A Disturbance in the Force
AdonRy said:Thank YOU for sharing. Your description is dead on, especially with the thin scratches. The main difference is that this didn't wake him out of his sleep, he didn't realize until he got in the shower and felt the pain when the water hit it.
I did just get a little bit of new info, turns out that those pictures are from the 2nd time its happened within a week or so. I thought the scratches he was showing me on his back were the same scratches that he told me about over the phone earlier in the week. Obviously I wasn't paying much attention b/c I thought he was kidding. But the first time was on his arm, which has pretty much faded or I would have taken pictures of it as well. But they were exactly the same - long, thin scratches, not enough to draw blood but enough to leave these marks for a few days.
Dawn, were you into this stuff before you got the scratches? Or did the scratches eventually lead you in this direction?
Just a note that 'this stuff' doesn't cause these types of things to happen - assuming this is 'high strangeness'. It's likely that if your friend is an abductee, it's happened many times before and he either didn't fight back (so didn't get scratches) or they weren't bad enough to notice. It is SO much more common than you seem to be thinking.
If it's not something that got caught in his bed or bedclothes or something that happened before he went to bed, then, yes, it could be evidence that he's been messed with. But, guess what - pretty much half the population is messed with. I do suggest that both of you watch all of Karla Turner's videos on YouTube to get up to speed on this so you can stop being freaked out about it and start to learn what steps to take in your own mind and life to possible mitigate it. fwiw.