Terrance Howard claims to have solved unified field theory


If one takes accretion in to account, sun and planets all come from the same cosmic dust. when the dust starts coalesce- Of course, Sun gets formed first and then planets. In that sense, one can say all came from same dust . It is not coming from sun as in giving birth, Torrence was suggesting. Unless, something hits hard to break sun during its very early stage as is the case with birth of moon from earth.

Thank you!
Thanks for your reply, it was a question in my mind, which most people have in our minds regarding reality, we don't understand this science stuff...By design...Deliberate blinding of the truth.. In science a gobbledook, that makes the scientific mind, appear as nothing more than than a blabbering idiot.
Some people, but remember the universe is not there for us to ignore or shut out. I also daresay that most people, me included, who have pondered about remaining here despite the desire to leave, miss the fact that there are still things to learn here that explains our permanence.
Quick follow up. The release of this podcast coincides with the latest channelling session. I think that spark the sun received is a key to this information being released to the public. It seems to me that electrical currents are the conduits for the passage of information throughout the universe.

I'm quite elated because I started to wonder if this podcast would coincide with a new channelling session and it turned out to be the exact day!

So is it that electricity is the information field itself? Apologies if this has already been determined!
Terrence Howard don't say what's the information field? :-)
I’d say he’s really on to something. It’s just a bit over his head. Ego is working hard though to make him believe he can bring that vision back, which he can’t, and it’s always partly gibberish. Been there, saw that 😎
I always thought that when someone claim to have "ALL" the knowledge, "ALL" the answers, etc etc, thats the first warning sign that he is eather delusional or he lacks of objetivity and need alot of work to do to understand that knowledge as the truth, is always changing and is never ending. Thats the fun in this, "the ride of lessons and gain knowledge"

And Many Many do that, Terrence included, but it doesnt mean he doesnt have some answers right
I always thought that when someone claim to have "ALL" the knowledge, "ALL" the answers, etc etc, thats the first warning sign that he is eather delusional or he lacks of objetivity and need alot of work to do to understand that knowledge as the truth, is always changing and is never ending. Thats the fun in this, "the ride of lessons and gain knowledge"

And Many Many do that, Terrence included, but it doesnt mean he doesnt have some answers right​
I agree with you, for me, someone who declares having solved the theory of the unified field has almost no chance of having really done it: such an attitude would be rather egotistical. As the Cs reminded us, once, as soon as you access the unified field concretely, you are aware of the presence of the 7 densities (I do not know, at the moment, why 7. Apparently, it is obvious, at a given moment), you know what gravity is, what consciousness is, how to move from one to the other and vice versa, you are aware of the illusion of time, of the immediacy of gravitational action, of how gravity is expressed as electromagnetism, why the speed of light is perceived at constant speed in 3D even though it is variable, how everything is ONE outside of space and time...

As the Cs say, when someone says they have found the structure of the unified field : where is the proof?

The question I ask myself is the following: can we access the unified field without modification of consciousness? Someone may object : the Cs did say that the quest for Einstein's unified field had been ended, in great secrecy, on the planet and that this was accompanied by unfathomable ramifications. I suspect this was completed with the help of outside 4D intervention.

On the other hand, this allows us to ask the question: does having access to the reality of the unified field allow us to have the answer to all questions? I would tend to say no since once the Cs responded that Graneau knew more than the details of the unified field theory (UFT) (November 15, 1997)... Can we know more than the details? Once we have access to it, we don't know everything (we don't have the answers to all the questions)? Does this mean that instead of knowing the details, he was experiencing the reality? If so, was it in secret because the Cs seem to say that if you know UFT, it's hot for your life...

That's a lot of questions to ask to the Cs thanks on this subject. Thanks Terrence Howard :-)
Je suis bien d'accord avec toi, pour moi, quelqu'un qui déclare avoir résolu la théorue du champ unifié a quasiment aucune chance de l'avoir vraiment fait : une telle attitude serait plutôt égotique.Comme les Cs l'ont rappelé, une fois, dès que tu accèdes au champ unifié concrètement, tu es conscient de la présence des 7 densités (je ne sais pas, à l'heure actuelle, pourquoi 7. Apparemment, c'est une évidence à un moment donné), tu sais ce qu'est la gravité, la conscience, comment passer de l'une à l'autre et vice-versa, tu es conscient de l'illusion du temps, de l'instantanéité de l'action gravitationnelle, de la façon dont la gravité s'epxrime en tant qu'électromagnétisme, pourquoi la vitesse de la lumière est perçue à vitesse constante en 3D alors qu'elle est variable, comment tout est UN hors de l'espace et du temps...

Comme disent les Cs, lorsque quelqu'un dit avoir trouvé la structure du champ unifié : où sont les preuves?

La question que je me pose est la suivante : peut-on accéder au champ unifié sans modification de conscience? Quelqu'un pourra m'objecter : les Cs ont bien dit que la quête du champ unifié d'Einstein avait été terminée, dans le plus grand secret, sur la planète et que cela s'accompagnait de ramifications insondables. Je suspecte que cela ait été achevé grâce à l'aide d'une intervention 4D extérieure.

D'autre part, cela permet de se poser la question: avoir accès à la réalité du champ unifié permet-il d'avoir la réponse à toutes les questions ? J'aurais tendance à dire non puisqu'une fois les Cs ont répondu que Graneau connaissait plus que les détails de la théorie du champ unifié (TCU) (November 15, 1997)... Peut-on connaître plus que les détails? Une fois qu'on y a accès, on ne connaît pas tout (on n'a pas les réponses à toutes les questions)? Est-ce que cela signifie qu'au lieu d'en connaître les détails, il en vivait la réalité? Si c'est le cas, était-ce en secret car les Cs ont l'air de dire que si l'on connaît TCU, c'est chaud pour sa vie...

Cela fait plein de questions à poser aux Cs sur ce sujet grâce à Terrence Howard :-)
I’d say he’s really on to something. It’s just a bit over his head. Ego is working hard though to make him believe he can bring that vision back, which he can’t, and it’s always partly gibberish. Been there, saw that 😎

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Hello @mezkal, I notice that you've been a member for quite a few years and this is your first post. You are invited to write an introduction in the Newbies forum to tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way here.
Thanks for invitation, I wouldn’t know what to write though. I don’t think anyone is interested, to be honest. Thanks anyway,
All best!
Thanks for invitation, I wouldn’t know what to write though. I don’t think anyone is interested, to be honest. Thanks anyway,
All best!
Many members here, myself included, like to read the first post in the Newbies area. Even if you simply describe how you found this forum and why you decided to register here, it is a worthwhile (short) story to read.
Many members here, myself included, like to read the first post in the Newbies area. Even if you simply describe how you found this forum and why you decided to register here, it is a worthwhile (short) story to read

Many members here, myself included, like to read the first post in the Newbies area. Even if you simply describe how you found this forum and why you decided to register here, it is a worthwhile (short) story to read.
Did it :)
Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein were on the Joe Rogan experience to talk about Howard's work. Howard, a non-expert, tries to explain his geometric shapes - and Weinstein, an expert, asks him some cutting questions.

Weinstein says:
"He's all over the map in terms of the quality of his thinking. Some of this stuff is really, really good, and some of his stuff is offensive. And it's everywhere in between."

It's weird to watch, like a conversation wants to happen, but can't. I only watched this snippet, but I'm sure the whole show is just as weird.

Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein were on the Joe Rogan experience to talk about Howard's work. Howard, a non-expert, tries to explain his geometric shapes - and Weinstein, an expert, asks him some cutting questions.

Weinstein says:

It's weird to watch, like a conversation wants to happen, but can't. I only watched this snippet, but I'm sure the whole show is just as weird.

Weinstein gives this back-handed compliment: Terrence is like a Lamborghini engine in a Volkswagen...he is a polymath, which generally are great at seeing the connection between many things, but are bad at "cleaning up their [theoretical] messes"...but on the other hand, most scientists are rigorous in their thinking, but never contribute anything to their field. Maybe Terrence is more a visionary (literally) than a scientist per se, whose ideas hopefully will be explored (including some fundamental problems with the maths relied upon), rather than dismissed due to squabbles over terminology.
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