Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I have heard about this before where companies are allowing extra leave for vaccination reactions. They really are making things soooooo easy, aren't they? Who could even complain that they were not compassionate about their work forces?

The thing that mystifies me is that no-one who has had the vaccine seems to wonder why there are so many side effects and why there are so many severe side effects with these particular Covid vaccines. No one I have spoken to has ever heard of such things with previous vaccines. The odd one or two perhaps but never on this scale. Why is no-one questioning this? Perhaps they are believing the narrative that "the worse the side effect, the more effective the vaccine". The other factor, of course, is that the true numbers of side effects are being kept out of the public arena to a great extent. If you don't delve, you don't find.
Another thing I noticed is that those who got the jab cannot be reasoned with anymore. They will reject any hints or mentions of possible side effects (often aggressively). I can't say I blame them though. There is no going back so it's either believing that the jab is safe or living in fear of possible consequences. The former is much easier to cope with, both emotionally and mentally. Not to mention that in most cases the capacity to listen to any opposing viewpoints about the jab or the pandemic was lacking in the first place. Otherwise they wouldn't have taken the jab.
I so agree with this comment: Another thing I noticed is that those who got the jab cannot be reasoned with anymore.

I have found this to be so true with my eldest brother. I consider him to be a very intelligent and deep thinking man with rational thought processes and totally able to detect and reject bullshit. But his reasoning in connection with covid et al is living on a different place to planet Earth. I don't do it anymore, but previously when we had conversations about covid and I sent him interesting videos and podcasts of so called "anti vax" commentary, he would listen and usually comment "Prof Chris Whitty cannot be wrong and I trust him"...really? I finally admitted defeat when I sent the podcast by Byram Bridle about the danger of spike proteins to him. His comment was "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle... :-O This facile comment was all he had to say about a deeply serious and concerning issue by a man with the right credentials to know what he is talking about. Basically conversation avoidance.

However, as Ant22 said "there is no going back". My family have all had the vaccination now so the damage cannot be undone and it is pointless trying to convince them of the dangers as there is nothing which can be achieved and arguments will only cause disharmony and it is ultimately their personal choice.
I don't do it anymore, but previously when we had conversations about covid and I sent him interesting videos and podcasts of so called "anti vax" commentary, he would listen and usually comment "Prof Chris Whitty cannot be wrong and I trust him"...really? I finally admitted defeat when I sent the podcast by Byram Bridle about the danger of spike proteins to him. His comment was "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle... :-O This facile comment was all he had to say about a deeply serious and concerning issue by a man with the right credentials to know what he is talking about. Basically conversation avoidance.

Seriously, the quality of their arguments to dismiss the truth is truly amusing. Your brother's "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle" reminds me of my friend's response to a forum link I shared in a group chat we're both members of on Telegram. She responded that she didn't trust anything shared by moms on Mumsnet. Never mind that the original poster worked in a hospital, and doctors and nurses do have children too.

I guess what Laura once said is true: the most effective way to avoid seeing the truth is to kill the messenger - or his character. Which is what your brother and my friend are doing.

I don't think high IQ and working intellect are any indication of whether someone has the capacity to see through the BS. I have a personal friend who is a member of Mensa, very smart, a covid believer and a global warming alarmist. If a mind doesn't want to see the truth it will not, no matter how capable of it it is. Selection and substitution of data (among other issues) doesn't seem to be an alignment affecting average thinkers only. It is present and doing well in both the highly intelligent and those of mediocre intellect alike.
I finally took the plunge and went to visit a friend who is Pro vax. I was expecting the worst but I was pleasantly surprised by the information I found.

When we got round to speaking about vaccines, first of all, it was interesting to learn he was worried about long term effects. I garnered the only reason he took it is because of the overload of information saying it's safe. His arguments were that if it wasn't safe there would at least be some countries that would flag this. His mind doesn't accept that this product is fundamentally unsafe because the implications of doing so are massive - questions will need to be asked as to why all countries are in lock step with the agenda and those questions fundamentally lead to conspiracy. Ultimately I feel like people who fundamentally are pragmatic and think the world is largely a good place especially when it comes to institutions and governments are almost checkmated in that they can't see certain things. Ultimately it comes down to trust.

In any case, surprisingly he shared that he knows quite a few anti vaxxers which surprised me. He fits the demographic of those who fundamentally trust the government and surround themselves with like minded people. The fact that antivaxxers are penetrating his world (other than me) makes me think there's more sceptics out there than we're led to believe. Scratch that, not sceptics, people who have fundamentally refused. I think there's a lot of smoke and mirrors in the UK and the government is running a huge covert operation on its people. I think that the UK leads the way in people saying yes to the vaccine but I think they are inflating those figures. I think there will be about 20% - 30% of adults who say no. Maybe I'm being optimistic but I think you can measure this in people you know and I reckon about 1 in 5 or 1 in 4 will be like they aren't taking this. [Maybe 25% of those under 40 come to think of it]
I so agree with this comment: Another thing I noticed is that those who got the jab cannot be reasoned with anymore.

I have found this to be so true with my eldest brother. I consider him to be a very intelligent and deep thinking man with rational thought processes and totally able to detect and reject bullshit. But his reasoning in connection with covid et al is living on a different place to planet Earth. I don't do it anymore, but previously when we had conversations about covid and I sent him interesting videos and podcasts of so called "anti vax" commentary, he would listen and usually comment "Prof Chris Whitty cannot be wrong and I trust him"...really? I finally admitted defeat when I sent the podcast by Byram Bridle about the danger of spike proteins to him. His comment was "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle... :-O This facile comment was all he had to say about a deeply serious and concerning issue by a man with the right credentials to know what he is talking about. Basically conversation avoidance.

However, as Ant22 said "there is no going back". My family have all had the vaccination now so the damage cannot be undone and it is pointless trying to convince them of the dangers as there is nothing which can be achieved and arguments will only cause disharmony and it is ultimately their personal choice.

It has been long observed on this site that when somebody flips into denial mode, they tend to flip on everything, and that the change in attitude and personality is very fast; they're shooting stars which explode and fall into the ocean. It's surprising and sobering to observe.

If a person accepts that vaccines are good then he must accept that authorities don't lie, which means climate change is real, along with narratives X, Y and Z. Every lie is interconnected and must be supported in order to sustain the primary lie which he fell for and refuses to acknowledge.

After that, they put their own logic and perception centers under attack, they are suppressed and eventually become retarded through sustained neural pathway degeneration. If you refuse to look and think for long enough, your looking and thinking muscles entrain that way and start to atrophy, -which is fine as far as the subject feels, that way they don't have to hurt as much when confronted with the idea that They Were Wrong!

I think some people are just fortunate (or rather, they were unfortunate) in that they've done well in collecting a long string of correct answers over the courses of their lives, and consequently have not had enough chances to face their self-importance in any significant way. Saying, "I was wrong" is one of the most difficult things for people to do;
a high level skill worth cultivating. -Especially since the cultural programming over the last century sets people up to fear ridicule from peers in ways which are today amplified even more so with social media. -So when they find themselves face to face with this test, having only a few events in the past to familiarize and get comfortable with Being Wrong, they dig in and double down, triple down, lie, evade, scramble, attack.., and Fail The Test. The cascade of knowledge self-destruction begins in earnest and another bright star falls into the sea.

I think this might explain why some of the seemingly smartest and most thoughtful people crash the hardest; their natural abilities have insulated them against failure to the point where they have zero skill when it comes to a wrestling match with their egos.
This past week I had a patient who had just been released from prison. She was a women in her late 40's. She said all the prisoners were vaccinated with mRNA in early March 2021. She said within a day or two after the 2nd jab, every joint in her body became swollen and painful. She had a huge fight with the prison doctor, who was adamant her symptoms had nothing to do with the jab. She went on to say that whatever medical condition someone had, became amplified after the vaccine. All the women were suffering and were told it "couldn't be from the vaccine".

I was very busy that day, but in retrospect, should have asked more questions to get specifics from her. At any rate, I'm sure these poor souls, being fed a diet of processed food and soy meat substitutes, are suffering. A lot of them are there because of drug use, so they are not hardened criminals. We have a prison in my home town, and there were several deaths during covid and after the vaccine campaign started. Same with the nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It is a crime against humanity what they're doing. 😡
I so agree with this comment: Another thing I noticed is that those who got the jab cannot be reasoned with anymore.

I have found this to be so true with my eldest brother. I consider him to be a very intelligent and deep thinking man with rational thought processes and totally able to detect and reject bullshit. But his reasoning in connection with covid et al is living on a different place to planet Earth. I don't do it anymore, but previously when we had conversations about covid and I sent him interesting videos and podcasts of so called "anti vax" commentary, he would listen and usually comment "Prof Chris Whitty cannot be wrong and I trust him"...really? I finally admitted defeat when I sent the podcast by Byram Bridle about the danger of spike proteins to him. His comment was "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle... :-O This facile comment was all he had to say about a deeply serious and concerning issue by a man with the right credentials to know what he is talking about. Basically conversation avoidance.

However, as Ant22 said "there is no going back". My family have all had the vaccination now so the damage cannot be undone and it is pointless trying to convince them of the dangers as there is nothing which can be achieved and arguments will only cause disharmony and it is ultimately their personal choice.
Just a little observation: the EA vaxes don't work forever. People do bounce back. Do look at vaccine illnesses now cropping up and being treated, same little spikey friend in all cases. Ivermectin, etc.... See Dr. Mobeen's videos.
I.e. I‘ve read in Croatian MSM that in Chile already 50% of people are vaccinated.

That is more or less accurate and a bit more for those with only one of the two shot protocol for the main jab which is the most important detail left out. It is the Chinese made Sinovac which is a traditional deactivated virus jab. Trailing behind that is Pfizer, Astrazeneca, and the new one shot Cansino (adenovirus from China).

The fact that COVID cases (should we say manipulated PCR cycles), hospitalizations (no real treatment here, mainly just oxygen and forced breathing) and ICU beds occupations have not gone down is not being blamed on the jabs but the inefficiency of the the Sinovac jab and that those (the vast majority of jabbed) that received that two shot deal will require a third shot or even a different jab like Pfizer.

It is getting insane here with no one questioning the jabs in general or the mixing of jabs of different tech or the move to eventually begin jabbing minors with Pfizer! And the term they use for those who did not get jabbed according to the government schedule is"rezagados" which has a negative connotation, like one (shame on you) is losing in an important race.

The Chile domestic travel pass is already turning out to be a joke.

This "rezagado" has been fortunate in that his wife, younger step-daughter and here boyfriend on their own decided not to get jabbed. I have followed all the related COVID threads here since the beginning and they know my personal stance and I made it clear that it was their personal decision. The older step-daughter had to get Sinovac during her trial period at her job and then they let her go as is common in labor overabundant Chile these days but she would have otherwise been a "no". Our very young grandkids, their mom's say definitely no unless forced.
I so agree with this comment: Another thing I noticed is that those who got the jab cannot be reasoned with anymore.

I have found this to be so true with my eldest brother. I consider him to be a very intelligent and deep thinking man with rational thought processes and totally able to detect and reject bullshit. But his reasoning in connection with covid et al is living on a different place to planet Earth. I don't do it anymore, but previously when we had conversations about covid and I sent him interesting videos and podcasts of so called "anti vax" commentary, he would listen and usually comment "Prof Chris Whitty cannot be wrong and I trust him"...really? I finally admitted defeat when I sent the podcast by Byram Bridle about the danger of spike proteins to him. His comment was "I would not trust anything from a man with the name Byram Bridle... :-O This facile comment was all he had to say about a deeply serious and concerning issue by a man with the right credentials to know what he is talking about. Basically conversation avoidance.

However, as Ant22 said "there is no going back". My family have all had the vaccination now so the damage cannot be undone and it is pointless trying to convince them of the dangers as there is nothing which can be achieved and arguments will only cause disharmony and it is ultimately their personal choice.
Post Script. Correct what I said, I observe effects wearing off emotionally for a number of vaccinated people, or attitudinally. I recall the C's saying in a session that the effect would be in connecting to the other dimensions, affecting the soul. So when I check the emotional changes, I don't know if the soul effect will change over time. Really I think it would? So rebuilding of DNA and soul connection is likely to happen. I get a feeling of 'yes' to this question. Just wanted to add to my earlier response but time for edit had passed. (and haven't been able to find where I heard about treament for people who are 'sick' as a result of the vaccines we're talking about - I just remember that it was similar to all other Covid type illness, Ivermectin, now added Fluvoxamine (don't know much about that) and probably Vitamin D, etc.)
It isn't just Sweden, trust me. This has marked the entire covid phenomenon. The number of times I have seen that same empty look on the faces of genuinely intelligent people when I try to point out that unprecedented lockdown tactics are completely disproportionate to the underwhelming lethality of a virus that is at best the equivalent of a mildly bad flu season....

It's like, on anything related to the coronavirus, the livestock have been so thoroughly conditioned that it is simply impossible for their rational faculties to operate on the subject. What's worse, and creepier, is that this became apparent almost immediately. A large subset of the populace moved into full panic mode the moment the media told them to, like a switch was flipped. Since then it's been one damn thing after another.

The C's warned us that "the programming is complete", and now we're finding out what that means.
I can only confirm this. I often sense something strange and repulsive in vaccinated people. My colleague also notices this. Also the eyes sometimes seem to radiate a strange coldness - as if not from this world. It reminds me of a herd of gray figures robotically waiting for the coming new wave of propaganda. It also seems to me that they no longer understand connections and pull completely illogical conclusions out of a hat - the programming will indeed come to an end.
Regarding fluvoxamine, it's one of popular SSRI drugs normally used to treat depression. Not something you'd want to supplement on a daily basis. I first assumed it was an antibiotic (many of them include FLUoride in their particles), entirely forgetting i had actually taken fluvoxamine for several weeks some time ago, for depression. The best way i can subjectively describe it's action is comparing it to an air lift that prevents you from sliding down into a (very dark) hole. Made me think of possible mental component of covid as a disease - wonder if it can be related to the coronavirus being a failed mind-control agent, as Cs said.
Amazing Polly has a look at the magnetism and Nano particle issues. It is really interesting, and has me wondering how in the world can she dig up so much stuff? Maybe her husband helps her? Anyway, she digs back a few years and finds a video of a Dr. Michael Persinger about controlling people by magnetization using magnesite. People could be turned on and off, compliant or aggressing using common radio waves and other EM field. She also goes over the Nano fibers in certain masks, and a 'Health Canadian' warning about not using masks with graphene in them, as the particles could be inhaled and cause health problems!? Kind of creepy…

This had been a developing story in the UK over the last 6 months. A&E departments in hospitals are apparently being overwhelmed. So far in the media they are putting it down to a "back log" however, there's speculation that these are vaccine side effects that are causing people to go to the emergency departments.

This has been a developing story in the UK over the last 6 weeks. A&E departments in hospitals are apparently being overwhelmed. So far in the media they are putting it down to a "back log" however, there's speculation that these are vaccine side effects that are causing people to go to the emergency departments.

Correcting typos on the first sentence...
Correcting typos on the first sentence...
Yes (not regarding the typos!) but again on my news feed yesterday, people being urged not to visit Bristol A and E, with what they describe as hayfever, cold and flu type symptoms. They are being asked to dial 111 or visit their local pharmacy where they can get over the counter treatments! It's June, the hayfever I expect, however, wasn't hayfever type symptoms added to the list of Covid 19 symptoms earlier in the year? But cold and flu symptoms...In June??? Very peculiar!
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