Surgery for 10 and a Half Year Old Pug

anart said:
truth seeker said:
April said:
Thank you, Voyageur for those links and your support.

I received a card from the vet yesterday. It said this:

"I know your heart is heavy and you miss your soulful-eye sweetie. I have been around a lot of dogs but she had a quality of listening and understanding which was unusual and special. You made the most loving and kindest choice to give her body peace.

Take care,
Wow April, that was really nice! I wonder if it's usual for vets to do that?

I think Dr. Catherine has been an exceptional vet throughout this whole experience. It's also obvious that Ruby is a special dog, and April a special human.

Thank you, Anart. That is very kind of you to say this and it means a lot to me and I am sure to Ruby.
April, your little Ruby was so beautiful! Every dog that crosses our lives is for something, I know that for sure. Every dog in my life was and is a lesson, for me anyway. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. :hug2:
I received Ruby's individual cremains about week after she left but I am having a really hard time putting her ashes out to sea. When I first brought them home, it was raining and cold so used the excuse that it was too cold to walk out into the surf but when sunny days came last week I still couldn't do it.

A friend had told me a few years ago that keeping the ashes traps the soul so when I had Charlie cremated two years ago, I put him immediately out to sea so as to not trap his wee little soul here (and also I knew if I did not do it then I would procrastinate and not do it like I am now!).

Is there any truth to the notion that keeping the cremains, traps the soul here?
I have never heard such a thing before, April. Since the physical body is just the vehicle for the soul, when the soul departs, it is no longer attached to the 3D body. So I'd say it is just a superstition and it matters not where the ashes are.

If it gives you comfort not to spread them at sea, keep them near you. :hug2:
I have the ashes of one dog and the ashes of my prairie dog that died two years ago. I will keep them with me and when I die I wanted to be cremated with the ashes of my dears animals. I never hear about the soul of beings being trapped in the ashes. I think it is very personal. If you feel that the ashes had to be liberated, follow your intuition. For my part, I like to see the little beautiful boxes with the ashes of my beloved friends.
April said:
Is there any truth to the notion that keeping the cremains, traps the soul here?
My sense is that there is not any truth to it at all, so it really comes down to whether you want her ashes with you or in the sea - Ruby's soul is just fine either way. (at least to my understanding)
anart said:
April said:
Is there any truth to the notion that keeping the cremains, traps the soul here?
My sense is that there is not any truth to it at all, so it really comes down to whether you want her ashes with you or in the sea - Ruby's soul is just fine either way. (at least to my understanding)

I agree with Anart 100% here. I have one of my cats with me, and plan to have the other four as well after. Do what is in your heart to do.
Whew. Good. I want to keep them. Now I feel bad for not keeping Charlie's ashes. Thank you all for the replies.
and hopefully you will soon have another fragment of doggie soul pool in a live body to cheer you up
Thank you, Herr :)

Just got back from fetching Mr. Lightening. It was a long day with driving two and a half hours there and two and a half hours back. He was neutered yesterday so it was a long day for him too. He is sweet and a very good looking boy. He has big rolls of loose skin but is not fat at all. He only weighs 12.8 pounds and is a sexy beast!

He favors his left hind leg but the skin yeast infection at the end of his back and tail is clearing up with the antibiotics. I am sure it will clear up with diet and natural/homeopathic stuff too. I wonder if it is standard treatment for a yeast infection to treat with antibiotics only? Seems like it would kill all of the bad bacteria and not treat the candida?

The shelter manager did not know his vaccine history so she started him on a series of vaccines like you would for a puppy. Today, talked her out of giving the final mutli- vaccine since he just had surgery yesterday with all of the anethesia in his system and said that I would follow-up at my vet for the third vaccination. He had his Rabies vaccine on 4/9/12.

Should I even follow-up with that third parvo/adenovirus/type 2 Parainfluenza vaccine?
Good luck to you and Mr. Lightening, April. :) And I don't think antibiotics do anything for yeast/candida infections. But see what Herr Eisenheim has to say about it and your other questions.
It definitely doesn't sound right. Most probably it is not a yeast infection if it is clearing with antibiotics.
Glad you didn't give him the vaccine while he is on antibiotics.
How old is the pup and how many vaccines ( apart from rabies) he has received so far in total and when?
SeekinTruth said:
Good luck to you and Mr. Lightening, April. :) And I don't think antibiotics do anything for yeast/candida infections. But see what Herr Eisenheim has to say about it and your other questions.

Thank you, SeekingTruth. I thought it was strange that he is on only antiobiotics. I can understand if antibiotics is needed for a secondary infection to the yeast infection but it did seem odd odd not to treat the candida too.

I wonder if some good probiotics, diet, raw apple cider vinegar in his drinking water, raw acv/water rinse topically on the skin then a good detox would be in order.
Herr Eisenheim said:
It definitely doesn't sound right. Most probably it is not a yeast infection if it is clearing with antibiotics.
Glad you didn't give him the vaccine while he is on antibiotics.
How old is the pup and how many vaccines ( apart from rabies) he has received so far in total and when?

When the owners surrendered him to the shelter they listed him at six years old but the vet thought he was seven.

I think that he has had two DPP2 vaccines. It appears like two labels with two separate serial numbers were pasted on his chart but they are overlapping so you can only actually see the title of Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2-Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Vaccine . I emailed the shelter manager for clarification and am waiting to hear back.

His Kennel Notes list that the first DPP2 was given on 03/31/12 and the second one due on 04/14/12. When I went to pick him up the shelter manager said that she had not yet given him the second one on April 14th. Then when I got home and looked at his notes, it looks like there are two stickers. So the info she gave me conflicts with his chart or maybe she is just confused or maybe it was a two injection combo? Have no idea.

He also had his intranasal Parainfluenza Bordetella Bronchispetic on 03/31/12.

His skin has improved but not sure if the yeast is actually clearing up (or it is not yeast like you say) or if it is just the secondary infection that is cleared up?

I will call the vet that treated him on Monday to get the scoop on what they treated for. He has to have his sutures out in 10-14 days so I will take him to my local vet for a check-up too.

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