"The Horns of Moses"?


The Living Force
I'm reading through the Wave book 2 and the new High Strangeness, and was wondering if this volume was ready to be published?

Or am I being impatient? ;D From reading through the material so far, I'm wondering if this volume will help me see where everything fits together.

At the moment there are only flashes of understanding, and the linkages look more like tangled matts....kind of the difference between a braid and a dread lock. ;D

(Hair imagry: hair = thoughts/ideas/myths)

For anart:

I remembered to do a search first before asking this one....let's hear it for Post It Notes! :D :D
Did I miss anything? Does the search need to be forum wide or just thread specific?
Hello Gimpy,

I hope that helps, there is one comment I found from Laura on writing a book:

Laura said:

I've made a number of discoveries about all this, but ya'll will have to wait for my book on Moses to get the whole scoop... believe me, it's humdinger!
Is it ok to ask questions about the contents of the book yet? :) I have several, but, I dont want to spoil the contents for anyone. Especially in the wake of the recent events in Russia, again. Please let me know what would be the reccomended venue for questions.
Thank you,
Re: Questions on Comets and the Horns of Moses

I don't see a problem with posting questions here. The book has been released, portions published online, so I don't see any need to put off public discussion. If you're worried about spoilers, you can always preface your questions with a warning for those that want to read it first before engaging in any sort of discussion.
AWESOME Book Laura, thank you.
I just recently just got my kindle and I really like the dictionary function in it. When I read Secret history I had to have several reference books nearby, the kindle saves so much time in that respect.

I have a question about your description of the striking similarities between plasma shapes and the petroglyphs. I was trying to imagine how the shapes got to the ancient peoples. do you think that the electrical discharges between the comets/planets/earth/asteroids would appear so huge in the heavens that the shapes were that discernable? or that they might appear in a form similar to the st elmos fire phenomena, like on a mountain top or even a large building?

I am reading this with so much enthusiasm, I love it. It reminds me of reading the wave series as you wrote and posted it, I could hardly wait for the next installment. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
I have more questions, but, I think one at a time is a good idea.
What is true then from politically correct History taught in school if the Secret History is so drastically different?

What are the ramifications if official history is all lies?

  • the shocking discovery that Jesus was possibly Caesar and remembering the pope saying "This myth of Christ"
  • that Sott article about Hitler dying around in the 70's in Argentina:
  • watching Untold History of the United States
  • reading about the events surrounding the Moses character and his possibly made-up pals throughout history
  • grokking the significance of Bin Laden (in this strange light), the WMD's, some "dictators" shown on TV, all the widely propagated fantastical bogey-men made up by psychopaths during their reigns

What the heck is true from that history that we were taught in school then??

I remember my high-school history teacher, shaking her head in disbelief looking at our history book, - skimming through it like it was covered by manure - and making a dismissive sign with her hand and noting in a lowered voice after detailing the yearly schedule for us:
- "Teaching this crap.."
I sat in the first rows so I heard her and wondered:
- "What is she talking about? Our history book is absolute truth, approved by academics of the state, it's factual history!"

All those lies we had to ingest makes me want to throw up.

A Different Scenario:

Imagine the Library of Alexandria NOT burned down. Imagine wars NOT fought over psychopaths lies. Imagine a world-line-timeline where people had the opportunity to live their lives peacefully, where scientists weren't suppressed, where creative ideas sprung up spontaneously and were used according to correct and true historical understanding of cyclical cataclysms.

Where progressive technological discoveries created a completely new, powerful civilization free of psychopaths, the Lizards(influences) overthrown, where people learned how to survive cataclysms building properly. Where lightnings and other powerful electrical phenomena give power to all. Where oil is left alone, no atomic bombs were exploded, Tesla phones are used instead of microwave communication and rate of spiritual development is skyrocketing.
You know you are a history junkie when you can cry about the loss of the Library of Alexandria.
I'm glad I never payed attention in history classes, my formal
history education started with this forum - and how grateful am I for
such a gift.
Check out the text I've posted on the "Was Caesar Jesus" thread.
Anthony said:
I'm glad I never payed attention in history classes, my formal
history education started with this forum - and how grateful am I for
such a gift.

Oh how I wish I could say the same! I often find myself smacking my head against a book, or facepalming while re-learning our history. I am so grateful that this work exists, though, so that there is at least some hope at getting real information and real history.
Anthony said:
I'm glad I never payed attention in history classes, my formal
history education started with this forum - and how grateful am I for
such a gift.

I second that although, in a way, I wish I had listened a bit more. It sometimes feels a little overwhelming because there's so much and it's all "new" :D

Laura said:
Check out the text I've posted on the "Was Caesar Jesus" thread.

Wow! I've just finished page 36 and moving on to 37. It's hard to keep up. I'm currently reading Christian Meier's biography, Arthur Kahn's and Jeffrey Tatum's. I have Matthias Gelzer's book, Francesco Carotta's and Jerome Carcopino's queued and Luciano Canfora's ordered. I find Arthur Kahn to be a difficult read so I paused and started Christian Meier's which is a good deal easier to follow (although he seems to accept the Catilinarian conspiracy pretty much face value - unless he's more subtle than I thought and I missed it).

Jeffrey Tatum's Always I am Caesar is a welcome break as well - he's quite easy to follow and quite funny at times - I guess, in part, because his book is based on a series of lectures?
Anyway, what I've read so far makes it easier to follow what you've pasted in the Jesus Was Caesar thread and yes, as Anthony said above, it's a wonderful gift. I was bored to the extreme by history at school and even the little bit of classical studies I took seemed so otherworldly and irrelevant. Thank you :lkj: :read:
Anthony said:
I'm glad I never payed attention in history classes, my formal
history education started with this forum - and how grateful am I for
such a gift.

I paid just enough attention to get interested in it through WWI, WWII, & most of the last 1000 years of British history. Of course they were littered with inconsistencies & more, (some more obvious than others) which is why I paid less attention when certain questions were asked & answers were less than forthcoming. Then there was the typical mocking & shouting down of students asking... which seems to continue into university. :rolleyes:

I agree, the forum is a gift that keeps on giving. Just gotta give back, know what I mean?
lilies said:
What is true then from politically correct History taught in school if the Secret History is so drastically different?

What are the ramifications if official history is all lies?

What the heck is true from that history that we were taught in school then??

A Different Scenario:
Imagine the Library of Alexandria NOT burned down.

It would have been wonderful to have all those writings at hand today, but maybe the library of Alexandria was also interspersed with "historical" manure too.
We musn't forget that it contained writings by humans, and that COINTELPRO wasn't invented just recently.
After finishing chapter 4 - Legends of the Fall and Genetic Mutations - it seems, the true history of humanity is not the embellished myths of civilizations' leaders and their heroic deeds, but simply a shocking timeline of catastrophes and planet-wide civilization-destroying events.

What was important during history is the recognition that space rocks can come any time and end it all. Humanity doesn't really seem to have a remedy for planetary master cleanse.

Thinking it further it would be a lot easier for lizards to keep human-cattle under control by [affecting] the redirecting of comets to hit in order to keep civilizations at low tech - medieval - level. At around medieval level there is not much info-exchange between countries / individual people and a lot of pain-energy can be extracted from sizeable human-cattle herds so the lizards must have had lots of big feasts during the recent 300K years history.

When a human civilization is over-developed and there is built something like our internet and a lot of independent thought exchange is going on and alternate research is happening, there is a danger that the controlled civilization gets out of hand. Think of the C's talking about the Jews' encoding.

So I thought the lizzies are taking advantage of this entropy-attracts-comets-process to inject enough entropic influences into the masses' psyche. Effecting cometary attraction resulting in destroying technology every time. This rewards them with maximum pain energy extraction opportunities. The movie "the Matrix" also has shown this with the idea of "there were many Neo's, before the protagonists time."

Question is: will we allow another Entropic Destruction Period to happen? Or will we successfully extract ourselves out of linear time, out from under lizard control and meet them on the level playing 4thD battlefield.
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