Teamwork suggestion: The definite introduction to psychopathy (video)

Shane said:
I don't know anything about the conversion from video to flash - does that have a pretty big impact on the ending size of the file? Could Flash still be video intensive while keeping a smaller file size? If it doesn't matter too much then we can pretty much go about as we were before, but if we decide on flash and would need to focus more on pictures then some of the material research would seem to need to change.
I'm afraid embedding video in Flash enlarges file size considerably. It's possible to try some options - many videos/few videos, mostly pictures/pictures only - during early part of the production process and see the results. This is also an issue where someone familiar with video compression/encoding technology/embedding video in Flash would be of great help - such person could see our video files and check if he is able to lessen file sizes.

I think we should take under consideration maximum file attachment sizes accepted by most popular e-mail services - gmail, yahoo, etc - so our presentation file won't be rejected by email servers in case people would like to share it with others.

Shane said:
Another idea could be to just make two versions. One as a video and another using picture frames from the video in flash. Perhaps someone who has better knowledge of Flash can comment.
In such case it's best to prepare "heavy-super-cool" version (lotsa videos) which would be exported from Flash as video files - avi and mov maybe. It would be published at youtube and similar pages. Such version then could be easily "downgraded" to "light-super-cool" version (photos and vector images/animation only) - this then would be suitable for publishing at www pages/downloading/mail sharing.

Shane said:
I downloaded some trial software that converts swf to video but it doesn't do too good of a job. I'll fiddle around with it some more or see if I can find something else.
Shane, Flash can export it's content to swf and video as well, so I don't think we need any additional "swf 2 video" software.
sHiZo963 said:
All right, I've started part 2 of the video.

Check it out here and please tell me what you all think.
It looks good. I think it would be useful to use a standard display format so that we can output to video easily. Something like 4:3 (560x420?), 30fps. What do you think?

I've uploaded an audio mix we can work with.
Darren said:
It looks good. I think it would be useful to use a standard display format so that we can output to video easily. Something like 4:3 (560x420?), 30fps. What do you think?
j0da and I had a discussion about how Flash movies/videos work and how they ought to made in Flash so as to be easily 'outputted' to other video types such as .avi/.mov. j0da's got experience in Flash movies while my expertise was in websites - so a bit of reordering is in progress! As such, I'm in the process of converting what I've done so far to a different format, one that will be easier to work with for everyone. This means that I can defintiely change the display size to the 560x420 and frame rate to the 30fps you mentioned.
Darren said:
I've uploaded an audio mix we can work with.
Wow - I turned up the volume on my 5.1 system and the mix blew me away! How powerful - great job! Listening to it and looking at the script, it seems to align quite well, event-wise. It also puts a nice limit on the length of the video at 5:50.

I will upload the mix into the Flash I'm working on now and attempt synching the beginning parts of the video to the audio; since school is starting on Monday for me, it may be a few days before I get another update up, however.

Thank you, Darren! :)
The visuals look really good so far. It feels like the transitions have tighten up since I looked last, especially the one from "LOVE" to "NO LOVE". Or maybe the visual change makes the shift seem natural. It looks right proper creepy. That motif ought to repeat for the next couple of screens. Love it!

I can't wait to hear the audio.

i'm finishing uploading raw videos There are 5 files still downloading 'in progress', i leave PC on. Yesterday i was researching Images from concentration camps it's being a wordless piece of stone when i saw them That's what they want us to become - wordless unsentient pieces of stone.
Hi everyone - sorry for the lack of updates!

This project is still alive!

We have temporarily moved to an off-forum discussion medium for technical video production issues but have decided to open up again to the general forum for ideas and help. We could really use some help with the Flash - so if anyone here is interested, let us know! We have a good collection of images that correspond to the accepted script but could use some help finding more, as well.

Here's what we have so far (turn up the volume on your speakers ;)):

It may look very 'similar' to what was shown before, but the back-end of this video is totally re-designed as was discussed earlier in this thread. As you can tell from the length of the audio-mix, the video is quite long - so this is a big project, indeed, and there is much work to be done still.

Any comments, ideas, complaints welcome!
Funky Awesome.

For me, it goes blank after flashing the bits about Love/No Love, Empathy/No Empathy, Remorse/No Remorse, Guilt/No Guilt & No Conscience is the last thing i see.

Edit: Oh right, still in progress. Sorry ::slaps forehead::

Here's a few more adjectives from the PCL:SV

Interpersonal: Superficial, Grandiose, Deceitful

Lifestyle: Impulsive, Lacks Goals, Irresponsible

Affective: Lacks remorse, Lacks Empathy, Doesn't Accept Responsibility

Antisocial: Poor Behavioral Controls, Adolescent Anti-Social Behavior, Adult Anti-Social Behavior

Important point: one can score low in some of the categories and still be a psychopath, Most people would score less then a 5, psychopaths can be cut @ 25 or 30 depending on the research being done.

Quote on scoring: "Note that scoring each item requires professional qualifications, adherence to scoring instructions in the PCL:SV Manual, and access to extensive interview and collateral information. More extensive descriptions are provided in the book Without Conscience."(Babiak/Hare, Snakes in Suits p27)

There's a lot of good material in that book. He quotes Stanley Bing's book What Would Machiavelli Do? and it reads like a guide on how to self-ponerize. That's on page 43, and some examples are:

Be Coldhearted
Work Hard to Be Bad
Be narcissistic
Be Unpredictable
Be ruthless

As Babiak says, "Even if Bing's book is viewed as a satire, it reads like a blueprint for a psychopath."

Just some thoughts.
Well I can't wait to see it finished :)
Looks and sounds great.

I have one complaint. At the beginning you almost miss that 20% people are influenced by the 1% psychos because it's very fast.

One suggestion I have, is it possible somewhere to point out that psychos talk allot but that what they say does not reflect what they do.
Wow, I love it! Outstanding work! Except the "20% part" it has the right speed to allow grasping what "no remorse" etc. means.
ArdVan said:
Well I can't wait to see it finished :)
Looks and sounds great.

I have one complaint. At the beginning you almost miss that 20% people are influenced by the 1% psychos because it's very fast.

One suggestion I have, is it possible somewhere to point out that psychos talk allot but that what they say does not reflect what they do.
I was going to point out the same thing. A few beats slower in the sections after the switch to "1% are psychopaths" up to the photo montage should do it.

I liked the Bush WMD quote slipped in. There's a lot of possibilities for contrasting words and actions. Let's get Mom Bush's "beautiful mind" quote in there with something appropriate, too.

It's going great.

Hi sHiZo963, All. I just watched the movie and read a bit on this thread for the first time and I have one suggestion I thought of thus far. Do you think that adding a scrollbar and a pause and play button might be good idea, that is, if it's possible without having to redo all the work that has already been done? That way people can all the time they need to read the info. Sorry if this has already been covered. I'll be reading up the rest of the thread as soon as I can.
herondancer said:
Let's get Mom Bush's "beautiful mind" quote in there with something appropriate, too.
I couldn't find the audio of her 'beautiful mind' quote - it seems like it never really surfaced on the net.

The full quote:

"But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it's, it's not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that. "

It appears in a shortened form more commonly:
"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths,"
"Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
Barbara Bush, on 'Good Morning America' 01-13-03

Perhaps it would be good to just include the quote? Or another option is we could use audio of her Katrina quote which I did find.

I uploaded the audio to the server. It's in the context of the Katrina survivors who were moved to the cramped Texas Astrodome:

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

I think her 'beautiful mind' quote is a bit better in revealing psychopathic thinking; the Katrina quote is shows the same but not to the same degree, I think. However, audio might drive the effect of quote home a little better.

We could use both but I think we should probably opt for one.
About the sound element--I think music is an essential component for this project, especially different instrumental pieces in the background, matched to the messages. Music connects people to the message in an emotional, elemental and visceral way, and creates more pathways for understanding the meaning of the words--printed and spoken. The music from "Eyes Wide Shut" at the ritual scene in the mansion is a chilling and viscerally compelling piece--I was not able to read the name--font too small. Also, including a brief insert of "Tubular Bells," that someone mentioned in an earlier post, is a good idea. That music is permanently connected to "evil" in the minds of many baby boomers who were traumatized from viewing "The Exorcist" when it first came out around 1975.
shellycheval said:
The music from "Eyes Wide Shut" at the ritual scene in the mansion is a chilling and viscerally compelling piece--I was not able to read the name--font too small.
from imdb:
The music during the ceremony at the masked ball is a fragment of an Orthodox mass played backwards; the priest is singing in Romanian.

the track is called 'Masked Ball' by Jocelyn Pook and is on the offical soundtrack.

dunno about its use in our video though - it's a great track, but might be a bit to 'flat' for a rather short presentation like this.

(i can upload it somewhere if needed)
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