The Dot Connector Magazine Joins Forces With!

zlyja said:
Apologies if this has already been asked, but would it be possible to pay for a PDF version without PayPal? I don't have a credit card, and ordering the DCM directly to my house would likely be a huge break in Strategic Enclosure. Could I possibly send a letter to Boulder with a $10 bill (cheaper than a money order), and request that a link to the PDF be sent to my email when they receive the money?

I don't know if this helps, but I had a simillar problem while subscribing.
What I did was:

- I logged into my paypal account,
- send money to,
- in the 'message to the sender' field I just typed that I'm unable to buy TDC from the page becouse of the credit card issue,
- got an email from Scott that my order got through.

I hope that you will be able to order your CDT soon. It's a great read :thup:
Thanks for the replies, Gonzo and sitta. :)

I did not know about the mail theft - thanks for the heads up! I tend to be careful when I send out bills, though; I at least wrap them in paper and fold over the sides. Guess I'll use more tape next time.

I should probably mention again that I'm not 18 yet, so my parents are in control of nearly all of my finances. I don't have a checking account, either, and my parents don't think I need one (and if I opened one up myself, they'd know about it through the bank statement). I might be able to link a savings account to PayPal, but I'm worried about leaving a "paper trail", especially if something glitches up. I'd much rather lose ten dollars in the mail than break my SE.

I apologize if I'm being difficult here. I just hope I can read and pay for the DCM soon without trouble. Thanks. :)
Hi zlyja,

I guess it difficult for me to fully appreciate your situation, being in a different country.
In Canada, people over 16 have the right to privacy, which can exclude parents from the information loop. For example, a 16 year old can decide if they want their parent to attend doctor appointment. Parents cannot access their children's records if the child is 16 or older.

However, we have some contradictions that are yet to be solved. You can't vote until you are 18, nor can you vote until that age. However, you can join the military at 16 in the reserves, also known as the militia and the regular force at 17.
In terms of bank accounts, you can have a private, personal bank account at 16, which is also the age you can legally move out from your parents and sign a contract or lease without the need a legal guardian.

It makes sense that, if a 16 year old can move out, they need a private bank account and be able to sign a lease with a landlord.

Some countries that are newer to such rights than Canada have even more contradictions.

In your country, do you know what age you can legally live on your own? That would most likely be the same age one could have their own bank account and sign a contract, or at least a lease, provided some degree of common sense prevails.

I think one good reason for such rights involve situations where an adolescent wants to live on their own to escape forms of abuse from their parents. However, I have seen situations where a student who was applying for a student loan, needed to have a documents signed by their drug-addict, abusive parent, so that they lender can see the parent cannot provide financial support. Simply ridiculous. Ah, but I digress.

zlyja said:
I did not know about the mail theft - thanks for the heads up! I tend to be careful when I send out bills, though; I at least wrap them in paper and fold over the sides. Guess I'll use more tape next time.

How about putting the bills inside an old catalog or a magazine. This way they won't be able to figure it out until, and if they scan it. And there are thousands catalogs or magazines being send out everywhere everyday, like DCM for example! Who will notice one more.

Just a thought.

Also, received the 11th issue today. It's beautiful! Thank you, all, for your hard work!
zlyja said:
I should probably mention again that I'm not 18 yet, so my parents are in control of nearly all of my finances. I don't have a checking account, either, and my parents don't think I need one (and if I opened one up myself, they'd know about it through the bank statement). I might be able to link a savings account to PayPal, but I'm worried about leaving a "paper trail", especially if something glitches up. I'd much rather lose ten dollars in the mail than break my SE.

I apologize if I'm being difficult here. I just hope I can read and pay for the DCM soon without trouble. Thanks. :)

Do you receive pocket money? Perhaps you could save some of it up and open a mail box (valid for a year), or provide a different address, perhaps of a friend.

Another possibility if you'll have another address to mail to, and if you'll be short on finances, is to send you DCM magazines after reading them. Could send the previous one and the new one within a week or so. This could be done to others as well in a similar situation. After reading, you could either pass it on or leave it somewhere. It could be fun, like reading and distributing resistance material. :)

edit: spelling
Hi Gonzo,

I live in the United States, so legally I'm not an adult until I'm 18. I wish I were born in Canada; in comparison, that sounds like a dream come true! As far as I know, 16-year-olds have no right to privacy until they're 18 - and even in some cases it's 21. It's still better than if I were born in some place like Peru; I've read that parents can legally get away with hitting their children there until they are 21. My household isn't that bad, though; if I get into college, my finances will be freed up, but that's a year away.

Speaking of the student loans, tell me about it! Unless you are married, a single mother, emancipated, or in the military, you can't get financial aid as an independent until you're 24. I know someone (18) in the exact same situation you described, but he can't get anything because his parents still claim him as a dependent. But I also digress. Thanks for the info. :)

Hi Keit,

Thanks for the suggestion! I think that an entire magazine would be too heavy for an envelope, but I could probably wrap it in a bunch of coupons... hope nobody in Boulder would throw it out!

Sometimes I'll get pocket money for doing various chores, or for buying water at school, things like that. I haven't managed to get a job yet.

The problem with opening up a new mail box like a PO Box or a private one is that none of that is within walking distance; everything's either ten miles away and/or up long, steep hills. Also, I think my parents would have to sign a form unless I'm 18. Pretty much all of my friends have graduated, and I have no idea where they live. It would be really fun to pass along the magazine that way, though; imagine reading it for the first time at the doctor's office. :)
zlyja, we receive money in the mail frequentyl. Usually, it is just put inside a greeting card and the edges of the card are taped.
Jerry said:
Many thanks to DCM #11 for Joe Quinn's article The British Empire: A Lesson in State Terrorism.

A must read for everyone, it's an intelligent and uncomplicated read for a complex topic: the truth about the victimization of the Irish people to reveal the tactics of State Terrorism.

Hope to see it on Sott so it can have facebook distribution.

I second that! I found the article very informative (and eye opening in some cases). For example, I didn't know that the British were that brutal against the Indian people! This so at odds with how that period is portrayed in the (popular) media, that it is downright insulting.

Anyway, kudos to everybody involved in this latest issue of The Dot Connector! :clap:
Nienna Eluch said:
Got my #11 issue of DCM! :clap: :thup: :headbanger:

I didn't think it could get any better, but you all have outdone yourselves, or so I think. What a beautiful magazine. I can't wait to get started reading it. :)

I am amazed at the excellent content when you add into the fact of all of the other things you all have going at the same time.

Thank you!

I second that.

Thanks a lot to all the members of the DCM.
Many thanks to Laura for Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms. This article is a brilliant historical condensation with a whole new perspective for Halloween.

Another reminder that you’re the best writer around! :cool2:
Laura said:
zlyja, we receive money in the mail frequentyl. Usually, it is just put inside a greeting card and the edges of the card are taped.

Thank you Laura. :) So, it's perfectly okay to send the money in a greeting card to the FOTCM address with a note about ordering a PDF version?

All the comments are making me excited; hope to crack open the newest editions soon. :cool2:
Gandalf said:
Nienna Eluch said:
Got my #11 issue of DCM! :clap: :thup: :headbanger:

I didn't think it could get any better, but you all have outdone yourselves, or so I think. What a beautiful magazine. I can't wait to get started reading it. :)

I am amazed at the excellent content when you add into the fact of all of the other things you all have going at the same time.

Thank you!

I second that.

Thanks a lot to all the members of the DCM.

I third that wholeheartedly :love:

I just got my #11 issue of DCM in today post.
Jerry said:
Many thanks to Laura for Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms. This article is a brilliant historical condensation with a whole new perspective for Halloween.

Another reminder that you’re the best writer around! :cool2:

It is interesting material, isn't it? It all just came together in my head due to researches over the past few years and I really began to understand how we got here from there. It's sad, too. So much waste of valuable lives that could have been spared had people known about psychopaths. But then, that's what religions, for the most part, are designed to do: hide pathology in power.

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