mother wrote that letter. It's utterly powerful and brilliant ! An emphatic person also can clearly feel her disappointment and pain, including the disapproval to everything that is "happening" now.

With all right !
I agree!
We frequently talk about the 'Mark of the Beast,' but this mother embodies the 'Mark of the Soul.' :hug2:
A lot has been already covered in this thread, however here is a short chapter about VAERS, hopefully it provides a useful summary of the situation:​
In the beginning of August 2021, the total number of deaths due to the Covid-19 vaccines as reported in the VAERS databases is:
- 1,559 in the UK[1]
- 13,667 in the US[2]
- 20,595 in the EU[3]

eu vaers death.jpg
(c) European Medicines Agency
Averse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines

So in the total, in the UK+EU+US, over a period of eight months of vaccination[4] the total number of deaths is: 34,262.

According to the US data, in less than a year, the Covid-19 vaccines killed much more people than all the other vaccines in 31 years of monitoring[5]. This difference cannot be rationalized by invoking differences in vaccination rates since the Covid-19 vaccines have a worldwide vaccination rate of 40%[6], which is markedly lower than the vaccination rates for tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis or tetanus that each exceeds 80%[7]. In addition, there are no less than 30 diseases[8] for which one or several vaccines are available.​

vaccination rate.jpeg
© Statista
Vaccination rates (1980-2018)

There is been a controversy surrounding the reliability of VAERS figures because they are based on voluntary reporting. However, the analysis of these reports reveals that, at least in Europe, the vast majority of these reports are written by health professional as indicated in the table below:​

vaccine vaers doctors_.png
© Climabono
About 60% of adverse effects and 80% of deaths are reported by professional

If there is one bias in the VAERS database, it is underreporting. Indeed, according to the official report of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (USDHHS) only 1% of adverse effects are reported[9].

Several factors are limiting extensive reports of vaccine adverse effects. There the obvious factor like the time and effort required to fill a report. There are also numerous conflicts of interest:

Another national survey of physicians also found that relationships with industry are common: 92 percent of physicians had received free drug samples; 61 percent had received meals, tickets to entertainment events, or free travel; and 12 percent had received financial incentives to participate in drug trials[10]

There are also more technical factors limiting objective reporting:
- Doctors, nurses and other vaccine providers are not aware it is a legal requirement to report health problems that occur after vaccination to VAERS
- Vaccine providers either are unsure about what types of clinical symptoms need to be reported or dismiss serious health problems that follow vaccination as unrelated to the vaccine(s) recently given
- The VAERS “Table of Reportable Events” is specific to each vaccine and requires vaccine providers to take the time to become familiar with the vaccine product insert to report events described in manufacturer’s package insert as contraindications to additional doses of vaccine[11]

In this context of dramatic VAERS underreporting, the number of 34,262 deaths is probably very conservative.

The analysis of VAERS data reveals another interesting feature. As of August 2021, in the UK only, there were more than 220,000 [12] reported adverse effects affecting the nervous system (Parkinson, Alzheimer, Bell patsy, dementias, multiple sclerosis, etc.). These adverse effects represented nearly 70% of all the reported symptoms:​

proportion of vaccine adverse effects.jpg
Proportion of COVID vaccine adverse reaction

[1] The Daily Expose Editors (2021) ‘’Sore arm, headache… miscarriage, blindness, stroke, death – UK Gov. release 28th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines” The Daily Expose
[2] OpenVAERS Editors (2021) “Reports count”. OpenVAERS Project
[3] EUdravigilance Editors (2021). ‘’Covid vaccine’’ European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports
[4] FDA Office of Media Affairs (2021) ‘’ FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine”. FDA
[5] OpenVAERS Editors (2021) “Reports count”. OpenVAERS Project
[6] Our World in Data Editors. (2021) “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations”. Our World in Data
[7] Katharina Buchholz (2021). “The Global Triumph of Vaccines Through the Decades” Statista
[8] World Health Organization (2012) “Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020”. WHO, Geneva
[9] Lazarus, Ross (2011). “Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)” The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality USDHHS
[10] Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice (2009) “Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice”. National Academies Press 6, Conflicts of Interest and Medical Practice.
[11] TVR Staff (2020). “Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERS” The Vaccine Reaction
[12] The Daily Expose Editors (2021) ‘’Sore arm, headache… miscarriage, blindness, stroke, death – UK Gov. release 28th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines” The Daily Expose
A peculiar situation unfolding
at the Stockholm subway ?

Already back in the beginning of August, many people were missing at work, which created difficulties with enough staff to drive the subways. Back then i got the answer of that it was due to miscalculations in vacation planning. (Which is funny because all staff had to apply for their summer vacation plans by the end of February 2021, e.g. more than plenty of time for the company to bring their schedules in order).

As it so happened, now even more people are getting sick - albeit we are writing 1 Sep 2021 and summer vacations are over - but the problem hasn’t solved, on the contrary.

‘Breakthrough’ cases

I already have heard of breakthrough cases where staff members gotten very sick despite having had 2 jabs. (I also spoke to one colleague, and he was very unhappy about how bad he had gotten)

So, the whole situation starts to become peculiar at our work space with so many people calling in sick, this early in the autumn season…. It is also ironic because back in march, i warned my boss telling him we might see an onset of more illness towards autumn, affecting the subway. But he just laughed it away, and said the situation was way better than spring-summer 2020, and that they all got it covered.

Uhm. Sure. :rolleyes:

Well, it doesn’t look like it now. Those who work overtime, already worked in so much (in order to fill in the gaps) that they now have hit the legal limit for annual overtime. Given that the real virus season has not even started yet… i wonder how this all will unfold later this year.

Uh !
Thousands of people demonstrate in Vancouver, Canada against the introduction of a vaccine passport in the province of British Columbia.

Caregivers demonstrate in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens. They consider that compulsory vaccination of health workers is a pretext for layoffs and the privatization of the health system. (@savvaskarma )

After Yvelines, Essonne and Haut-Rhin, Hauts-de-Seine have also decided to suspend the presentation of #PassSanitaire to access major shopping centers. A decision concerning Paris is expected during the day.

September 01, 2021 at 1:27 pm PDT
“We also know that many first responders are deeply opposed to vaccine mandates.”
The city of Portland’s vaccine mandate, announced Aug. 30, is likely to spur widespread resignations of police officers and 911 operators, says the union that represents Portland police.

Through a public records request, WW obtained an email exchange Aug. 27 between Anil Karia, who is an attorney for the Portland Police Association, and Jerell Gaddis, who manages labor and employee relations matters for the city.

In the email, Karia outlines several arguments for why the vaccine mandate is illegal and not enforceable for PPA members, which consists of most Portland Police Bureau sworn officers, as well as emergency operators employed by the city’s Bureau of Emergency Communications.

Karia’s arguments aren’t particularly surprising. The Oregonian reported Tuesday that all of Portland’s employee unions have asserted the right to bargain over the vaccine mandate. However, the PPA added a warning to the city: The mandate will further erode an already-reduced workforce.

“I want to close with a few broader sentiments,” Karia writes. “The PPA’s members have worked on the front lines since the first day the COVID-19 pandemic struck. While other city workers were allowed to work remotely, the PPA’s members continued to fulfill our community’s public safety needs.”

He then notes that both PPB and BOEC are “already struggling with staffing shortages.” (The Police Bureau says it now has 145 fewer sworn officers than it did on July 1, 2020. Dan Douthit, a spokesman for BOEC, says the bureau currently has a deficit of about two-dozen full-time dispatchers, but that it is optimistic it can fill the vacant roles through its training program.)

“We also know that many first responders are deeply opposed to vaccine mandates; so deeply that some will leave the profession before accepting a mandate,” Karia says. “The city’s desire to mandate vaccinations for police and dispatch will ultimately exacerbate an already dangerous staffing crisis in PPB and BOEC.”

It is not clear what percentage of PPB staff—sworn and nonsworn—are vaccinated. In February, PPB spokesman Lt. Greg Pashley told WW that “approximately 62% of sworn Portland Police Bureau employees received their first COVID-19 vaccination as offered by the city.” And in June, Pashley told WW that 58 PPB staff had tested positive for the virus since the onset of the pandemic.

Today, PPB says it does not track vaccination rates.

“We do not have any updated numbers for sworn or professional staff members because the vaccine was not mandated—therefore, there was no tracking done,” says spokesperson Terri Wallo Strauss. “Some employees got vaccinated through the city clinics and some from outside vendors so there is no way of knowing.”

Douthit says vaccination rates for BOEC staff reached “the high 80s” earlier in the year when the city first began offering vaccines through clinics. He referred WW to the Bureau of Human Resources for the most up-to-date vaccination rates in BOEC.

The PPA did not immediately respond to WW’s request for comment on the matter.

Local hospital leaders give update on COVID-19 hospitalizations
New Mexico / USA

Unvaccinated Knicks, Nets, Warriors players will have to sit out home games, NBA memo says
Des Bieler, The Washington Post Sep. 2, 2021

Oh, OK..Not!

La Rép des Pyrénées
Pau: two arrests on the sidelines of a "sit-in" at the hospital
September 2, 2021 at 12:45 p.m., modified at 3:34 p.m. Tweets
About fifty anti-health pass activists gathered outside the hospital on Thursday morning.

They were asked to leave the scene by the police About fifty anti-health pass activists gathered this Thursday morning at 10 am in front of the François-Mitterrand hospital in Pau. They wanted to "welcome" the Secretary of State for Defense Geneviève Darrieussecq, and the President of the Hospital Federation Frédéric Valletoux, expected the same day in support of the hospital.

They first gathered in front of the hospital entrance, then in front of the administrative premises. Some denounce "this totally unequal experimental product that is imposed on us", the "triage of patients", "the pressure on the staff" or the "fragmentation of society".

Not all opponents are against the vaccine and want to denounce a "serious attack on freedom" or "a heresy for young people."
The editorial team advises you
Cluster in Monein: around twenty cases of Covid at the Ehpad La Roussane
Supermarkets at 64: why the sanitary pass is extended at least until Sunday

But as soon as their presence was signaled, about fifteen police officers went to the scene to ask them to leave them.

When asked by the police, the occupiers replied that they were there in peace, that it was not a demonstration but a "sit-in" in a public place.

From then on, the police arrested two figures among the anti-health pass activists, "Brigitte", an assiduous of the demonstrations on Saturday morning, but also Fred, a figure of the local yellow vests. They were taken to the police station in peace, while their comrades finally, also in peace, agreed to leave the premises.

"We wanted to prevent a new intrusion like the one that took place in mid-August. In addition, a decree reminds us that wearing a mask is compulsory in public demonstrations, which was not the case here," justified the Departmental Director of Public Security, David Book, present on the scene, advancing an "identity check" to explain the two arrests.

Support after the intrusion at the hospital

The presence of Frédéric Valletoux and the Secretary of State, also doctor and president of the Fédération hospitalière de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in Pau this Thursday is precisely linked to the intrusion into the hospital in August at the occasion of a demonstration against the sanitary pass.

An episode that shocked, especially on social networks, and after which the Regional Health Agency, but also the Hospital Federation, reacted by supporting the establishment.

I wrote about my sister getting the Pfizer "vaccine" back in May here. Since then she's been diagnosed with COPD which she takes medication for. She had health issues before getting the shot this year..A few years ago she went to the hospital for arm pain and shortness of breath. Pretty certain she hadn't been back to the hospital for a health scare till this year after she got the shot.

She's since found a different job that she likes more but she’s still required to wear a mask. A couple weeks ago I asked her if she could get a mask exemption due to her COPD. She said she doesn't have a problem with the masks..Neither of us said much more on the topic after that. Last week she went home from work due to not feeling well with headache and sore throat (same thing that happened at her retail job when she was wearing the mask for hours straight). I've since thought about asking her if I can send her info about the negative effects of the masks.
Another situation with my family where I'm reminded once again of the words from the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference
Sharing this for posterity, since things are being "disappeared" from social media sites.

The author of this letter is a Canadian Mom, a former "believer" and priestess in the Medical cult, which adds a bit of punch to her points, in my opinion.

The recipient of this letter, Bonnie Henry, is the unelected but appointed (and I will add GROOMED stooge, by the WHO, refer to her Wikipedia entry and read between the lines) Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia, Canada.

August 23, 2021

letter sent to Bonnie Henry today Via email, titled "covid vaccine passport feedback"

Dear Bonnie,

I am a former registered nurse, graduated top of my class, youngest graduate the program had ever had at that time. I am a mother of an immunocompromised stage 4 cancer survivor. He has medical PTSD resulting from his cancer treatment, as well as hearing loss from chemotherapy. This means he cannot be around folks who are masked, including us, his parents. He lost 3.5 years of his childhood to fighting cancer, and now he's lost another 2 years of living life to his fullest due to your mask and lockdown policies. And for a virus that has an extremely high survival rate for a majority of the population, with the exception of elderly people with multiple comorbidities, it is unacceptable to me that you should limit the lives of healthy individuals across the province.

You have also ignored actual health advice for Canadians - like exercise, healthy eating, getting enough vitamin D (stats show that those most likely to be hospitalized overwhelmingly are obese and have low vitamin D levels). But you don't tell the truth to Canadians. You push fear and vaccine agendas, and ignore the fact that we have the same number of deaths as a typical flu season. Meanwhile, the flu has disappeared. Where did it go? Did we finally cure the flu, and replace it with a different virus that presents similarly with similar symptoms? I think not. I wasn't born yesterday.

You keep crying about overwhelming the health care system. Have you seen the health care system? It's always overwhelmed. This is nothing new, at all. In health insurance, a pre-existing condition is not covered in benefits - likewise, the pre-existing condition of our health care system is not for you to get benefits from at this time. And yet, you are happy to see the firing of doctors who speak out against this nonsense, and fire nurses who won't succumb to your vaccine orders. Are we in a crisis or are we not? Are we overwhelmed or are we not? If we truly were in a crisis it would be all hands on deck - instead you will happily create policies and health orders that will lead to a mass exodus of health care providers. BCNU is already working on their case to fight your vaccine policies. Large numbers of nurses are planning to retire, quit, or force their employer to fire them so they can respond with wrongful dismissal lawsuits. All thanks to you.

Might I remind you that on June 10th, the FDA in a safety communication said to stop using the rapid antigen testing, citing significant concerns that the performance of the test had not been adequately established and presented a risk to health (Health Canada has stated that it's taking it's guidelines from the FDA and CDC). Around the same time, the CDC provided advanced notice that the PCR test emergency use authorization was being revoked - likely because it was never designed to be used as a diagnostic test because you can find anything you want by running the cycle counts high enough. The inventor of the PCR test said himself that the test is for forensic purposes only and cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. BC was running the PCR cycles at 35-40 cycles, which is above the recommended threshold of 25. And you wonder why case numbers were so high- these were false positives in asymptomatic people, yet you used it to fuel lockdown and mask policies. Both of the primary tests we are using here have been recalled, so by what grounds do you declare these case numbers?

I have an affinity for reading medical research, it is my hobby. It is clear, however, that you do not share my zest for truth in facts, nor my hunger for knowledge that isn't paid for by politics and agendas.

It is appalling to me that you cannot see the parallels of vaccine passports to the "papers" and yellow stars of Nazi Germany.

The Nuremberg code, to which Canada is a signatory, states:

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

Your vaccine passports are the definition of coercion, and therefore a violation of the Nuremberg code. Might I also remind you that "following orders" was not an accepted legal defense in the Nuremberg trials.

In addition, it is equally appalling that you can stand in front of a crowd with a straight face and say that these vaccines, masking, social distancing, etc are working. The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." Your covid policies are insanity based on that definition. It is clear what you are doing isn't working. Vaccinated individuals are still catching, carrying, spreading covid, therefore your passport makes even less sense, because you still give privileges to those that can still spread Covid (the vaccinated have become the 'silent spreaders' when the vaccine suppresses their symptoms while unvaccinated individuals know when they are sick and can appropriately isolate themselves). You are breaking human rights laws, the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, Bill S-201 the Genetic Non-discrimination Act, and precedent-setting case law. Please see the video link below by a Canadian Criminal Defense lawyer from Ontario, Nicholas Wansbutter, for a summary on which laws you are breaking by enacting vaccine passports.

There is a video compilation below of you saying several times that masks don't work for viral infection and should not be worn by healthy people, and then a clip showing you do a full 180 degree turn on your position. Might this have been financially motivated? Because it isn't scientifically proven, in fact I have a collection of several studies that prove that masks do not stop viral transmission. You had it right the first time.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer Ontario Flip-Flops on Mask Wearing

I also have an article of you stating, "This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports." YOU said that. What's changed? You now don't care about inequality? Now it's ok to discriminate against and coerce the citizens of British Columbia with an experimental medical treatment for which they have less risk with covid than they do the side effects of these experiments?

MRNA vaccines are new and experimental, as are the viral vector vaccines. An article from 2017 titled, "Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine" by Stat, states - "mRNA is a tricky technology. Several pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get the mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects."

And this is proving to be true. The VAERS data from the USA is troubling at best. As of August 13th, there have been 13,068 deaths, 13,811 life threatening adverse events, 17,228 cases of permanent disability, and over 126,000 hospitalizations and emergency room visits following covid vaccinations as reported to VAERS. And, might I remind you, that an audit of the VAERS system estimated that between 1-10% of all reactions are ever reported, and that VAERS grossly under-represents the total data set. Therefore, it is easy for any person with a brain in their head to see that this vaccine is not entirely safe. Is it acceptable for you to destroy an 18 year old man's entire future with endocarditis, something that he can never fully recover from, and trade that for an elderly death from covid? The vaccine program has shifted the vulnerable population from entirely old people with comorbidities, to young people with vaccine injuries. A friend of mine had a stroke and went into kidney failure following his first covid shot - he is on life support now, not from covid, but from the vaccine. He was a healthy 40 year old male. You might like to pretend that these injuries don't exist, we all know you and the medical establishment has been ignoring vaccine injury for decades, but the public is not ignoring these injuries. Thromboembolism leading to strokes and heart attacks, nervous system disorders, seizures, Bell's palsy, endocarditis, guillain barre syndrome, allergic reactions, skin reactions, heart palpitations, I could go on and on and on. Pfizer themselves reported a 16% decrease in fertility following their covid shot, will you be paying for the fertility treatments of those unable to conceive after taking part in this experiment? I've been following these injury cases and will continue to do so. You willfully turn a blind eye to these horrific side effects and continue to push forward this unsuccessful vaccine.

I am aware of the animal studies that have been done in the past on coronaviruses, and that ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) led to the deaths of the animals in the trials. It is clear to me that this fall we will see a number of vaccinated people succumbing to ADE, and yet I'm sure you will blame the unvaccinated for this. These vaccines are all still under clinical trials, and it will be several years before the long term data is known. and even then, the control groups of these studies were unblinded and given the vaccines, and so the trials have committed scientific fraud, in that they will never have long term data with a control group to present. I hereby declare it anyone's right to be part of the unvaccinated control group. I recall the H1N1 vaccine, rushed to market (and wasn't even a new technology being used), - it injured several people and gave several kids narcolepsy. It also gave my nephew encephalitis and he suffered brain damage. This is what experimental vaccines with rushed approval do to the people. That vaccine was pulled from the market for much less than what these vaccines are doing to people now.

Vaccine passports are a huge step back for human rights, equality, and one big step towards division and fascism. And we have you to thank for that. The blood of the vaccine injured is on your hands, as is the tearing apart of the fabric of our society with your fear mongering. You will pay for your crimes against humanity. And you will, no doubt, be hearing from several lawyers. April 17, 2023, will be just the beginning. You are a disgrace and history will remember you as such.


A very disappointed mother, woman, Canadian, health care professional, researcher, grandchild of WW2 veterans who fought and died for the freedoms you are destroying, and competent adult capable of making my own health care decisions. I stand for body autonomy and the right for all people to not to be coerced into being a guinea pig in a pharmaceutical experiment.

You were right. I just tried to find this letter and had no luck. Only Cassiopaea appears to have it.
This has probably been sited already.

Lawrence joins me to talk Covid, the Ivermectin controversy, China, bitcoin, gold and sound money.
Larry manages the EMA GARP Fund, a Boston based investment management firm. Their strategy is focused on providing "Monetary Debasement Insurance". He has 38 years experience and an MBA from Harvard Business School. And he likes to curse. On Twitter he is @LawrenceLepard

From the Deep State run publication Rolling Stone:
INFOGRAPHICS. Covid-19: in Occitania, hospitalizations and deaths finally down #coronavirus#occitanie

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