The Adaptive Unconscious

"These technologies are used to affect our bodies and brains directly or alter something in our environment to which we are instinctively tuned to respond through our adaptive unconscious mind - at least that is my present understanding."

Ahhh so we arent doing our family, friends or partners any favors by reacting or obsessing about their thoughts, words or actions because if we come to a place where we have worked on our self not to be manipulated then 4D knows what person has the most influence on us and can affect them in a way that if we continue to obsess and react to them we intern become affected and 4D is still manifpulating us but through another (hence agent Smith in the movie matrix). By remaining calm and externaly considerating with others at a certain point the 4D being can no longer affect you and no longer affecte others they will see that their energy/time is better spent in anothers life? Just a theory trying to connect the dots with the information I have thus far in the work but I am not that far so could have skipped over dots to make connections.

The only reason I write this is becuase of the work. I now know myself better and can catch these thoughts and are mindfull of my previouse patternsto avoid them in the future and know when I am being influence to engage in those patterns but I think I see one of my next lessons learn to control myself better when interacting with others close to me and intern they might not be manipulated as much.

I believe I read that the 4D being can see auras or the potential of progression in another so if one has high potential and has worked on the self to a point where it makes it tought for 4D to manipulate them 4D will then try and manipulate through someone close and if you get to a point where you arent affected by the actions of close ones then 4D will leave your life or not be in it as much? Just thoughts
Tales from the road, or how fast the adaptive unconsciousness really is.

I want to share an observation that is based on a long series of tests that started more than three years ago, though at that time I wasn’t aware that this would lead me to my current conclusion. Thanks to the book discussed here, I have the proper context and words to phrase the following experience in the right manner.

It started at a time when I thought a lot about the significance of the number 666, what this means, based on what the C’s said and what other sources had to say about the number of the beast. As the time passed by, and naturally through my long travels on the road, I noticed that I started to see number plates with the 666 on it more often, sometimes multiple times a day. This made me wonder why this number appears so often and if something trying to tell me something. It was a riddle and of course nothing came out of it, no devil or hidden meaning manifested itself over time and so I tried to ignore it. But it didn’t stop and I am still amazed when I see this number.

What I didn’t knew at this time was that I programmed my pattern recognition system. I ascribed the number 666 (only on a number plate) some kind of significance that was high enough for my unconsciousness to put the label “noteworthy” on it and therefore necessary to report it to the conscious mind.

OK, this alone is not very spectacular, but during the last three years it happened so often (several hundred times I suspect) that I was able to reconstruct the whole process in detail and put it in a time frame. And every time it happens again, the model becomes more precise. The conclusions are overwhelming and show how sophisticated even a relatively small part of our adaptive unconscious really is.

To explain what I want to describe, it is necessary to model the typical situation in where the observation take place.

If you sit in your car, driving down a road, you normally look down the road in a straight line because things of interest naturally are where your car will be the next few seconds. Your field of vision also includes (if you have a normal sized car) two-thirds of your side window. If another car pass by, you notice it if it enters your field of vision at the side window, but you only realize what kind of car it is, when the car appears in your windscreen, more or less in the middle of you field of vision, depending on how fast the car is passing by. If you are concentrated and focused at the traffic in front of you, you won’t even notice that a “red Mercedes with some nice rims” driving beside you, even if you could see him in the corner of your eyes. It is just your unconscious that decides that this nice car is not important enough to bring it to your attention.

Well, a whole car is pretty huge and it’s not a big deal to imagine that the unconscious can see it before you become consciously aware of it.

A whole other thing is the number plate of the car. If you want to read what is written on the plate, you have to look at it straight, focus it and read it. Even slight variations of the visual focus point make it very difficult to actually see what is written on the plate. But, the adaptive unconscious can do better, way better.

OK, imagine that you are sitting in your car, driving down a road and a car is passing by. First the car appears in your side window. The time it takes to enter your field of vision to the point where it is slightly ahead of you, that means when the rear side of the car becomes visible in the outer edges of your field of vision is (on German highways^^) half a second or so, depending on how fast you are. The time it takes to pass by completely until it is visible more or less in the middle of your field of vision is 1.5 seconds on average. Within the 1.5 seconds something remarkable happens.

Suppose the car passing by have the number 666 on its plate. When the number plate becomes visible in the outer edges of your field of vision, it takes less than 0.4 seconds for the pattern recognizing system to “see” this noteworthy pattern. Then, the signal becomes processed and the order to the eye muscles will be released. That takes also 0.4 seconds or so. Then the eyes staring to move and within 0.2 and 0.4 seconds the eyes focus the number plate. And then, 0.5 seconds later the first “conscious” action takes place; a thought like “oh wow, another one”. The rest was completely automatic, even the eye movement.

Now, what is so unbelievable about this? Take the test and focus a point straight ahead of you. Now move your finger until he reaches the outer edge of your field of vision, left or right, doesn’t matter. How much of the finger do you actually see? Not that much I would bet, some straight thing attached to something shapeless that blur away if you don’t move it. Within that field, the adaptive unconscious is capable to recognize a small pattern on a number plate! You have to think about it twice to realize how damn fast and sophisticated such a system must be to be able to perform such a miracle and what a huge amount of (visual) information must be processed every fraction of a second to make such a thing possible. And all that occur “out of sight” somewhere deep down.

The brain is awesome. And the fact that an accidental “programming process” based on magical thinking, years of observation of a single phenomenon and a book that deals with such things were necessary to close the circle of this particular tiny fraction of my mind is, well, interesting.
The idea 'training one's pattern-recognition circuits' is one of my favored analogies, so I enjoyed the above post and agree 100%!

My experience suggests that feeling or emotion connected to a particular percept is one of the defining characteristics of this analogy because something has to add or subtract 'weight' to connections that make up a pattern that primes the neural circuitry so that the primal layers of perception "see" a particular something before the perception arises to conscious awareness, just like you said.

Case in point: this thread and one of my earlier replies to obyvatel where I practically accused him of talking like someone else just to get a rise out of me. That came from my earlier life where I had realized there was someone in my home environment that was learning how a particular person was able to make me feel bad and shut me up - even when I was telling the truth about something. This person who had been observing and learning the "shut Buddy up" techniques would occasionally try to use them against me. They didn't know that I sensed the same verbal structures, rhythm of speech and tone of voice of this other person, so they couldn't know how transparent they were to me. My hurt and resentment came from the knowledge of their intent, more so than the actual content of their statements.

Anyway, to shorten this up a bit, I had memories of this previous pattern of interaction, so when I unconsciously sensed it on here, I was unable to stop the re-organizing of my perceptions of this discussion around this emotionally weighted previous experience. The emotional center is very fast, indeed!

So, I re-read the thread when I was calmer. The replys and the ideas expressed within, are like pieces of a puzzle you can spread out in front of you. You see that each piece has a part to play in the overall picture and you notice that one piece seems to have a lot more emotional significance than the others. Why? In the examples given above, my idea is because of pre-existing emotional weight on the idea of being "ganged up on", or even ideas related to "666" (as compared to perceptions related to a single "6", for example).

Does this make sense?
Adaptive/maladaptive unconscious, pattern recogination or filtering/directing...?

Was experimenting with digital clock in the kitchen, as in keeping in mind patterns such as 22.22, 14.14 and so on. And low and behold, synchronistic patterns emerged, ‘it’s a sign I tell you!’

Sometimes as I open the kitchen door and look, ‘the patterns’ of a synchronistic nature, manifest, which might be just chance, most often it’s when I’m in the room and decide to look, ‘deciding to look,’ ha! who decided - yes me in the past, with an idea, that somehow stuck...

Most times, I think when it happens, it’s a sign that I’m well and truly asleep, my own personal programmed synchronistic alarm clock, and the snooze button is me without an aim, ‘You snooze you louse,’ run’s through my mind.

Though only when I truly need to know the time, do I actually look, and there’s no synchronicity, just the time as is, perhaps in a very small way, this is an aim. Though, that hardly makes me awake, just on a real need to know, though on a larger scale this seems as no joke.

What else am I, or anybody else directed to see and do, as I’m directed to look at the clock, though at least that’s my own doing, even though it’s nothing new, or original, just an experiment.

I guess G’s idea of those who feel like talking should not talk, and those who feel like, saying nothing should speak... as an exercise in shaking up the existing directors of our everyday existence, and ones horses gets used to it, osit external or internal considering aside.

Though what really annoys me is that between, the struggle of yes and no, some I just says, ‘expletive exterminatium,’ like some evil Harry Potter, I. And I find myself still in school, still learning.
Buddy said:
Anyway, to shorten this up a bit, I had memories of this previous pattern of interaction, so when I unconsciously sensed it on here, I was unable to stop the re-organizing of my perceptions of this discussion around this emotionally weighted previous experience. The emotional center is very fast, indeed!

I’m kind of assuming your talking about, ‘fight or flight’ mode, or sometimes called ‘learned helplessness,’ If I’m recollecting correctly. Or misunderstanding. apologies if so.

Perhaps G would call it, Unconscious suffering, brought about by accident, in the past.

Buddy said:
So, I re-read the thread when I was calmer. The replys and the ideas expressed within, are like pieces of a puzzle you can spread out in front of you. You see that each piece has a part to play in the overall picture and you notice that one piece seems to have a lot more emotional significance than the others. Why? In the examples given above, my idea is because of pre-existing emotional weight on the idea of being "ganged up on", or even ideas related to "666" (as compared to perceptions related to a single "6", for example).

According to G, ‘Everybody is a Christian, after a cup of coffee’ (calmer)

Anyway, if Jesus shows up with a 144,000, one is going to need lots of coffee.
Davida said:
I’m kind of assuming your talking about, ‘fight or flight’ mode, or sometimes called ‘learned helplessness,’ If I’m recollecting correctly. Or misunderstanding. apologies if so.

Perhaps G would call it, Unconscious suffering, brought about by accident, in the past.

Right enough, I would say.

Davida said:
According to G, ‘Everybody is a Christian, after a cup of coffee’ (calmer)

Anyway, if Jesus shows up with a 144,000, one is going to need lots of coffee.

Here is a scheme I've made from the infos of 'Strangers to Ourselves' shared in this thread, summing up the main functions of the Adaptive Unconscious :


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