I can’t truly or effectively understand timelessness. I just try to imagine it based on what is told in the sources. Also, I don’t exactly know what is meant by “expanded present” as “the real measure of time”. Maybe it’s something we already know, at least to some extent, and I hope that we can clarify it.
A possibility is about the relationship between 7D and all other densities. Linearly thinking, there are “seven individual densities”. But the sources (the Ra-Cassiopaean cosmology) who tell us about these seven densities also tell that “all densities are 7D”. It’s as if “there’s a single density” (7D), and all other densities are different forms or stages of the single density. Like “the snake which eats its tail”. You know, “the search which ends where it started.” The seven densities is a travel of the “self” in/around itself, spinning or whirling.
When I first thought about the “expanded present”, I assumed that it isn’t fixed but ever expanding, like physically or volumetrically. But, then, I can’t help but conclude, rightly or wrongly, that expansion implies there was a beginning, and so there must be an end, which doesn’t seem to agree with “timelessness”. My current understanding of a possibly “fixed expansion” is closely related to the Sun symbol, which might also be the symbol of entire existence or being:
Doesn’t it also look like a spinning dancer as viewed from top?
The dot in the middle is nondual, absolute being, 7D. The dot is 1, all, infinity. But, I think, from the perspective of duality/illusion/creation, we need to draw a circle around it, which is the “bigger dot”, or the “expanded dot”, the “expanded 1”, the “expanded now”. The space/time between the inner dot and the external circle is probably the field of creation, information, illusion, show.
Maybe we can make some inferences about time using this symbol?