An update on this experiment, beginning my 4th week.
I still feel really good. The reported benefits from day 4th are still here. Steady energy throughout the day. Never feel bloated. I lost fat even though I'm already lean, to begin with. No muscle loss. Better focus. If I feel tired I just have to pause for 5 minutes and I'm good to go again. I feel more flexible, my joints seem to benefit.
I feel the need for fat on meat.
We live in France countryside, and since we settled where we are we've been able to find great livestock farmers. We are well surrounded with good people. All are grass-fed meats or labeled organic. Easy to find it here. I think we will be able to have those well-raised animals all year long. We buy our meat in bulk as an animal is killed. It's an average of 10 to 14€/kilo. Beef, veal, lamb, pork, chicken, duck.
Organs are for free, nobody wants it. I can feel their nutritious value (liver and heart) better than I was before, used to try to kill the taste of it with toppings. I actually want to have them more in my diet now.
The thing is, the butcher is doing really lean cuts, and they all got the same one. So I asked one of the farmers to see if he could ask the butcher to keep the fat that's put aside. And there we are, he brought us 10 kg of pure fat from grass-fed beef, for free. That day was one of the best days of my life

I hope to be able to do that with others too. That's pure gold.
So now I'm able to top off my too lean meat with quality fat.
Some symptoms of possible bacterial die-off: a few headaches and some muscular pain and cramps, nothing incapacitating, sleep feel really regenerative and fix it properly. I had diarrhea from day 4th to 14th but not all liquid and irritating. Also, I'm a coffee addict, hard to cut that one out for now, so this could be the real culprit as I tend to overconsume it. I still can have diarrhea right after coffee at this point, let's say solid diarrhea.
My stools are so few, it's like there are almost no residues. Profound understanding of what nutrition is to me. I feel nourished, grateful, AND more "me", in some sense.
My girlfriend and my mother followed along a week ago. They got used to it pretty easily. We'll see the results.
We've been learning a lot through this topic and it's been a curiosity feast. I'm even considering becoming a farmer myself, first because that would be logical where I live now, it's all fields and farms. Second because preserving the old races and landscapes seem to be one of the most important things to do in today's mono-crop madness and third for autonomy. I have to say it changed my mind around having to take care of a vegetable garden which was included in our project. That will change a few things in my future I may guess. I don't see any reason not to continue that way.