The Gay "Germ" Hypothesis

An interesting thing to note is that under the terms of the Lieber Code (Lincolns General Order 100,1863) and The Hague Convention on Warfare on Land (1907) two of the things used to determine whether a group of people are hostile combatants and to be treated accordingly is that they are united under a flag and they are acting to disturb the peace or the agenda of the occupying force (administrative government).

Also, if the agenda changes when the snap back comes, the above documents also suggest remedy. The only way to end a war is a formal declaration of peace - knowing that they will try to incite angry reactions.
Nobody said that. The point is: if it's entropic, it leads to extinction.

All matter is under the influence of entropy. ALL of it is on the road to extinction. It's like winding up something up or putting a battery in it and setting it going. From there on, it's energy and therefore 'existence' (as such) is on the way down. Even the machine that holds the energy is subject to the forces of decay. ALL matter, eventually decays and expires, until someone or something comes along to start afresh again with a new input of energy, or add energy (and corrections) to the breaking down or broken down system so that it can continue on.

Think of the time energy and creative input it takes a baker to make a intricately designed and beautiful cake. Now take such a cake and stick that cake outside in the sun and watch what happens over time. That's human beings. Yes, we're all different types of pastry. 🤪
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All matter is under the influence of entropy. ALL of it is on the road to extinction.


What seems evident to me is that the instant the prototype was set running, however and whenever, mutations and copying errors began to happen, i.e. entropy began to do its work. There were probably also pre-installed variations on themes such as height, strength, tolerances to this or that, and more. Very soon there were cross-effects of various mutations or gene duplications or deletions - whatever - and homosexuality became part of the general homo sapiens prototypical phenotype. It appears to have been a very small percentage and remains very small for various obvious reasons, mainly lack of reproduction under most circumstances. We can't exclude deliberate manipulative engineering of some humans who may have had some gene sequence that was/is very beneficial in some way.

We should not forget for a moment the creative imperative that was represented in the human prototypes - as above, so below - that is, male and female as the two yardstick type styles of being, keeping in mind that any graph of about any feature is going to have the bell curve majority and outliers at each end. But the tallest person and the shortest person in a graph are still basically the same except for that apparent feature of height which may, or may not, relate to other genetic implications because genes are so cross-active involved with one another!

And the analogy of differences in height is probably a better one for homosexuality vs. heterosexuality, than thinking in terms of physical disabilities, I think.

But still, we have to consider the idea of the implications of a gene which apparently affects psychology and how else it might affect psychology along with inclining a person to homosexuality against the norm, i.e. the main part of the bell curve. That is not to say that it is a negative thing at all because, as many studies have shown, there are definite psychological differences between males and females in general, and ranged along the spectrum from a lot to a little. So it is only natural to think that homosexuality would entail certain psychological features that are more or less normative within that population. That should be studied and understood so as to best optimize functioning, I think. It's always a good thing to know one's strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, as PtE pointed out, the emphasis needs to be removed from sexuality among homosexuals - and everybody, for that matter - as the Cs have said, that's what got us into this mess in the first place! The emphasis needs to be placed on Positive Contributions to Society as a WHOLE.

So, that's where I am at the moment.
So, from ancient times, there was tinkering from 4D STS that preventing from human evolution.
But, nowadays more than ever, because the magnetic field from cosmic ray increases.
Anyway, I think the Homosexual is not harmonic with universal orders.

Session Date: June 9th 2018

Q: (Pierre) I have two questions. Me and others have noticed that the sun’s rays seem more aggressive over the past few years. Are the sun's rays becoming more aggressive?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Why?

A: Cosmic conditions. Breakdown of magnetic field, cosmic rays, and cosmic dust.

Q: (L) Are there any kinds of like cosmic rays or rays from the sun that are hitting us that wouldn't ordinarily be hitting us if our magnetic field was up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Are they good for us?

A: Not especially. Some withstand better than others the increase in mutations.

Q: (Andromeda) That was gonna be my next question: What about mutations?

(Joe) What happened to those people when Tunguska happened? What were the mutations that happened? A blood type change or something?

(Pierre) Animals mutations, plants... So we’re gonna have more and more cancers.

(L) Well, not necessarily. Mutations don't necessarily mean cancer. They mean weird things. [laughter]

(Chu) They could be good mutations, too.

(L) Usually cancer is the mutations that happen in the cellular machinery. But there are mutations in genes that are WEIRD. I mean, what if you grow a hand out of your head? Then you'd look like a rooster! [laughter]

(Artemis) Are any of these mutations particularly desirable?

A: Some!

Q: (Artemis) So we should all be getting more sun?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) How do you get the good ones?

(Pierre) 99% of mutations are random and detrimental. And you have 0.1% that hit the complex machinery of the human body and improves it.

(L) So we should really try to avoid the sun right now because it's weird?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it make some people crazy even?
A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it increase mental disorders?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) We'll all use umbrellas.

A: We told you that things would "open up".

Q: (L) So are you suggesting in terms of genetics - like genes can open up as a result of this opening up of things?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's not just the Earth that opens up and volcanoes and earthquakes that open up, but also people can open up and their genes can manifest?

A: Yes
Indeed, there is always the choice of the individual and the current materialist based culture is doing everything it can to take away the ability to choose.

I think , as adults, this is what we are striving for, that space where we can make our choice. It's very difficult as we are programmed to react instead of using that momentary space. Children, however, in most cases and particularly in abusive home settings are not given that opportunity and so it's implanted in us very early. An instinctive reaction must be one of the hardest habits to break. The results we can see everywhere.
The subject of genetic entropy reminds me of what Gurdjieff said about evolution, that it cannot proceed mechanically, it must proceed consciously. Like computers can have algorithms that can catch syntax errors and repair programs, I believe that 4D STO intended for intelligence to be used as a counterbalance for entropy in 3D beings. The mutations would occur, and each would present a different challenge or puzzle or test which must be overcome and would grant a wider understanding of reality or reason to view things in a different way. At some point, the wider understanding combined with increased intelligence would allow one the ability to change one's DNA in a rather direct way in order to adapt to any circumstance and become master of resiliency. The STO beings might come in and make an occasional tweak, but in general it wasn't really necessary. However, there have been so many redesigns and modifications since that design that I pretty much consider 4D STS to be the de facto designer of humanity, full stop. In regards to genetic entropy I subscribe more to this point of view:
session960504 said:
Q: (TK) Well, we'll never explore all of what is under the ocean. (L) It just staggers the mind to think about it. What do they want these people for?
A: To replace you.
Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?
A: Completely.
Q: (L) Do these people being bred and raised in these underground cities have souls?
A: Yes, most.
Q: (TK) Are they just like us only raised differently?
A: More complicated than that.
Q: (L) How long have they been doing this?
A: 14,000 years, approximately.
Q: (L) If they have been doing it that long, obviously the ones they have taken at the beginning have croaked and are of no use to replace anybody on the earth unless they have been replacing people from time to time for various reasons...
A: No, their technology makes yours look like Neanderthal by comparison! Hibernation tubes... One heartbeat per hour, for example.
Q: (TH) That means that for every year we live, they would live 4200 years... (L) Does any of this have anything to do with that crazy pit at Oak Island?
A: In an offhand way.
Q: (L) How do we fit into all of this? (TK) We don't!
A: You have been the "preparation committee."
Q: (L) What have we been doing? Is it part of the plan for us to destroy the planet, destroy the ozone layer, pollute the seas and so forth to make it more habitable for them?
A: Those things are inconsequential and easily repaired.
Q: (TK) With their technology, they can fix all of that. (L) This is really horrible, you know! To think of all this... (TK) Apparently, from what I am understanding, they can't just come in and wipe us out and replace us, because the 'rules' won't allow it.
A: Yet the natural cycles within the framework of the natural order of things will allow all these things to fall into place.
Q: (L) Is there some law within the realm of these beings, sort of like the law of gravity, that prevents them from just coming in and taking over?
A: No.
Q: (TK) I don't think it is like the law of gravity...
A: What "law" is there that inhibits you from manipulating 2nd density beings at will?!?
Q: (L) Well, I don't go out and deliberately hurt or manipulate anything or anybody. (TK) Of course, in our handling of these 'critters,' we are conserving them in some ways so that we will have an ongoing food supply... (TK) I think there are rules to the game. It's like a chess game. They can't just come in and change things, it has to progress in some way. But, there are loopholes and they can sneak in and manipulate and get away with some things... (TH) Then, there aren't rules - there are just guidelines.
A: Two important points there: 1) When we said "you," we meant 3rd density collectively. 2) You missed our statement about the natural cycle and order of things almost completely. We suggest you reread and ponder... Also, what if your race is manipulated to destroy yourselves, or, just hang around until the next natural cataclysm?
session980725 said:
Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not "the whole thing."
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.
Q: (L) Replacement of what?
A: You.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote: 'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.' Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to...
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see...
A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." In other words, thou are not so special, despiteth thoust perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."
Q: (L) Now, the big question is: what are we supposed to DO with this information?
A: As with all else, it is not what you should do with it, it is just that you have it.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility of defeating the plans of the 4th density STS in this project?
A: Is there any possibility of defeating the Spanish Conquistadores and the English, French, Dutch and German "colonists?"
Q: (F) Did they say what I think they said? (L) Yes. That is inexpressibly depressing.
A: And you expected a Rose Garden?
Q: (L) If that's the way it is, why don't we all join the Heaven's Gate cult and commit mass suicide and just not deal with all this stuff?!
A: You chose to "deal with it," now did you not?
Q: (L) Well, was I in my right mind when I made that choice, or had I been drinking?
A: No drinking on 5th density!
Q: (L) Now, I have been having an exchange with Carla McCarty who was the Ra channel. She says that we are not supposed to DO anything, we are just supposed to BE, and what we are supposed to BE is to just let love flow through us, love the aliens and everybody and just sort of relax in the tulips and, if they take us over, then we should LOVE that, too. Somehow, I don't find this...
A: All there is is lessons!!
Q: (L) Is the lesson to learn how to give up the ghost with panache? What's the point?
A: Your experiences never end, only transform. No bodycentrics need apply.
Q: (L) Well, you once said something about the transition to 4th density creating a 'level playing field.' Then, the people will wake up and there will be a battle between the humans and aliens...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And if it is a more level playing field, then the situation would not quite be the same as the Conquistadores against the Aztecs and the Native Americans against the Europeans and...
A: Wrong, all in that drama were at 3rd density. The rabbits, rats, dogs, etc. are not on a level playing field with you!
Q: (L) Do the aliens know about the upcoming comets and all that sort of thing?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And they have the idea that what they are doing, this race they are creating, is going to survive this cataclysmic activity?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Is that 'of course' as in they ARE going to survive, or that they BELIEVE they are going to survive?
A: Both.
Just like we have planned obsolescence and products that are made with inferior parts for economic reasons, I think that long-term genertic entropy is also largely by design. Humanity as we know it has outlived its usefulness and it is time for it to be discarded. We are also told that the Lizard beings are involved in this hybridization project partly to mitigate their own genetic entropy, however their minds might be too far gone to fulfill any sort of meaningful mitigating or error-correcting role.
Basically. If it was totally entropic, I honestly don't think there would really be any of us here at all, attempting to grapple with these esoteric concepts with the rest of you, and looking for answers in any little nook and cranny for our purpose here, no matter how much of it is painful to dig up.

Actually, for me it kind of make sense that we're all entropic. In this realm, humanity was never meant to survive. I kind of see our lives as kind of like a Sims game, or even a long drama piece. The game/ story has already been designed. We're just the characters bumbling along until the game/ play ultimate conclusion. In a story, characters grow, you have twists and turns. You may even have happy and positive scenes. Moments where it seems that the character will see the light or have a positive end. However, if an author has written his play to be a tragedy, then you will have tragedy. The story of humanity is like an epic tragedy. Our civilisation was meant to fade into oblivion and reflecting this inclination, our body are also degrading as time goes on. I don't think there is any kind of purpose or anything. You're just there to live, and preferably be a good person. However, if you went outside your house tomorrow and got run over by a car, it wouldn't really change anything. If you had children or a spouse, yeah things would get harder for them. There would be sadness and grief. But ultimately, life would go on whether you're in it or not.

Also, if we take the "everything is lesson" to its core. Then, gabbling with esoteric concept and looking for answer, no matter how painful even though there's no hope of changing humanity as a whole or really have any kind of meaningful impact is yet another lesson. I guess that if every realm is a different school room, then realms like Earth is where souls are sent to learn about destruction and rebirth again and again. Many civilisation have gone before ours and perhaps there will be other civilisations that will come after us and then destroy themselves like we are. Perhaps, the few that survive the coming cataclysm might act like those faraway ancestors and leave little clues in caves or other part of nature for those in the future, only to be once again ignored or discarded. And the cycle will go on and on.

I suppose that if you work very hard, perhaps you won't have to reincarnate in the same realm again. Perhaps, I'm wrong. I don't know how these things work.
I've been thinking about intent. I'm wondering if intent having the opposite effect is specific to the time frame of the beginnings of behaviours getting out of control, or if it's static across the ages? So long as LGBT acted with respect and support for the rights of children and other adults then intent worked the way it should. But when things were on the path of getting out of hand, then intent starts having the opposite effect and the appearance of the opposite effect is like a warning - the first raindrops before a deluge?

From what I can see, Jahn and Dunne conducted their experiments between 1997 and 2005. If they were conducting those experiments now, would the opposite of intent figure be double or higher now to what it was then for homosexual couples for example?
With the question of homosexuality being caused by deleterious mutations, I think some of the original articles shared by Laura suggest that the genetic link is a very tenuous one. One of the quotes from the C’s in the session of March 18th 1995 also seems to suggest that homosexuality is as old as sexuality itself is, instead of something that sort of cropped up after as a result of genetic entropy:

Q: (L) Here's another of the kid's questions: When and why did homosexuality originate?

A: It originated when sexuality did.
With the question of homosexuality being caused by deleterious mutations, I think some of the original articles shared by Laura suggest that the genetic link is a very tenuous one. One of the quotes from the C’s in the session of March 18th 1995 also seems to suggest that homosexuality is as old as sexuality itself is, instead of something that sort of cropped up after as a result of genetic entropy:

But notice the exact statement: "It originated when sexuality did."

That does not mean exactly what you have inferred from it. The more likely meaning is that as soon as sexual reproduction began, i.e. when the prototypes were set running, homosexuality rapidly appeared.

Was that a result of mutations? Probably some.

Was that a result of STS manipulation? Probably a lot.

And the two answers are not mutually exclusive.

And yes, the articles do suggest that the genetic link is not as strong as some would like it to be and that puts possibly more weight on the STS manipulation side of things.

I don't know about you, but once I learned about STS manipulations etc, it really p*ssed me off. What kind of person would enjoy being a puppet?
If that's the case, then perhaps the short sightedness of STS is working against them in some ways. In the past there were homosexuals hiding out in heterosexual relationships and producing children. Despite the pathology of the current LGBT agenda, it's easier for homosexuals to have children AND live in homosexual relationships.

The other side of that is that it's also easier for the children to be 'marked'. So, the PTB support of the current LGBT agenda is just another baiting tactic. Of course, STS hyper dimensional influences probably don't need LGBT to be materially visible, but it might make it easier to facilitate influence over 3D.

An interesting thing to note is that under the terms of the Lieber Code (Lincolns General Order 100,1863) and The Hague Convention on Warfare on Land (1907) two of the things used to determine whether a group of people are hostile combatants and to be treated accordingly is that they are united under a flag and they are acting to disturb the peace or the agenda of the occupying force (administrative government).

What about heterosexuals who are unable/choose not to procreate? How do they fit into the cycle? I don't care what people (consenting adults) do in their intimate relations. It is none of my business. How would a person know someone is in a same gender relationship? What qualifies it as such? Can people in same gender relationships have relations that have nothing to do with sexual intimacy? Are human beings strictly determined by gender/sex? Who determines these constraints?
But notice the exact statement: "It originated when sexuality did."

That does not mean exactly what you have inferred from it. The more likely meaning is that as soon as sexual reproduction began, i.e. when the prototypes were set running, homosexuality rapidly appeared.

Was that a result of mutations? Probably some.

Was that a result of STS manipulation? Probably a lot.

And the two answers are not mutually exclusive.

And yes, the articles do suggest that the genetic link is not as strong as some would like it to be and that puts possibly more weight on the STS manipulation side of things.

I don't know about you, but once I learned about STS manipulations etc, it really p*ssed me off. What kind of person would enjoy being a puppet?

This reminded me of this other session about STS manipulation. Although it started off being about the Semitic types, what the Cs said at the end probably applies to many situations:

Q: (L) But isn’t the nature of a person determined by their soul and not the physical body?

A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure.

Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?

A: Yes, precisely.

Q: (L) So a person’s potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?

A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.

Q: (L) Well, if that is the case, and the aliens are abducting people and altering their genes, can they not alter the genes so that higher-level souls simply cannot come in?

A: Not incarnative process, natural biological processes. Incarnative involves strictly ethereal at 5th density and lower, and thus is enveloped in triple cycle “veil” of transfer which is impregnable by any means. However, any and all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th processes can be manipulated at will and to any degree if technology is sufficient.
What about heterosexuals who are unable/choose not to procreate? How do they fit into the cycle? I don't care what people (consenting adults) do in their intimate relations. It is none of my business. How would a person know someone is in a same gender relationship? What qualifies it as such? Can people in same gender relationships have relations that have nothing to do with sexual intimacy? Are human beings strictly determined by gender/sex? Who determines these constraints?

I think it is the 5th density contemplation that determines the general school curriculum we choose before those questions arise for us here in 3rd density.

Session 7 October 1995:
Q: (L) So, you are saying that there is something, some genetic tendency or set of genes in the Semitic type that would counteract this?

A: Close.

Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their soul and not the physical body?

A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure.

Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?

A: Yes, precisely.

Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?

A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.

Q: (L) Well, if that is the case, and the aliens are abducting people and altering their genes, can they not alter the genes so that higher level souls simply cannot come in?

A: Not incarnative process, natural biological processes. Incarnative involves strictly ethereal at 5th density and lower, and thus is enveloped in triple cycle "veil" of transfer which is impregnable ay any means. However, any and all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th processes can be manipulated at will and to any degree if technology is sufficient.
How would a person know someone is in a same gender relationship?

Well, you can't know if someone is in a relationship unless you ask them, but you can know (most often) if someone is likely to be in a same gender relationship (as opposed to a heterosexual one) by the usual means that I think everyone here is aware of.

What qualifies it as such?

A same gender relationship?

Can people in same gender relationships have relations that have nothing to do with sexual intimacy?


Are human beings strictly determined by gender/sex?

No, but some tend to identify with their sexuality a lot.
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