The Esoteric Agenda

Out of the Box has been removed from the forum. He/she will be much happier elsewhere, where one does not have to think about everything they do or say, where one can be subjective and argumentative, where one can post self-important advertisements in their signature - in short, where one can do exactly as one wants with no regard for anyone else, for the truth or for objectivity.
I'm new to this site and I'm glad I saw this post depicting "what not to do"! This forum is a lot more intelligent than the other ones I've visited, and now I can see why. The rules you have, you enforce, and I think you gave out of the box plenty of chances for redemption, but he battled on anyways. It was interesting and a warning. Thanks for hearing him showed that you were willing to intelligently explain things. When he answered "why should I ?" in his last post, I just about fell out of my chair!!
billowy cloud said:
I'm new to this site....

Hello Billowy Cloud, welcome to the forum.

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