The end of the road for Macron? French political crisis

The next few days will be interesting. Now that the NFP (Nouveau Front Populaire) alliance has done its job and managed to get some deputies from this bizarre alliance into the Assemblée, the race for the magistracy will be played out, with who will get which ministerial chair and who will get the top post of Prime Minister, now that Emmanuel Macron has become a ghostly figure in the French political landscape. The Rassemblement National will remain the majority political force in this new Assemblée, but it will remain, as usual, in opposition to a government made up of new figures, but which will maintain exactly the same policies: uncontrolled immigration, globalism, Europeanism, and making France the figurehead of what could be a simple Euro-region within a federal European Union under the yoke of an unelected European Commission accountable to no one. France's political future does not look bright.
It really seems like a reactive Hail Mary, that the left and greens got together because the Marie La Penne's party became the party to beat. I think it's a good thing that the elite in power get blindsided, since it makes them less able to make intelligent decisions and so more likely to slip up. I seem to recall Marie La Penne was a Zionist sympathizer, which is a fact I don't love about her. I hope the new coalition does something to help the Palestinians.
The Duran guys made a good point: they may have "saved" France from the specter of a RN prime minister, but their silly cobbled together coalition that is deeply divided internally will only produce chaos and thereby further strengthen LePen's bid for the presidency. They sure will have to do an awful lot of rigging to prevent her victory come election time!
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Can you find the link to that post?
Here it is :
It's a post from La Tribune de Genève, a Swiss journal.
The full text :
La Tribune de Genève (@tdgch on X) said:
Selon les premiers résultats, le #NouveauFrontpopulaire arrive en tête!!À 19h20, la confusion règne auprès des instituts de sondage. Si certains donnaient le Rassemblement national en tête avant 19h, ils sont désormais plusieurs à donner le Nouveau Front populaire devant les autres partis.Les projections de l’institut Ifop pour TF1 donne ainsi la Nouveau Front populaire devant le RN, dans une fourchette de 175 à 215, devant la majorité présidentielle, 150 à 170, et le RN en troisième place, à 130-160. Les Républicains arrivent dernier, à 59-94.L’institut OpinionWay donne des chiffres similaires avec NFP 180-210, Ensemble 160-180, RN et alliés 130-160 et LR 40-50.À suivre en direct sur notre site:
Tass also had other numbers based on Belgians' media, published yesterday at 20h03 :


National Rally leading parliamentary election in France, unlikely to win absolute majority​

BRUSSELS, July 7. /TASS/. France’s right-wing National Rally party is winning the second round of early parliamentary elections but is unlikely to get an absolute majority, the Belgian RTBF television channel said, citing exit polls.

"According to the first assessment of data from exit polls, the National Rally will not win an absolute majority but will be the first," it said.
According to the television channel’s forecast, Marine Le pen and Jordan Bardells’s party may count on from 210 to 228 seats in the 577-seat legislature.
Another Belgian media outlet, the Soir newspaper, also anticipates the right-wing party’s victory, adding that the voter turnout has exceeded 67%, a record-breaking level in more than 25 years, since 1997.

Unlike the French media, Belgian mass media do not fall under the nationals ban on announcing intermediate results until the voting is over."
This article (in French) is also about the trend reversal in the polls around 7PM yesterday, citing Belgian and Swiss medias :
In hindsight, this may have been an omen.

Rocamadour’s famous sword in the rock is missing, theft suspected

Police are investigating after the suspected theft of a mythical sword that was embedded in a cliff in the hill-top village of Rocamadour, south-central France.

Durandal was the famed sword of Roland, the protagonist of La Chanson de Roland, an epic poem and the oldest surviving major work of French literature.

The sword was embedded in a cliff face in Rocamadour (Lot) until it went missing on Saturday, June 22. [...]

La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland), written in the 11th century, recounts the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in the year 778 during the reign of the Emperor Charlemagne.

It describes how an angel brings the sword to Charlemagne, who passes it on to his nephew, Roland.

The epic poem details how Roland stood his ground, holding off Saracen enemies and allowing many of his troops to escape back over the Pyrenees. He uses the sword to kill many men during the battle, then hides it beneath his body before he dies, so it will not be captured.

Local legend in Rocamadour says that, according to 12th century monks, Roland actually threw his sword, rather than hid it, creating a crevice in the wall.

Locals are stumped as to how the thieves managed to remove the sword, which was embedded into the cliff high above the ground and attached by a chain.
By going ridiculous lengths to hinder RN's popular success, the establishment (just like in the US and elsewhere in the West) is exposing their rotten and fraudulent political system, which is making it harder for ordinary people to keep ignoring that there is no real democracy, that it's all fake. And it is increasingly difficult to maintain an illusion that is so weak; it's like a narcissistic washed-up magician who is totally drunk and still trying desperately to trick the audience while the rabbits are jumping around the stage and cards are falling out of his sleeves. As mentioned, there won't be unity with this fake coalition, instead they will make LePen even more popular.

Whatever happens next, end result will be more chaos, that's for sure!
I think the increasingly clownish leadership in many Western countries is supposed to make people think that democracy doesn't work - and the presented solution will be "rule by AI".

Though it is quite a risky balancing act between showing that "democracy doesn't work" and not revealing their own hand as the reason for it not working.
The Duran guys made a good point: they may have "saved" France from the specter of a RN prime minister, but their silly cobbled together coalition that is deeply divided internally will only produce chaos and thereby further strengthen LePen's bid for the presidency. They sure will have to do an awful lot of rigging to prevent her victory come election time!

If it holds true in France as it does in LATAM, those small leftist parties, having formed this opportunistic block, have anything but unity, and it is likely they hate each other. Those super coalitions will fall apart after a very brief honeymoon. Perhaps Le Pen is referring to this when she said the victory of her party has only been deferred.
The eurozone banking system is collapsing:
As a reminder, more than 500 billion euros left the French financial centre before the first round of parliamentary elections to take refuge in particular in Bunds, whose yields logically fell as their prices rose under the strong demand, and the next day, Monday 1 July, capital massively left the Bund and therefore the eurozone, because the French degeneration is now spreading to the whole eurozone!... I wrote on 1 July.

And here we go again on Monday 8 July, following the surprising results of the second round of parliamentary elections!

On Monday 8 July, Bund yields rebounded again, corresponding to strong sales of bad Club Med Treasuries, including of course those of France,


Bund yields are therefore rising again, as are French OAT yields... while yields on Italian 10-year Treasury bonds are little changed, according to data at 10am French time,


The spread between the yields on the bad 10-year French Treasury bonds and those on the Bund remains high, despite the interventions of those who manipulate these markets...

Document 3 :

Once again, capital is leaving the eurozone, and France in particular, in droves.

Holders of capital are voting with their feet: they are leaving this unnatural zone which is in perdition, and those invested in Treasury bonds are the tip of the iceberg...

The Degenerate whom the French elected and even re-elected as President of the Republic is succeeding perfectly well in his project, which was to sink France irretrievably.

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