Teamwork suggestion: The definite introduction to psychopathy (video)

Wow, it looks very slick. Great use of filters and text effects. Thanks for the update!
I've prepared beefed up version of title background for the video. When thinking about the sketches I prepared previosly I noticed that graphic content somewhat overwhelmed the title and that was bad. So, in this version I tried to embrace the title while enriching it with some gfx. Let me know what you think.
It looks excellent, and the fantastic music combined with it sent chills of horror up my spine. (I love that 'Requiem for a Dream' piece.) But I'm a little confused as to why 1% was chosen as the ratio of psychopathic individuals, when evidence suggests that it's more like 4% (Martha Stout) or even 6% (Lobaczewski).
Thank you for the comments and suggestions! The 20% is definitely too fast - will change that for the next update.

j0da, sweet new background! I love the people figures - perhaps we can pop them in out in the background during transition scenes to remind viewers of the percentages? Also, if we could subtly animate the red and blue shapes throughout the movie, it would add an amazing effect to combine with the instrumental/melodic music. Red triangles and figures should predominate during the more 'evil' parts of the movie, while the the blue wavy shapes and figures should have a calming effect during the more 'educational' and 'optimistic' parts (as we discussed).

Third_Density_Resident said:
But I'm a little confused as to why 1% was chosen as the ratio of psychopathic individuals, when evidence suggests that it's more like 4% (Martha Stout) or even 6% (Lobaczewski).
See post #19:
hkoehli said:
According to Lobaczewski 0.6% of people are born with a genetic defect that causes them to be psychopaths. The 6% includes other personality disorders and "characteropathies". The estimate for psychopathy in the states is about 1.5%. Higher estimates are probably a result of using a personality inventory that can apply to other personality disorders besides "essential" psychopathy.
This number of 0.6%/6% applied to Poland. It probably changes with time and place. It would be more accurate to say "forr all of human existence... this genetic defect has existed" or something like that.
...and post #35:
hkoehli said:
science tells us
that at least 1% of all people
are born with a genetic defect
Might as well use the latest data (I think it's 1.35%, but nice round 1 or 1.5 is prettier), as America probably has a higher % of psychopaths than did Poland.
And like I said in post #75, I decided to use the round number 1 to refer to essential psychopaths.

Thanks again for the feedback :)
Have you guys checked out the Video for Shock doctrine (I think it was already posted) ?


It's quite close to the idea of the video you're trying to put together.

I think what really make it stand out is that there is a voice over which explains what it's all about.
I don't think it is too complicated and would really help to grab the attention.

Also, the small animations and videos really helps to keep it dynamic.
I think there are plenty of free footages which can be used (for example the bbcmotiongallery offers free ones).
These footages could use as background for the texts as I have the impression that for the moment it's a bit too static, with the use of pictures for example imho.
Hi sHiZo963, is this project still alive? Its been almost two months since the last update (of course, great job so far).
Kesdjan said:
Hi sHiZo963, is this project still alive? Its been almost two months since the last update (of course, great job so far).
Not speaking for anyone else, but on my part I ended up putting it on the back burner. I think this being the first sott forum group project there are lessons to be learned and perhaps it also serves as a sort of paving the way for future group projects. Interestedly, GRiM seems to have accidentally cross posted from the procrastination thread. Seems the universe is trying to telling us something :)
Hey all,

Thanks for your continued interest in this project - it is definitely still alive. I just simply ran out of time in 'real life' to give this project the dedication and work that it deserves. I am looking forward to going back to it 'full time' once my finals are over at the end of next week.

I've been reading about psychopathy as much as I can in-between classes, work, research, studying, etc. but winter break is coming soon and most of my 'obligations' will be null for a few good weeks when I can really put my new-found knowledge to good use. I can't wait =)

Put simply, expect an update in a couple of weeks.

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