The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

cherylclift said:
I believe Andrea's Moritz developed the gallbladder/liver flush.....there are copycats out there....with that said....
Epsom Salts Suck! Go to any grocery store or Rite Aid etc and buy bottles of Magnesium Citrate. It works the same as the Epsom Salts and taste much much better!! I can not do the Epsom Salts it makes me gag. Do a flush every 3 to 4 weeks until you go 2 flushes without any stones. This way you KNOW all your stones are out. DON'T FORGET YOUR COLONICS!!! At least do one before your flush. If you are passing stones days after your flush go get a colonic done!! The stones are very toxic in your intestines.

If you have trouble with the olive oil mixture use sunflower oil.

Hope that helps :)

Magnesium citrate can be used every day anyway, for most people since most people have severe magnesium deficiency. If you search the forum for 'Magnesium Miracle' you'll find a whole thread on it.
cherylclift said:
Epsom Salts Suck! Go to any grocery store or Rite Aid etc and buy bottles of Magnesium Citrate. It works the same as the Epsom Salts and taste much much better!!

Be careful with the bottles of Magnesium Citrate at regular grocery retailers - just a few days ago I saw one that looked quite attractive, fancy label. But looking at the small print on the back, under "Inactive Ingredients" there were about 7 or 8 other things listed (citric acid, flavors, toxic sweeteners, polyprosomething, etc.).

In its pure form, it is indeed good stuff as Anart has suggested.
I just want to report my experience with the liver/gall bladder cleanse that I tried. My original post about trying it is here.

Going on all veggies made me very nauseous. At this point, I can't even look a veggie in the face. I've been having some spirulina on my meat to give me a small amount of carbs.

The results were less than dramatic. As far as I could see, very few stones came out. What did come out, and not to be too graphic, is a lot of light-colored orange frothy stuff. As I had eaten my last sweet potato, I figure that that could have been it. There was also a small amount of what could have been small amount of cholesterol lumps.

On top of this, my intestinal tract has gone back to square one as I have had constant diarrhea. I did the cleanse one week ago.

Plus, I am still passing small amounts of the greasy stuff. So I see no improvement at all, and a worsening of my condition.
Sorry to hear that, NE. A few questions. Did you sleep well the night of the liver cleanse? If you don't, you don't seem to get many stones out. Did you follow the instructions closely (not some of the specifics like eating fruit) -- particularly the timing of everything and going to bed right after drinking the olive oil-grapefruit juice mixture at 10 PM and lying completely still on your back with head high on the pillow for at least 20 minutes? This also makes a big difference in how many stones you get out based on the instructions and personal experience.

You did make sure not to eat ANY fat the morning and up to 2PM of the day of the cleanse, right? Without enough bile building up and not being excreted until you finally drink the olive oil at 10PM, you also won't get as many stones out. Finally, did you do anything as a precaution to make sure there's no chance of live parasites in the liver before the cleanse (e.g. herbal parasite program / zapping, etc.)? You won't get many stones out with living parasites in the liver, and you are supposed to feel quite sick. I don't have any personal experience with this as I've always made sure to kill any possible parasites before the cleanse and have made sure whoever else has tried it did the same.

Whatever stones you did get out is still good -- did you get a rough count? So is getting out cholesterol lumps / chaff / unformed stones. These are usually tan in color with whitish dots (cholesterol crystals), look somewhat like pencil shavings or chaff and float on the water. I'm just sorry it didn't work out too well and it's too bad that you had to go through it without the greatest benefit from the effort and you're still not well now.

If you decide to do anymore cleanses, you should wait a minimum of three weeks. I think it would be a good idea to wait a bit more, though. And see what happens in the meanwhile. Try eating your regular diet (with any necessary adjustments such as fat/protein ratio) and take your liver support herbs / milk thistle and digestive enzymes for a few extra weeks and see what happens.

Also, if you do it again, try to see what you can eat that is fat-free, but will minimize the problems you had with this last cleanse. Additionally, I think that this high fat/low carb diet is very conducive to getting the liver and everything else working right in the long run. It just takes a while and needs some additional support. Hope this helps you. And if you can answer the questions, we may be able to narrow some things down.
ST, I did everything to the letter (except for eating fruits, I ate veggies). Steamed the veggies, had no fat, was down flat with my head elevated on pillows for the whole night, etc. I did sleep well the night of the liver cleanse. I woke up every few hours as is normal for me, but went right back to sleep.

I do have a few health problems and that could be factored into this.

I just wanted to report my experience for those who may be thinking that this is a wonderful experience for all. It is not. I've been very weak and tired for almost the whole week because of this experience. And I am not in anyway looking to do this again, at this time.

Just to be clear, I am not blaming anyone or saying this cleanse is a bad thing, everyone is different and this could be very good for a lot of people. It just may not be a good thing for all people.
I understand, NE. It's good to share your experiences and thanks for your consideration of others. :) Just to note, it is not unusual to feel tired for a couple of days after the cleanse. But it shouldn't last longer than that. Again, I think it's wise to not do any more cleanses at this time. Try to get back to adjusting your diet to see what's optimal for digestion and not getting hungry, etc. Hope you recover soon and your problems from before get progressively better too. :)
LadyRodgers said:
I'm curious in what you are taking for the parasite cleanse?


The herbal parasite program consists of wormwood (Artemisia), Black Walnut Hull (capsules -- there's also tincture -- both are made from walnut hulls that are at least 50% green vs. black), and clove capsules (fresh ground cloves to kill parasite eggs). I also use a "zapper" -- battery operated electronic frequency / square wave generator / positive offset. The zapper current reaches well into the liver (unlike intestines, testicles, and eyeballs).
SeekinTruth said:
LadyRodgers said:
I'm curious in what you are taking for the parasite cleanse?


The herbal parasite program consists of wormwood (Artemisia), Black Walnut Hull (capsules -- there's also tincture -- both are made from walnut hulls that are at least 50% green vs. black), and clove capsules (fresh ground cloves to kill parasite eggs). I also use a "zapper" -- battery operated electronic frequency / square wave generator / positive offset. The zapper current reaches well into the liver (unlike intestines, testicles, and eyeballs).

And where do I purchase these? and how much do I take? I've read different sites about this stuff but it's really not cut & dry about how much to take and where to get it. I've also heard of G-tox but it doesn't seem to be available in the US.

thanks again.
ok so i came across this site:

has anyone else tried "Dr. Clark Para-Cleanse Standard"?
LadyRodgers said:
ok so i came across this site:

has anyone else tried "Dr. Clark Para-Cleanse Standard"?

I bought several bottles of the "Clarkia" tincture some years ago. it's kinda expensive, and I really didn't notice any difference. I think if you've got a bad case of parasites/candida, a couple drops of tincture and a few pills really aren't that much help.

I'm sure Dr. Clark is discussed here somewhere...
LadyRodgers said:
ok so i came across this site:

has anyone else tried "Dr. Clark Para-Cleanse Standard"?

_drclarkstore merged with Self Health Resource center a few years ago, I think in 2007. Self Health was started by Clark's son in the 90's. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to get the three herbal products separately. The wormwood used to be sold as "Super W Blend" but now it's Super Wormwood (365 mg 100 caps - the full dosage is 7 capsules, but in Clark's books there's a step-up per day {1 cap for 2 days; 2 caps for 2 days; 3 caps for 2 days, etc. where you take 7 caps the last four days} over a couple of weeks until you reach 7, after which you take 7 once a week as maintenance). You take it on an empty stomach (a little before meal).

The Walnut Hull is now sold as Green Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength tincture in 2 fl. oz., 4 fl. oz. or 1 Liter. Also as Green Black Walnut Hull (360 mg 50 caps freeze dried hulls - you take two caps for those up to 150 lbs. body weight. Each capsule is equivalent to a teaspoon of tincture, which says over 150 lbs. take 2.5 teaspoons, so for capsules, you'd take 3; also says don't take more that 3 tsp of tincture because no additional benefits have been observed). It's a bit easier to take the caps then to put the two spoons or more of tincture in 1/2 cup of water as far as taste, in my opinion, but no biggie. The walnut hull tincture also has a step-up (1 drop 1st day, 2 drops 2nd day, until 5 drops 5th day, then the 2 teaspoon - and then 2 tsp. once a week maintenance). You take it on an empty stomach, like a little while before a meal. She says if you're really sick, you can just jump to the 2 tsp dose after the first couple of drops for example, the step-up is just for convenience if you're squeamish about taking herbal supplements (and can also indicate any possible allergies, etc. just in case).

The cloves can be bought in 500 mg 100 caps. Taken on empty stomach before meals / like at mealtime. You take 3 as the final maintenance, but the step-up in the books is 1 cap 3 times per day for 1st day; 2 caps 3 times per day for 2nd day; 3 caps 3 times per day for days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Then 3 caps once per week. (In a later edition of "The Cure for All Cancers" book I bought for someone else, oh about 8 years or so ago, the max dosage had gone to 7 caps of cloves, just FYI).

I just want to express my opinion and experience with all this. I think Dr. Hulda Clark was a very good investigator and innovator in her research and really cared about humanity. She often encouraged people to become "health detectives," take their health into their own hands and be responsible for it, and also encouraged people to make their own herbal supplements giving the recipes of how to make them (water based and alcohol based tincture, included). She called it self-health.

Clark said that Artemisia Absinthium (wormwood) was a common plant in most places and people should cultivate it and collect wild varieties. She said you can buy cloves and grind them and consume it immediately, whereas already ground store bought clove powder has lost potency and doesn't work well, if at all. She gave parts list and instructions to make zappers at home. She also gave permission at the front of every book to copy and distribute the information in the book. So she really wasn't into marketing products for its own sake, etc. She certainly didn't have the whole banana either, like anybody else, when it comes to health and wellness or anything else.

She did warn that many supplements are polluted and/or have undesirable ingredients, etc. So her son (who was involved in accidentally discovering the "zapper" instead of a frequency generator for each particular organism's frequency) eventually started Self Health Resource Center to make the products / supplements for the recommended protocols in Clark's books and also carry some other brands that were supposed to be tested and found without any dangerous pollutants.

As you may know, Clark was persecuted / harassed with threats and lawsuits, etc. by the usual suspects and eventually went to Mexico to run a clinic there. She died in the last couple of years after a spinal injury from an accident. But I've gotten the feeling that over the years, selling products based on her research has become much more marketing oriented to sell products for its own sake. There are many marketing operations selling things based on her research. I don't have any experience with the different "cleanse kits" they sell now, but some of them seem to be the original different herbal preps such as above just packaged as kits.

Another thing I should mention is that she highly encouraged to do a kidney cleanse before a liver cleanse, and to have any dental work done to get toxic metals, etc. out of your mouth if at all possible before undertaking liver cleanses, as well. She was one of the early ones to speak out against the dangers of modern dentistry too, and worked closely with at least one dentist that was trying to minimize the damage to people's health from bad dentistry with alternative methods and materials. But after a certain period, they realized that there's no really good solution and at least the materials available all have problems one way or another.

The reason she recommended a kidney cleanse before any liver cleansing is that if anything undesirable should be reabsorbed in the intestinal tract during the liver cleanse, it's best to have well functioning kidneys to excrete any toxic stuff with the urine. And one of the reasons to get dental work done before the liver cleanse is that a toxic mouth puts a large burden on the liver. I haven't done amalgam removal etc., and have experience with doing kidney cleanses before the liver cleanse as well as doing it without having done a kidney cleanse for quite a while (kidney cleanses are to dissolve kidney stones / crystals that come in about 6 different varieties). She wrote in her books that she liked to think she perfected the liver cleanse and other recipes, but she certainly cannot take credit for their origin; it and others were invented hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago by herbalists.

Finally, I and my family did these Clark programs regularly for about 8 to 10 years, e.g. the maintenance parasite program 1 per week followed by zapping, kidney and liver cleanses several times per year or two, etc. For the last 5 years or so, we don't do these so regularly. I'll do the full maintenance dose of the parasite program about every 3 to 4 months, for example. I've seen some very impressive improvements in serious health issues in a short time with Clark's info. She stressed the importance of detoxing and avoiding as much as possible exposure to toxins by avoiding body products, packed foods, household cleaners, etc. She emphasized that modern people and animals were unusually highly parasitized because of the build up of these ubiquitous toxins including in the feed of animals (pets and factory farming operations). She said that parasitic infestation of any kind (including non-worm such as high bacteria loads in unusual places) would not be able to take such a foothold and cause so many health issues in a non-toxic and healthy environment and person.
I've been waking up with painful abdominal cramps the past few days. I think that happens when I don't take vitamin C. I gauge my current fat intake to be 45%. Should I flush my liver? Or can I just start taking magnesium.

SeekinTruth said:
She stressed the importance of detoxing and avoiding as much as possible exposure to toxins by avoiding body products, packed foods, household cleaners, etc.
Yeah! This is where so much of my strategic enclosure goes, since I live in a house (a world) full of chemical users. My housemate once joked that if you gave a McDonald's burger to a starving African kid, he'd drop dead. I thought, how fragile he must be then, for I can eat McDonald's all I want and not die. Now I am so sensitive to the slightest whiff of toxic chemical—I have become like the African child, the delicate canary.

SeekinTruth said:
She emphasized that modern people and animals were unusually highly parasitized because of the build up of these ubiquitous toxins including in the feed of animals (pets and factory farming operations).
Mhm. Food, Inc. showed how feeding cows rubbish caused E. coli to build up enormously in their guts, and this is why beef is gassed with ammonia.
Muxel said:
I've been waking up with painful abdominal cramps the past few days. I think that happens when I don't take vitamin C. I gauge my current fat intake to be 45%. Should I flush my liver? Or can I just start taking magnesium.
Have you had an opportunity to see a doctor? If not, you may want to consider it.
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