This thread brought to mind the section about sink holes in the latest Half Past Human report, which unable to copy out of Acrobat (has that feature turned off) I just retyped the section. I kept the bracket formatting as the words within the brackets indicate actual word streams kciked out by the data mining process.
Here is the section on sink holes:
As the data sets accrue to the Terra entity as modelspace is progressed through July and August, the [hole issue] gains considerable mass of supporting aspect/attribute sets. In the primary level of support the [sink holes] sub set gains in both impact and duration values in many contexts, including a set headed by [blooming]. The [blooming/blossoming] of the [sink holes] is indicated to get a very large jump in planetary [visibility] even within the [mainstream propaganda press (here in usofa)] as the data indicates that [sink hole] will [quickly swallow (a) public building]. Unlike other [sink hole] manifestations, this instace is showing as involving a [large commercial (public) building] that will involve serveral [hundres of thousands (of) tons] of material,with special note being put into [marble] and [granite]. This [public building] is shown as [disappearing (being swallowed)] within a very short time. So short a period that [shock] is indicated to [ripple] though the [on-looking crowds] and to [induce flight] and [pants fouling panic]. The accretion patterns are pointing to the [speed] of the [building loss] as being so [rapid] that mostly the [video's] captured are not of the [building sinking] {ed note: as it will be gone in a twinkling},but rather, the images braodcast are indicated to be of [fleeing humans] and a [dust cloud] over the [hole]. This [hole] is also described as being a [major problem] in that it will [block access] to a [major portion] of the [city]. This hole will not only [dislocate] many of the [city residents], but it will [deny services] to a [third] of the area, including [serwer and water]. These [withdrawals of service] are shaown as essentially [dooming] the rest of that portion of the [city] to being [abandoned] as all the [work-around/fixes] will be [failures] in the short term, and further [sink hole issues] for that [city] will [press upon (efforts) to rebuild].
There are also other primary support areas for [sink holes] that include the idea that [national infrastructures] will be [affected] as [holes] will [eat] the [electrical creation] and [electrical distribution] systems at some [key points]. This area of the support for [sink holes (eathing things)] also includes the [international] problems as these [sink holes] will [eat] the [connections (network)] structure for both [internet] and [primary (land based) telecom transmission]. The [small brick building] that shows up in this last set is described as being [mostly subterranean] and [chock-a-block filled] with tasty electronic goodies. This [hungry hole] is showing as causing [rippled ground] in the periphery, but in the center is a [multiple story building (mostly underground)] this is now [unseen (cannot be viewed)] at the bottom of the [hole].
I am surprised by the near bore hole quality so many of these have in such disparate places. Here in South TX there is nothing but limestone and I have seen a few erosion based holes that eventually cave in and they sometimes look circular, they never seem to be so straight down circular, like a big drill press. The bottom part of the above excerpt and the infrastructure issues I paid interest to. It all seems very convienent if this were to happen and limit communications/information from one area to another without a human force to blame.
It could be a space based source, weaponized satellites eroding the ground underneath eventually making it to the surface (working bottom to top). Medical field can do this with lasers, focus the beam to maintain a certain depth, if this is a frequency weapon (possible Shuttle, WTC, Haiti same weapon) they may be targeting the area where less attention will occur while they calibrate it before doing larger, more densly and noticable targets. Just a thought!