The dark side of "The Secret"
Wilecoyote, you certainly bring up some interesting points, some of which have occurred to me over the past few weeks. The lack of a nurturing/mothering image, coupled with her strong "feminist" vibe, her use of face cream that contains the foreskins of mutilated baby boys, and her South African school for girls, and girls only, certainly hints at something strange "at work", although it is difficult at this stage to pinpoint exactly what. I know that girls and women in such places as South Africa are more disadvantaged than males, however, males are STILL disadvantaged. If Oprah was really that concerned about the plight of South Africa, then she would have taken a more holistic approach and given greater opportunities and education to both sexes. By addressing the problems of only one half of the population, she is hardly going to solve the problems overall.
Now, about this pseudoscientific, New Age cultic ideology that is embodied in "The Secret". I just watched an excerpt of the television version, and couldn't believe all the contradictions that are present. For a start, they say that "like attracts like", and then they use a magnet as an analogy. Well most people know that it is the OPPOSITE poles of magnets that attract, and that it is the LIKE poles that repel. Now, I totally understand that when it comes to THOUGHTS, and thinking about certain things, the "like attracts like" philosophy is more truthful than "opposites attracts". For instance, very often your friends will be like-minded people (not always, of course, but this is usually true). And when you focus on negative feelings and thoughts about yourself or others for too long, you can quite often become depressed. Occasionally this depression will lead you to NOT taking certain actions and hence missing various opportunities in life, so more negative things arise. There is nothing mystical or magical about this -- it simply follows a cause-effect type of logic. (And this is as truthful as the YCYOR idea gets, but of course it has been stretched way beyond this by the New Age movement.) The point I'm trying to make is that it is absurd to draw an analogy of THOUGHTS from magnetic attraction -- two totally different principles are at work. That "The Secret" uses magnetic attraction to try to make a point just reveals how utterly ignorant the writers are on a few very basic concepts.
In the television version of "The Secret", one person says that if you think positive thoughts, positive thoughts will come, and then in the SAME SENTENCE, she says that if you think of all the things you DON'T WANT, then those things will come to you because you're focusing too much on them. What the...??? This is totally inconsistent and illogical. On the one hand they are saying you will get what you WANT, but that you also get those things you DON'T WANT also! If you really did create your own reality, then thinking such things as "I don't want to fail this exam" would mean you WOULD NOT fail it. So herein we have a little trick which is used that exposes the whole thing as a huge con -- if you wish for something to happen, but it doesn't happen, you will always be told by the New Age "experts" that there was something else you wished would NOT happen that interferred with what you wanted to happen. So, for example, if I think "I want to be rich, I want to be rich..." but in five years' time I am no richer, the excuse will be offerred that "you were obviously thinking in the back of your mind that you didn't want to be poor at the same time".
Another lie that was mentioned was that the reason 1% of the world owns 95% of the wealth is because THEY are the ones who are in on "the Secret". Clearly, OBJECTIVE reality plays no part in the minds of these con-artists behind "The Secret". The objective reality in this case being the fact that those who own 95% of the world's wealth are very likely psychopaths or people who have been ponerized, or have inherited huge amounts of wealth from psychopathic or ponerized persons. This has NOTHING to do with those individuals thinking about wealth and wealth being "drawn to them". It has everything to do with the dynamics of the ponerization process which has been going on for time immemorial.
On the topic of wealth, the final complaint I have about this so-called philosophy is the unbelievable emphasis on materialism, which couldn't be further from spiritual behaviour. Each time I saw a reference to personal gain in the television program, I felt sick in my stomach. This, I think, is the core of "The Secret" -- to promote an STS ideology focused entirely upon the physical and upon the self. Everyone who is poor has only themselves to blame. This then leads to further STS behaviour and further shutting out of the TRUE REALITY that poverty, and evil, exists.