The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

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What Is in the Andreas Moritz Liver Cleanse Recipe?
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Michael Brent

What Is in the Andreas Moritz Liver Cleanse Recipe? Olive oil is a key component in the Andreas Moritz liver cleanse.

Cleansing detox fasts such as the Master Cleanse claim that fasting and drinking specialized concotions can cause your body to shed harmful toxins that have accumulated in your colon. Among these detox fasts is a liver cleanse created by alternative medical practitioner Andreas Moritz. This fast, claims Moritz, will flush unhealthy gallstones from your liver without having to have a doctor remove them surgically.

Andreas Moritz

According to the website of his Ener-Chi Wellness Center, Andreas Moritz is a “medical intuitive” who practices Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu and vibrational medicine. Born in Germany in 1954, Moritz is a regular contributor to the website Curezone, which purportedly has 5 million readers. Moritz has also devised a healing system called Enner-Chi art, in which “light ray-encoded oil paintings” restore Chi — the body’s natural energy flow. In addition, Moritz is the author of several books, including “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.”

The Recipe

Moritz’s seven-day liver cleanse is made up of olive oil, apple juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice and Epsom salts. According to his instructions, you should drink 24 oz. of apple juice each day for the first six days of the program, as the malic acid within the apple juice will soften your gallstones. On the sixth day of the cleanse, drink grapefruit juice mixed with Epsom salts. On day seven, drink a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice several times throughout the day. This week-long process should be repeated every three months. The cleanse is considered successful when your stool contains greenish balls that are purported to be the gallstones you have flushed out of your liver.

Liver Cleanse Debunked

According to the respected British medical journal “The Lancet,” examination of the “gallstones” that resulted from a liver cleanse revealed they were composed mainly of fatty acids. Further experimentation revealed that mixing equal amounts of lemon juice and oleic acid — the primary component found in olive oil — resulted in several semi-solid balls after a small amount of potassium hydroxide was added. Researchers concluded that these stones weren’t gallstones, but were actually a substance created by the liver cleanse itself. If you believe you have gallstones, a doctor or medical technician should be able to see them clearly using ultrasound imaging.

End of quote

My thought: So, according to the above explanations, I'm not sure now what we are talking about when we say "gallstones" when referring to the liver.
Hi ROEL, I did a liver cleanse/flush about 8 years ago, I don't remember the details other than is was similar variation and was a royal pain to do.

I did it because I really suffered from Environmental Illness, and it totally helped, it was a significant turning point.
HifromGrace said:
Hi ROEL, I did a liver cleanse/flush about 8 years ago, I don't remember the details other than is was similar variation and was a royal pain to do.

I did it because I really suffered from Environmental Illness, and it totally helped, it was a significant turning point.

Regardless of the "gallstones" being such or not, I see that you got benefits from doing the cleanse. Thanks, HifromGrace.
ROEL said:
HifromGrace said:
Hi ROEL, I did a liver cleanse/flush about 8 years ago, I don't remember the details other than is was similar variation and was a royal pain to do.

I did it because I really suffered from Environmental Illness, and it totally helped, it was a significant turning point.

Regardless of the "gallstones" being such or not, I see that you got benefits from doing the cleanse. Thanks, HifromGrace.

Yeah, I've read about the "gallstones" controversy too since then - what the reality is or is not on that detail, it doesn't take away the positive results I had.

Sorry I'm not remembering many details, it seems like lifetimes ago. I know that I went from shaking and wanting to throw up when I'd smell something like aftershave (pretty much everything fake or naturally scented in daily life, or paint, carpet or cleaning products, etc), a real visceral reaction, loose bowels, throbbing headaches, sneezing.

And it's not like I remember an overnight miracle, but after a week or so being very impressed... as in I wasn't retching anymore (I wasn't expecting much, so I wasn't attentive at the time).

Years later, we still use non-scented products (on our bodies & for cleaning, use things like vinegar instead) and it's only very, very rare that I get sensitive to scents, only if I already have a headache. Ironically enough, I get a consistent reaction to this "natural" fake 50s brand of hand soap & dish soap popular here - but things like aftershave next to me in a meeting aren't migraine experiences.

The flush was a part of my ongoing healing journey, I adjusted many things in my life & diet in that time period - BUT at that time of the flush, it was the only thing that I did/changed in that period of a couple of months. That's why I believe it was a significant experience. Wishing you well!!
HifromGrace said:
Hi ROEL, I did a liver cleanse/flush about 8 years ago, I don't remember the details other than is was similar variation and was a royal pain to do.

I did it because I really suffered from Environmental Illness, and it totally helped, it was a significant turning point.
Yes, I too resorted to the flush, as I could no longer go on as things were. The pain and fever that I experienced in the later attacks was not only disruptive, but prevented me from being able to work. The alternative was to see a doctor, who would no doubt recommend either drugs or surgery to correct the problem. I would have done this had the flush not worked, but was fortunate to resolve the issue using the liver flush.

I also agree that doing the flush is no fun, but the results for me were worth it. My energy levels at the moment are better than ever.

I should also clarify that the "stones" from my flushes were of the soft bile type, with none of the hard calcified stones that others have reported. I had hoped to keep flushing until no more stones appeared, as was recommended by Moritz.
Two friends of mine have been doing the Moritz gall bladder flush and recommended it to me. The descriptions of hundreds of stones coming out sounded a bit fantastical to me so it makes complete sense that these are actually a product of the olive oil , citrus juice and bile.

They have reported increased energy and a feeling of wellness for a few days after having completed one. I suspect that for people who experience beneficial effects it is actually the bowel cleansing aspect that they are benefiting from.

There are reports of hard smaller masses coming out, perhaps these are sone kind of mineral mass from the liver/gall bladder but do we have evidence if this?

As for one my friends after 15 flushes (3 weeks apart) she says she is completely clean now and is not expelling any more ‘stones’. I wonder what is going on here and whether this is done evidence of beneficial effects or if her system has adapted to the repeat olive oil shocks (ingestion of oils after fasting) and no longer spurts out quantities of bile.

I’ll keep searching for info. I’m not going to be doing this at all and will let my friends know the reason.
Trying to find out more about this guy, he gets a few mentions on the forum.
Apparently he died after mould inhalation—bit strange—triggering a congenital heart arrhythmia. But there is. Quite a bit of mystery around his death and he is reported to have consulted with world leaders. If that’s true why did this guy get high ranking audiences.

He promoted a vegetarian diet. Maybe it is unreasonable of me but looking at his photograph gives me the creeps. Yet many people speak very highly of him and what they learned from him.

The next step would be to read his books and critically appraise them but I’m not compelled enough by what I have learned to do this as there is a great deal of highly reputable authors to read. So many books on recommended reading list for FOTCM , I’ll just keep working through those rather than risk wasting valuable reading hours.

From his bio posted on Amazon:
Andreas Moritz was a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. Born in southwest Germany in 1954, Andreas dealt with several severe illnesses from an early age, which compelled him to study diet, nutrition and various methods of natural healing while still a child.

By age 20, he completed his training in both iridology (the diagnostic science of eye interpretation) and dietetics. In 1981, he began studying Ayurvedic medicine in India and finished his training as a qualified practitioner of Ayurveda in New Zealand in 1991. Not satisfied with merely treating the symptoms of illness, Andreas dedicated his life’s work to understanding and treating the root causes of illness. Because of this holistic approach, he had great success with cases of terminal disease where conventional methods of healing proved futile.

Starting in 1988, he began practicing the Japanese healing art of shiatsu, which gave him insights into the energy system of the body. In addition, he devoted eight years to researching consciousness and its important role in the field of mind/body medicine.

Andreas Moritz is the author of the following books on health and spirituality:

• The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

• Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

• Cancer Is Not a Disease

• Lifting the Veil of Duality

• It’s Time to Come Alive

• Heart Disease – No More!

• Diabetes – No More!

• Simple Steps to Total Health

• Ending the AIDS Myth

• Heal Yourself with Sunlight

• Feel Great, Lose Weight

• Vaccine-nation

• Hear the Whispers, Live Your Dream

• Art of Self-Healing

• Timeless Wisdom from Andreas Moritz

• Alzheimer’s – No More!

During his extensive travels throughout the world, Andreas consulted with heads of state and members of government in Europe, Asia and Africa, and lectured widely on the subjects of health, mind/body medicine and spirituality. He had a free forum, ‘Ask Andreas Moritz’, on the large health website Although he stopped writing for this forum around 2006, it contains an extensive archive of his replies to thousands of questions on a variety of health topics.

After moving to the United States in 1998, Andreas began developing his new and innovative system of healing called Ener-Chi Art that targets the root causes of many chronic illnesses. Ener-Chi Art consists of a series of light ray-encoded oil paintings that can instantly restore vital energy flow (Chi) in the organs and systems of the body. Moritz is also the creator of Sacred Santémony – Divine Chanting for Every Occasion, a powerful system of specially generated frequencies of sound that can transform deep-seated fears, allergies, traumas and mental or emotional blocks into useful opportunities for growth and inspiration within a matter of moments.

In October 2012, Andreas transitioned to the Higher Realms. While many people consulted with Andreas on health and emotional issues, they were always moved and inspired by his wisdom. Andreas’ legacy comprises a tremendous body of work, which he always generously shared with his readers, colleagues and fans. His YouTube videos, free health information and words of wisdom are available at, and

The Andreas Moritz Light Trust is a non-profit 501(c)(3) foundation created in 2013 in honor of Andreas and his time-honored kindness, generosity of spirit, profound wisdom, far-reaching teachings and life-transforming insights that have helped countless people around the world.

The goal of the Andreas Moritz Light Trust is to provide meaningful, much needed assistance to children around the world who have no parents – including nutritious food, healthy and safe living conditions, holistic education, compassionate care and enriching spiritual opportunities.
Two friends of mine have been doing the Moritz gall bladder flush and recommended it to me. The descriptions of hundreds of stones coming out sounded a bit fantastical to me so it makes complete sense that these are actually a product of the olive oil , citrus juice and bile.
I know that I may be in the minority on this gallbladder cleanse, but after reading about it years ago, I did it and did not have a good experience as can be seen in these posts:
I just want to report my experience with the liver/gall bladder cleanse that I tried. My original post about trying it is here.

Going on all veggies made me very nauseous. At this point, I can't even look a veggie in the face. I've been having some spirulina on my meat to give me a small amount of carbs.

The results were less than dramatic. As far as I could see, very few stones came out. What did come out, and not to be too graphic, is a lot of light-colored orange frothy stuff. As I had eaten my last sweet potato, I figure that that could have been it. There was also a small amount of what could have been small amount of cholesterol lumps.

On top of this, my intestinal tract has gone back to square one as I have had constant diarrhea. I did the cleanse one week ago.

Plus, I am still passing small amounts of the greasy stuff. So I see no improvement at all, and a worsening of my condition.

ST, I did everything to the letter (except for eating fruits, I ate veggies). Steamed the veggies, had no fat, was down flat with my head elevated on pillows for the whole night, etc. I did sleep well the night of the liver cleanse. I woke up every few hours as is normal for me, but went right back to sleep.

I do have a few health problems and that could be factored into this.

I just wanted to report my experience for those who may be thinking that this is a wonderful experience for all. It is not. I've been very weak and tired for almost the whole week because of this experience. And I am not in anyway looking to do this again, at this time.

Just to be clear, I am not blaming anyone or saying this cleanse is a bad thing, everyone is different and this could be very good for a lot of people. It just may not be a good thing for all people.
So for those wanting to do this cleanse, be careful.
Personally, I have had a positive experience with liver flushes.

I am a member of the ”100% carnivore … and beyond” facebook group (though I am not 100% carnivore, just ”meat-based” ;-)), and they have instructions for doing a liver flush in their files.

Moritz was a vegan, which shows in the flush protocol, but it could be done with a carnivore "twist" that could make it a bit more pleasant experience.

According to the carnivore group’s information, you can eat meat (Moritz advices to avoid fats, favour vegetables and fruits), but then fast for a day or two before doing the flush to cancel out the impact of fat: too much of it reduces the potency of the flush. I thought that it could be rough to go through the flush while weak from the fasting, so for my part, I fasted 24 hrs beforehand and ate meat with minimal fat (e.g. minced chicken/turkey with peas) on the day of the fast, the last meal being at 2pm as instructed. I then took the epsom salt ”shots” at 6pm and 8pm, the olive oil/lemon juice mixture at 10pm, and the last two epsom salt drinks the following morning at 6am and 8am.

The liver and gallbladder stones should be ”softened” by drinking copious amounts of apple juice beforehand (so that they will be easier to excrete), but to avoid the sugar load, you can instead use malic acid powder for six days prior to the flush to achieve the same effect. (I packed the powder into gelatine capsules.)

On my first flush, there were some traditional green stones (which are speculated to be formed from the olive oil drank the previous night), but what really shocked me were the hundreds of pitch black stones, slightly larger than a rice grain (unlikely to originate from olive oil). I suspect that they were toxins that had ”calcified” in the liver for the previous 43 years (my age when I did the flush) and were now released.

I felt like a million bucks after the flush, so I guess it could mean that the liver was strained under the toxins, and once it got rid of them, gave a "sigh of relief". In any case, I had a gut feeling that it’s better for the pitch black stones to be in the toilet, rather than remain stuck inside (for a lack of a better word, they looked ”evil”).

I did a few other liver flushes once a month during the new moon, as the body excretes toxins better then. There was just a morsel of those black stones during the second flush and practically none in the next one.

A word of warning: there can be risks with the flush. One could have a particularly tough gallstone, which could get stuck in the bile duct and cause major problems. Just to be sure, some people use ursodiol (for 1 to 2 months?) to shrink the potential blockers prior to moving on to the liver flush. In the case of a stone blocking the bile duct, it's said that a portable ultrasound device (1MHz?) could be used on a calcified stone to break it, and jumping on a (mini)trampoline could help too.
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