The end of the road for Macron? French political crisis

There is this article about how antifa got elected into the French Parliament and also into the EU.

The movement continues to take hold among parties on the left. An Antifa leader who is on France’s national security watchlist was elected to the National Assembly as a member of the New Popular Front leftist bloc. Raphaël Arnault will represent Vaucluse in Provence in the French parliament after winning with 54.98 per cent of the vote, according to Le Figaro.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his moderate party worked with the New Popular Front in a power deal to defeat conservatives.

Antifa was part of that front.

In Italy, Ilaria Salis, a school teacher by trade from Milan, Italy, has been elected to the European Parliament despite being arrested in 2023 in Budapest for allegedly taking part in the organized attack by Antifa on attendees of an event commemorating the anniversary of the siege of the Buda castle by the Soviet forces in 1945. Salis’ far-left green alliance Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (AVS) succeeded in securing the seat with the backing of far-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise (LFI) party — a member of the New Popular Front alliance.

These two milestones were secured only with the help of mainstream parties and leaders who continue to delude themselves about Antifa and its true agenda. While convenient allies now to win elections, these same leaders could soon find themselves the next reactionaries denounced by these same radical groups as they gain greater power.
About this person from Antifa elected in France, Raphaël Arnault:
Raphaël Arnault (born Raphaël Archenault on 8 January 1995) is a French politician of La France Insoumise who was elected member of the National Assembly for Vaucluse's 1st constituency in 2024.[1] In 2018 he founded the Jeune Garde Antifasciste, and serves as its spokesperson.[2] He has been flagged with three fiches S by law enforcement.[3]
So he was flagged by law enforcement with something called Fiches S and now elected into the French parliament:
In France, a fiche S (English: S card) is an indicator used by law enforcement to flag an individual considered to be a serious threat to national security. The S stands for Sûreté de l'État ("state security"). It is the highest level of such a warning in France; it allows surveillance but is not cause for arrest.[1]
Charming bedfellows the new allies on the left have.
There are already splits within the socalled winning coalition, The Popular Front, as some of the parties don't want to sit in the same room as the others. This was predictable as they had a hard time getting along before the artificial joining forces move.

Some left-wing lawmakers in France have proposed that a separate group be created in the parliament following the victory of the leftist New Popular Front (NFP) coalition in the parliamentary elections, French broadcaster BFMTV has reported.
The broadcaster reported on Tuesday that some elected lawmakers from the NFP have offered the Greens party and the French Communist Party, who are also a part of the coalition, to split from the coalition and create their own group. The initiative was voiced by lawmakers Clementine Autain, Alexis Corbiere and Francois Ruffin, who sent an official letter to the said parties on Tuesday, BFMTV reported.

The purpose of the new group is reportedly to compete with Jean-Luc Melenchon's France Unbowed party and the Socialist Party, and they reportedly will not participate in meetings in the same group as the France Unbowed party.
On Monday, the NFP coalition won the parliamentary elections, receiving 182 seats in the 577-seat National Assembly, with France Unbowed receiving 75 seats, the Socialist Party - 65 seats, the Greens - 33 seats, and the French Communist Party - nine seats.
This will only deepen the crisis and the discontent in the general population.
It is astounding how blatantly the elites have just made a mockery out of their „democracy“ in France. It almost couldn’t be more obvious that they rigged this election with what they did now. Basically, they themselves stated that the „bad“ parties have won clearly, and the next day they are now claiming the opposite is the case through this strange coalition. They really think they can do anything with the population.
In New Caledonia, the legislative elections went ahead, despite the territory still being in a state of unrest, with residents of some communes unable to get to their voting booth because of roadblocks, fear of car-jackings and insufficient sea transport, and some pro-independence communes blatantly breaking electoral rules (no independent assessors due to personal safety reasons(!), unequal distribution of voting bulletins, plus threats from the local pro-independence enforcers that if you don't vote the 'right' way, then your house gets burned down). Hardly surprising one pro-independence candidate got 100% of the vote in one pro-independence commune and both got over 95% in many others in the second round. In that context, hardly surprising the results completely bucked any statistical or historical analysis. Old Jo Stalin would be proud! What a farce!

It is astounding how blatantly the elites have just made a mockery out of their „democracy“ in France. It almost couldn’t be more obvious that they rigged this election with what they did now. Basically, they themselves stated that the „bad“ parties have won clearly, and the next day they are now claiming the opposite is the case through this strange coalition. They really think they can do anything with the population.
Yup, and it smells terrible for NC, which is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy without huge handouts from France (even before taking into account the social and security situation), but the hung, drawn and nearly quartered Parliament has bigger fish to fry! Maybe the C's predicted breakup of France is closer than we suspect.
I can't wait to read the next Cs session to find out the real result of the 2nd round of the legislative elections.

Big topic of discussion with my friends: if there had been no withdrawals and just a normal campaign between the two rounds with no voting instructions (voters are grown-up and responsible, aren't they?), what would the National Assembly have looked like? :-)

As one political expert (whom I'm not, fortunately there's math and physics) said, by systematically proposing to block the angry movement that's gaining momentum, aren't we continuing to feed it?​
Just look at the naivety of the zombies in the streets on the evening of the second round. Many people function on emotion, and therefore on manipulation, and this is painful to see. They swim in a vision that is totally disconnected (the ultra-left has created a kind of watered-down, childish "Care Bears" universe) from the long-term effects of this electoral deception. It's painful to see such immaturity and distortion. The intellectual level is plummeting in France. There's a striking Wizard of Oz syndrome. People are hypnotized by the gesticulations of the France insoumise party and respond only to emotion. It's frightening.
The eurozone is still under attack after French elections:

Collapse of the eurozone banking system, update and explanations at the start of trading on 10 July 2024...​

As a reminder, more than 500 billion euros left the French financial centre before the first round of parliamentary elections to take refuge, in particular in Bunds, whose yields logically fell as their prices rose in response to strong demand. The following day, Monday 1 July, capital left the Bund en masse and therefore the eurozone, as the French degeneration is now spreading to the whole eurozone!.. I wrote on 1 July.

And the major turbulence continues on Wednesday 10 July...

On Wednesday 10 July, Bund yields plunged at the start of the session, which corresponds to strong intervention by those who manipulate the financial markets to try to prevent the markets for bad treasury bills from the Club Med countries, including of course France, from plunging further into the abyssal depths.

Document 1 :

These interventions in sovereign securities, and in particular in the Bund, have been on a massive scale over the last few days, depending on the interventions or non-interventions of the various parties involved, i.e. the Americans or the leaders of Arab hydrocarbon-producing countries, to rescue or plunge the eurozone into perdition, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to fight the financial markets!

At the same time, as the Other would say, the spread between the yields on the bad 10-year French Treasury bonds and those on the Bund continued to rise at the start of trading on Wednesday 10 July, wiping out the rescue attempts of the previous few days, which means that capital is still fleeing this security en masse.

Document 2:


Those who manipulated the financial markets can no longer do as they please and they can no longer give the illusion that all is well in the Potemkin village of France,

Further confirmation that things are really going very badly in France: CDSs have soared over the last month and they are continuing to rise today compared with the previous day!

Document 3:

As a reminder...

Capital is once again leaving the eurozone, and France in particular, in droves.

Holders of capital are voting with their feet: they are leaving this unnatural zone which is in perdition, and those invested in Treasury bonds are the tip of the iceberg...

The Degenerate whom the French elected and even re-elected as President of the Republic is succeeding perfectly well in his project, which was to sink France irretrievably.

Its like these people do not realize they won the elections. It reminds me when I was in Paris during the 2006 World Cup Final match, where France lost to Italy on penalty kicks (it seems nearly every soccer match I watch ends in penalty kicks...they should just save time and go straight to the kicks). Despite LOSING they literally celebrated along the Champs Elysee as if they won!! It is like they had no idea they lost! So it makes you wonder if the Parisians just plan what they are going to do REGARDLESS of the outcome LMAO :)
Actually, the first group in France, following these last elections (not really rigged but mostly the result of a weird system AFAIK), is constituted of abstainers (16 million citizens), far ahead of RN (10 million), NFP (7 million) and Macronists (6 million).
That depends on who your 'abstainer' is. Is it a 'fully-formed adult' making a reasonably informed choice, or is it one of those many people who are essentially still children in adult bodies?
That depends on who your 'abstainer' is. Is it a 'fully-formed adult' making a reasonably informed choice, or is it one of those many people who are essentially still children in adult bodies?
Both more or less, but mostly grown up adults by far, who don't want to play this twisted electoral game, I guess.
A lot of the French people know that this political system isn't democratic. Not participating nor taking position is a way to say that you don't agree with this melodrama
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