Jedi Master
Firstly, what is stylistics?
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 1]Chapter 1
Who is stylistics?
1.1 Introduction
The short answer to the question ‘Who is stylistics?’ is that she is a friend of mine, and that I hope by the end of this book she might also become a friend of yours. You will find out who she is in the course of your reading; but another question you might like to ponder while you read this introductory chapter is why I have chosen that title for this chapter. I will tell you at the end of the chapter. The beginning of an answer to the question is that stylistics is an approach to the analysis of (literary) texts using linguistic description. Thus, in a book such at this, which is devoted exclusively to the analysis of literary texts, stylistics spans the borders of the two subjects, literature and linguistics. As a result, stylistics can sometimes look like either linguistics or literary criticism, depending upon where you are standing when you are looking at it. So, some of my literary critical colleagues sometimes accuse me of being an unfeeling linguist, saying that my analyses of poems, say, are too analytical, being too full on linguistic jargon and leaving insufficient room for personal preference on the part of the reader. My linguist colleagues, on the other hand, sometimes say that I am no linguist at all, but a critic in disguise, who cannot make his descriptions of language precise enough to count as real linguistics. They think that I leave too much to intuition and that I am not analytical enough. I think I’ve got the mix just right, of course!
If you already have some basic familiarity with linguistic you should have no difficulty with the various linguistic concepts I use in this book. …[/quote]
So, basically, that explains what stylistics is, it is “an approach to the analysis of (literary) texts using linguistic description.”
Notice that the word ‘literary’ is in brackets, which means that this approach can apply to non-literary texts, like the wave, which is what we will be tackling today.
Next, the author (Mick Short) describes the essential core of literary criticism, and can be summed up thusly:
Description -> Interpretation -> Evaluation
But, for our purposes, we won’t be going deeply into that, and instead focus our attention upon the technicalities/complexities of interpretation:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 4]…Let us take a more literary example, a metaphor:
Example 2
Come, we burn daylight, ho!
(William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, I, iv, 43)
Besides the basic kind of linguistic of the sort seen above, this time we also have to know that daylight cannot normally be the object of burn. The verb burn usually takes as its object a word or phrase which refers to something which can be burnt, but daylight does not fall into this category. It is only after deducing that what the line says cannot literally be true that we can go on to construct a non-literal interpretation for it (e.g. ‘we are wasting time’). Stylistics is thus concerned with relating linguistic facts (linguistic description) to meaning (interpretation) in as explicit a way as possible. And what is true for sentences here is also true for texts. When we read, we must intuitively analyse linguistic structure at various levels (e.g. grammar, sounds, words, textual structure) in order (again intuitively) to understand the sentences of a text and the relations between them. We usually perform this complex set of tasks so fast that we do not even notice that we are doing it, let alone how we do it. Our understanding of the linguistic form and meaning is thus implicit. But when we discuss literature, as critics do, we need to discuss meaning in an explicit fashion. Stylisticians suggest that linguistic description and its relationship with interpretation should also be discussed in as detailed a way as possible. One advantage of this is that when we disagree over the meaning to ascribe to a text or part of a text, we can use stylistic analysis as a means to help to decide which of the various suggestion are most likely. There may, of course, be more than valid interpretation, but, again, it is difficult to decide on such matters without detailed and explicit analysis. …[/quote]
The above applies to any text, but especially the C’s communication, where the questions and answers are so very open to interpretation. So, how do we come to a more objective interpretation?
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 7]Because we are all different from one another and yet agree on meaning to the extent that we do, we must have something in common that does the trick. In large part, that thing is the language we share (in this case English). But this means not just a shared knowledge of the structure of English (for example that ‘seem’ is a verb and ‘television’ is a noun; that ‘table’ is more closely connected with ‘chair’ than ‘carrot’, and so on), but also the common procedures of inference which we use in order to interpret utterances. As an example, let us return to the line from Romeo and Juliet, which we looked at earlier, Come, we burn daylight, ho! We noted before that daylight cannot normally be the object of burn. We can demonstrate this by constructing a normal paradigm (set of possible substitution instances) for the verb with which to compare the metaphorical construction:
Normal paradigm:
We burn paper
We burn wood
We burn coal
We burn oil
We burn fuel
Abnormal paradigm:
We burn daylight
By comparing the normal with the abnormal paradigm we can begin to see how the line gets its meaning. The object of burn has to denote a concrete, combustible material or be a more general term for such materials. When it is burnt it is destroyed or used up. A likely possible meaning for the phrase could be ‘we are using up daylight’. This is still a metaphor, although one which is fairly dead in English. We cannot physically use up daylight; but of course daylight is a medium which we use to do lots of things in, and if we do not use it properly then we may run out of time to do what needs to be done. In this sense, as in my original suggested interpretation, we can waste time. This may not be the only possible interpretation, of course, but note that there are many more meanings that are not valid for the line than ones that are. For example, it cannot possibly mean ‘it is raining’ or even ‘we keep ourselves warm’.[/quote]
So, by using inferences into normal/abnormal paradigms, we can rule out what it definitely doesn’t mean and hone in to what it could possibly mean. Here is more on that:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 8]Now let us take stock of what we have done with this line. We have compared an unusual clause with a set of constructed normal equivalents and we have used a combination of our knowledge about English and about the world in order to arrive at an interpretation. To understand the sentence completely we also have to see it in its context. In fact it is a joke in which the burning is literal and the daylight is metaphorical. It is dark at the time, and Mercutio, when he utters this sentene, is referring to the burning torches that the Montagues are holding as they go to gatecrash the Capulet ball where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. Thus we combine linguistic, contextual and general world knowledge, as the basis for inferring an appropriate interpretation. The meaning, then comes from the text, but notice that we cannot get at that meaning just by doing linguistic analysis (although that is an essential and important part of the process).[/quote]
The SOTT forum explicitly states (_,13581.0.html) that the C’s communications shouldn’t be read unless within the context of Laura’s work in works like the Wave, and I propose a systematic way of analysing the C’s communications within Laura’s own interpretation of it, where ‘we combine linguistic, contextual (Laura’s words) and general (and greater) world knowledge, as the basis for inferring an appropriate interpretation.
Let’s be more concise:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 8]The linguistic features in the text do not constitute the meaning in themselves; rather they constrain readers from inferring unreasonable meanings and prompt them towards the reasonable ones. We can see this more obviously by changing the various kinds of information at our disposal. If we change the linguistic structure, by replacing daylight with 'torches', the line becomes literally true in this context. If we change the situational context, having the conversation take place in the day-time, the ‘joke’ interpretation is ruled out. If we change our general world knowledge (by assuming that in our world important things are always done in the dark, for example), the line might indicate that the characters are at leisure. And changing the linguistic context will also change the meaning, if we pretend that the sentence comes from a twentieth-century article on fuel conservation, the meaning which we rejected earlier, ‘we keep ourselves warm’ might be more plausible – the utterance could be understood as an injunction to use solar heating as a source of heat and light, instead of coal or oil.[/quote]
For those who want to have a little fun with these ideas, here’s an exercise:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 9] Exercise 1
Examine the metaphor the crimson seeds/of blood in the following extract from the beginning of ‘January’ by R.S. Thomas:
The fox drags its wounded belly
Over the snow, the crimson seeds
Of blood burst with a mild explosion,
Soft as excrement, bold as roses.
Why is the phrase metaphorical? What do you understand by the phrase? Try to work out the inferential steps which you would need to use to get from the structure of the phrase to the meaning you have assigned to it.[/quote]
I will demonstrate later how I personally analysed this poem.
Now, I want to let it be known here that my analysis of the 'normality' versus the 'abnormality' of the words within the C’s communications, in order for it to be as objective as possible, will be compared against the definitions in the ‘Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary’, this is because:
[quote author=Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, Page vii]The basis of the authority of Cobuild is the Bank Of English, part of Collins word web, still the largest collection of data of its kind in any language, and now containing 645,000,000 words. Decisions about which words to include as headwords in the dictionary, which meanings to draw attention to, which phrases to recognise as settled expressions in the language, and many other issues, are directly informed by the Bank Of English. The regular updating of this corpus ensures that this edition is up-to-date; new words and phrases constantly creep into the language, and sometimes establish themselves quickly, so the lexicographers keep a careful watch for them.
All the examples in this book are quoted from the rich selection that the corpus offers, and normally they are printed exactly as they occur in the text. In the choice of example, we pay careful attention to collocation – the significant co-occurrence of words – so that the examples are not only natural forms of expression, but also are reliable models of usage. Important collocations are also highlighted in the definitions, giving help with set lexical and grammatical patterns.
The Cobuild defining style is modeled on the way people explain the meanings of words to each other, and it is refreshingly direct, because the definitions are just normal sentences of English with the headword in bold face. This style is not only easier to understand than the usual way definitions are written, it also allows a lot of extra information to be presented in a natural way. Please read the definitions carefully and learn to take from them all the information that they provide.[/quote]
This corpus is a good representation of how English is expressed by the population that use it, while the Wave introduces the reader to a whole new world of concepts. So, in that way, the Wave is 'deviant', though without the negative connotations.
And here we have come to one of the major reasons for my sharing of this stylistic analysis. I have been keeping up to date with all the translation work going on at SOTT and, and I sincerely want to help.
See: _,25460.0.html
Since I have been translating the Wave into Chinese, I have experienced for myself the immense difficulties of trying to stay as close to the original meaning as is objectively possible, and, as an English teacher, I can attest to the fact that, if your English isn’t that good, then by reading the following analysis, which will contain definitions from this dictionary, I can assure you that your English will improve significantly, and hopefully allow you to express the subtle nuances in other tongues.
Other than that, I am also doing this analysis also to meditate deeply upon the material so that my own translations can be accurate, and hopefully also to inspire others to do the same. I know this kind of painstaking detail won’t be for everybody, but I for one think it’s a great deal of fun!
Thank you for your patience, below is the stylistic analysis:
Here is my colour code:
Auxiliary Verb
Colour Word
Combining Form (Blank is also a highlight when everything is highlighted!)
Link Verb
Modal Verb
Count Noun
Collective Count Noun
Family Noun
Noun in Names
Mass Noun
Plural Noun
Proper Noun
Collective Proper Noun
Plural Proper Noun
Singular Noun
Collective Singular Noun
Title Noun
Uncount Noun
Collective Uncount Noun
Variable Noun
Collective Variable Noun
Vocative Noun
Passive Verb
Phrasal Verb
Phrasal Preposition
Link Verb
Passive Verb
Reciprocal Verb
Passive Reciprocal Verb
The first step is identifying the word groups that each word belongs to, so the sentence:
Jane pushed Tommy.
Looks like this:
Jane pushed Tommy.
With your text in front of you, and a dictionary handy, you get a set of pencil crayons, and you just colour code all the ones you can first. I personally first highlight all the verbs, then the nouns, then the determiners, etc. Leaving blank the ones I am not so sure about (Note: Even if I’m 1% unsure, I will leave it blank, this shows me what I still need to learn), then you look in the dictionary to codify the ones you are not sure about, noting anything interesting that comes to mind as you do so (My Wave book is starting to look really colourful now!).
(Laura, I know it'll be weird to hear, but in the analysis I am be referring to you in the third person, as 'the author', if you want this changed, please let me know...)
[quote author=Laura, ‘The Wave’]The subject of The Wave has come up many times in the Cassiopaean sessions, and many people have written to me asking for more details about this mysterious event that is suggested to be a part of our future experiences.
It is such a vast subject with so many references, that I have put off dealing with it until now. But, the time is right, I think, to talk about some of these things.[/quote]
The key thing I noticed with the above section is the degree of uncertainty that is included in the passage, shown below:
But, the time is right, I think…
event that is suggested to be…
to talk about some of these things…
This shows a very careful usage of words by the author, who doesn’t want to show certainty for events that are, after all, very mysterious (…about this mysterious event…), and not to mention the vastness of the subject (…It is such a vast subject with so many references…).
I also found it interesting to note the use of the word ‘some’ highlighted above, where the author indicates that there is much more that is present in this vast subject, and these are just some of those things.
I also made a note of the phrase ‘so many’, in …with so many references…:
DEF: You use so much or so many when you are saying that there is a definite limit to something but you are not saying what the limit is.
This re-emphasises the sheer vastness of the subject, with so many references that the author doesn’t say where the limit is.
Notice also the Predeterminer ‘such’, determining ‘vast subject’.
So, from the very first paragraph, the author tries her best to impress upon the mind of the reader that the author herself finds it hard to know where the limit is to this “topic of topics”, but felt pressed enough to “give it a shot”, given the amount of questions that people have asked about the subject.
This indicates, “from the word go”, that the author has a tremendous amount of empathy for others, and works hard to give it her best.
[quote author=Laura, ‘The Wave’]In one of the earliest contacts with the Cassiopaeans, being in the “test mode,” I tossed a rather general question out one night:[/quote]
Look at the metaphor ‘toss’...
DEF: If you toss something, you throw it there lightly, often in a rather careless way.
EX: He screwed the ball into a ball and tossed it into the fire…
EX: He tossed Malone a can of beer, and took one himself.
And the author got way more than they bargained for, right? This is an interesting metaphor, and gives the impression that, from the sober attempt to share the work with everyone in the first paragraph, the author, when introducing the very first response the C’s gave regarding the Wave, didn’t really know what she was doing, thus encouraging the reader to “be prepared” for something BIG.
I also found it interesting how it wasn’t a specific contact on a specific night, but, rather, ONE of the earliest contacts, on ONE night, giving the sense that this came unexpectedly and truly “out of the blue”. This rings especially true for the latter use of ‘one’, since the date is actually printed directly below it.
Further, this double use of ‘one’ makes the sense of randomness stand out, it is ‘foregrounded’.
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 10]In fact, without giving it its technical term, I have, through the Romeo and Juliet example, introduced one of the most fundamental concepts in stylistics, namely that of linguistic deviation. Because daylight cannot normally turn up in English as object to the verb burn we can say that the line deviates from the rules of English. Poetry in particular uses much deviation, and so we will examine deviation as a key to our understanding of poems. But you should always remember that deviation turns up in other modes of literary writing, and indeed in non-literary writing as well…
Deviation, which is a linguistic phenomenon, has an important psychological effect on readers (and hearers). If a part of a poem is deviant, it becomes especially noticeable, or perceptually prominent. We call this psychological effect foregrounding. There are many ways in which poets can produce deviation and hence foregrounding, and we will shortly go on to look at some of those ways. But we will first consider the general nature of foregrounding and its textual purpose. The term foregrounding is borrowed from art criticism…
Art critics usually distinguish the foreground of a painting from its background. The foreground is that part of the painting which is in the centre and towards the bottom of the canvas. Note that the items which occur in the foreground of a painting will usually appear large in relation to the rest of the objects in the picture because of conventional perceptual ‘rules’ of perspective and so on, and will normally be thought of as constituting the subject matter of the painting….[/quote]
Now, the double use of ‘one’, and thus foregrounding it, is called ‘parallelism’…
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 13]So far I have given the impression that poets can only foreground parts of their poems by breaking the rules of language. But this is not so. Another obvious method of foregrounding is repetition, as we can see in example 4:
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
(William Shakespeare, As you like it, II, vii, 174)
It should be obvious that the repetition of blow makes it stand out, and that by inference we are likely to conclude that the wind has a greater, more prolonged force than usual, or that the speaker (Amiens) who is addressing the wind has stronger feelings about it than usual. In this case one word is repeated, but of course whole structures might be:
Example 5
Come hither, come hither, come hither.
(William Shakespeare, As you like it, II, v, 5)
Simple repetition is, however, a relatively restricted method of producing foregrounding. A much more interesting method is that of parallelism, where some features are held constant (usually structural features) while others (usually lexical items, e.g. words, idioms) are varied:
Example 6
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inequities.
(Isaiah, 53, v)[/quote]
You might have spotted other examples of parallelism above, but I have found:
The use of Cassiopaean(s) came up twice already, but one is an adjective, ‘Cassiopaean session’, and one is a Proper noun (…with the Cassiopaeans…). These words, themselves deviations themselves in spelling (Cassiopeia is the norm) as well as form, notifies the reader from the beginning that there are unfamiliar words ahead, and that their rules for grammar are multiple, thus adding complexity.
Notice as well the fact that the word 'time' comes up twice, but refer to entirely different things. The first 'time' (come up many times...) views 'time' as being a segment of time, and the author is counting these "segments of time" and placing them in hypothetical categories.
The second 'time', by contrast, is referring to the present, ongoing moment (...the time is right...). The dictionary has 75 definitions of the word time, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to ascertain which 'time' it is!
This will become important, starting with the C's communication on page 28, September 30, 1994...
Have you also noticed the large amount of phrasal verbs? There's 'come up', 'asking for', 'put off', and 'dealing with'. These phrasal verbs are all somewhat informal, which has the affect of shortening the distance between reader and author, but this could also create distance if the reader thinks it's unprofessional... We will get to that when we investigate the author's use of American slang later.
I couldn't help but notice also that the word 'many' came up three times, although two usages were determiners (many times/many people) and one was a phrase (so many), this gives the text a sense of 'manyness', for lack of a better word...
While we are on determiners, I'd like to just point out the specific use of 'this' (this mysterious...) and 'our' (our future experiences), both being spacially closer than 'that' or 'the' (how does ...asking for more details about the mysterious event... sound in comparison?), the author could've used everybody or other possessive determiners (a part of everybody's/the human race's future experiences), but 'our' just sounds much closer, like we are all on the same journey, doesn't it?
[quote author=Laura, 'The Wave']July 23, 1994
Q: (L) What is causing the Earth Changes?
A: Electromagnetic wave changes.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Gap in surge heliographic [i.e. relating to the Sun] field.[/quote]
Clear parallelism right there with the use of ‘changes’, it seems. Now, since the C’s didn’t answer using full sentences, it’s hard to really determine exactly what they mean, especially since their second answer, containing a very unusual word, ‘heliographic’, needed a side note!
There is ambiguity here, to be sure. However, I noticed that the term “Earth Changes” are both in capitals, and is actually one lexical item, that is, it is one word, like ‘sword fish’, for example. This would seem to point to the C’s response as being ONE lexical item too, “Electromagnetic wave changes”. It took me a long time to decide whether ‘Electromagnetic’ is an adjective or part of the lexical item, I decided on the latter because of the above observation, though other interpretations are possible.
Now, while I did colour-code every word in the above section, I decided at that point that this process, although allowing me to really get to the depths of the book, was still too time consuming, so I decided to stop colour coding the main body of text and only colour/look up the words in C’s communications, though keeping a watchful eye on the context of the whole.
I didn’t colour the hypnosis session with Candy, though I may do in the future when the book delves further into details about her specifically.
However, I did notice something very strange (And Creepy!) about something Candy said:
[quote author=The Wave, Page 27]A: All I can see is we have to get prepared.[/quote]
This sounds like ‘we’ are doing the ‘preparing’, right? The subjects are actively doing things in order to ‘get prepared’ for the wave. By the response, “How do we get prepared”, this shows that this is how the author interpreted it too.
[quote author=The Wave, Page 27]A: They are preparing us.[/quote]
Aha! We have to get prepared (BY THEM) is the real meaning! Who is ‘we’ then, exactly? I thought a lot about the meaning of that answer, it is certainly deviant in grammatical meaning, and brings up (in me) the idea of their being two types of humans on this planet, one type that rejecting the programme and thus “getting prepared”, and one that is embracing the programme and also “getting prepared”.
It’s funny how English is ambiguous in that way, and how Candy uttered those same words without real understanding of the conceptual inconsistency of what she said.
But then, I am speculating now… I am not in a position to truly understand these things yet anyway.
That’s it for now! I started this topic in order to outline the basics of stylistics, I have colour coded up to the end of the October 5, 1994 session, but it takes a long time to type up, so I hope to share more with you all at a later date.
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 1]Chapter 1
Who is stylistics?
1.1 Introduction
The short answer to the question ‘Who is stylistics?’ is that she is a friend of mine, and that I hope by the end of this book she might also become a friend of yours. You will find out who she is in the course of your reading; but another question you might like to ponder while you read this introductory chapter is why I have chosen that title for this chapter. I will tell you at the end of the chapter. The beginning of an answer to the question is that stylistics is an approach to the analysis of (literary) texts using linguistic description. Thus, in a book such at this, which is devoted exclusively to the analysis of literary texts, stylistics spans the borders of the two subjects, literature and linguistics. As a result, stylistics can sometimes look like either linguistics or literary criticism, depending upon where you are standing when you are looking at it. So, some of my literary critical colleagues sometimes accuse me of being an unfeeling linguist, saying that my analyses of poems, say, are too analytical, being too full on linguistic jargon and leaving insufficient room for personal preference on the part of the reader. My linguist colleagues, on the other hand, sometimes say that I am no linguist at all, but a critic in disguise, who cannot make his descriptions of language precise enough to count as real linguistics. They think that I leave too much to intuition and that I am not analytical enough. I think I’ve got the mix just right, of course!
If you already have some basic familiarity with linguistic you should have no difficulty with the various linguistic concepts I use in this book. …[/quote]
So, basically, that explains what stylistics is, it is “an approach to the analysis of (literary) texts using linguistic description.”
Notice that the word ‘literary’ is in brackets, which means that this approach can apply to non-literary texts, like the wave, which is what we will be tackling today.
Next, the author (Mick Short) describes the essential core of literary criticism, and can be summed up thusly:
Description -> Interpretation -> Evaluation
But, for our purposes, we won’t be going deeply into that, and instead focus our attention upon the technicalities/complexities of interpretation:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 4]…Let us take a more literary example, a metaphor:
Example 2
Come, we burn daylight, ho!
(William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, I, iv, 43)
Besides the basic kind of linguistic of the sort seen above, this time we also have to know that daylight cannot normally be the object of burn. The verb burn usually takes as its object a word or phrase which refers to something which can be burnt, but daylight does not fall into this category. It is only after deducing that what the line says cannot literally be true that we can go on to construct a non-literal interpretation for it (e.g. ‘we are wasting time’). Stylistics is thus concerned with relating linguistic facts (linguistic description) to meaning (interpretation) in as explicit a way as possible. And what is true for sentences here is also true for texts. When we read, we must intuitively analyse linguistic structure at various levels (e.g. grammar, sounds, words, textual structure) in order (again intuitively) to understand the sentences of a text and the relations between them. We usually perform this complex set of tasks so fast that we do not even notice that we are doing it, let alone how we do it. Our understanding of the linguistic form and meaning is thus implicit. But when we discuss literature, as critics do, we need to discuss meaning in an explicit fashion. Stylisticians suggest that linguistic description and its relationship with interpretation should also be discussed in as detailed a way as possible. One advantage of this is that when we disagree over the meaning to ascribe to a text or part of a text, we can use stylistic analysis as a means to help to decide which of the various suggestion are most likely. There may, of course, be more than valid interpretation, but, again, it is difficult to decide on such matters without detailed and explicit analysis. …[/quote]
The above applies to any text, but especially the C’s communication, where the questions and answers are so very open to interpretation. So, how do we come to a more objective interpretation?
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 7]Because we are all different from one another and yet agree on meaning to the extent that we do, we must have something in common that does the trick. In large part, that thing is the language we share (in this case English). But this means not just a shared knowledge of the structure of English (for example that ‘seem’ is a verb and ‘television’ is a noun; that ‘table’ is more closely connected with ‘chair’ than ‘carrot’, and so on), but also the common procedures of inference which we use in order to interpret utterances. As an example, let us return to the line from Romeo and Juliet, which we looked at earlier, Come, we burn daylight, ho! We noted before that daylight cannot normally be the object of burn. We can demonstrate this by constructing a normal paradigm (set of possible substitution instances) for the verb with which to compare the metaphorical construction:
Normal paradigm:
We burn paper
We burn wood
We burn coal
We burn oil
We burn fuel
Abnormal paradigm:
We burn daylight
By comparing the normal with the abnormal paradigm we can begin to see how the line gets its meaning. The object of burn has to denote a concrete, combustible material or be a more general term for such materials. When it is burnt it is destroyed or used up. A likely possible meaning for the phrase could be ‘we are using up daylight’. This is still a metaphor, although one which is fairly dead in English. We cannot physically use up daylight; but of course daylight is a medium which we use to do lots of things in, and if we do not use it properly then we may run out of time to do what needs to be done. In this sense, as in my original suggested interpretation, we can waste time. This may not be the only possible interpretation, of course, but note that there are many more meanings that are not valid for the line than ones that are. For example, it cannot possibly mean ‘it is raining’ or even ‘we keep ourselves warm’.[/quote]
So, by using inferences into normal/abnormal paradigms, we can rule out what it definitely doesn’t mean and hone in to what it could possibly mean. Here is more on that:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 8]Now let us take stock of what we have done with this line. We have compared an unusual clause with a set of constructed normal equivalents and we have used a combination of our knowledge about English and about the world in order to arrive at an interpretation. To understand the sentence completely we also have to see it in its context. In fact it is a joke in which the burning is literal and the daylight is metaphorical. It is dark at the time, and Mercutio, when he utters this sentene, is referring to the burning torches that the Montagues are holding as they go to gatecrash the Capulet ball where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. Thus we combine linguistic, contextual and general world knowledge, as the basis for inferring an appropriate interpretation. The meaning, then comes from the text, but notice that we cannot get at that meaning just by doing linguistic analysis (although that is an essential and important part of the process).[/quote]
The SOTT forum explicitly states (_,13581.0.html) that the C’s communications shouldn’t be read unless within the context of Laura’s work in works like the Wave, and I propose a systematic way of analysing the C’s communications within Laura’s own interpretation of it, where ‘we combine linguistic, contextual (Laura’s words) and general (and greater) world knowledge, as the basis for inferring an appropriate interpretation.
Let’s be more concise:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 8]The linguistic features in the text do not constitute the meaning in themselves; rather they constrain readers from inferring unreasonable meanings and prompt them towards the reasonable ones. We can see this more obviously by changing the various kinds of information at our disposal. If we change the linguistic structure, by replacing daylight with 'torches', the line becomes literally true in this context. If we change the situational context, having the conversation take place in the day-time, the ‘joke’ interpretation is ruled out. If we change our general world knowledge (by assuming that in our world important things are always done in the dark, for example), the line might indicate that the characters are at leisure. And changing the linguistic context will also change the meaning, if we pretend that the sentence comes from a twentieth-century article on fuel conservation, the meaning which we rejected earlier, ‘we keep ourselves warm’ might be more plausible – the utterance could be understood as an injunction to use solar heating as a source of heat and light, instead of coal or oil.[/quote]
For those who want to have a little fun with these ideas, here’s an exercise:
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 9] Exercise 1
Examine the metaphor the crimson seeds/of blood in the following extract from the beginning of ‘January’ by R.S. Thomas:
The fox drags its wounded belly
Over the snow, the crimson seeds
Of blood burst with a mild explosion,
Soft as excrement, bold as roses.
Why is the phrase metaphorical? What do you understand by the phrase? Try to work out the inferential steps which you would need to use to get from the structure of the phrase to the meaning you have assigned to it.[/quote]
I will demonstrate later how I personally analysed this poem.
Now, I want to let it be known here that my analysis of the 'normality' versus the 'abnormality' of the words within the C’s communications, in order for it to be as objective as possible, will be compared against the definitions in the ‘Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary’, this is because:
[quote author=Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, Page vii]The basis of the authority of Cobuild is the Bank Of English, part of Collins word web, still the largest collection of data of its kind in any language, and now containing 645,000,000 words. Decisions about which words to include as headwords in the dictionary, which meanings to draw attention to, which phrases to recognise as settled expressions in the language, and many other issues, are directly informed by the Bank Of English. The regular updating of this corpus ensures that this edition is up-to-date; new words and phrases constantly creep into the language, and sometimes establish themselves quickly, so the lexicographers keep a careful watch for them.
All the examples in this book are quoted from the rich selection that the corpus offers, and normally they are printed exactly as they occur in the text. In the choice of example, we pay careful attention to collocation – the significant co-occurrence of words – so that the examples are not only natural forms of expression, but also are reliable models of usage. Important collocations are also highlighted in the definitions, giving help with set lexical and grammatical patterns.
The Cobuild defining style is modeled on the way people explain the meanings of words to each other, and it is refreshingly direct, because the definitions are just normal sentences of English with the headword in bold face. This style is not only easier to understand than the usual way definitions are written, it also allows a lot of extra information to be presented in a natural way. Please read the definitions carefully and learn to take from them all the information that they provide.[/quote]
This corpus is a good representation of how English is expressed by the population that use it, while the Wave introduces the reader to a whole new world of concepts. So, in that way, the Wave is 'deviant', though without the negative connotations.
And here we have come to one of the major reasons for my sharing of this stylistic analysis. I have been keeping up to date with all the translation work going on at SOTT and, and I sincerely want to help.
See: _,25460.0.html
Since I have been translating the Wave into Chinese, I have experienced for myself the immense difficulties of trying to stay as close to the original meaning as is objectively possible, and, as an English teacher, I can attest to the fact that, if your English isn’t that good, then by reading the following analysis, which will contain definitions from this dictionary, I can assure you that your English will improve significantly, and hopefully allow you to express the subtle nuances in other tongues.
Other than that, I am also doing this analysis also to meditate deeply upon the material so that my own translations can be accurate, and hopefully also to inspire others to do the same. I know this kind of painstaking detail won’t be for everybody, but I for one think it’s a great deal of fun!
Thank you for your patience, below is the stylistic analysis:
Here is my colour code:
Auxiliary Verb
Colour Word
Combining Form (Blank is also a highlight when everything is highlighted!)
Link Verb
Modal Verb
Count Noun
Collective Count Noun
Family Noun
Noun in Names
Mass Noun
Plural Noun
Proper Noun
Collective Proper Noun
Plural Proper Noun
Singular Noun
Collective Singular Noun
Title Noun
Uncount Noun
Collective Uncount Noun
Variable Noun
Collective Variable Noun
Vocative Noun
Passive Verb
Phrasal Verb
Phrasal Preposition
Link Verb
Passive Verb
Reciprocal Verb
Passive Reciprocal Verb
The first step is identifying the word groups that each word belongs to, so the sentence:
Jane pushed Tommy.
Looks like this:
Jane pushed Tommy.
With your text in front of you, and a dictionary handy, you get a set of pencil crayons, and you just colour code all the ones you can first. I personally first highlight all the verbs, then the nouns, then the determiners, etc. Leaving blank the ones I am not so sure about (Note: Even if I’m 1% unsure, I will leave it blank, this shows me what I still need to learn), then you look in the dictionary to codify the ones you are not sure about, noting anything interesting that comes to mind as you do so (My Wave book is starting to look really colourful now!).
(Laura, I know it'll be weird to hear, but in the analysis I am be referring to you in the third person, as 'the author', if you want this changed, please let me know...)
[quote author=Laura, ‘The Wave’]The subject of The Wave has come up many times in the Cassiopaean sessions, and many people have written to me asking for more details about this mysterious event that is suggested to be a part of our future experiences.
It is such a vast subject with so many references, that I have put off dealing with it until now. But, the time is right, I think, to talk about some of these things.[/quote]
The key thing I noticed with the above section is the degree of uncertainty that is included in the passage, shown below:
But, the time is right, I think…
event that is suggested to be…
to talk about some of these things…
This shows a very careful usage of words by the author, who doesn’t want to show certainty for events that are, after all, very mysterious (…about this mysterious event…), and not to mention the vastness of the subject (…It is such a vast subject with so many references…).
I also found it interesting to note the use of the word ‘some’ highlighted above, where the author indicates that there is much more that is present in this vast subject, and these are just some of those things.
I also made a note of the phrase ‘so many’, in …with so many references…:
DEF: You use so much or so many when you are saying that there is a definite limit to something but you are not saying what the limit is.
This re-emphasises the sheer vastness of the subject, with so many references that the author doesn’t say where the limit is.
Notice also the Predeterminer ‘such’, determining ‘vast subject’.
So, from the very first paragraph, the author tries her best to impress upon the mind of the reader that the author herself finds it hard to know where the limit is to this “topic of topics”, but felt pressed enough to “give it a shot”, given the amount of questions that people have asked about the subject.
This indicates, “from the word go”, that the author has a tremendous amount of empathy for others, and works hard to give it her best.
[quote author=Laura, ‘The Wave’]In one of the earliest contacts with the Cassiopaeans, being in the “test mode,” I tossed a rather general question out one night:[/quote]
Look at the metaphor ‘toss’...
DEF: If you toss something, you throw it there lightly, often in a rather careless way.
EX: He screwed the ball into a ball and tossed it into the fire…
EX: He tossed Malone a can of beer, and took one himself.
And the author got way more than they bargained for, right? This is an interesting metaphor, and gives the impression that, from the sober attempt to share the work with everyone in the first paragraph, the author, when introducing the very first response the C’s gave regarding the Wave, didn’t really know what she was doing, thus encouraging the reader to “be prepared” for something BIG.
I also found it interesting how it wasn’t a specific contact on a specific night, but, rather, ONE of the earliest contacts, on ONE night, giving the sense that this came unexpectedly and truly “out of the blue”. This rings especially true for the latter use of ‘one’, since the date is actually printed directly below it.
Further, this double use of ‘one’ makes the sense of randomness stand out, it is ‘foregrounded’.
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 10]In fact, without giving it its technical term, I have, through the Romeo and Juliet example, introduced one of the most fundamental concepts in stylistics, namely that of linguistic deviation. Because daylight cannot normally turn up in English as object to the verb burn we can say that the line deviates from the rules of English. Poetry in particular uses much deviation, and so we will examine deviation as a key to our understanding of poems. But you should always remember that deviation turns up in other modes of literary writing, and indeed in non-literary writing as well…
Deviation, which is a linguistic phenomenon, has an important psychological effect on readers (and hearers). If a part of a poem is deviant, it becomes especially noticeable, or perceptually prominent. We call this psychological effect foregrounding. There are many ways in which poets can produce deviation and hence foregrounding, and we will shortly go on to look at some of those ways. But we will first consider the general nature of foregrounding and its textual purpose. The term foregrounding is borrowed from art criticism…
Art critics usually distinguish the foreground of a painting from its background. The foreground is that part of the painting which is in the centre and towards the bottom of the canvas. Note that the items which occur in the foreground of a painting will usually appear large in relation to the rest of the objects in the picture because of conventional perceptual ‘rules’ of perspective and so on, and will normally be thought of as constituting the subject matter of the painting….[/quote]
Now, the double use of ‘one’, and thus foregrounding it, is called ‘parallelism’…
[quote author=Mick Short, Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose, Page 13]So far I have given the impression that poets can only foreground parts of their poems by breaking the rules of language. But this is not so. Another obvious method of foregrounding is repetition, as we can see in example 4:
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
(William Shakespeare, As you like it, II, vii, 174)
It should be obvious that the repetition of blow makes it stand out, and that by inference we are likely to conclude that the wind has a greater, more prolonged force than usual, or that the speaker (Amiens) who is addressing the wind has stronger feelings about it than usual. In this case one word is repeated, but of course whole structures might be:
Example 5
Come hither, come hither, come hither.
(William Shakespeare, As you like it, II, v, 5)
Simple repetition is, however, a relatively restricted method of producing foregrounding. A much more interesting method is that of parallelism, where some features are held constant (usually structural features) while others (usually lexical items, e.g. words, idioms) are varied:
Example 6
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inequities.
(Isaiah, 53, v)[/quote]
You might have spotted other examples of parallelism above, but I have found:
The use of Cassiopaean(s) came up twice already, but one is an adjective, ‘Cassiopaean session’, and one is a Proper noun (…with the Cassiopaeans…). These words, themselves deviations themselves in spelling (Cassiopeia is the norm) as well as form, notifies the reader from the beginning that there are unfamiliar words ahead, and that their rules for grammar are multiple, thus adding complexity.
Notice as well the fact that the word 'time' comes up twice, but refer to entirely different things. The first 'time' (come up many times...) views 'time' as being a segment of time, and the author is counting these "segments of time" and placing them in hypothetical categories.
The second 'time', by contrast, is referring to the present, ongoing moment (...the time is right...). The dictionary has 75 definitions of the word time, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to ascertain which 'time' it is!
This will become important, starting with the C's communication on page 28, September 30, 1994...
Have you also noticed the large amount of phrasal verbs? There's 'come up', 'asking for', 'put off', and 'dealing with'. These phrasal verbs are all somewhat informal, which has the affect of shortening the distance between reader and author, but this could also create distance if the reader thinks it's unprofessional... We will get to that when we investigate the author's use of American slang later.
I couldn't help but notice also that the word 'many' came up three times, although two usages were determiners (many times/many people) and one was a phrase (so many), this gives the text a sense of 'manyness', for lack of a better word...
While we are on determiners, I'd like to just point out the specific use of 'this' (this mysterious...) and 'our' (our future experiences), both being spacially closer than 'that' or 'the' (how does ...asking for more details about the mysterious event... sound in comparison?), the author could've used everybody or other possessive determiners (a part of everybody's/the human race's future experiences), but 'our' just sounds much closer, like we are all on the same journey, doesn't it?
[quote author=Laura, 'The Wave']July 23, 1994
Q: (L) What is causing the Earth Changes?
A: Electromagnetic wave changes.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Gap in surge heliographic [i.e. relating to the Sun] field.[/quote]
Clear parallelism right there with the use of ‘changes’, it seems. Now, since the C’s didn’t answer using full sentences, it’s hard to really determine exactly what they mean, especially since their second answer, containing a very unusual word, ‘heliographic’, needed a side note!
There is ambiguity here, to be sure. However, I noticed that the term “Earth Changes” are both in capitals, and is actually one lexical item, that is, it is one word, like ‘sword fish’, for example. This would seem to point to the C’s response as being ONE lexical item too, “Electromagnetic wave changes”. It took me a long time to decide whether ‘Electromagnetic’ is an adjective or part of the lexical item, I decided on the latter because of the above observation, though other interpretations are possible.
Now, while I did colour-code every word in the above section, I decided at that point that this process, although allowing me to really get to the depths of the book, was still too time consuming, so I decided to stop colour coding the main body of text and only colour/look up the words in C’s communications, though keeping a watchful eye on the context of the whole.
I didn’t colour the hypnosis session with Candy, though I may do in the future when the book delves further into details about her specifically.
However, I did notice something very strange (And Creepy!) about something Candy said:
[quote author=The Wave, Page 27]A: All I can see is we have to get prepared.[/quote]
This sounds like ‘we’ are doing the ‘preparing’, right? The subjects are actively doing things in order to ‘get prepared’ for the wave. By the response, “How do we get prepared”, this shows that this is how the author interpreted it too.
[quote author=The Wave, Page 27]A: They are preparing us.[/quote]
Aha! We have to get prepared (BY THEM) is the real meaning! Who is ‘we’ then, exactly? I thought a lot about the meaning of that answer, it is certainly deviant in grammatical meaning, and brings up (in me) the idea of their being two types of humans on this planet, one type that rejecting the programme and thus “getting prepared”, and one that is embracing the programme and also “getting prepared”.
It’s funny how English is ambiguous in that way, and how Candy uttered those same words without real understanding of the conceptual inconsistency of what she said.
But then, I am speculating now… I am not in a position to truly understand these things yet anyway.
That’s it for now! I started this topic in order to outline the basics of stylistics, I have colour coded up to the end of the October 5, 1994 session, but it takes a long time to type up, so I hope to share more with you all at a later date.