The Book Meme


FOTCM Member
Sent to me by a correspondent:

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fifth sentence.
3. Post the text of next 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name of the book and the author.
5. Tag three people.
So, here's my three sentences from page 123 of Gile's "The Amarna Age: Egypt" which is on my desk in front of me.

In his review of Redford's work, E. F. Wente calls attention to Breasted's notes from his visits to Soleb early this century, and to some good photographs particularly of scenes six and seven. These photographs show that in the lower of these two scenes "where the contents of the cartouches are better preserved Amenhotep IV's unaltered prenomen is original and the present name Akhenaton has been carved over Amenhotep. In both scenes the fact that the epithet "Great in his lifetime", used only of Amenhotep IV/Ikhnation, follows the second cartouche and is part of the original carving renders it impossible for the name of Amenhotep III ever to have been carved here.
My book is "The Myth of Sanity" by Martha Stout:
She has been contentedly studying during the trip, but as the plane begins to land, she puts away her books and notices that her stomach has started to hurt, and that she feels unaccountably tired.
and boy, isn't it right about me, spot on!
The Essential Kropotkin, an excerpt from his book Memoirs of a Revolutionist:

Peter Kropotkin - "Memoirs of a Revolutionist said:
They also taught me how little man really knows as soon as he comes out of the enchanted circle of conventional civilization. With a few pounds of bread and a few onces of tea in a leather bag, a kettle and a hatchet hanging at the side of the saddle, and under the saddle a blanket, to be spread at the campfire upon a bed of freshly cut spruce twigs, a man feels wonderfully independent, even amidst unknown mountains thickly clothed with woods, or capped with snow. A book might be written about this part of my life, but I must rapidly glide over it here, there being so much more to say about the later periods.
Hmmm, now I have to tag three people... Atreides, Anne, and Joe... Or is that only two people?
My book is Secret History.
Laura said:
Everything was "real" only insofar as it was connected to an archetypal gesture- illud tempus- from the beginning.
Eliade said:
Every hero repeated an archetypal gesture, every war rehearsed the struggle between good and evil, every fresh social injustice was identified with the passion of a divine messanger, each new massacre repeated the glorious end of the martyrs. ... Only one fact counts: by virtue of this view tens of thousands of men were able, for century after century, to endure great historical pressures without despairing, without commiting suicide or falling into that spiritual aridity that always brings with it a relativistic or nihilistic view of history.
Interesting quote... but is there any purpose to this meme?
Anthony Artus - Animal Links (Body Talk for Animals)
There is a growing school of thought, that we actually store our emotional memories, not in our brain , but within the tissues of our bodies, and that our brains are just means to process information for us. Certainly this is the premise upon which much of Bio-Energetics works and I see no problems with it, in fact, I totally agree with it. The technique I was about to use on the horse was to cause it to totally forget where it had stored its memories of its mutilation.
Lexicon Cosri
We search your advice and we ask to send us the learned man and if he will enchant with sweet words the Jew and Saracin - we shall accept your faith. When the Greek tsar has asked Cyril, whether would he go to Khazars, he has answered, that he would go on foot and barefooted there. Daubmanus considers, that Cyril with these words wished to tell that such a trip requires preparation as long as time was necessary to reach on foot from Constantinople up to Crimea, at that time Cyril still was illiterate in dreams and did not know how to open dreams from inside, that he could not wake up when he wanted so.
Kesdjan said:
but is there any purpose to this meme?
did i miss Ark telling any purpose of his Ark's picture of the day?
Steal it
Purpose probably lies here ;) :

meme (mēm) Pronunciation Key
n. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
from ISBN 3-05-501665-3 "Information: New Questions to a Multidisciplinary Concept" edited by Klaus Kornwachs & Konstantin Jacoby. Page 123 of this book is from a paper titled "Information and Structure: The Concept of Correlation Entropy in Quantum-Many-Body Systems and a General Comment", written by Paul Ziesche (I haven't yet read this particular paper, so no idea what it is about). My passport was nearer at hand, but that one is personal.

Sentence 5 (and 6 and 7) leaving out titles and captions, read(s):
The next question is how to generalise the expressions (1) and (2) for other extended (but inhomogeneous) systems (metals and insulators) and for finite systems (molecules and clusters). For the inhomogeneous system considered in the previous section the momentum distribution coincides with the so-called natural occupation numbers, the eigenvalues of the above mentioned one-particle matrix, which follows from the correlated many-body wave function by a reduction procedure. With these natural occupation numbers n[k] the generalisation of Eqs. (1) and (2) are ... (don't care to transcribe equations)
what is meant by "tag 3 people" ?
Since its a poem I'll go five lines down.
Gilgamesh translated by John Gardner
Enkidu shaped his mouth and spoke,
saying to Gilgamesh:
"Friend, turn..."
(... indicates missing parts of the Sin Leqi Unninni tablet)
My closest book is a collection of Hokusai's work, but they're all pictures, but here's the description of the work on 123, five sentences down etc.
The great cresting waves have ceased, but in their place the rhythmic up and down of the swell makes it impossible to relax. The six oarsmen (two fewer than in the "Great Wave" boats) continue to struggle against the sea, huddled in united effort. And then there magically appears the image of the mountain on the waves, which distort its shape with their restless action
Hokusai: A Hundred Views of Mount Fuji
The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene
"Be deliberatlely unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off-balance , and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize."

Actually, this is 2nd closest.
1st is the city phone book.
"Crumley Wilma Mrs etc...."

Thomas Alan
The Key by John Philip Cohane Page 123 is an illustration:

"Plate 31. Africa: a rock painting from the Hoggar Region in the mid-Saraha. This 6,000 to 7,000-year-old-portrayal of naked women before a monsterous white deity is, in the author's opinion, the only known depiction of Og, "the last of the giants", mentioned in Dueteronomy and five other books of the Old Testament. Og survived the flood by riding on the roof of Noah's Ark, and founded the fertility cult of Ashtaroth. The gridwork over the face of the principal figure assumes a special significance in text.

Photo: Henri Lhote Mission

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fifth sentence.
3. Post the text of next 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name of the book and the author.
5. Tag three people.
The owners were usually off at work, and on the few occasions that they were home they tried to make themselves as unobtrusive as possible, acting as though it were my apartment and they were just guests.

One such client was a claims adjuster in his mid-sixties.

I'd been cleaning his apartment for over a year and finally met him while he was at home recovering from an operation.

From Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris (a Christmas present) (hilarious).
Jimmy Carter's Peace Not Apartheid:

Carter said:
Israeli officials said that the destruction of an Arab home with dynamite or bulldozers was a rare, deliberate, and highly publicized event, designed to serves as an effective detterent to adults who might permit or encourage illegal acts by younger members of their families

Most of the Israeli responses were forthright, but one exception was the interception of foreign aid money by the Israelis, who claimed that some of the confiscated funds might have been diverted to finance acts of Arab terrorism and that Israeli control must be sufficient to prevent abuses that could threaten the peace. They also acknowledged a concern about surplus chickens, oranges, flowers, grapes, olives, or other agricultural goods being produced in the West Bank and Gaza that might damage the Israeli farm economy.
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff

"But as in general, my boy, you do not yet know of the exceptional peculiarity of this cosmic phenomenon Time, you must first be told that genuine Objective Science formulates this cosmic phenomenon thus:
"Time in itself does not exist; there is only the totality of the results ensuing from all the cosmic phenomena present in a given place.
"Time itself, no being can either understand by reason or sense by any outer or inner being-function.
My book is Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski:

Literature provides us with descriptions of several varieties of this anomaly, whose existence can be attributed either to changes in the genetic factor or to differences in other individual characteristics of a non-pathological nature. Let us thus sketch these sub-species’ common features. Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others.
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