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UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

Locksmith said:
I have watched at least a half a dozen videos of this event and do not see any anything so far that would lend credibility to the suggestion that it was staged. And, I can't imagine what would lead anyone so far to read that into this event. Now, it may have been staged on the side of these keystone, uhh campus cops. That indeed is a real possibility.
Reality as we perceive it is a consensual 'agreement.' I would assume that there was an agreement between Kerry and the audience to meet for a discussion. That was the reality. It was an agreement between Kerry and the students to discuss things. Now, if the student who was arrested was in such strong disagreement with Kerry and did not really want to discuss things as per the agreement then why was he even there at all? The cops were simply there for order.

There are ways to do things creatively within the context of a given situation and there are ways not to. It seems that the student was using his anger for 'creative destruction,’ which is aligned with the agenda of the pathocracy that pulls the puppet strings on all of our politicians, including Kerry. So the end result of all this fighting at this meeting was to serve the purposes of the pathocracy. Maybe everyone in the audience could have simply stood up and walked out to show their dissatisfaction with Kerry, or perhaps they could have expressed their anger by all asking certain key questions and if it was not answered to their satisfaction they could have simply walked out firmly and decisively? Perhaps the press would not even have covered it but they would still have at least set off some butterfly wings in their own immediate community.

This event may not have been staged in the sense that everyone knew what they were doing. My point is that it was a mechanical unfoldment of "unconscious dupes' who could not have (re)acted any other way but the way they did within a pathocratic system that they are not educated on. The end result of anyone trying to change things who are not educated in this respect results in more divisions such as between police vs. the people, democrats vs. republicans, old vs. young, black vs. white and so on.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

"This is a second [angel] (and more stable)" *with MSNBC-damage control-comment

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3ec_1190097717&p=1 (with him being led away and read his arrest'reason'*)

*inciting a riot.

Part 2:

Part 3:

(random comment found @ youtube:)

teddydgx (1 hour ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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"F**k... if i were the audience i just left man"

this whole incident reminds me of:
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

The police officers were ready to take action if Meyer did anything unusual because Meyer has a bit of a reputation at the University of Florida. On 9/11, he was the only individual standing in the midst of students going to class silently protesting. One top of that, his favorite movie is Zeitgeist, as seen on his website:


So yes, the cops were already prepared for something to happen; that is precisely why they were standing so close to him from the start. The mainstream media has already begun the smearing process on mere suggestions that his arrest was justified because of his behavior. Instead of questioning his arrest, they are questioning the way he behaved. By simply looking at the videos, it's easy to see that the police officers were quick to react in removing him before even giving him some type of verbal warning.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

A discrepancy - someone is lying.

Shane quoted a poster on youtube:
I couldnt get to my camera in time to record his entrance, but this guy basically comes running in with 4 or 5 cops in tow and says he has been running around trying to get in to ask a question and the cops are going to arrest him for it. they almost do it then but Sen. Kerry says he will answer it. he then answers a previous question someone else asked (i cut that part out because it isnt important to this video) then the guy asks his questions and when he is done all hell breaks lose.
But Locksmith quoted Opednews.com:
Opednews said:
Did you get that America? A student who was attending an open forum at a school that he paid to attend, was asking a legitimate question during a question and answer period and was assaulted and tasered by police.
So was he legitimately at this event, or did he barge in uninvited with cops in tow? This makes a big difference.

However, if he barged in, why did they not arrest him and let him even talk at all and only arrest him AFTER the question? If the guy barged into a conference with Kerry followed by a bunch of cops, I'd imagine they wouldn't just wait for him to say what he has to say first, they'd arrest him as soon as they got to him. So that just doesn't add up in my mind. Could we be having a little cointelpro in youtube spreading confusion and "muddying" the details of what happened with different stories so that no one really knows just what really happened?

So there are some questions. Was any part of this event staged, and if so, at what level, and to what extent? Who gave the order to arrest him? They just went to him and grabbed him - what triggered this? Did someone say "Ok take him guys" or did they see a clear threat? Or did they know ahead of time? Or were they "programmed" for this whole thing? It's odd that the group of cops just rushed to him - how did they all know to do it at that exact moment? Why did he keep fighting the cops - because he emotionally felt wronged and violated or for some other reason? One possible reason I can think of why he didn't do this off camera is not necessarily because he was just "faking" this, but perhaps he wanted to make an impression on the people that this is fascist. There is no point struggling and yelling when there are no people or cameras - the cops don't care, the point was to get this across to the people watching, osit. He asked a good question while struggling - "why are you arresting me?"

However in the end he was tasered while being held by 6 cops. He didn't win. Nobody stood up for him. It was over. This video will make people think twice in the future before trying something like that again. Perhaps that really was the point.

Now we have a new story that is somewhere between "just a student attending a forum" and "a guy barging in with cops on his tail" - that he was an activist in the past, and they expected "trouble" - but what sort of trouble, critical questions? The only thing is, if he is just being stupid and emotional and mechanical - he shoots himself in the foot, and plays right into the hands of the PTB. So if that's the case, it might be a good example of why activism without the necessary Work on self is generally just used by PTB for their own advantage.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

kenlee said:
Reality as we perceive it is a consensual 'agreement.' I would assume that there was an agreement between Kerry and the audience to meet for a discussion. That was the reality. It was an agreement between Kerry and the students to discuss things. Now, if the student who was arrested was in such strong disagreement with Kerry and did not really want to discuss things as per the agreement then why was he even there at all? The cops were simply there for order.
Yes, the abstraction you describe seems a proper description of the overall event at that level. I also agree Meyer was assertive beyond propriety, but it does not follow that physical force was the proper remedial action.

It is also quite obvious that cops on assigned patrols and specific duty are there for protection and to preserve the peace. That is the social agreement we have with those we hire to police us. Granted, that agreement has become strained with the modern day momentum of insane and corrupt politicians pushing petty laws like pills for every whim and for purposes of their next election. And, granted that this puts the police into very difficult positions where often their first course has become proactive rather than restrained peace keeping.

My concern is that this was an open public forum, and since when do we put the campus cops in charge of instructing attendees (Meyer being one) both verbally and by written note as to what time and content are permissible; who put the campus cops in charge of shutting off the microphone (only assuming that they, and not some unseen forum administrator, cut it off); and who gave the cops the OK to move physically on Meyer and evict/arrest him from the forum, given that he had not done anything wrong other that being somewhat obnoxious but nevertheless relevant to past behavior the main forum participant.

Did the cops take it upon themselves to dictate what a proper dialog should be within the context of the consensual 'agreement' your abstraction puts forth? No matter what one thinks of Meyer's behavior, it was still a dialog, albeit one-sided, up to the point of physical intervention by the cops. There was no call for the protection of anyone there. No one had been threatened nor felt they were in any danger. Simply put, the campus cops had no valid reason for taking action at the point that they did take action.

I would like to know who in the forum, the campus police department or the university was responsible for the police taking this action. If it was simply the police acting from their own volition then they are solely to blame and must be redressed by the state and university. It may have been instructed by the forum organizers, or the university itself. Perhaps someone on Kerry's staff sensed a need for action. I don't know the answer, but I think that the causation for the police move is critical to any understanding of the resulting outcome that ensued.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
The only thing is, if he is just being stupid and emotional and mechanical - he shoots himself in the foot, and plays right into the hands of the PTB. So if that's the case, it might be a good example of why activism without the necessary Work on self is generally just used by PTB for their own advantage.
Ed and Elaine Brown, the tax protestor couple under seige in Vermont comes to mind. There was an interesting forum thread wherein SOTT was being criticized by a new member (now banned) obsessed with getting everyone to stop paying their taxes, grab a lightsaber, and stand up to the fascist swine. ( http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6295 ) When the now banned member wasn't exhorting others to outright revolution, he asked "What if they taxed and nobody paid?"...a take on "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Such a concept might work...if everyone did it. That just ain't gonna happen without everyone doing the Work.

Knowledge does protect. I'm only beginning to recognize my programs and mechanicalness via the Work. In the past, I've shot myself in the foot (even put myself and another person in some danger from local PTB types) when I confronted a political/societal issue using the wrong tactics. My emotions got the better of me and I wound up not accomplishing what I had set out to do.

Sigh. We're going to see a lot of ugly situations...contrived or begot out of ignorance...involving authoritative torture and control in the near future.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

Staged or not, any1 who says the kid knew what he was in for & got what he deserved is not thinking clearly. What threat does one sober unarmed student (wait, he was holding a book, I think) pose that 6 trained policemen can't negate w/ a pair of handcuffs? Why the taser? From my own experience w/ law enforcement, the answer is this: "You dare to question/resist US? We'll show YOU." This may be the small picture, but its how I feel. I've no love nor trust for "law enforcement." PEACE
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

I am not sure, but to me it looks like a staged event, with a message to everybody (as Ominous wrote):

"You dare to question/resist US? We'll show YOU."
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

Zadius Sky said:
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Here is what someone could've done that I think might have worked though. Get up, and just say to the cops/Kerry, "I am out of here. All who agree that this is fascist brutality, I ask you to get up and peacefully leave as well. I for one will not sit here after this, because this is brutal and disgusting. He did nothing wrong. Good bye." Then just walk out, and *hopefully* get a bunch of people walking out with you, hopefully everybody. Who is Kerry gonna give a speech to when nobody is there? The cops?

Honestly, it's like that quote, "What if they declared war and nobody showed up?".

Even if nobody follows you, just leave. Do you really need to hear the rest of the interview after THIS!? I think "they" said everything they need to say with their fascist actions. Anyone else have any similar ideas? Never know when you find yourself in a similar situation, what would you guys do?

Never know when you find yourself in a similar situation, what would you guys do?
I would have walked out even if I'm alone. But, would I be stopped or arrested for doing so? Or even shot? I don't know if I've seen it or not...but did anyone in the video ever walked out after that incident and because of that incident?
Shot ? No! Not for leaving the audience, and not just yet on that fast track towards that totally insane control of other human beings. That is why I would have walked out as well.

But as to why it did not happen, one should also consider the sheer shock of that particular moment, that sudden burst of overt violence that passed that room. Many get paralyzed literally, in their mind, their physical body, and their emotional body. Like a sudden loop in which they get stuck. Before they are well out of that loop Kerry was answering other questions with his deep and “intimidating” voice. Is it possible that they might than say to themselves in another self-reflective loop, pfff, after all everything is still dandy, and who was that trouble maker anyway?
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

A lot of spin happening. There's a good collection of articles arranged chronologically here:

One thing I'm noticing is that the discussion seems to be straying from the incident itself to factors surrounding the incident; talk of what Meyers did or did not do when cameras were present, his website and associated pranks, his demeanor and language when asking his questions... to me all of this is irrelevant.

What matters is a student who paid to goto UF went to a public forum and asked a government official three questions. In response, they cut his mic, arrested and tasered him. That's all the matters, and its infinitely beyond acceptable. Talk of "investigations" and "repremands" is obviously a band-aid solution, and no one wants to see what this incident really represents.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

The Daily show said he kinda deserved it, or at least the presented the same line as mainstream media... but with a joke about him being a douche to make their show 'funny'.
I think they showed about 5 mainstream clips and all of them spun it so the cops seems to do the 'right thing'.
I think the Jon steward have become outdated since a while back, they still can do a good Bush and Cheney bash but thats about it from them thats newsworthy.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

I noted this piece published yesterday:

WhereTheyLive.org is Launched

Diary Entry by sherry clark

Tell A Friend

In Response to Florida Taser Outrage, Dr. Kevin Barrett of MuJCA.com launches website to respond effectively to abuses of power. In an era when the authorities and the media they own are ignoring most forms of peaceful protest, WhereTheyLive.org might be one solution...


So, inspired by Father Frank Morales, and horrified by the tasering of a young man who asked John Kerry some very good questions, I have created WHERETHEYLIVE.ORG (I have registered the domain name; anyone who wants to help build the site is welcome to contact me at kevin@mujca.com)

WHERETHEYLIVE.ORG is founded in the spirit of Thoreau, Gandhi, King, Abdul-Ghaffar Khan, and the many other heroes of principled nonviolent resistance.

It will publicize the home addresses of those who are alleged to have seriously abused their power over others, for the purpose of facilitating NONVIOLENT demonstrations on public property outside those home addresses.

I just called the University of Florida Police Department at (352) 392-1111 to ask them for the names, home addresses and phone numbers of the officers who assaulted the young man. I was, of course, refused. The next step is to put out a call to everyone in or around the University of Florida to help us identify these officers and find out where they live. Their home addresses will be posted as soon as they are available and the website is up, and people in the area will be asked to show up to picket in front of their homes until these officers are fired and prosecuted for assault.

This action is a small step but may have potential for powerful results. I believe the act of shunning/shaming those clearly identified as true perpetrators of injustice is a very powerful method of stopping or retarding future violations. The act of publishing home addresses of those who violate traditional rights and common decency may not shame a psychopath, but it likely will have profound effects on some that are near to them. This, in turn, should diminish their ability to function as they did before. It also should have the positive effect of reverberating throughout their colleagues and further deter future draconian action.

Of course, not all of the campus cops, or cops in general, are psychopaths. The lawful and peaceful shunning of the non-psychopathic cop, or their colleagues, should produce a much more dramatic effect.

The pathocracy is shown to have no clothes when their praetorian guard is removed, or even partially removed. This may aid in the process of stripping bare these vile people; from the bottom up. In the case at hand, the U. of Florida incident of 17SEP2007, there are likely powers present that caused the campus cops to behave in the gross manner that the did. By personally spotlighting offending guards, and eventually taking away their desire/ability to commit unrestrained assault, those whom they guard should become more vulnerable and perhaps more accountable for their decision and actions.

It's only a hope at present, but we need hope. If people get behind this method and point (spotlight) the rogue guards, we may just effect change. I know it isn't the final answer, but it is one method that is at hand now. Politicians (probably mostly psychopaths or near to it) on all levels will despise this method. If we stand behind it they will live by it until they can worm a way around it. But, for now they may just start doing what we want done.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

LockSmith said:
This action is a small step but may have potential for powerful results.
Or disasterous results. I don't think publishing anyone's personal information online, even a draconian cop, is the answer, or even a good idea. First - who says these cops did not simply follow orders? If that's the case, they have to do that. Second, I think the point is that you cannot "threaten the system". It just fights back, harder, and dirtier. You cannot fight psychopaths by threatening them. Then they use that against you. There is a billion ways to "twist" the reason for publishing the personal information of these cops - even if your intention was peaceful protest, the media can so easily turn that into anything they want. Then everybody is only going to be set against you.

I think the point is not to play with psychopaths at their own game, they have perfected this game. The point is to bring their actions to the attention of the people, not to the attention of the psychopaths themselves. I find this website and its intentions highly suspect. It may easily be cointelpro, considering the things they are attempting to do and the potnetial disaster that can, and most likely will, result. If it's not cointelpro, it looks like it is being stupid, or perhaps manipulated BY an agent to do this in the first place.

LockSmith said:
I believe the act of shunning/shaming those clearly identified as true perpetrators of injustice is a very powerful method of stopping or retarding future violations. The act of publishing home addresses of those who violate traditional rights and common decency may not shame a psychopath, but it likely will have profound effects on some that are near to them.
You cannot shame or shun a psychopath. I'm not saying those cops are psychopaths, but psychopaths are clearly involved and are most likely responsible for this situation, and those who are involved but aren't psychopaths were just manipulated by the psychopaths into thinking they were doing "the right thing". So you're not teaching them about why what they did was wrong, you're not helping them out of their manipulation, you're just protesting actions that in their mind were RIGHT - and that will just annoy/irritate them, and make the psychopaths in the background giggle at the golden opportunity you're giving them to turn it against you.

LockSmith said:
This, in turn, should diminish their ability to function as they did before. It also should have the positive effect of reverberating throughout their colleagues and further deter future draconian action.
I honestly don't think that's a probable result. It can easily be spun as an attack on a cop who was just doing his job. Then the other cops will just get angry that their buddies got this treatment, and will "fight back" with even more draconian action. The psychopaths will, meanwhile, continue to giggle at the whole thing.

LockSmith said:
Of course, not all of the campus cops, or cops in general, are psychopaths. The lawful and peaceful shunning of the non-psychopathic cop, or their colleagues, should produce a much more dramatic effect.
I think it should be explained to all people what's wrong with this event, again, because the people are ultimately in charge of what is allowed in this world. Maybe write a respectful letter to the cops to explain why people are upset over this, and why this action is draconian. But protesting outside of their window is most likely just going to seriously upset them.

LockSmith said:
By personally spotlighting offending guards, and eventually taking away their desire/ability to commit unrestrained assault, those whom they guard should become more vulnerable and perhaps more accountable for their decision and actions.
But I just don't see how the cop, who follows orders, can do that, if he is just following orders and doing what in his perception is "protecting and serving". You'd have to explain to the cop the problem - to change his perspective. But you have to do so gently, very gently, not to arouse his defense programs. A protest outside his window will just kick off his defense programs, osit.

I mean I may be wrong here, but this is the thoughts I have regarding this action and its potential consequences. Are there examples historically where this has ever had the effect that you expect it to have?
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
A protest outside his window will just kick off his defense programs, osit.
...Along with the ponerized defense programs of his colleagues.

ScioAgapeOmnis has brought up some excellent points...especially the point about not be able to shame a psychopath. Heck, it's difficult to shame souled beings who are asleep and/or have shut down their consciences due to Transmarginal Inhibition and a steady stream of lies, justifications, etc. coming from the PTB-controlled media, plus other sources.

A protest outside the homes of the police officers involved is a PTB dream. Most cops have wives and kids. That kind of situation would only serve to stir up support and/or sympathy for the cops (who may or may not be psychopathic...just more ponerized than the majority of folks on this planet) amongst their own kind...as well as the public who would identify with a family 'under seige' rather than look into the details of the event that spawned it.

Don't let your emotions over this event get the best of you, LockSmith. Focusing on the individuals involved must be done in a strategic manner. Think about it. All that is needed to further the PTB torture agenda is for a group of upset people to gather in front of a policeman's home. Maybe these protestors will remain calm and not cause any trouble. If you've learned anything about the PTB tactics...there are ways to stir up things and wave false flags. Throw in more policeman who will surely be on hand to make sure there is no trouble (and who are unhappy that a fellow cop's family home is under 'attack') and well...you get the picture. I hope.

Now, a protest against tasering torture in general, using the latest event (and over 200+ deaths caused by Tasers) as an example held in a public place might carry more weight. There was to be such a protest in San Jose, however it was cancelled due to 'low interest.' There have been some protests organized on campuses across the country, which is a start.
UF Student Tasered at John Kerry Speech

NormaRegula said:
Don't let your emotions over this event get the best of you, LockSmith. Focusing on the individuals involved must be done in a strategic manner.
Yes, it's interesting how when emotions get worked up by an event like this, and people feel a need to do somthing about it - anything - that the first idea that comes down the pike, incorporating names like Gahndi, King, Khan and Thoreau (rather odd mix, really, but I get the point) - the worked up emotions jump up on the bandwagon without giving the intellect a second or two to consider the ramifications.

I deeply understand the frustration of watching the world go up in flames and no one 'doing' anything to stop it - anything would be better than nothing, right?

They're going to be peaceful demonstrations, right?

Then, they should be demonstrations at the Police Department - not at the private homes of the officers involved - that takes it to a very emotional, very personal level and sets the entire enterprise up to end in violence.

The base idea of publishing people's home addresses on the internet is seriously flawed - who is to decide which 'wrong doers' deserve this treatment? Who is to decide when less striking examples of 'wrongdoing' are enough to get on this list? It is a system ripe for ponerogenisis, if it isn't a set up to begin with.

I do understand the frustration, but in order to have an inpact, must one act strategically and if you think that the psychopaths running the show don't know enough about human emotional response to set up something like this perfectly, then you're kidding yourself. From my perspective, the fact that these people want to picket homes and not the Police Department is a big red flag. It may just be the result of frustration with a system that does not work and is rotten to the core, but at the very least it indicates a serious lack of foresight. fwiw.
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