The Force is Strong With This One
Open letter to Roberto Santiago regarding UF Tasering incident
If only I hadn't gotten thrown out of high school.
Wanna, be my editor, Laura? - just kidding, kinda.
I do a bit of internet activism with such letters.
How do I get this BBCode tag to work for me - I'm such a dummy sometimes.
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answered my own question. I'm a little less a dummy than I thought, maybe.
Ahh, difference and distinction. The distinction was not intended by me.Laura said:Also, my pet peeve: the difference between imply and infer. Think of it this way:
Imply = to hint or suggest or "toss out a suggested meaning" (like a ball)
Infer = to "catch the meaning" that has been tossed by another or to derive a suggested meaning from something that has been said.
When you wrote: "as if quantum theory or the theory of relativity infers something kooky", I think you meant "implies".
If only I hadn't gotten thrown out of high school.
Wanna, be my editor, Laura? - just kidding, kinda.
I do a bit of internet activism with such letters.
How do I get this BBCode tag to work for me - I'm such a dummy sometimes.
[edit 2]
answered my own question. I'm a little less a dummy than I thought, maybe.