Taser's in the News - Put your taser article here!

16 Year Old Suffering an Epileptic Seizure gets Tasered 12 times...

harpoonflyby said:
There is no such thing as a "well placed shot", police are not marksmen, they're trained to hit vital zones to stop an imminent threat.
Although it seems that lately they've been considering everything an imminent threat, like little old ladies, people in wheel chairs, and someone not getting out of their car right away after being pulled over for speeding.

harpoonflyby said:
If that imminent threat is perceived to be me, somehow, then please by all means juice me.
So you have no objection to being "juiced" even if you truly posed no threat because the officer was in a bad mood or just has very "poor judgement" (to put it nicely) about what constitutes an imminent threat?
harpoonflyby said:
I'll take my chances.
Would you be saying that if you were not in a perfect physical health or young/old and your "chances" were pretty low? Seems like you're not thinking that what you're saying would apply to others who cannot afford to "take their chances" quite so easily.

harpoonflyby said:
But put the guns away, the lethality of the two are clear.
The fact that tasers are perceived to be less lethal I think adds to the fact that cops are less likely to think twice about firing one. And that probably makes the situation worse, since they don't neglect to "juice" people with very little provocation. I may be wrong but it seems like it creates a much more pervasive atmosphere of oppression and fear of "authority" - since people know that if before cops wouldn't necessarily shoot them, now with all these "non-lethal" suppression/torture devices, there's probably a much better chance to be brutally (but non-fatally) tortured for minor offences or nothing at all. Factor in all the people who are much more susceptible to such torture devices and are likely to die from it, and the non-lethality factor is much less certain than we're told.

harpoonflyby said:
My real point however, a weapon's misuse is a symptom of ponerology, not of the technology itself.
I disagree - I think the very existance of weapons is a symptom of ponerology and that any use of such devices is already "misuse". We're being told that they are necessary for society and grow up brainwashed with that concept so we never question it. We accept police and armies as normal and necessary part of maintaining order, that it's the only way this can be accomplished. Similarly, some parents cannot imagine how one could bring up a child without beating them, mostly due to ignorance, laziness, and apathy - all of which are induced and maintained by ponerology.

harpoonflyby said:
It'd be no different if we were talking about a karate chop.
Not necessarily - you can control the force and damage you inflict with your own hands much better than you can with a taser or a gun - and so adjust it based on situation. Cops don't look for more creative/constructive/appropriate ways to address a situation now that they have tasers as the "quick and easy solution". It just gives more power to the more psychopathic ones and ponerizes the rest even further, osit.

If you add to this all the other "non lethal" weaponry - like microwaves and other new gadgets, you create the situation where the population is basically being conditioned to the reality of torture and suppression on almost any occasion. Go to an anti-war rally? Expect tear gas, microwaves, rubber bullets, and pepper spray. Don't get out of the car fast enough? Expect electric shocks. It's not hard to see that this quickly leads to the atmosphere of regular people being nervous about police and law enforcement for fear of doing something "wrong" or saying something "wrong" and quickly ending up on the other end of a "non-lethal" torture/suppression device. What a great way to keep people in fear and oppression and at the same time hide behind the excuse that "it's all non-lethal weapons (unless you're too frail to handle it...), so we can use them a lot more than we can use things like guns and it's for your own protection".

The effect of this is not a reduction in crime (MAYBE to some extent petty insignificant crime like speeding although I'd like to see any data for that, but certainly not psychopaths who run all the criminal organizations of this planet but also your garden variety psychopaths). The effect is suppression and induction of fear into the vast majority of normal people who are not "criminals" by any sensible use of that word (unless you count speeding and traffic violations and other very minor offenses a reason to call someone a criminal).
16 Year Old Suffering an Epileptic Seizure gets Tasered 12 times...

If someone adds to the use of Tasers, the existance and constant development of anti-riot and population control "non-lethel" weapons which use chemicals, microwaves, ultra sounds, ELF, etc. together with surveillance UAVs and robots like BigDog then the situation becomes mope clear and creepy.

Why the gothering such an arsenal of weapons against the public? There is more to this than mere "technology advancements" in my opinon. There is an obvious purpose to these weapons and we should definitely raise our alert. The extended use of Tasers today seems only like the first step, which also serves the double purpose of testing public response and also desensiting public to the use of such technologies. Tasers are as inhuman as they are dangerous.

I would be more positively biased towards such technologies if on the same time "our society" was also taking care with the same zeal to reduce hunger and poverty which are the main reasons for most "criminal" behaviours. But the case seems to be just the opposite, isn't it?
16 Year Old Suffering an Epileptic Seizure gets Tasered 12 times...

Spyraal said:
I would be more positively biased towards such technologies if on the same time "our society" was also taking care with the same zeal to reduce hunger and poverty which are the main reasons for most "criminal" behaviours. But the case seems to be just the opposite, isn't it?
I think hunger and poverty would add to "petty" crimes like stealing a loaf of bread from the store. Cuz psychopaths and narcissists don't commit crimes out of "need", but normal people who are driven to desperation might be more tempted to do some things "under the table" if that means they and their family can continue to eat and have a roof over their heads. And also a state of desperation might lead to dissatisfaction with government and more incentive to dissent and complain and protest. Considering these new weapons are used on exactly this kind of "criminal", it becomes pretty interesting that the economy is doing so badly. Seems like they want people to be desperate so that they have an excuse to use these things and get the population used to it before engineering a total collapse and a complete open control.

Also the French government wants French ISP's to start blocking child porn, terrorism, and "hate" websites:


Of course they reserve the right to decide which is which, and they are asking for lists:

article said:
The plan, part of a larger effort to fight cybercriminality, is to go into effect in September when a "black list" will be built up based on input from Internet users who signal sites dealing with the offensive material, the minister said.
Ok so make a list of all the websites that offend you in some way and send them to the government! Funny how we jumped from child porn and terrorism to "offensive" all within the same article!

Honestly the closest thing to what a "terrorist" website might be are all the mainstream media websites and official government websites, since they create and sponsor "terrorism", and do nothing but lie. But something tells me it's the dissenting websites, who in reality are fighting terrorism and spread the truth, will be labeled "terrorist" and blocked.

Yup the noose of control is tightening from all sides indeed.
Taser repository thread

Ten people detained on suspicion of spying on ex-presidential candidate

Article published on the 2008-10-14 Latest update 2008-10-14 15:16 TU
Angela Diffley

Ten people were detained by Paris police on Tuesday on suspicion of spying on Olivier Besancenot, the spokesman for France's Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR) party. Besancenot is a former presidential candidate and while he took only four per cent of the vote in 2007, he is regularly identified as one of the most popular politicians on the left in France.
A spying plot on Olivier Besancenot?

The ten brought into custody include policemen, detectives from a private detective agency and Antoine di Zazzo, the head of the company that sells Taser guns in France. They were detained as part of a probe into claims by Besancenot, following an investigation by Express magazine, that he has been spied on from October 2007 to January this year.

SMP technologies is taking Besancenot to court for having referred to the number of people who have died in the US from Taser pistols which fires 50,000 volts as a "non-lethal" deterrant. This trial is due to open next week on 20 October.

Beseancenot has said Di Zazzo is "seeking 50,000 euros from me just because I drew attention to an Amnesty International report", referring to an Amnesty document that says Taser weapons have caused hundreds of deaths and have called for a moratorium on their use.

Di Zazzo is suspected of having commissioned police, private detectives and bank employees to spy on the LCR spokesman. Last May the businessman denied the accusations saying, "We never asked to have Mr. Besancenot followed - Why would we? His private life is of interest to us."

The suspicions concern the consulting of the vehicle registation and bank account details of Besancenot as well as photographs of his partner and child outside their home.

Reports in France on Tuesday claimed a link had already been established between the detective agency, which is run by a former police officer, and Di Zazzo's SMP Technologies.

News of the detentions comes shortly after opposition in France to a new Intelligence-gathering bill, called Edvige. Besancenot said the allegation of the spying plot was "one more reason to oppose Edvige."

Re: Taser effect on bullock

Gads, that is HORRIBLE. And they think this is okay for humans???

Re: Taser effect on bullock

Ooooo... yeow

How long will it be until police argue that because
their hands are tied up with the Taser that it needs
both a 'stun' and a 'kill' setting?

French Reveal Plans for Taser Flying Saucer


Ouest France
february 8 2008
page 3

Flight demonstration of Taser France drone at in the city of Reims. Can ship a camera, a movie camera and a Taser Gun. May be experienced by police during 2009.
Re: French Reveal Plans for Taser Flying Saucer

Another pic of the "Flying Saucer".

Antoine Di Zazzo, France Teaser Chairman and Jean Louis Naudin inventor of the machine "Quadri France".
Re: French Reveal Plans for Taser Flying Saucer

Ellipse said:
Another pic of the "Flying Saucer".

wow, looking at the grins on their faces, i wonder if the amount of money they'll receive is enough to abate the shame of ushering in a new level of police oppression. or perhaps said shame is nonexistent. "check it out! look how many people we'll seriously injure! maybe we'll even kill a few of 'em!"
Taser repository thread

Some infos about the Taser, if you have more...

Amnesty International 2007 report : 291 deads
French version : http://www.amnesty.fr/index.php/amnesty/s_informer/communiques_de_presse/etats_unis_amnesty_international_publie_le_rapport_sur_les_pistolets_paralysants_qu_elle_a_soumis_au_ministere_de_la_justice

Shield material :
Note : Thor Shield is only sold to Military and Law Enforcement Agencie
Steves Riding Lawn Mower DUI Taser Arrest Video 2 (2007)


The video seem authentic but the guy have a site : _http://www.marcryan.com/ziddio/index.html to promote himself so there's a slight doubt.
Texas cop Tasers 72 year old, great-grandmother: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yWaE8tTlsc :scared:

The video is dated May 11, 2009.
Called the SHOCKWAVE, Taser has developed what it calls an "area denial" non-lethal weapon that features up to 18 shocker nodes that can go six-at-a-time or all at once. Standing up to 100 meters away, a trooper on overwatch can zap a bad guy and hold him there jittering on the ground until Joe's gone over to see why the intruder didn't have the proper password.



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