Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse


I encountered a person (somebody I know) who is associated/working partially in military in Sweden, who told me last night as an "insider information" - that the Swedish Army does not recommend their staff to get injected with the Covid-19 "vaccines". What I don't remember is, if he said "not recommend" or "forbid to take the injections". Yet clear is, the Swedish military does not want their soldiers to take the jab. For the very same reason, in order to prevent what happens to people outlined by KS and Abats.
Since booster shots are being given to the people, I've observed an interesting trend. A lot of my vaccinated friends that took 3rd shot developed adverse events. It wasn't the case for two previous shots, but the booster is doing something bad. The side effects range from skin rashes and general illness to catching COVID-19 a few days after inoculation (to their great surprise).

It does look exponential. From one in a thousand for the first dose, one in a hundred for the second, one in ten for the third/fourth... not fatality numbers, just my order-of-magnitudes estimate for incapacitation-or-death, but looking at the patterns, i doubt the cull would take much more than half a dozen jabs, maybe a dozen if you're lucky...
An elderly client of mine who has had 2 vaccines (not sure if they're Pfizer or AZ) has stopped coming to her clinical Pilates session. She is in her 70's and has come to me for 2 years, twice a week. Just before Christmas she ended up with such severe bruising on both feet that she fell over 2 days after her Pilates because her feet were so swollen and sore.
She sent me photos of the bruising and I recommended she visit her GP. I didn't say it but I immediately associated the photo with blood clotting and it was difficult not to suspect the jab.
She is a fan of the jab and she has spoken a few times about those 'damn anti vaxxers' so I stayed quiet about that and instead pointed out that we have been working together for 2 years, twice a week on basically the same stuff and she has never suffered anything like this so she should get it checked, maybe get a D-Dimer test to see if her blood is okay.
Of course her GP has blamed in on the Pilates and said nothing about an adverse event so now she's stopped coming with the belief that Pilates has hurt her. They said she now has a tendon injury and hemorrhaging of the blood vessels in the feet which to me is hilarious because my job is specifically working at rehabilitating tendon injuries - not causing them.
It both saddens me for her sake and boils my blood for my sake since this is my job and if GP's keep spreading these lies then I will lose people for sure.
In my 15 years of working with chronic conditions I have never once seen someone end up with hemorrhaging of the feet from Pilates. New normal BS

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A follow up to this experience I posted above:
The husband of this woman emailed me to say that they have decided not to return to their weekly clinical Pilates appointments since her GP had told her that the injury was probably caused by Pilates. In Australia we are required to fill out an incident report form for insurance purposes if we have anyone injure themselves whilst under our care so I asked the husband for the GP's name so that I could add them to the form just in case there ended any litigation issues.

I decided to ring the GP and confirm with him that he actually believed that rehabilitative exercises could cause this injury and see if I could get any info on his vaccine injury views. What happened blew my mind so I'm sharing it with you.

The first thing I asked was whether he was aware that blood clotting was a reportable adverse event with the TGA (our reporting system) and if he had considered this a possibility with this particular patient since she had recently had her second vaccine with him and the photos she sent me looked like blood clotting. He checked her details and confirmed that it was a possibility but that he wasn't allowed to discuss that with the patient.

Having employed medical professionals in the past, I receive the newsletters from APHRA (Australian Physicians Association) and I had seen the newsletter that was sent out early on in the pandemic telling physicians that they must abide by government guidelines when dealing with covid which included only recommending TGA approved medicines and treatment protocols so I used this as a talking point and asked him if this is what he was doing and he replied yes, his hands were tied and APHRA had told them that they face de registration if they didn't tow the line.

I asked him if it went against his hypocratic oath and he replied that he had to make the decision to either stay registered and feed his family or tell his patients what he believed to be the truth and lose his licence.

I then asked him if it played on his conscience and how did he sleep at night when the service he provides is meant to be for the individuals health and should never be a government choice but an informed patient choice supported by him.

He agreed and said that in his 45 years of practice as a surgeon and a doctor that he had never been told by the government that he was not allowed to discuss the effects of taking a drug with his patients and that he and many of his colleagues are scared and are either forced into staying silent or are leaving their jobs. He said that it was a tragedy to humanity but he had a family to feed and had to make the difficult choice to follow the guidelines despite having read enough clinical data to make him believe that the risk to benefit ratio did not match the government directions.

The crazy thing is, I went in to the phone call with my boxing gloves on, thinking that he was going to berate me for being an anti vax conspiracy theorist. After all, I have lost 2 regular clients because this doctor told them that I caused an injury that he and I both know I did not cause at all and instead of having a slinging match and defending myself I ended up consoling the guy!

He asked 'what do you suggest I do'? If I tell my patients anything against the vaccine I will lose my job. How do you suggest I deal with it? And thats when it hit me what a messed up situation this is!

The phone call went for about 20 minutes and we hashed out some ideas of how he could tell his patients the truth - that he has been told that he can not disclose any information to them about the vaccines because he has been told by the authorities that he would be de registered and ask them if they had done any independent research, if they were aware of the vaccine injury compensation plan and how the reporting system works. Then at least he has given them a chance to really consider - you know, that informed consent thing they are meant to be offering.

Whether or not he actually does this I will never know but that phone call made me realise that we are not enemy's. We are all embroiled in this mess and some of us just don't see a way out of it. He was very stressed and sad and once I told him I knew all about the issues of the vax, he couldn't stop telling me how he felt and how much he appreciated the phone call.

I'm not saying what he is doing is right. It's abhorrent. It's putting other peoples lives at risk. But it did make me realise that he is just another messed up human being who has to live with the choices he's making and that there must be plenty of them doing the same.
Another soccer player:

According to goodsciencing, it's 260 athletes that died after being injected:

The phone call went for about 20 minutes and we hashed out some ideas of how he could tell his patients the truth - that he has been told that he can not disclose any information to them about the vaccines because he has been told by the authorities that he would be de registered and ask them if they had done any independent research, if they were aware of the vaccine injury compensation plan and how the reporting system works. Then at least he has given them a chance to really consider - you know, that informed consent thing they are meant to be offering.

Whether or not he actually does this I will never know but that phone call made me realise that we are not enemy's. We are all embroiled in this mess and some of us just don't see a way out of it. He was very stressed and sad and once I told him I knew all about the issues of the vax, he couldn't stop telling me how he felt and how much he appreciated the phone call.

I'm not saying what he is doing is right. It's abhorrent. It's putting other peoples lives at risk. But it did make me realise that he is just another messed up human being who has to live with the choices he's making and that there must be plenty of them doing the same.
Yes, tough tough trying times for people. It is a time in which empathy and support are very important.

What do you think ?

Not my comments but I think you will like the wit.
Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.

A pandemic of the coincidence.

The following is about Pfizer's reluctantly released study data. I think it was mentioned before but I can not locate it on the site. Sorry if I'm repeating.

The information is very disturbing. The use of "no outcome provided" suggests that they might be hiding more information. With all the money they have, it should be no problem to contact the people involved.

Pfizer’s report states that there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with “normal outcome.” That means that of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 resulted in fetal death.

Pfizer’s report states that there were five pregnancies with “outcome pending” as well as the 238 with “no outcome provided.” But 32 minus 28 equals four, not five.

Because of this confusion, I called Pfizer and emailed questions to their media rep. Were 28 of 32 known pregnancy outcomes actually fatal in the first 10 weeks that the vaccine became available, as their report suggests? That’s an 87.5% pregnancy loss rate? And only one pregnancy outcome was “normal”? Please correct me if I’m wrong about this.

No reply.

The FDA would have had these data in their hands by the end of April. Maybe this is why they wanted to hide it for 55 years?

Public health agencies justify these dangers by claiming that women (or their babies) are more likely to experience them with exposure to the virus than to the vaccine – but they provide no evidence for this. The study they refer to most comes from the CDC itself. A comparison of stillbirth rates in 1,249,634 deliveries at 736 hospitals during March 2020–September 2021 among women with and without COVID infection, it establishes that there was indeed a surge in stillbirths – but not at the height of the first deadly wave of the virus, only “during the period of Delta variant predominance,” i.e., after pregnant women were being pressured into vaccines. CDC wouldn’t consider that the experimental, “novel platform” mRNA injections could be the reason that stillbirth affected only 0.98% of COVID-19–affected deliveries pre-Delta compared to 2.70% after the vaccines were introduced.
Follow up to my post above.

Here is the recommendation from the leading medical institution in the US, Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Should pregnant and lactating women receive the COVID-19 vaccine?​

Yes. Johns Hopkins Medicine agrees with and strongly supports the recommendations of the CDC, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) who recommend that all pregnant or lactating individuals, along with those trying to get pregnant, be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention includes pregnant women as a high-risk group for severe COVID-19 illness, though severe disease is fortunately uncommon. The decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine should be a shared decision among a woman, her care partner(s) and medical provider(s).

Starting Sept. 1, 2021, all Johns Hopkins Medicine personnel, including newly hired individuals, are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. This includes women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant. We have changed our policy because of recently updated CDC guidance based on accumulated data of the COVID-19 vaccines’ efficacy. JHM personnel requesting or who have previously been approved for a pregnancy-related exception to the vaccine must provide a note from their physician before Oct. 4.

Medicine is in the toilet.
From UK
Parents of children in the 12-17 age group want Government officials to release real-time safety data for Covid vaccines. One mother is so concerned about the possibility that her three children could suffer serious adverse events that she asked the High Court on their behalf to force full public disclosure.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) admits it holds the figures but has not revealed them publicly, so last Thursday parent EF, who cannot be named for legal reasons, put her concerns to Mr Justice Jonathan Swift and asked him to direct the ONS to release the data. Her request was denied.

She said: “I’m not surprised. I feel as though the judge had already made up his mind.”

To those of us in court, it certainly felt as though he had and that no one dared question Health Secretary Sajid Javid’s decisions.

Any sane parent reading this should have no problem understanding what is going on what this secrecy suggest.

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