The frequency ratio in humanity and the times to come


Dagobah Resident
Reading some topics in the forum and also some of the bringers of the down and Ra material an image started to form in my mind about a factor that could have weight in the future events (I am not trying to predict nor anticipate the future, I am just pointing a possible factor in the middle of a non- linear dynamics, but if moderators consider the opposite, please remove it) .

When I read what Laura wrote in this thread “Re: How to Deal with the Government” where she says:

“It seems like a slow and inefficient way to get there, but history shows us that nothing else has ever really worked so we need to try a new way or the human race is going to perish. We think that when a certain critical mass of individuals do get cleared and aware, it can then multiply exponentially. Getting to that critical mass is the big question: what IS critical mass and how long will it take us if we devote ourselves to the task?”

In the text behind I try to suggest that could be another ways in a non-linear dynamic to achieve that critical mass ( one that I didn't like it)

We have read about how important it is in order to manifest a SAO earth the presence of a determinate number of conscious humans in the time of transition. This group should be able to anchor a certain frequency (let's assume and call it the higher but this is subjective) and survive the tumult. They must actually be living this frequency that consist of trying to manifest the truth, see the occult, act accordingly and overcome the sabotage of the system of control, etc. Three years ago I was still thinking that any possible interaction with comets will be through impacts but now with the knowledge about the electric universe and its relation with comets and the hypothesis of pathogens traveling in it I don’t see that necessary anymore.

The great mass of humanity, which either didn’t chose wake up or simply couldn’t make it is emitting a frequency signal whose intensity predominates. But if we can see a plot of intensity or power of that emission vs frequency we could see that there is entire spectrum from the lowest to the highest when the last is the less dominant. Well, I’ve wondered how a small group of people could change the whole thing as C’s and pleyadians suggested, and what came to my mind was the next idea.

If with the changes to come large numbers of people will pass away because they are not in tune with the new frequency while the highest part of the spectrum remain constant at least or increase in number (because this group knows how to survive and in this context survive = be living the frequency, doing the right, in the right place) What would happen to the frequency spectrum?

Wouldn't be an increase in the signal of the higher frequency group at expense of the lower? It's like trying to hear a chorus in a large auditorium in the middle of the background noise of people murmuring. If the last are quiet the chorus can be heard. It is the opposite and a terrible way to increase the noise/signal ratio but as Laura pointed quantum changes are cataclysmic.

I see this as a catch 22 situation for the control system because they need to cause the greatest suffering, pain and dead to have the energy to start the next cycle again, but the removal of large masses of people (in a “natural” or induced way) could be causing indirectly increasing the power of the higher frequency signal not necessarily to overtake the power of the lower signal but enough for something to happen. (again I stress that higher signal people knows how to stay in tumult, this is, they are not as easily removable)

Of course this analysis is too much simplistic, there could be a lot of variables intervening in the future times but I am catching that this single one could be one of them. (maybe I'm totally wrong, made me know it).
I get what you are saying and it sounds reasonable. I guess we'll just keep doing what is in front of us to do and wait and see!
I hadn't thought about it that way, Galaxia2002--interesting idea! Thanks for sharing!
Just a thought of mine : Could the Cs be talking about a frequency much higher than all known in 3D sciences?. Is it possible that those souls that are ready for transition will automatically manifest to the proper frequency, blending into the Wave Freq. and possibly to 5D/4D level. More likely 5D so a choice can be made...( if the soul wishes to reincarnate or go to a 4D STO level). One thing very noticeable is the choices that people are making...It seems it is harder and harder to find the younger generation going into the sciences such as Math, Physics, or even the medicines. In the USA, teaching seems to be to pass the child so that he does not have the "I am being dissed" mentality. Seems teachers are being judged an graded by how many kids they can get by and out (graduate) than if they can spell there own names. While at work , I saw reports sent to superiors from "College Grads" that looked like 4th grade bad spelling, along with run on sentices, no punctuation, etc.. Realizing that it could be purposely happening to dumb down society, perhaps it is because of the Cs mentioning that the world is now possibly 50% remotes, psychopathic organic portals, or just plain STS programmed NWO participants not wanting any other way of life, could be the reasoning behind this. In trying to hold a decent conversation, the subject of bringing about a higher standard of living is usually looked at with "Oh come on, this is the 21 Century".. Yet we have more people out of work and collecting some sort of welfare that will be a disaster if they lose it....Don't think of helping youself or being on your own... Boy, times have changed. One more thought, I always believed that people will be drawn to whatever their spiritual freq. level requires them to be with . IE: drawn to Christianism, Judism or any level that makes them feel either wanted or comfortable..That is the reason why the Forum exists. Do you notice the type of person drawn to FOTCM and the subjects spoken about. Thanks for your hard work.
In this topic you talk about a single wave which frecuency might change upwards or downwards. How about a wave split?, I mean two independents waves one for 3D realms and another for 4D beings.
mssotelo said:
In this topic you talk about a single wave which frecuency might change upwards or downwards. How about a wave split?, I mean two independents waves one for 3D realms and another for 4D beings.

What I get from the C's is this. The wave borders both 3D and 4D realms at the same time and as it 'washes' over earth it will create a 4D earth bringing with it those who are ready to move to 4D. The 3D earth will remain as is (albeit with a lot of cometary damage) peopled by those destined to repeat another 306 000 year cycle :(

As to when the wave arrives - well, that's more complicated. The C's indicated that a few things have to happen first, such as computers taking over the world. Also the speed of the wave may have something to do with the frequency resonance vibration of earth itself. It may be that a certain frequency "loudness" acts as a sort of attractor.

The C's tell us that the earth's core is heating up because of humanity's FRV. In much the same way I see this affecting off-world events, everything being related to and influencing everything else.

It may be that as things continue to deteriorate, the indignation and other factors increase the frequency energetic output of mankind resulting in a strengthening attractor, pulling in the wave faster as well as acting as a magnetic influence on other STS beings who sense easy prey. Naturally STO beings will be along for the ride to balance forces, so to speak.

The PTB continue to brainwash and condition humanity to meekly accept the status quo instead of what would be a natural outpouring of righteousness, thus keeping the wave at bay.

Please note: the above is just an idea floating around my mind and I'd love to see it corrected.
Richard said:
As to when the wave arrives - well, that's more complicated. The C's indicated that a few things have to happen first, such as computers taking over the world. Also the speed of the wave may have something to do with the frequency resonance vibration of earth itself. It may be that a certain frequency "loudness" acts as a sort of attractor.

The C's tell us that the earth's core is heating up because of humanity's FRV. In much the same way I see this affecting off-world events, everything being related to and influencing everything else.

Hi Richard, it would be helpful if you would quote specific C's sessions when you make statements about what the C's have said. I think you might have some of the above topics a bit confused, so specific quotes from the sessions would help.
I think this thread can be summed up by what Terence McKenna said in his Time and the I Ching interview:
We know where the road goes, but we don't know what the scenery looks like.

Let me put on my storytelling hat :wizard: and make up one possible scenario:[quote author=me]Ice Age arrives. Chaos, violence. The group makes a "discovery". This is the critical mass. A goal is manifested here in 3D, a sequence of actions that promise "victory" when performed, like the "grail". Members of the group, all over Earth, act on the discovery simultaneously, like a "dance". The Dark T-shirts howl with rage. 4D STO nudges the group at certain tight spots. The veil is ripped apart, Fortean phenomena explodes as universes merge. In the sky, a din of madly barking hounds, a thundering of horses. Herle King leads the Hunt, his antlers magnificent atop his head. Comets detonate in blinding flashes of light, multitudes of tornadoes appear out of nowhere to sweep Dorothy up, Tethys in a fury summons her waters in an assault upon land. The dreamer awakes, to new unexplored dreams.[/quote]

The curtain lifts; let the show begin.
Hi Richard, it would be helpful if you would quote specific C's sessions when you make statements about what the C's have said. I think you might have some of the above topics a bit confused, so specific quotes from the sessions would help.

Yes, you're right. I've tried the search function. Now trying to scan........there's so much!
The C's tell us that the earth's core is heating up because of humanity's FRV

From session February 22, 1997

A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in interior.

Q: (L) Why does it do that? What's the cause of this?

A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

With regard to

such as computers taking over the world

I don't really want to reference the session as it appears on another site, not on this, and Frank's name is different. The quote from that session that applies is:

Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.

Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Richard said:
I don't really want to reference the session as it appears on another site, not on this, and Frank's name is different. The quote from that session that applies is:

Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.

Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.

But they do not say that this will happen before the wave, that's an assumption on your part. I don't think there is any way to know when that will happen, if it does.
Richard said:
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.

anart said:
But they do not say that this will happen before the wave, that's an assumption on your part. I don't think there is any way to know when that will happen, if it does.

The session is from 19th November 1994.

The Cs also mention that computers will begin to develop a soul imprint (emphasis mine):

Session 2nd September 1995 said:
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cybergenetic probes of the Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this mean that some of the Lizard beings are also STO?
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things about that from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Q: (L) That's not a pleasant thought.

I don't think computers -- or more specifically, artificial intelligence -- are quite there yet. Well, at least not that we're aware of.
But they do not say that this will happen before the wave, that's an assumption on your part. I don't think there is any way to know when that will happen, if it does.

You're absolutely right.

It could be that it's just about here anyway. When a retail outlet knows that a girl is pregnant before her father does that could be a form overpowering. When everything we do is tracked electronically that could be a form of overpowering. All our transactions, communications and everything about us gets reduced to bits and bytes and we're solidly in the matrix.

All our cellphones, computers, kindles, iPads are also monitoring devices, we have no real privacy. Don't we come to feel powerless?
Richard said:
But they do not say that this will happen before the wave, that's an assumption on your part. I don't think there is any way to know when that will happen, if it does.

You're absolutely right.

It could be that it's just about here anyway. When a retail outlet knows that a girl is pregnant before her father does that could be a form overpowering. When everything we do is tracked electronically that could be a form of overpowering. All our transactions, communications and everything about us gets reduced to bits and bytes and we're solidly in the matrix.

All our cellphones, computers, kindles, iPads are also monitoring devices, we have no real privacy. Don't we come to feel powerless?

Only if we choose to ;D
Daenerys said:
Richard said:
But they do not say that this will happen before the wave, that's an assumption on your part. I don't think there is any way to know when that will happen, if it does.

You're absolutely right.

It could be that it's just about here anyway. When a retail outlet knows that a girl is pregnant before her father does that could be a form overpowering. When everything we do is tracked electronically that could be a form of overpowering. All our transactions, communications and everything about us gets reduced to bits and bytes and we're solidly in the matrix.

All our cellphones, computers, kindles, iPads are also monitoring devices, we have no real privacy. Don't we come to feel powerless?

Only if we choose to ;D

Yes, I would agree on the last statement. In the US I can see two kinds of people, those who let these electronics (cell phones, video games, iPads etc..) run their lives and every waking moment and those who see these as useful devices for certain tasks, but that's all. One scary trend is how much younger people have been weaned onto such devices. I'm only in my thirties and remember when it was punishment to not let kids outside to play with other kids (myself included, I would cry for hours from my room window watching the others play ball or hide and seek and not being able to be there). Now it would be punishment to do so. The system obviously knows this, back in the day the "educational" system's purpose was to kill youngsters' innate creativity and curiosity with boring and useless "academic facts" and herd them into the machinery of the corporate state. Now the task is easier, kill kids' creativity and replace them with video games.

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