Foxx said:
Mark's Daily Apple has an article up from a couple of weeks ago that has some interesting information regarding carb tolerance and possibly carb need for some:
Thanks for this Foxx! It explains why way back I could eat tons of carbs, even stuff I was allergic to (tomato), and still not gain weight!
I don't know if it relates to actual saliva production too, but yeah- I always had a lot of saliva.
My whole family has always been thin.
I've started eating some rice with dinner. I just read about white vs brown rice, doh! I have to get some white rice instead.
Like mentioned by others, I too had constipation from low/no carb/high fat. I was thinking it was some sort of infection.
As for Kruse, I have an aversion to him for a few reasons (red flags?).
His interview with Sott radio was cool, he was pretty straightforward and not afraid to throw in cuss words.
However, I felt that he spoke too confident, like he had no doubts at all.
(On the other hand, Laura/etc don't sound like that in interviews even when they have absolute proof!)
I am also picky when it comes to science and when people throw around terms ("creating protons"/etc) without context or explanations.
It reminds me of the free energy inventors who misuse terms, whether it be by mistake or intentional to promote their idea.
However, I'm not a pure skeptic when it comes to alternative science. I do know that some things are outside of what the scientific system wants to examine (and they hide it or throw the baby out with the bathwater).
I've read Laura's, Ark's, and Pierre's (and other books we have read) scientific explanations of very odd things and don't see the similar "bastardization" of the science.
Anyone else who feels like Kruse sometimes steps too far? He has some interesting connections, I just feel like "be careful" with what he says.